Welcome to the Hub of the SCP Foundation in Czech Republic
The contents of this page are currently [unclassified].
Personnel are reminded that certain files within this hub may be subject to various classifications, and that verified credentials may be necessary to access those files.

Operational Information on SCPs
List of SCP-CSs
- SCP-011-CS — Can't fly there
- SCP-017-CS — Absolute Justice
- SCP-023-CS — Why can't it just leave me alone?
- SCP-042-CS — Northern Devil
- SCP-057-CS — Black Peter
- SCP-073-CS — The cousin of Winnie the Pooh
- SCP-082-CS — Captive of a frequency
- SCP-087-CS — Splendid Light
- SCP-093-CS — Banshee
- SCP-104-CS — Forgotten Mesozoic Terror
- SCP-123-CS — One rib less
- SCP-148-CS — Unfinished Business
List of Joke SCP-CSs
Site-91 is safe and the people who work there are happy for that. In fact, nothing ever happens at Site-91…
Prague has always been a city of culture in all manners. And the anart community of the capital is no different. The need to not be left behind by anartists from all around the world is creating a specific pressure on the local artists, just like the city of a hundred towers, where they live.