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바다의 전설 테마
[2021 Wikidot Theme]
By salamander724
Based on:
Penumbra Theme by EstrellaYoshte
BHL Style Collapsible by Monkatraz
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/* New paper class from Unusual Cargo theme by CityToast */
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To discover new countries,
to climb the highest peaks,
to travel through new areas of celestial space,
to turn our searchlights upon domains of eternal darkness,
that is what makes life worth living.
— Auguste Piccard, Earth, Sky, and Sea (1956): xii
- Navy of the Four Seas (?)
Period of Activity:
- AD 2021 - Present
- AD 841? (self-claimed) - Present
▼ Sail design of Chonghaejin. |
四海水路軍 Sa-hæ-su-ro-gunthe Navy of the Four Seas |
行軍大總管 hæng-gun-dæ-chong-gwanand Supreme Marching Commander of |
破神大元帥 pa-sin-dæ-wŏn-suMarshal General Crushing Nautical Deities, |
淸海鎭大使 Chŏng-hæ-jin-dæ-saGrandmaster of Clear Waters' Garrison, |
張保皐坐船 Jang-bo-go-jwa-sŏnFlagship of Jang Bo-go, |
Overview: GoI "Chonghaejin" is a group of undersea drifters led by PoI "Jang Bo-go". They use SCP-983-KO, a submarine shaped like a giant humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), as their base of operations while constantly drifting around the ocean with no specific on-land strongpoints. What position Chonghaejin holds towards the Foundation is unknown. However, as they actively aim to destroy several uncontained maritime SCP objects secured by the Foundation, they should be treated on par with other significant threats.
History: According to the information disclosed by the self-proclaimed "Jang Bo-go" during the Foundation's initial encounter with SCP-983-KO, he is the actual Jang Bo-go himself, the historical figure active during the Silla dynasty, who survived the purge of 841 A.D. and fled undersea with his followers at Chonghaejin (modern day Wando-gun). "Jang Bo-go" also claimed that they have travelled through the otherworlds using the portals under the ocean and recently returned to earth. As of now, there is no physical evidence to support such claims.
Appendix: As of 2022, Chonghaejin targeted SCP objects including SCP-169, SCP-3000. Most attacks have been fended off, but the cumulative damage and stress accumulated inflicted upon the Foundation cannot be ignored. Countermeasures are required as soon as possible.
What are the Rights of Man and the Liberties of the World but Loose-Whale?
What all men’s minds and opinions but Loose-Whale?
What is the principle of religious belief in them but a Loose-Whale?
What to the ostentatious smuggling verbalists are the thoughts of thinkers but Loose-Whale?
What is the great globe itself but a Loose-Whale?
And what are you, reader, but a Loose-Whale and a Fast-Whale, too?
— Herman Melville, Moby-Dick (1851): 444
Makara (by Chŏnghæjin)
SCP-983-KO (by Jailors),
KTE-XXXX-Cetus (by Bookburners)
Traits: Tentatively named “Makara” is a 77-meter-length sea creature. She is apparently similar to a humpback whale, and is based on a humpback whale, but it is ambiguous whether she can still be classified as a humpback whale. Because she is now a mixture of organic and inorganic substances. From the outside, the parts covered with wood and metal are attached like rags all over the body of a humpback whale, and sometimes a large black sail is spread on her back.
Makara lacks internal organs under her skin and musculature. Instead, she is filled with hollow cavities, such as the thoracic, abdominal, and cranial cavity. In the position where the heart is supposed to be, there is a flame that never goes out. People who call themselves “Chonghaejin” (“Makara” was also named by them) utilise Makara's body cavity as a living space, by remodelling it to resemble a cabin of a wooden sailing ship. In particular, the chest cavity with the flame is decorated like an altar, fitted with brazier and wooden steps surrounding the flames. There is something can be called a “navigation bridge” in cranial cavity, where Chonghaejin's leaders seem to be able to communicate with Makara and control her movements. A chain that make a mast stand on Makara's back is also connected here.
