The Fourth Reich (4R), referred to by its members as the "only true" successor organization to the Third Reich, is lead by an occultist and scientist known as "Herr Rass". According to the information discovered so far, he worked for the German Reich from 1941 until 1943, until the SS classified him as too great a threat and carried out several attacks against him. Since then, Mister Rass has worked in secret to build the Fourth Reich.
Apart from Rass, 4R consists primarily of humans who have been endowed with abnormal properties by Rass through rituals and experiments, such as SCP-077-DE and SCP-097-DE. In addition, according to his records, Rass has several acolytes who have various skills and support Rass in different areas .
The priority of 4R seems to be to simultaneously take control of the largest political groups as well as to eradicate the "Impure". Previous experience has revealed that people considered "Impure" by Rass and the Fourth Reich include:
- Non-whites
- Homosexuals
- Adherents of various religions
- People with disabilities
The Fourth Reich occasionally works with outside groups and people, equipping them with anomalous weapons and capabilities such as SCP-092-DE.
Mister Rass is aware of the Foundation's existence, but does not regard it as an enemy, but rather as an "insignificant irritation" at the moment and as a resource in the future. Despite this, he has also expressed admiration for the Foundation, calling it the "protector of this world".
Rass seems to also know exactly which of his creations are in the Foundation's custody and which researchers are in contact with them. It is unknown whether he uses supernatural means to obtain this information, or if he has had access to the Foundation's files.
Mister Rass is also in contact with beings that are described as demons; partly through rituals, and partly through the use of devices such as SCP-084-DE.
Each of Mister Rass's creations is marked with stylized characters, but these are not normally visible. SCP-023-DE has proven extremely useful for discovering these markings.
On the 17th May 20██, a former 4R laboratory was discovered in a dilapidated house in Lüneburger Heide, containing a large number of modified equipment and the bodies of subjects of failed experiments. Although neither the equipment or the bodies revealed any new information, an old folder was also found, seemingly containing Rass's notes.
The file seems to keep updating; new pages appear but parts of them are always burned. These records made it possible to gain new knowledge about 4R, their members and their approach, but information gathering is only progressing slowly, since many pages contain various ritualistic symbols and therefore can only be examined more closely once it has been ensured that these symbols do not pose any danger.
What follows are photographs of pages that have been deemed safe for release, along with translated transcripts of the original German. These images and transcripts do not contain any dangerous symbols, memetic dangers or information that requires a higher security clearance.
Today, on 2nd Septem[BURNT]43, 6 men of the Schutz-
staffel came to kill me. I used five of them
as test-subjects, unfortunately I killed one
during interrogation. The Purple Ritual was simply
too much for his mind. However, I found out[BURNT]
the reason for this betrayal. The Führ[BURNT]
his advisors regard my creations and [BURNT]
as "dangerous, ungodly abominations".
Cowards. The path to purity is fraught with
danger and sin, but Purity can only be achieved
through total commitment. I will go to search [BURNT]
another place, in order to [BURNT]
continue my research, and wait out the Fall of
the German Reich. The [BURNT] is a fool, to think
that he can hold against the rest of the world. The
Reich will fall, and I will continue working in secret,
until I can achieve true Purity.
It will take time and much hard work, but in the
End the Third Reich will be forgotten,
as soon as I build up a new Reich [BURNT]
The Fourth Reich.
The araneolus calva paralytic has proven to be
extremely effective at numbering Sodomists, although
it should be just as effective on all of the other Impure
and should be equally effective on the Pure.
However, I have been unable to insert a corresponding
venom-sac into a man's body without paralysing him,
either immediately or as soon as the venom is
used. The human body simply seems to be incapable
of developing immunity to the poison, even with the
use of Blood Rituals.
Perhaps a less subtle approach is required.
Another Blood Ritual could offer possible[BURNT]
the Paral[BURNT]
through [BURNT]
[BURNT] I have met a creatures, the likes of which
I've never seen before. A Being of Decay, Night and
Teeth. Majestic, but also dangerous. It killed a
family of the Impure nearby, but since it also
attacked me it can be assumed that it selects
its victims randomly, or that it preys on
occultists in addition to the Impure.
If I am able to capture or kill this creature
and retrieve its remains, this could
open up new possibilities.
Alternatively, there may be away to direct
the hunger of this great beast along certain channels,
a useful tool [BURNT] A
black Ritual is the [BURNT] step.
So far I have only succeeded [BURNT]
in making the Spiders visible through
the use of a purple ritual.
Every impure person encounters thousands
of them, but they show no interest in me.
Perhaps they only live on the Impure.
That would be a fortunate
occurrence and could open
up new possibilities.
