Facility Dossier Site-DE24
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SCP Foundation Facility Dossier


Official Designation: High Intensity Paraphysical Site-DE24

Site Identification Code: DES-DE24

General Information


Usage: Site-DE24 specializes primarily in the containment of paraphysical or paranatural anomalies that are particularly strong in contradiction with natural laws and are extremely difficult to contain. Additionally, this site is designed for the containment of potent reality-bending anomalies.

Founded: 25. September 1946

Location: Triangle Drantum/Osterhausen/Deindrup, Lower Saxony

Cover: Logistics Company [REDACTED] of the Foundation

Function: Containment of particularly demanding and dangerous anomalies, containment of strong reality-bending entities and objects.

Size: 12.000 m2 above ground, subterainian size is unknown, potentially infinite

Above Ground Structure

Main Access: The main access of Site-DE24 is located in Drantum and is disguised as a logistics company. The site itself can be accessed via a tunnel, which can be reached by stairs or freight elevator. The company itself has three buildings, the outer walls of which are made of 1 m reinforced concrete. Windows are made of 2 cm thick bullet-proof glass. There are no facilities relevant to the site in this area. The access tunnel under the site is large enough to allow trucks through and is equipped with several drop bulkheads, anti-tank barriers, and retractable spikes in the floor to make it difficult for any attackers to advance. Due to a design flaw, the tunnel cannot be buried.

Guard Post Staff: The tunnel under the entrance leads directly to a guard parlor, to which the barracks of Site-DE24 are connected. The parlor itself is manned by at least three guards at all times. They are all equipped with an HK SFP9, pepper spray, taser pistols and telescopic baton each; if necessary, they can fall back on the barracks' arsenal. Regular drills ensure that at least parts of the portable armament are ready for action within five minutes in the guardroom area at any time in the event of an alarm. To save time, the entrances to the interior of the site are secured with additional steel bulkheads, which are only opened to allow vehicles and personnel to pass.


Entrance Area of Site-DE24.

Subterainian Structure

Site-DE24 is unique among Germananophone Foundation facilities in that it is used despite anomalous contamination. This manifests itself in an extremely distorted spatial structure, as a result of which the layout of the site does not obey common geometry to a large extent and guide lines on the walls are required for navigation. In some cases, other common laws of nature have been overridden; gravitational anomalies prevail in some areas, for example, or the time passing within them has been distorted. Another peculiarity is that Site-DE24's dimensions are not fully known. Much of the space is seemingly stretched or copied to infinity, making the facility much larger than its external dimensions should allow. Exploration is conducted, but unused portions of the site are generally blocked off by bulkheads to prevent employees from getting lost. Due to Site-DE24's unique layout, no usable secondary access points exist except for the maglev tunnels, necessitating regular evacuation drills. The entire used site is equipped with retractable automatic KBA machine guns and fitted with Scranton reality anchors that keep the reality in the usable area of the site permanently at normal levels.

Note: Because of Site-DE24's highly distorted geometry, it has been shown that any location on the site can be reached without using elevators or stairs, however, for organization purposes, the layout of the site is explained in terms of the familiar floor principle.

  • Basement Floor 1: This floor contains the staff quarters, canteen, site administration, management, server rooms, infirmary and, in parts, the barracks of RTF DE24-𝔛 "Wiedersprüchler" (i.e. Contradictors) and MTFs stationed at this site. Parts of this floor have been copied seemingly ad infinitum, resulting in no shortage of living space. Recreational amenities extend to a movie theater, a bowling alley, a gymnasium that has been expanded tenfold in size, an indoor swimming pool, and a zero gravity room. However, that one is occasionally closed for training of new recruits for Site-DE11. A LARP club has also sprung up at the site, using one of the larger, unused rooms for its games.

Access to the laboratory for temporal long-term tests.

  • Basement Floor 2: This floor houses the research spaces of the site, lines on the floor refer to the different areas, as the space on this floor is twisted in such a way that doors and corridors often do not lead into the room they should logically be adjacent to. Such distortion is found in all parts of the site, but not to such an extreme degree as on Basement Floor 2. Parts of the laboratories are stretched to infinity, and the unused parts are marked off with plastic sheeting to prevent contamination of the used areas. Visits to the spatiological research department are very popular with staff, as the area allocated to it allows them to walk on the walls and ceiling as well.

Electroplating baths for Scranton reality anchor components.

  • Basement Floor 3: This area is designated for storage facilities and the production facilities for Scranton reality anchors and other paratechnology equipment used by the Foundation. Site-DE24 tests its reality anchors by itself because in some areas of the site, reality has dropped low enough to allow minimal reality bending by normal humans. In the middle of the floor, there is also the subway station that connects Site-DE24 with Site-DE4 and Site-DE12. This station is protected by numerous automatic KBA machine canons and has the peculiarity that the tunnel and railroad tracks run along one wall of the large room due to distorted gravity. Some spaces located in a spatial loop were also sealed and filled with water. These spaces create a continuous flow due to inherent gravity anomalies, which is used by a hydroelectric power plant to generate electricity to power the site. The site's own nuclear reactor is currently out of service, but is kept operational for emergencies.

Ermergency staircase in Basement Floor 4.

