Groups of Interest of the Italian Branch
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The Foundation is not the only group with an interest and investment in the paranormal and metaphysical. There are many other groups in existence who possess, use, or attempt to create anomalous objects, either for their own personal gain or for the protection of mankind. Some are rival organizations, some are splinter groups of the Foundation, and some are trusted associates of the Foundation.

It has been deemed necessary to create and distribute a brief on the organisations the Italian Branch knows about, and our stance towards them. The following document refers to the Groups of Interest (henceforth "GoI") which operate primarily in Italian territory.

Association for the Liberation and Distribution of the Anomalous

~ ALDA ~

Original Name: Associazione per la Libera Distribuzione dell'Anomalo

Description: ALDA is a criminal group specializing in the distribution of anomalies. Born in Lucania in the 19th century following a ferocious attack by antimemetic predators, its original objective was the protection from anomalies in areas where people didn't have the means to do so. The group was mainly made up of people from a lower social background who, tired of the indifference between upper-class members and the local government against their suffering, had decided to remedy it themselves utilizing a model of banditry. The organization was initially described as the Alliance of Lucania for the Defence against Anomalies (ALDA), despite the fact that, at that time, their knowledge of the anomalous was non-existent. Complete awareness of their motives was revealed after several years of activity.
The group's conflict caused many casualties; as such, even as ALDA's influence and power increased, the members themselves remained at risk. Given these circumstances, the local lords were asked for their support. Fearing that the group would gain too much power, they decided to help them in exchange for protection and favors in the world of the anomalous, which they would remunerate monetarily. Over time these favors evolved into the focus of the organization, a change that caused internal struggles and splits between members. However, even under these changed conditions, ALDA enjoyed the favor of the population, who remembered its past actions towards them. The group continued to expand and widen its influence until it eventually achieved economic independence.
During this time, the support of the nobility was irrelevant to the group's new goal of obtaining money and social prestige. Therefore, the ALDA completely detached itself and continued obtaining anomalies by means outside the law, always under the pretext of helping the needy; hence the definitional shift of the acronym as it's now known.

Currently, ALDA's main occupation consists of under-the-table trading of anomalies. Anomalies are usually divided into two categories: "Goods", of which type, rarity, and price are recorded before being sold in established meeting places to a verified clientele created through word-of-mouth; and "Means", anomalies with interesting memetic, persuasive and/or warlike properties, which are then retained and used to help ALDA with its business. Generally, the specific properties of these are known only to those who possess them, typically one of the members in charge of the ALDA. The very existence of the "Means" is kept hidden from the less important personnel of the organization and from anyone not deemed trustworthy. Both types of anomalies are mostly obtained through theft from other anomalous groups or by the exploitation of naive or helpless people with no knowledge of ALDA's existence.

The leaders' tight control over the group's social scale and public opinion has allowed the GoI to maintain a prominent position in the criminal world. ALDA's presence is confirmed in Italy, but it is suspected to have contacts, if not direct members, with commercial and criminal Groups of Interest abroad.

Organization: There is a rigid pyramidal social scale within the Association, with new members generally starting from the bottom unless they have family connections. Power is distributed territorially, with the stewardship of packets of land bestowed to high-ranking members by the leaders of the Association: these packets, in turn, are divided up and responsibility bestowed to trusted men in lower ranks. This happens recursively, down to the lowest rank members with no underlings. Those who are aware of the Association and do not speak against it, or even occasionally act in its interest, may be rewarded for their cooperation and discretion but are not considered to play a role within the social scale.

Only the pyramid's seventh level, the command level, has the final say in control over the distribution of territories. The Association is purposely structured to obfuscate any information on members of higher levels to any but the circle directly below. There is, therefore, only the broadest information on the identity of the Association's leaders. They are referred to by a set of inherited monikers based on the territory they control. This not only ensures that the leaders' identity is kept hidden, but also that no one knows precisely how and when changes to the command structure occur. However, this obfuscation also has its disadvantages for the highest circle: feuds are common at the lower levels, and generally only become known to the leaders when they have reached drastic proportions.

ALDA's members do not have a distinct appearance or specific traits other than their common ambition and their contempt for anyone who opposes it.

Purposes: ALDA's objective is to ensure the social and material well-being of all its members, in accordance with the social scale it has developed, and by all means. For this reason, it often acts outside the law or twists it to its advantage thanks to members in strategic positions. A fundamental part of their organization is to act without being noticed, and for this reason, they try to maintain a good image with the lower strata of the population, or alternatively to keep them quiet.

Anomalies, therefore, are seen more as a means of getting closer to their true objectives, both in terms of trade and war, than as interesting objects of study. Beyond a brief list of their qualities, they are not analyzed.