Or they just keep
away from occultists,
but that could also be useful [BURNT]
The Purple Ritual that I [UNREADABLE]
leave because of the way it works [BURNT]
the [BURNT] natur[BURNT]
The [BURNT] has proven easier to
calibrate than initially [ILLEGIBLE]
it is very difficult, [ILLEGIBLE] to prevent
it from getting out and attacking everyone
in sight. It is possible that a Black
Ritaul the answer, although it doesn't seem
to be possible to automate the process.
The device stolen by Acolyte Blitz
could be of assistance, although [ILLEGIBLE]
necessary [ILLEGIBLE] the clear benefit
seems more important. Additional Purity-Weavers[BURNT]
presumably the [UNREADABLE] alternative. Acolyte Fau[BURNT]
designs for a machine that makes the Impure permanently
and without notable exceptions [BURNT]
[BURNT] makes, but could with [BURNT]
talented Impure [BURNT]
The collaboration with Raptor Tec. has proven to be both short-lived
and fruitless. They simply lack the necessary conviction,
these people don't recognise what our world needs, and how
certain groups must be dealt with. Not to mention
their short-sighted outlook on good, old [BURNT]
But I was at least able to get one of their Engineers, the [BURNT]
good and strong convictions of his own, over to
our cause. He offered to continue to work
for Raptor Tec. and supply us with information,
but after Acolyte Dolch was lost to the Academy under
similar circumstances, I'd rather not
risk losing any more promising talent.
I also doubt that Raptor Tec. has the Techn[ILLEGIBLE]
with the Effe[BURNT] also through Ritu[ILLEGIBLE] can be
It was the [BURNT] organisation's
lack of [BURNT]
[ILLEGIBLE] proved more risky
than assumed. Nothing seems to
keep them from attacking, apart from Holy Water [BURNT] its
religious components. This weakness could prove [BURNT]
successful or useful, but at the moment it is
an annoyance, since the use of these
religious symbols destabilises the Summoning Spells[ILLEGIBLE]
A more direct approach seems necessary to [ILLEGIBLE].
I must merely focus the Summoning Spell on the
chest of a demon, a problem [ILLEGIBLE]
however, at the same time [ILLEGIBLE]
carried out.
Somewhere in [BURNT]
is, the [BURNT]
Until [BURNT]
Mr Rass's records indicate that he has (or has had) at least eight different acolytes to assist him in various areas. Since only the aliases of the acolytes are listed, it has so far not been possible to locate these individuals.
Acolyte Blitz (former) - according to records, possessed great technical expertise and assisted Rass for years in the construction and modification of various machines. After Rass decided to stop using a device that Blitz had worked on for years, Acolyte Blitz stole the device and abandoned Rass. Whereabouts unknown.
Acolyte Dolch (former) - possessed magical abilities and spied on an unknown organization for 4R. "Lost" according to the records of this organization; whether he was killed or joined this organization is unknown.
Acolyte Faust - possesses great skill at integrating the occult into machines. Has independently developed several devices used by Rass. Records indicate that Acolyte Faust started working for Mister Rass at a young age.
Acolyte Fels - according to records, appears to be associated with nature, using both rituals and devices to manipulate wild animals and alter the physical properties of plants.
Acolyte Flut - According to Mister Rass's records, was a highly intelligent chemist before training as an "alchemist". He is the least likely of any acolyte to be mentioned in the records, suggesting that he either has his own laboratory and rarely comes into direct contact with Rass; or that he has other obligations in addition to his work for 4R.
Acolyte Kraft - According to the records, has the ability to curve space and create spatial anomalies. Since this apparently allows him, among other things, to teleport himself and other objects, he is apparently responsible for a large part of the logistics of the Fourth Reich. The records also show that he has a penchant for misleading enemies and allies alike in order to achieve the goals of the Fourth Reich.
Acolyte Strom - appears to be able to manipulate something described as "soul" in the records. This enables him to endow inanimate objects with a will of their own, and anomalous abilities. He is apparently one of the most loyal supporters of Mister Rass. His creations include SCP-053-DE and SCP-094-DE.
Acolyte Sturm - was an engineer for Raptor Tec. Industries before being recruited by Mister Rass. He appears to have only recently been an acolyte and is barely mentioned in the records, so not much is known about him. However, whenever he is mentioned, his "strong and good convictions" are spoken of.
It is not known whether there are additional acolytes who are not mentioned in the previous records, or who were mentioned yet were not discovered due to the burning of the records.
Should one of the acolytes be taken into custody, he or she must be brought to Site DE-8 for questioning as soon as possible in order to ensure safe custody is maintained. If this is not possible, captured acolytes must be taken to the nearest Site where there are no objects connected to the Fourth Reich, as it is completely unknown to what extent the acolytes can influence 4R-Objects.
