Doctor Azad's Brief Notes on the Book of Echidna
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It is recommended to read the Book of Echidna first.

(Page 86). "So messengers were sent to the four corners of the Earth, all of them with the arrow Uiztho as their message, and they traveled through mountains, steppes, and deserts. And it was towards the fourth rank of the fifth Misszth cycle that the different peoples began to arrive. First the Kushz, who worship the raven and whose priests resemble ravens, dressed in feather-covered cloaks and elongated beak-like masks, and when they die their bodies are left out in the open for their flesh to be devoured by the ravens (however, they do not allow vultures or jackals to approach). Then came the Ikussumari, who worship everything that has poison, be it spiders, snakes or plants, and who poison not only the edge of their swords or the tips of their arrows, but also the wells of water from which they drink, since they become immune to poison after so much time surrounded by it."

"Then came the Toazhi, who run as fast as the quickest horse. Then came the Skinners, who dress with the skin ripped from their enemies, and with the skin of their faces they make masks that they wear to cover their faces in battle. Later came the Hatu, who hide underground during the day and only come to the surface at night (…)"

"And they came from all corners of the Earth, on foot, on horses, in chariots and again on foot. With their women and children or without them, all standing under one banner and with one purpose: to wipe the Daevites from the face of the Earth."

" Finally, there came stranger peoples, remnants of vanished or dispersed races. Thus came the Sarmatians, fierce warriors and magnificent archers riding horses, horsemen with armor made of iron scales, they came with their women, but only the young ones, and they were also armed. The other peoples, for whom war was a constant presence in their lives, were uncomfortable in front of those warrior women, with cat-like eyes and panther-like musculature…"

Note: This fragment seems to narrate, from another point of view, the same story told on page 1734 of SCP-140, chapter "Of the Rebellion of the Horsemasters," where the Daevites must face an alliance of nomadic peoples, possibly of Scythian origin. The historical date is vague (possibly the 3rd century A.D:) and besides, none of the peoples mentioned, save for the Sarmatians, seem to have any actual historical existence.

(Page 131). "And the villagers looked out their doors and windows to see the cause of that roar, and what they saw frightened and amazed them equally, and made them take refuge inside their houses and only peek outside cautiously. For what they saw was a chariot that not only moved without a horse or animal pulling it, but was also made of metal. Its wheels were of metal, all of it was made of metal, the black of iron, the red of copper, the silver gleam of electrum, and on top, like passengers, were figures of birds, of animals, and the figure of a man with a staff. And on what must have been his face, a single glowing red gem as an eye."

"The chariot moved down the main street with a dull, rumbling noise, like a distant thunder, and occasional whistling sounds as jets of steam escaped from the axles of the wheels. Finally, it stopped in front of a house, the home of the high priest, where he lived with his wife and children. Then the male figure turned his head and his eye flashed, and he pointed to the door with his staff…"

Note: A reference to the Church of the Broken God? Perhaps a possible fragment from that "God"? Or perhaps an artificial creation such as SCP-808?

(Page 236). "Herrhum-Iggonoth, son of Tazzaul, was, of all the members of the First People, most noted for his fondness for flesh and his ability to manipulate organs, skin and bone. And upon a request from Ogg-nathissi himself, the Keeper of Souls, he locked himself in his home for thirty nights with their days, and in the twilight of the thirtieth night he emerged riding a creature of many legs and many eyes, colossal and docile under a steady hand, but fierce in battle. Its jaws cut flesh and bone with ease, and from its glands spun silken threads as thin as cobweb, but as strong and resilient as iron. Its chitinous carapace was hard and as shiny as ivory. It was the most formidable war creature to emerge from the forges of flesh. And it was that creature that led the army that the First People would send into battle against the fungus-men that occupied and infested the city of Ibhn the ancient."

Note: The "First People" seems to be the name given to SCP-1000 by themselves, while "forges of flesh" can be interpreted as a form of extremely advanced genetic engineering. There are also vague allusions to a war against a race that was apparently humanoid but also exhibited plant-like features.

(Page 377). "First omen: an impossible triangle whose sides are twisted and whose interior reflects time and space, all times and all spaces."*

"Second omen: a box inside another box, and this in turn inside a third box, which is stored inside the first box."

"Third omen: a man of green stone, kneeling in respect or supplication, holding vessels in his hands. From them springs pure and fragrant water, and wherever it falls there sprouts leaves, roots, and finally a mighty tree, with crimson leaves and red fruit."**

"Fourth omen: a labyrinth of black stones on white sand, like the fingerprint of a thumb. At its center, six impossible and abominable trees."

"Fifth omen: a labyrinth without doors or windows, eternal corridors all the same. Every now and then a dead person, or a desperate one. In its center, a single door, and behind it lies the Truth."***

*A reference to SCP-ES-████?



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