Various creatures are having commensally symbiotic relationship with Makara, inside and outside her body. In addition to the Chonghaejin people living in the body cavities, various crustaceans, including giant fan lobster, live within the mouth of Makara, eating plankton filtered by baleen. Chonghaejin people sometimes come outside and scratch off the barnacles and suckerfishes attached to Makara's body.
Nature: Makara's flame of life was created by Pangloss, by shedding a part of himself. This was confirmed by Pangloss himself in the process of writing this entry. The powerful vital energy from this flame moves Makara's musculature. And it seems that the flame itself is Makara's soul, or something akin to it.
Makara usually moves as Chonghaejin leaders control at the bridge. However, there is an exception: the moment she sense a “strong will to life,” Makara moves on her own to rescue the person who expresses that will, out of Chonghaejin's control. In many cases, survivors on the verge of drowning are rescued, but someone at the seashore might summon Makara on the same principle. When this rescue operation is carried out, Chonghaejin people cannot control Makara. This is an act that is done autonomously by the will of Makara, or to be exact, of the flame of life itself. The rescued person is offered to be a member of Chonghaejin, and if her/him refuses, s/he seems to be dropped off at the nearest land.
The flame of life has some some additional effects, alongside supplying Makara's vitality and will. The organisms living around the flame of life, that is, within the body of Makara, receives vitality from the flame of life, and thus do not age. If an entity uses this to remain young is away from the flame for long enough, the aging that had been delayed will all come on at once. Those who have lived in and around of Makara beyond the average life expectancy of their species, will quickly age to death when they get away from Makara. Perhaps because of this, the Chonghaejin people rarely land on land.
History & Associated Parties: It is not clear when or why Pangloss created Makara. Perhaps he forgot it completely, after showing mercy to the dying whale in his good nature. When Pangloss first met the whale, her intestines were already rotting, but only her obsession for life and her willingness to live were felt like a thick fog. Pangloss emptied the rotting whale's insides and divided his flame of life to capture the whale's soul. He placed the flame in the thoracic cavity, collected the materials seen around him to tinker the torn skin and broken musculature, and then sent the whale back to the sea. According to Pangloss' own inaccurate retrospective, that's the story.
Approach: Chonghaejin is using Makara to attack other colossal marine entities, calling them “Nautical Deities”(해신, 海神, hæ-sin). They call Pangloss “Homa”(호마, 護摩),and they seem to believe that they can meet Homa again if they destroy all the Nautical Deities. Being a fairly incoherent belief, it was impossible to find out what the basis of this belief is, and how it came to be, based on their fragmented logbooks secured so far What would happen if the Chonghaejin people found out that Pangloss did not actually have any plans or intentions for them? It does not seem to be going to work out that well. We'd better keep this a secret from them for the time being.
Chonghaejin people have ridden Makara and ventured widely to all the seas on Earth, and even to the seas of the otherworlds. Although Chonghaejin and Makara cannot enter the Library, their nautical logbooks are often found in the Library in fragments. As a result of collecting and studying them, the tales related to Chonghaejin has been confirmed so far is as:
When you leave the cliff by the river and beheld the great sea, you know that you are ugly.
No waterbody under the heaven is as big as the sea. A myriad stream of rivers flow into the sea, and there is nothing overflowing even though they do not know how to stop the flow.
This is because the water exits through the hole under the sea〔Miryŏ尾閭〕, but that does not dry the sea either.
The sea remains unchanged in spring or autumn, and never knows either floods or droughts.
But if you consider the position of Four Seas between heaven and earth, isn't even the Miryŏ like a small hole in the middle of a big pond?
Considering that Middleland〔China中國〕 is also in the middle of the Four Seas, isn't it the same as having one grain of grass within a large barn?
The number of things is called “all”, and human can take up only a single among them.
— Outer Zhuangzi 17. "Autumn-floods"
The thirty-first day of PADDY, in the year of MANGYANGBoundless Ocean, one thousand and one hundred and eighty two
・SKY is clear ・SEA is calm.
・MAKARA is calm and meek.
・TACK northwest. RUN 2160 li.
