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Virtual simulation of SCP-824-KO
Particle Units: 10,000,000

Item #: SCP-824-KO

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-824-KO is to be stored in a vacuum container reinforced with shock-absorbent material. Due to the nature of SCP-824-KO, it cannot be moved to a distant external base. Hence, the underground facility where the instance is found is to be operated as a temporary isolation unit. The facility is to be equipped with a special design to withstand earthquakes and cooling facility to ensure that SCP-824-KO always has minimal momentum. Experiments or regular inspections are to be carried out with minimal personnel or remote equipment.

Description: SCP-824-KO is a transparent liquid that is approximately 400ml in a glass. It is colourless and odourless, its other apparent properties such as viscosity suggest that it is pure water.

The anomaly of SCP-824-KO manifests when the liquid exhibit excessive motility is that its particles' movement depends on external GPUs. The affected GPU performs a calculation that simulates fluid motion through an anomalous paranormal mathematic code, which soon becomes the movement of SCP-824-KO. If the fluid flow becomes too strong, rendering the calculation difficult, or if the GPU does not provide sufficient performance, SCP-824-KO effects the surrounding reality in a harmful manner. The following anomalies have been identified:

  • Time near SCP-824-KO flows in a non-continuous manner. It is perceived as broken, as 'buffering' or 'lagging' like commonly experienced in computer devices.
  • The flow of fluid within the radius is extremely simplified. Usually, the turbulence of the atmosphere, ocean current, and sewage facilities are affected, which is visually depicted as "droplets of water the size of a fist rolling around". At this point, it could harm the circulation of blood in living organisms.
  • The average temperature nearby drops significantly.
  • The severity and radius of phenomena above are proportional to the complexity of the calculation. It has been identified that the radius of effect can grow up to [REDACTED] kilometres.

Initial Discovery: Foundation web crawlers infiltrated the world's crypto mining markets and identified an underground structure while tracking malicious code that put an 80% performance strain on GPUs. After an in-depth investigation, the source was narrowed down to a facility, to which the Foundation deployed a strike team of four to execute a surprise attack. In response, an unidentified person in the facility quickly stirred SCP-824-KO with a teaspoon. At that moment, the strike team suffered a lag in time, while the person fled as they were used to such situations. Phenomena similar to 'frame drops' occurred in an interval of a few seconds at first, then a few decaseconds. An outside sniper attempted to shoot down the person. However, the bullet was also caught in the lag and was unable to subdue the target.

Subsequent investigation of the facility revealed a code that combined the Navier-Stokes equation with an anomalous paranormal mathematic formula on the workstation computer.

SCP-824-KO's mass is similar to a glass of water. This equates to about 22 moles. In other words, this cup contains 22×6×1023 molecules.
When I recently ran about 100 particle simulation on a Foundation workstation device, it took a few decaminutes per frame, but this is a number of tens of quadrillion times bigger than that. We don't have any computers that can calculate this amount of particles in our Foundation.
We've established containment procedures that freeze SCP-824-KO. But if situations like natural disasters or worse occur, implementing ludicrous plans to hack the world might become an inevitable choice. Maybe, that wouldn't be the end of that. 824-KO might just devour this whole area.

- Dr. W, Fluidics.

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