ALDA acts in the shadows, and often tries to lose its tracks by sending other members undercover in other GoIs, or alternatively to create front groups, not directly linked to it, to act without creating suspicion: in fact, starting from the weakening of the RIDIA (with a peak at the first demilitarising phases of SISMA), their machinations and influence are increasingly known, and despite their efforts to keep a low profile their hold on the population is increasingly shaky.

Attitude towards the Foundation: ALDA sees the Foundation as an interesting organization to take advantage of for its business. Therefore, the members of the organization do everything in their power to undermine it, without however wishing to destroy it as its work makes the stage for finding anomalies much easier: they often try to put members undercover in order to facilitate the process. This is a plan known to the S5s and the Foundation's intelligence, which then tries to identify and block suspicious individuals.


Arcane Cenacle of Honoured Musicians


Inquirimus harmoniăm

Original Name: Cenacolo Arcano dei Musici Onorati

Description: The Arcane Cenacle of Honoured Musicians (CADMO) is a metahumanist movement composed of individuals possessing generally high thaumaturgical knowledge, giving a special focus to musiturgy and contacts with planes external to our reality.

From the end of the second half of the 19th century, the group operated within the italian anomalous scene with a certain continuity, mainly thanks to the support provided by various high-ranking families of the italian society of the time, especially from the North-West area. The group did, however, suffer the loss of many members after World War One, both due to the conflict and the new fascist regime, and especially after World War Two, given the large number of elements considered subversive — such as anti-fascists and jews — within the GoI.

Supported by only few survivors, the Cenacle suffered an internal split in the immediate post-war period, which has yet to be repaired: one side, more conservative, wanted to maintain the aims and the desire for secrecy, which had always been professed, unchanged with respect to what had been established in the preceding decades; meanwhile, another - more progressive - side, not sharing this vision (defined as "elitist"), wanted to spread the group's message far beyond the sphere of the anomalous, going so far as to break secrecy even by means of subversive acts.

Organization: There is no real internal organisation within the group, being composed of a series of submovements that, while sharing the same goal, pursue it in different ways. Each submovement possesses its own conformation, although broadly speaking there is no centralised institution.

Purposes: The Cenacle's main aim is the ascension of the human intellect through the use of music: the compositions they perform or compose should in fact refer to a harmonic source believed to be the fabric of the universe itself. This "source" would reside in the harmony produced by the so-called "celestial spheres", by the theory that sound vibrations are emitted from the bodies of the universe, which cannot be perceived with the aid of the senses, but which should nevertheless influence human life and actions. The GoI pursues the goal of revealing this truth to mankind, so that they may reach a state of further consciousness. Studies are underway to ascertain whether this theory has any real foundations, or whether what they seek comes from unknown cosmic sources.

Attitude towards the Foundation: Due to the group's fragmented status, Foundation attitude towards the Cenacle's members - some times divided in families, at least in most conservative cases - varies from open hostility to friendly relations, some times even making alliances, particularly with the submovements interested in keeping the Veil intact.


Confraternity of Saint George's Knights

~ CCSG ~


Original Name: Confraternita dei Cavalieri di San Giorgio

Description: The Confraternity of Saint George’s Knights (CCSG) is a secret order of the Catholic Church, created in 453 d.c. by Pope Leone I to contain or destroy anomalies present in the Roman Empire, and at the same time eliminate pagan groups that could use them. Its influence grew along with that of the Papacy, reaching its height during the Crusades and the conquest of the Americas. The Protestant Reformation led to a notable loss of power as part of the Order sided with Martin Luther; this made Pope Paul III extremely suspicious and prompted him to take direct control of the Order.
To date, the number of its members is unknown, but it is believed to be of several thousand scattered in over ██ locations in Italy and in the world.

Organization: The CCSG bases are directed by the Patriarchs; they respond to the Concilium sanctorum inter sanctos (Council of Saints among the Saints), formed by the Pope and four cardinals specially selected by the Pontiff. The Concilium has the task of electing the Patriarchs on a ten-year basis, administering the Confraternity and managing relations with other GOIs.

Purposes: The CCSG is the organ of the Catholic Church which deals with the management of anomalies, classified into two types: the angeli anomali (angelic anomalies) and the diaboli anomali (demonic anomalies); the former are considered Relics connected to religious figures and kept in the Vatican or in other locations, while the latter are connected to rituals and cults of a diabolical or pagan nature and consequently destroyed or otherwise eliminated.

Attitude towards the Foundation: Relations with the CCSG are quite cold: although they have proven to be reluctant to collaborate, no hostile or friendly statements have been made at the moment. Relations with the CCSG have improved following the admission to the Council of the current Fourth Superintendent, which initiated a policy of dialogue with the Confraternity and which led to a series of joint beneficial actions for both organizations.