・CURR.LOC. is 100 li south of Joum Island in Samhan.
It's been a long time since I've written a voyage log myself. It has already been 1332 1181 years since we left Chonghaejin, the old Chonghaejin of Joum Island in Silla.
We counted that we spent 312 years travelling to otherworlds, but when we returned to our own world last year, it had onlt been 161 years. What a mystery, I can't figure it out. I'm still confused.
We sarted as a small society of some refugees abandoned from their homelands. When there was no place to accept us, we declared that we would make the open sea our land and our home, so we raised the banner of the first year of Mangyang. It's been such a pleasure for a while.
However, it was not long before we found out that the flame of Makara's heart, the Homa-vedi, which we thought only to protect us, stopped us from aging, and that if we climbed up to the land to move away from Makara, we would die from the age we had suspended. We were surprised, we were afraid. We thought that it was a retribution for not being refrained, and for arrogating to drag Makara, Homa's divine familiar, around. Naturally, we thought that we have to meet Homa again to correct this.
But even after a thousand years, we couldn't find Homa at all. We have also been to Chonchuk, where Buddhism has been originated, and to unknown lands that have not been named in Silla's language. We also broke the ice in the frozen sea with Makara. We searched everywhere on this earth, or correctly speaking, everywhere under the sea, and all the land that touched the sea. However, all we could find was a few notes of words left by Homa, whose meaning was unknown.
Holding on to the enigmatic texts, we thought that Homa probably does not seem interested in what he had saved. Who remembers each ants that he had saved from drowning? For Homa who belongs to the Celestials, we, and even Makara, this great whale, may be just those ants.
After learning about the curse of immortality for the first time, such a mission was required to endure it. But as we traversed the boundless ocean that led to countless otherworlds, we saw and heard too much.
Brilliant treasure, outstanding vista, the beast and vegetation we've seen first time, the terrifying monster, and above all, Otherpeople. Ah! How could we know that the world have so many people, and that there are so many worlds with people, without being in this body-state?
The endless experience and impression made us think that the condition of not dying and wandering the sea might be a blessing, not a curse. At least, I think in that way. As a result, the desperation disappeared in our voyage to find the homa. The voyage itself became our object and pleasure.
Nevertheless, we will have to meet Homa again anytime. Some of the sailors still want to return to their normal bodies. I do not anymore, but I also have to meet Homa again, to be able to make a bow of gratitude that I could not give him a thousand years ago.
Thus, one day we will annihilate all the nautical deities of the four seas. In order to bring down the nautical deities, we have to become stronger, and to become stronger, new sailors will be recruited and new weapons will be introduced. To do so, we will continue our adventures for many years to come.
The boundless ocean is our strength, and we are given unlimited time to build it up, so how can we be afraid of failure!
Jang Bo-go, the Grandmaster of Chŏnghæjin, who returned to his homeworld after a long time, writes.
Zhao Yuánwài held Lǔ Dá's hand to take him to the thatched hut and make him sit in the upper seat.
Zhao called his underling to slaughter a lamb and serve Lǔ, and gave Lǔ a guest room in the evening to rest comfortably.
The next day, Zhao prepared alcohol and food again and waited.
Lǔ said, “How can I repay for Yuánwài's too much favor given to me?”
Zhao Yuánwài immediately responded, “It is said that ‘all within the bounds of the Four Seas are brothers.’ Why would you want to repay me?”
— Water Margin 120 chapters edition, Chapter 4.
What is this?
Chonghaejin is a group of undersea drifters, led by historical figure Jang Bo-go. They can go anywhere in the ocean in the semi-organic, semi-inorganic submarine “Makara”, which is also a giant humpback whale. They can even go to the otherworlds via the underwater portals (which they call “Miryŏ”(尾閭, 미려)).
The basic settings can be found by reading the Foundation data, the Wanderer's Library entry, and the nautical log of Jang Bo-go, presented above. Chonghaejin calls the pluripotent entity Pangloss “Homa”, and believes that they can reunite with Homa if they kills all the underwater monsters, which they call “nautical deities” (e.g. SCP-169, SCP-3000, SCP-3700-1, 2, etc.), for some reason.
