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Interior of the abandoned station where SCP-359-JP was discovered.

Item #: SCP-359-JP

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-359-JP instances are to be contained in a specialized organism housing unit. Humidity in the unit must be kept above 90% at all times, and lighting must be maintained at a minimum. The unit is to be constantly monitored by infrared cameras; any expelled SCP-359-JP-1 should be removed immediately. Currently, six instances of SCP-359-JP are in containment.

Description: SCP-359-JP is an anomaly that superficially has close resemblance to adult penguins (Sphenisciformes) in shape and characteristics. Its body size can greatly vary between instances, ranging from a few tens of centimeters to over two meters in the largest recorded case. SCP-359-JP has a slow mobility and is capable of walking and swimming at approximately 1.5 km/h. It is photophobic in nature and prefers high humidity.

SCP-359-JP has no internal organs or skeletal structure and is composed of unidentified fungal species. It also has a tendency to approach moving objects other than itself.

Every 24 hours, SCP-359-JP ejects one or two white, spherical objects several centimeters in diameter, designated SCP-359-JP-1. The body part responsible for the ejection is variable and inconsistent. SCP-359-JP-1 has no mobility and does not move from where it is ejected. SCP-359-JP-1 manifests its anomalous properties on direct human contact. Exposed subject develops poisoning symptoms caused by the unknown toxic components within tens of minutes of exposure, which results in severe paralysis. All muscles, including involuntary ones, become rigid and consequently lead to cardio-pulmonary arrest and death. This anomalous toxicity only affects humans and does not harm any other animals and plants.

Over the next 48 hours, the exposed subject develops a mold-like substance on their entire body, and eventually transforms into an instance of SCP-359-JP. This cycle causes SCP-359-JP populations to increase. To date, no method for recovering exposed subjects from their anomalous conditions has been found. While SCP-359-JP and SCP-359-JP-1 are highly resistant to low temperatures, they are known to be vulnerable to desiccation and high heat and can be neutralized by heating above 300°C. Note that SCP-359-JP itself does not exhibit any unusual behavior when touched.

SCP-359-JP was discovered on 199█/05/██, following the unexplained death of a railroad employee in an abandoned subway station located in Tokyo, Japan. The employee's body disappeared from the receiving hospital and a penguin was captured on the hospital premises instead. The Foundation agents became aware of the anomaly after similar suspicious deaths and subsequent disappearances of the bodies at the zoo that received the penguin in question.

Thorough investigation by the Foundation Mobile Task Forces in the zoo, hospital, and subway system resulted in the discovery of multiple instances of SCP-359-JP and SCP-359-JP-1. Following decontamination efforts and the lockdown of the surrounding area, all involved parties were amnesticized.

Addendum 1: Internal scans of SCP-359-JP instances in containment have revealed that the bodies of the exposed individuals are enclosed almost intact, along with numerous instances of SCP-359-JP-1. To date, four adults and two children, as well as body parts such as the right wrist and buttocks, have been found inside separate SCP-359-JP instances, which includes ones of unknown origin. Samples are currently being collected for identification of the victims.


A mural painted in the Special Caution Area DW-2A. Relevance unknown.

Addendum 2: ██ days before the initial discovery of SCP-359-JP, a Mobile Task Force raided a small facility of the Japan Organisms Improvement and Creation Laboratory, which had been established inside an abandoned subway station █ km from the site of outbreak (now designated as Special Caution Area DW-2A). During the raid, an individual suspected to be affiliated with JOICL escaped to the subway line and then committed suicide by poisoning himself. Although the relationship with SCP-359-JP has been suggested, no supporting information was found in the facility and thus it remains unclear.

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