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Item #: SCP-101-PT

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: "Do not enter!" signs, barbed-wire fences, and security cameras were installed around SCP-101-PT. Two armed security guards must stay in front of the manor's entrance, and any animal or individual trespassing the perimeter imposed by the fence must be terminated.
Satellite images of the location must be censored.

Description: SCP-101-PT is an abandoned mansion with two stories made of wood located in the region of █████, an uninhabited inappropriate area between the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais, and Bahia. The mansion is in an untenantable state because of the rotten wood, and broken windows. Due to unknown reasons, internet signal, electronic apparatuses, and electrical appliances malfunction while inside SCP-101-PT. The internal side of the mansion does not match its external appearance, appearing to be in pristine condition in the former. Within the mansion, there are six anomalies designed SCP-101-PT-1 to SCP-101-PT-6.

History and Discovery: According to historical registries, in that region during the colonial period in Brazil, there was a quilombo known as "Quilombo of the Lights", comprised of rogue/runaway slaves from the Engenho of Santa Lúcia, 20km away from the location. The Engenho's Lord, Carlos Oliveira, with the help from the Bandeirante Manoel Gonçalves, set the quilombo on fire, carbonizing approximately 150 slaves, whilst the survivors were enslaved in worse conditions. With the Lei Áurea, and the enslavement abolition in 1888, the Engenho slaves were freed, and Carlos Oliveira was condemned to death. It is unknown when the manor was built in the same region of the Quilombo, and registers of anyone that have built, or lived in the manor are inexistent, but research has revealed that the mansion was built during World War I. SCP-101-PT was discovered in May, 1996, after the vanishing of a group of vagrants that entered the building. Gossip about the place was spread in the region, calling the attention of agents of the Lusophone branch of the Foundation that investigated the case, and contained the anomaly.

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