However, the struggle against the nautical deities is not the main thing when you deal with Chonghaejin. Of course, it cannot be avoided at all, though.
“The struggle against the nautical deities” is a MacGuffin to justify Chonghaejin's eternal adventure voyage. Chonghaejin repeatedly ventures to recruit new sailors and to equip themselves with the strength to fight the nautical deities. However, it remains a blank whether they can reunite with Panglos if they really eradicate all the nautical deities, or whether it is possible to eradicate all the nautical deities in the first place.
The models, that Chonghaejin articles aim for, are nautical adventure fictions, such as Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Seas, Moby-dick, and Master and Commander. In a case of the game, Uncharted Waters 2: New Horizons would also can be an example. Though naval battles against nautical deities can also been added, the main focus should be on adventure!
To visit previously unknown countries, experience their exotic cultures, be amazed by the appearance and habits of new animals and plants, sometimes snatch fancy treasures up, enjoy delicious delicacies, shine light on the bottom of the deepest ocean to find an unimaginable thing……. And the bonds of solidarity between sailors and the ship, deepening in the course of adventure! And in the case of Chonghaejin, Makara is alive, thus she is also one of their legitimate colleague.
Chonghaejin has been and will continue their adventure into all the seas on Earth, and all the seas of the otherworlds, for over a thousand years, so they will be able to tell a huge variety of adventures.
Work lists (complete)
Nautical Logbooks
Chonghaejin's GoIF has the form of a nautical logs. To write a log, first you should use Legend of Blue Theme.
The first page of log provides basic information about the sky weather, the sea weather, the state of the Makara, the tack (course direction) and distance ran of the day, the current location at the time of writing the log, and the chart (map). From the next page, you should describe the personal opinions of the crew responsible for writing this log, or additional information.
Example of nautical logbooks:
The [date] of [month], in the year of MANGYANGBoundless Ocean, [year]
・SKY is ? ・SEA is ?.
・MAKRA is ?.
・TACK ?. RUN ? li.
・CURR.LOC. is ?.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
[[div class="paper"]]
+* The [date] of **[month]**, in the year of **[[span class="ruby"]]MANGYANG[[span class="rt"]]Boundless Ocean[[/span]][[/span]]**, [year]
[[div style="float: right; margin: 12px 8px 12px 7px; width: calc(7% + 45px); clear: none !important;"]]
[[image http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/chonghaejin/chonghaejin_stamp.png width="90%" link="/chonghaejin"]]
++* {{・}}**SKY** is ? {{・}}**SEA** is ?.
++* {{・}}**MAKRA** is ?.
++* {{・}}**TACK** ?. **RUN** ? //li//.
++* {{・}}**CURR.LOC.** is ?.
[[=image http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/chonghaejin/Sin_foto.png height="50%"]]
[[div class="paper"]]
@@ @@[Put Contents here]
Date notation
- MANGYANG(茫洋, 망양), which means “Boundless Ocean”, is an era name used by Chonghaejin. The first Mangyang year is 841 A.D., when they left the original Chonghaejin, Wando. Subtracting 840 from the A.D. year gives the year of Mangyang. Mangyang years are written in letters, not numbers.
- e.g. in the year of MANGYANG, 1180(X); in the year of MANGYANG, one thousand and one hundred and eighty (O)
- Months use the names of lunar months. See the table below.
January |
February |
March |
April |
May |
June |
RENEWAL(正月, 정월) |
FOLLOWING(如月, 여월) |
PEACH(桃月, 도월) |
SHADOW(陰月, 음월) |
PADDY(皐月, 고월) |
DITHERING(且月, 차월) |
July |
August |
September |
October |
November |
December |
SKILLFULL(巧月, 교월) |
OVERGROWN(壯月, 장월) |
DARK(玄月, 현월) |
LIGHT(陽月, 양월) |
SOLSTITIAL(至月, 지월) |
EXTREMITY(極月, 극월) |
- The date is also written in letters instead of numbers.