  • Basement Floor 4-?: The lower, or less easily accessible, levels of the site are intended for anomaly containment, with the distance to the used area of the site increasing with the demand for containment of the anomaly in question. The spaces in these areas are subject to strong spatial and temporal distortions, making them popular for experiments by the Temporal Research Division, and presumably extend to infinity. Containment cells are also affected by spatial distortions in some cases and are correspondingly large or small. Anomalies contained here, if they have sufficient intelligence and receptivity, are taught the nature of the site and, in cases of high aggression or lethality, are shipped to areas of greatly slowed time using drones and Class D personnel to hold them as long as possible. Site-DE24 has no special security measures other than automated gun turrets, as escaped anomalies usually exhaust themselves before they are able to reach sensitive areas of the site or even an exit. Nevertheless, areas that contain more sophisticated anomalies are equipped with automatic bulkheads and systems for releasing certain memes and gases that activate as soon as the integrity of certain doors and walls is destroyed.



O4-7 during the induction of new employees.

Site-Director: O4-7

Head of Management: Trang Tùng

Head of Security: Karsten Haue

Head of RTF DE24-𝔛 (24-Xaver "Widersprüchler"): Major Theo Koch

Head of Research and Developement: Dr. Leonard Raum

Head of Infirmary: Dr. med. Dörte Sandmann

Head of Logistics: Sergej Moya

Head of Maintenance: Anton Blitz-Merker

Head of Planning, Construction and Site Exploration: Lukas Hayden

Staff on-site

    Doctors: 45

    Researcher: 89

    Administrative Personell: 7

    Maintenance and Supply: 54

    Security Personell: 100

    D Class: 50
    Construction Personell: 32

    Other Personell: 78

Anomalies housed in Site-DE24.

ID # Object Class
SCP-039-DE Safe

Additional Information

Site-DE24, formerly Site-79, was built after the end of World War II to cement the Foundation's presence in West Germany. The site was constructed using materials and methods that were modern at the time, as it was intended to serve the containment of hard-to-contain anomalies, and had 5 floors. Construction began in 1946 and was completed in 1953. From that time on, Site-79 was used for the containment of dangerous anomalies, including the legacies of the SKP and other anomalous groupings in the West German territory.

In 1961, what appeared to be an ancient jar was discovered in the Dümmer River in Diepholz County, Germany, which severely distorted the space in its immediate vicinity. The Foundation immediately moved the object to Site-DE24 to study it and neutralize its effect, which began to widen. Dr. Simmons, the researcher in charge of the object from the Spatiological Research Department, later noted that the effect was becoming more widespread as the object's destruction by environmental factors progressed. It was therefore deemed important to stop the decay of the jar, which was to be achieved by using another anomaly that could reverse time. The experiment failed, however, because instead of repairing itself, the vase immediately exploded. This released a snake-like entity that appeared to be composed of black smoke. The anomaly was initially only about three meters long, but quickly grew to 20 meters, exerting a space-distorting effect on nearly the entire site as it continued to expand. The time-distorting anomaly was destroyed in the process, which in addition triggered time-bending effects. The entity, seemingly able to ignore solid matter at will, subsequently began to search nearby containment cells and devoured other space-manipulating entities and objects it encountered, resulting in a further increase in size.

The incident came to an unexpected end when, in the rising panic, then-RTF Agent Krömer was able to break into a containment locker using the space distortions and seize a weapon that would later be classified as SCP-299-DE-0964. This was a weapon of unknown function that was known to be able to terminate entities of other metaphysical levels. Agent Krömer, who after receiving the weapon was harassed by the serpentine entity that was also trying to break into the containment lockers, fired at the creature against the warnings of nearby personnel and managed to terminate it with one hit. The creature's apparent death, however, led to a restructuring of local space-time that placed Site-DE24 in its current state and sealed all secondary access points. Four-fifths of the personnel present at the time, as well as more than half of all living anomalies at the site, died in the incident as they were trapped inside or merged with walls during the event. Additionally, certain personnel and some anomalous objects and entities remain missing to this day. However, findings during the exploration of the newly created premises suggest that they were lost in the unexplored part of Site-DE24.

This incident, which was denounced by the Committee for the Reappraisal of Nazi Crimes of Foundation staff because of the preceding incompetence of foreign researchers in dealing with anomalies, sealed the start of the withdrawal of foreign staff in 1962, which later left the German and Austrian departments in the hands of staff of German and Austrian origin, respectively. In the same year, Site-79 was renamed Site-DE24. Then, in 2012, in the course of research on SCP-177-DE, it was discovered that the vase that had been the trigger for the incident had patterns similar to the object. KAI, which had been responsible for providing the data, apologized for this failure, citing the fact that the data had not been deposited on its servers and had only been discovered by him while scanning Anglophone Foundation databases. An investigation later attributed the failure to transfer the data to the Germanophone Foundation archive to human error.

In 1986, a renovation of the site took place, as its attention was now to be focused on anomalies and reality benders that severely defied the established laws of nature. In this context, the automatic turrets, the Scranton reality anchors, and the production facilities were installed.

Site DE24 was connected to the subway network in 2009. Due to its impossible geometry, the O4 Council had granted the request to randmly dig into the site as an exact exit point of the drill could not be determined. The drill eventually broke through a wall in a laboratory that was unused because of its gravity-affected walls, and which, after being surveyed, was converted directly into a railroad station because of its grossly stretched dimensions. To prevent walls from being destroyed during the second breakthrough, the area directly before the breakthrough was excavated and drilling continued off-site. This resulted in trains arriving from site DE12 today having to take a curve just before arrival.

In 2020, a catastrophic containment breach of three strong reality-bending entities occurred, but they could not be located after the breach. Only one breached bulkhead was discovered that led into the unexplored part of the site. In 2021, the corpse of one of the anomalies was discovered in this area, the cause of death was identified as severely accelerated aging. The other fugitives have not yet been rediscovered.

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