SCP-050-IT Contest
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SCP-050-IT Contest

On 5th March 2017, the Italian Branch was recognized as an official part of the SCP Foundation. Almost a year later, we're celebrating this very important achievement with the first, true contest of our website: the SCP-050-IT contest.


  • Start: 3rd January 2019.
  • End: 3rd March April 2019 , at 8 PM.
  • Poll for the Winner: 5th March April1 2019.

How to Participate:

After correcting the draft, post a new page on the website, titled “050contest<username>”, where “username” must be replaced with your Wikidot username. In case you're part of a group, specify the name of the person designated group leader. The rest of the participating users must be listed in a comment to the page.

After posting the page, add the "it-birthday-2019" tag and contact a staff member, who will proceed to put the link into this page.


  1. The mandatory theme of this contest is time. You may interpret it any way you want, both metaphorically and literally, both as the focus of the anomaly in question and as a side element. You have complete, absolute creative freedom.
  2. Your entry must be set in the fictional universe of the Italian Branch (you can find its lore here:
  3. You may participate either alone or in a group.
  4. Every user may be part of one group only.
  5. You may participate with more than one entry (in that case, write “contest050<username><entry number>”).
  6. Only SCP articles are allowed, not tales.
  7. The jury will consist of the website staff, who will assess the candidates taking into account the users' votes as well.
  8. Of course, the prize is the SCP-050-IT slot, as well as advertising on the website and our social media accounts. The other entries will be posted in the other available slots.


Helpful Contacts:

If you have questions or doubts, here's who you have to contact (in the chatroom or via private message):

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