Separating pages
- If you have filled the paper to some extent, it is recommended to connect the contents to the new paper. Recommended content lenght (including spaces) of the nautical log per page is about 1200 characters for fullwidth letters (such as Korean, Japanese, Chinese), and about 2000 characters for halfwidth letters (such as Roman alphabet).
- New paper can be made by enclosing the contents in [[div class="paper"]] (contents) [[/div]], just like the first paper.
Records of the things strange and/or exotic (from Chonghaejin crews' POV) discovered during their voyages. Similarly, use "paper" class. Paper seperation uses the same criteria. You can write a GoIF with only a discovery, but if possible, it is recommended that you write it with a nautical log (in such a way that they have discovered the findings as a result of the voyage described in the logbook).
Example of a discovery:
・NAME [name]
・CATEGORY [category]
・SIGNIFICANCE [significance]
・CURR.STI. [current situation]
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
[[div class="paper"]]
[[div style="float: right; margin: 12px 8px 12px 7px; width: calc(7% + 45px); clear: none !important;"]]
[[image http://scpko.wdfiles.com/local--files/chonghaejin/chonghaejin_stamp.png width="90%" link="/chonghaejin"]]
++* {{・}}**NAME** [name]
++* {{・}}**CATEGORY** [category]
++* {{・}}**SIGNIFICANCE** [significance]
++* {{・}}**CURR.STI.** [current situation]
[[=image file.png height="50%"]]
[[div class="paper"]]
Categories of discovery
Ruins(遺跡, 유적) |
Things that appear to be artificial, encountered in sparse or completely unpopulated places. |
Treasure(財寶, 재보) |
Literally treasure, valuables. |
Vista Wonder(祕境, 비경) |
A magnificent and impressive natural object, or a natural phenomenon that Chonghaejin crews do not understand. |
Exotic Beast(禽獸, 금수) |
Something that looks like an animal. |
Vegetation(草木, 초목) |
Something that looks like a plant. |
Monster(怪物, 괴물) |
Something that looks like a monster to Chonghaejin crews. This includes animals that are too powerful. |
Otherpeople(異人, 이인) |
Foreign people, or civilized humanoid races. Their customs and culture should also be detailed. |
- Chonghaejin crews have not mastered modern natural history, and many of them are ancient and/or medieval people. Thus their common sense is different from that of modern people. Let's think about what those people would think when they find something unusual on Earth or in an otherworld.
- Is evaluated in five ranks: Top - High - Medium - Low - Bottom.
Current situation:
- Write briefly how it turned out, or how the crews dealt with it; they left it alone, or have it on board, or sold it, etc.
- Similarly, recommended aspect ratio of image is 1:1.
Separating pages
- Same as nautical logbook.
四海之內皆兄弟All within the bounds of the Four Seas are brothers
Captain: Jang Bo-go ♂
- Used to be a Sillan warlord. He is Jang Bo-go, a real person known in history. During the Chonghaejin turmoil in 841, he disappeared into the sea on Makara with a group of people following him.
Master Accountant: Funya no Miyatamaro ♂
- Used to be a Japanese (Heian) nobleman. He is Funya no Miyatamaro, a real person known in history. He was a Japanese trading partner of Jang Bogo, during the old Chonghaejin period. After being purged by the Northern House of Fujiwara and almost assassinated in exile in 843, Chonghaejin had rescued and recruited him.
Vice-captain: Jŏng Nyŏn ♂
- Used to be a Sillan warlord. He is Jŏng Nyŏn, sworn brother of Captain Jang, and a real person known in history. After the complete dissolution of old Chonghaejin in Wando in 851, he joined Makara through some process.
- He directs close-range combat such as the aboarding battle. A close combat champion of Chonghaejin.
Master Navigator: Kim Yil ♂
- Used to be a Sillan Crown Prince. He is the “Mourning Hemp-dress Prince”, a real person known in history. in 937, he attempted to commit suicide by jumping off Sea-Kumgang and was rescued by Makara.
- He is the owner of the authentic Manpasikjŏk (萬波息笛, 만파식적)Flute that Calms Ten Thousands Billows, regalia of Silla Kingdom, and can manipulate the local sea weather using a flute.
