Thème des Enfants du Bruit
[Thème Wikidot 2022-2023]
Créé par Cauchynambour
CC BY-SA 3.0
logo par Cauchynambour sur base du logo de la CMO, licence CC-BY-SA-3.0
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Error 006-45 : no connexion.
A foul smell was leaking out of the cover which had just been loosened from the ill-maintained road. Was it the right entrance? She casted a cold light into the chasm, looking for a trace. After a few seconds hesitating, she spotted one of the cables, taut between two concrete plaques. In an unusually gracious move, she jumped in the hole, a security winch harnessed around her chest. She wasn't really good at analysing odours, but the hellish aroma from Las Catacombas was unmistakable. The concrete mushroom's spores, being slightly electric, were the source of an extremely recognisable stimulus for synthetics, almost undetectable for non-synthetics. The black-caped gynoid stopped a few centimetres above the cable, using friction from her feet on both sides of the pit. She hesitated for a second before going on. Above her, the passage of the tramway made a howling wind rush into the disused maintenance canal. She closed her eye, looking for the perfect sound within the City's cacophony. The note was here, she was feeling it. With light pressure on her artificial ankles, she flipped, her head inverted, centimetres above the metal rope that had perforated the concrete on either sides. She slowly drew her finger closer. The cable was trembling, as if it was singing a mute melody. The right frequency. Reassured and a bit excited, the gynoid drew her legs together, letting her fall into Las Catacombas abyss.
The older city had a charm all of its own. In the almost unbreathable air of this crypt of tar and concrete, the old broken billboards and others shattered neon signs were drawing in the spores from mushrooms and some necrophagic insects, breaking the agonising darkness of the mausoleum with bluish colour, not without a certain resemblance to the depths beneath the sea. The eye of the synthetic cast a stark white beam on the walls, cracked by the weight of the City, hoping to find another cable bit to guide into the ancient streets' labyrinth. It was extremely dangerous to get around on foot in Las Catacombas, but she had no choice if she wanted to find the Heart of Whispers. In the background, the gum rattling on asphalt, coming from the undeclared vehicle haunting the illegal network, last hub of Eurtec crime, came to her audio systems. Finding a cable across a streed, the gynoid decided to detach her own winch to free her movements. In the blink of an eye, two spikes emerged from the pilgrim's steel hands, who jumped to a wall to latch on. Better safe than sorry in this part of Eurtec.
The words from her circle came back to her mind. If Las Catacombas was already a mortal danger for humans and homonculi, the total absence of network and the amount of electropredators in the futuristic necropolis were making the condemned road network almost impossible to navigate for a synthetic. Numerous were the ones from her circle or from others that tried to find the Heart of Whispers, but none ever came back to report.
And yet.
For most of Eurtec's synthetics, there came a time where they figured it out. Where they start to notice this fleeting melody, an almost liminal rhythm, like a backdrop of their thoughts. For the diffused ones, it was even systematic. The more calculus-designed brothers from the Children of the Noise thought at first that it was a bug, a calibration error. But the discover of cables in Las Catacombas, resonating to the same haunting and bewildering frequency, had been the sign something was here. Something powerful, something deep. The only thing that was for sure was that these strange cables pulled across the first Eurtec's corpse were leading to the answer. But to what question ?
The pilgrim found another cable. Both were trembling in the same direction, that was a good sign. Her batteries started to suffer from the wall climb, she wouldn't be able to keep it up all the way down. In a spark of creativity, she pulled in her picks and put a foot on hear cable. The melody of her soul amplified, all of her body's electronics now resonating to the rhythm of the out-of-tune ta ta ta. She opened her spore receptors, praying that the experimental technology the owner of Retrodice mounted on her wouldn't explode because of excess tension. She wasn't sure if it was the receptors or the music, but she felt her batteries filling up. If her cyclopean face had a mouth, she would have smiled. Here black fabric cape lifted in the irregular rhythm of the mushroom's electromagnetic fields and her agile steps on the tar-coloured woven metal. Her headlight was now turned off, she was running, dancing on the cables like a ballerina. The cracks in the walls had turned into wounds, the falling rocks on the ceiling into cavities, the angles of the buildings hade changed into blades of steel and concrete. She was getting closer from Eurtec's centre, under the Watchtower.
The music was deafening. No more City, no more wind, no more engine. Nothing but music. The cables were down dozens, vibrating like a titanic piano. Intoxicated by the frequencies, the gynoid didn't spot the obstacle and fell.
During the fall, concrete had given way to another material. A mix of iron and plastic, resin-like. She bent over to better understand on what she had landed, turning back on her eye-headlight. It was an assault rifle. More precisely, thousands of assault rifles. As if they were laser-cut, they carpeted the ground, the walls, the ceiling. German models, French ones, Belgian ones, American and Soviet ones. Coalition weapons, too. The structure formed an enormous arch, smaller calibre weapons and bullet drawing bas-reliefs like the tympanum of a church. Finding a way through the cable rushing in the doorway, the pilgrim was feeling something unexpected.
Artillery canons formed the pillars, held the vaults made of blades and guns. The statues, carved into waves of bullets, represented armour-clad soldiers, eyes ripped of. The ta ta ta was resonating like a symphony in the gigantic structure, but the pilgrim was now hearing the screams of her emergency system more than the melody of her heart. The cables were a piano, but the net of a spider.
Above her, the malfunctioning constructor was watching her. It was waiting for the perfect moment to strike, fantasising the circuits of its prey, imagining the delicious casings it could carve into her hull. The corrupted programs of its systems where shouting to fabricate more bullets, more guns, more bombs. And unlike the poor pilgrim, it had given in to the melody of its soul.
The trap of the mad robot was perfect, but the prey rare. Whatever, it had all the time until eternity to finish its cathedral of lead.