This section contains information for authors who want to use the Fourth Reich for stories or articles.
Anyone is free to use the Fourth Reich in stories / SCPs, however the following things must be observed:
- The basic concept of 4R of an occult Nazi organisation, not a for profit company or the like. Rass can create money when necessary.
- 4R does not see the Foundation as an enemy, and does not want to destroy it. Former 4R members may have a different approach.
- 4R is basically a bunch of Nazis, so "Impure" (see first tab) can never be members. The only exceptions: physical disabilities; if the individual has exceptional abilities that are useful to Mister Rass, and blindness (which can be "offset" by rituals).
- 4R objects always have something supernatural about them. This means that 4R will never build a computer that shoots laser beams or create a simple creature with tentacles; rather, they will create a demon summoning computer or a man who transforms into a humanoid spider. In short: supernatural, not sci-fi.
- 4R objects can be recognized by a non-obvious symbol, consisting of two characters: "4R".
- 4R only wants to eradicate certain populations, so they won't release objects that kill random people. Accidents are an exception, but 4R itself (usually the acolyte responsible for it) would try to neutralize the object and protect the innocent from it (provided that it's not targeting the "Impure").
- 4R doesn't have any "foot soldiers". The group is deliberately kept small. 4R is subtle, tries not to attract a lot of attention, and tries to reduce the probability of detection as much as possible. Anything that contains a large number of foot soldiers (without a very good justification for it) has nothing to do with 4R and could just as easily be any other Group of Interest.
- Rass is evil. He wants to kill innocent people, because in his narrow worldview he regards them as "Impure". However, he doesn't see himself as a villain, and regards cruelty to the Impure as a necessary evil. He would therefore never take joy in someone else's death (unless given sufficient reason) and doesn't torture people for fun (interrogation is another matter).
- Rass regards his Acolytes as valuable employees rather than as expendable servants.
- Rass doesn't "like" his creations. He takes pride in them, but to him they're just the tools needed to achieve his goals. Only in extremely unusual circumstances would he risk his life to protect them, or be angry at their destruction..
- Age: (ATTENTION: SPOILER, highlight the black area to make it visible) Rass is around 120 years old, but has the body of a 40-year-old. (Spoiler end)
- Rass is completely convinced that he's right. He will not be convinced otherwise, and never hesitates.
- Mister Rass may not be killed (Rikjard Regreps reserves the right to kill Rass in his own stories :-) ).
- Rass is asexual.
- Anyone is welcome to write new Acolytes, see below.
- Acolytes may be killed, but first, if possible, the author who invented the acolyte in question should be consulted.
- Acolytes share Rass's Convictions and a mostly loyal. They will only betray him is something happens to shake their convictions or if Rass does something to anger them (see Acolyte Blitz).
- Acolytes see Rass as their boss. Some like him more, other less.
- No Acolyte is clumsy or incompetent. If they were, they wouldn't be acolytes.
- Acolytes can (but don't have to) possess anomalous abilities.
- Captured Acolytes are only classified as SCPs if they possess anomalous abilities that would warrant such a classification.
- Acolytes can be (but don't have to be) sadistic, cruel or vicious, but only when it doesn't make them less useful to Rass.
- Mister Rass depends on his acolytes in certain areas , but he is generally smarter and (in the case of Acolytes with magical abilities) more powerful.
Acolytes always have a monosyllabic alias, such as lightning, rock or dagger. The alias is always something that occurs in nature
When Writing new Acolytes:
Each acolyte has unique talents that Rass needs, so there shouldn't be two acolytes with the same skills (exception: if an acolyte dies or resigns, Rass needs a replacement)
- Acolytes can also be female.
- Acolytes have mental or magical abilities that Rass requires, but no one becomes an acolyte based on their physical or combat skills.
- The "Impure" cannot become acolytes, with the exception of blindness, since Rass can compensate for the relatively easy through rituals.
- Acolytes always have a monosyllabic alias. This is always a German word for something naturally occurring (especially after what happened to Dolch, the only acolyte with a non-natural alias, "Dagger") considered strong and/or terrible. Animals names are not used.
All 4R-SCPs were either created, commissioned or approved by Mr. Rass. Some were created by Rass alone, others by one or more acolytes, others were created by individual acolytes working alone.
Since not all SCP articles mention who was involved in the creation, here's a list of who worked on which SCP:
SCP-053-DE - Acolyte Strom
SCP-077-DE - Mr Rass
SCP-081-DE - Mr Rass & Acolyte Fels
SCP-084-DE - Acolyte Blitz
SCP-092-DE - Mr Rass & Acolyte Strom
SCP-094-DE - Acolyte Strom
SCP-097-DE - Mr Rass
SCP-098-DE - Acolyte Faust & Acolyte Sturm