- In this GoI-canon, Manpasikjŏk relic handed down through Koryeo and Joseon Kingdoms is a replica. The authentic flute was carried away by the Prince himself, during the fall of Silla kingdom.
Ship's Surgeon: Fatima bint Harun ♀
- Used to be an Arab female physician from Andalus. A legendary doctor Avenzoar's daughter (who was a royal obstetrician in Almohad court) was her teacher. in 1199, her teacher and teacher's brother were poisoned by being entangled in a court conspiracy. Then she tried to stowaway a ship to survive, but the ship sank and she was rescued by Makara.
Master Shipwright: Agnishwar Hassan ♂
- Used to be a Bengali shipbuilder. In 1291, a ship he was aboarding sank in the Bay of Bengal and he was rescued by Makara.
Master Helmswoman: Ieremoana ♀
- Used to be a tohunga kiato from a Maori tribe. She has been keeping a kākāpō named “Matanui”(Big-eyes) as her pet, since she joined In 1430.
- She comes from a tribe that worships humpback whale as an ancestor-deity, so she can communicate most deeply with Makara. The communication with Makara can be done by anybody who enters the navigation bridge in cranial cavity, but usually, steering is left to Ieremoana.
Master Metalsmith: Sŏ Su-sæng ♂
- Used to be a Joseonian gunsmith. After being unemployed in 1457, when the Royal Cannon Guard was dissolved and gunpowder weapons were reduced, he joined Chonghaejin after some process. By his join, Chonghaejin had obtained gunpowder weapons for the first time.
Master Gunner: Éibhlín Ní Faoláin ♀
- Used to be an Irish pirate. In 1720, a ship she was aborad sank in the Caribbean and she was rescued by Makara.
- She commands a long-range combat. Not admitted to the navigation bridge, because her excessive miscellaneous thoughts interferes with steering. As a determined hedonist, she thinks this is the most free and happy condition now, that she have been freed from death and can pursue all the pleasures of the worlds.
Master Cook: Joséphine Doloes ♀
- Used to be a cooking slave in Louisiana. In 1858, she was rescued by Makara, when the slave ship was burnd and sunken due to a failed mutiny.
- Shortly after her join, Chonghaejin went to an otherworld and had difficulties in diet for a while. She was recommended for being an officer by the crew, for her ability to make tasty food from any unfamiliar ingredient.
Master Curator: Rinesa ♀
- She is from the “Purple Court”, one of the otherworlds. She is the last to join among the current officers.
- She organises and writes up new entries for Chonghaejin's discovery museum (treasure house), which had not been properly catalogued before her arrival.
Chonghaejin's past
- Chonghaejin returned to our Earth in 2021, after going to an otherworld through an undersea portal in 1860 A.D. They should not be present on Earth during this period.
Makara's structure
- The outer skin is a mixture of living organisms and inorganic materials (wood, metal, etc.). If damaged, the living part will heal, but the inorganic part must be repaired.
- Throat serves as an entrance hatch. Various seaweed and marine animals live symbiotically in the mouth of Makara.
- There is a navigation bridge in the cranial cavity. The person in the navigation bridge feels the synchronized senses of Makara, including eyesight.
- There is a flame of life in the thoracic cavity, where the heart is supposed to be, and Chonghaejin people built an altar around it to create a Homa-vedifire-altar. Although there is no compulsory religion in Chonghaejin, some people voluntarily meditates around the Homa-vedi.
- The abdominal cavity was provided with various living spaces including cabins. A treasure house, also being the library, located at the bottom, has a window made of special materialsArenak metal, so one can look out.
- Makara is a female.
Makara's control
- Synchronizing Makara's sense in a navigation bridge allow one to be able to instruct Makara to move. However, the difficulty of control varies widely depending on how good one is at “communication with Makara.”
- When “Makara's Rescue”, invoked by a “will to live” intense enough to be detected by Makara, is carried, the Chonghaejin crews cannot control Makara. Control will be normalized after the rescue.
Arms on Makara
- Makara's back is converted into a wooden upper deck. Combat functions are concentrated in this upper deck.
- As whales swim up and down, Makara's upper deck is divided into three blocks. The spaces between each blocks are connected by elastic fibers like dhow style vessels.
- Special gunpowder manufactured in the Homa-vedi, which also serves as a smithing forge, is capable of underwater ignition and provides sufficient energy to overcome the resistance of water.
- Broadside cannons: Jang-gun-hwa-tong-class (bore diameter 9.9 cm); 9 pieces × 3 blocks × 2 sides = 54 pieces. They are stored during peacetime, and deployed outward as the broadside gunports open in wartime. The projectile for use is Jang-gun-jeon (streamlined log).
- Swivel Guns: Canon-pedrero-class (bore diameter 3.7 cm); 8 pieces × 3 blocks = 24 pieces. They cover the vertical direction through the ceiling crenel. The projectile for use is a elongated fléchett, that seems to have made the APS underwater steel dart huge.
- Prow cannons: Supercannon-class (bore diameter 21 cm); 2 pieces. They are stored inside the armored plates above the fins during peacetime, and in wartime, the plates open and cannons rises above the shoulder of the whale, parallel to the body.
- Sonic weapon: The whale's cry is amplified and emitted directionally. In peacetime, it is used for SONAR purposes.
- Shipplanes: Open Makara's mouth and scatter symbiotic creatures (gigantistic fan lobsters, mantis shrimps, gazami crabs, etc.) among the whale's baleen. These “shipplanes” are also emergency food for the crew.
- Personal weapons:
- The harpoon spearguns are used for long-range combat, and a variety of close-range weapons are used for close-range combat.
- There are atmospheric diving suits, but they are not used for combat.
Life in Chonghaejin
- For units of length, Chonghaejin crews use the Tang Dynasty metrology.
- 1 li is 300 bu; 1 bu is 5 chi.
- 1 Tang chi is 29.5 cm - 31 cm. For us, make it simple 30 cm.
- Thus, for Chonghaejin crews, 1 chi is 30 cm, 1 bu is 1.5 m, 1 li is 450 m.
- The language that Chonghaejin crews use among themselves is a pidgin based on Silla language (medieval Korean), a mixture of the languages of crews who have been recruited.
- The writing system they use for records such as the logbook use Chinese-abbreviated-phonetic-characters similar to Japanese Katakana, which started from Idu-hyangchal of Silla and Manyōgana of Heian Japan, and transformed over time.
- Since it is not Korean language/Korean alphabet anyway, so it is better to think that what we read is “translated from Chonghaejin pidgin into English by an omniscient point of view.”
- Communication with outsiders is done in a way that suits the situation, whether on the Earth or in the otherworlds.
- Their racial makeup tends to be mixed. This is because they suffered loss of life in battles or accidents for many years, while recruited new crew members during traveling around the worlds.
- The relationship between the crews below Jang Bogo is equal. However, officers are respected by other crews as those who have talents and take on positions suitable for their talents.
- If one is exposed to the flame of life until beyond her/his biological lifespan, s/he will become an undead state that does not die only within the effective range around Makara.
- Undead cannot reproduce.
- Undead do not feel hungry, and they can survive if they only drink water. However, they still enjoy eating in terms of pleasure and entertainment. Maintaining food, clothing, and shelter like a normal people is a great help to mental health.
- If the undead is outside the effective range of the flame of life, delayed aging is charged to make her/him age to death at once.
- If an undead crew wishes to die, Captain Jang shall dissuade her/him on three times. If s/he do not change her/his mind even if the captain dissuade her/his three times, Chonghaejin will land on an appropriate uninhabited island, have a farewell party on the beach, and leave her/him behind.
Beyond the glaring sky and sparkling white waves,
let's row to the seven seas, sailing downwind.
Sneaking dream I had, I'm running to find the peace,
nothing is too late, in this ocean of bravery.
No matter what storm strikes, I will never lose my oar of heart
to reach there, someday without fail,
only one seashore, named YOU.