Conjoined of Acqua-Luna

~ CdAL ~

Original Name: Congiunti di Acqua-Luna

Description: With the denomination "Conjoined of Acqua-Luna", the Italian Branch identifies an undefined number of individuals spread across the entire peninsula and dedicated to the practice of sorcery. The types of spells cast would seem inspired by traditional witchcraft practices of Southern Italy, active since the 19th century1; the Conjoined personally carry out their own sorcery, designing the rituals based on the desired magical effect. Each ritual requires the declamation of one or more so-called "spell formula" in the presence of one or more "material agents"2. It is through these two elements that the spell's effects are induced in the target, generally by placing them in contact with the material agent, or in its proximity.

According to the information gathered by the Italian Branch throughout the years, the Conjoined are dedicated to the veneration of an unidentified entity, known as "Acqua-Luna". Said entity is identified as some sort of divine Dyad, associated with the lunar phases and the flow of water. Some recovered manuscripts refer, moreover, that its purpose would be to "subvert the world hierarchies, establishing a new matrix in the archetypal conscience of mankind". From this sentence it's clear that Acqua-Luna is an entity capable of acting through the Nooshpere, although its exact nature is unknown.

Organization: According to the information recovered so far, the Conjoined don't have a precise organization: the cult is widespread thoughout the italian territory and its practitioners often operate alone, or form small groups named "circles"; there also exist testimonies of more or less large family units, that operate independently, without seeking contact with other nearby circles/individuals. Regardless of local organization, the followers recognize a higher level of authority to older members, who are experts in the magical practices and are capable of realizing more complex and powerful spells. They are the ones, in general, who take care of recruitment and education of new adepts, transmitting sometimes orally, sometimes with the aid of manuscripts personally compiled over the years.

Purposes: The Conjoined of Acqua-Luna are a group with very intense activity, whose objective would be the social redemption of the last: it is indeed among the poor and marginalized by society where the Conjoined search for new potential followers, allowing them to attain a role of power in the world through the exercise of witchcraft. The Conjoined practice magic on commision or for personal purpose, either selfishly or with the intentention of aiding people in dire needs3. However, the main objective of the Conjoined would be to establish contact with Acqua-Luna though an event called "Sorcery of the Second Contact", whose purpose would be to modify the mass consciousness of humanity, in ways that are not understood. Said ritual would be applicable only if the order's elder members reach a certain number; at that point, the execution of the collective ritual of the Second Contact would follow, presumably through the reunion of all the elders in a single location.

Attitude towards the Foundation: Given the information in possession of the Italian Branch, it's currently engaged in tracking and surveillance of the group's elder members, as to impede the execution of the Second Contact. For this reason, the Conjoined have gradually become hostile to the Foundation, reacting aggressively at its attempts at espionage and counteracting activities, or trying to keep their profile as low as possible. In the last five years, following the discovery of new spells and concealment by the Conjoined, identification of new circles and individuals has slowed considerably.



Original Name: Consiglio Fascista dell'Occulto

Description: The Fascist Council of the Occult (CFO) is an organization created at the end of the Second World War, when some of the members of RIDIA still loyal to fascism managed to avoid the administration of amnestics by the Foundation and escaped with a number of the anomalies that they were guarding.

Despite having origins strongly linked to occultism, the CFO is currently in possession of anomalous biotechnologies, which they mainly use to create biological or biotechnological entities. At the moment the origin of these technologies is unknown to the Foundation.

Organization: The individual head of the Council has the title of "Dictator"; plausibly an individual with anomalous characteristics. The organization of the CFO is decentralized: small research groups are scattered throughout Italy, and they move very frequently, making them difficult to locate.

Purposes: It is currently believed that their main purpose is to use — and, when possible, to create — anomalies that can cause significant damage and/or many casualties, in an explicitly anomalous fashion, and if possible repeatedly and independently. The aim of this activity would be to destabilize the social order, both compromising the feeling of security and physical integrity of the population, and attacking emotional integrity, showing the existence and danger of entities that should not exist.

This social destabilization has the purpose of letting the CFO take power over the entire nation. The details of this operation are unknown, but it is assumed that the members of the CFO, if successful, could present themselves as able to protect people from anomalies, emphasizing in politics and the media the inadequacy of the Police and State regarding the control of anomalies, and at the same time exposing the existence of the Foundation by pointing it out as an enemy.

Attitude towards the Foundation: The CFO is considered extremely hostile; it is believed that at the moment they do not have sufficient offensive forces to attack even just one Foundation Site, but they do not hesitate to carry out indirect attacks, typically through the use of anomalies created ad hoc. The evidence found in CFO bases captured by the Foundation suggests that they are trying to create offensive units that can be mass-produced through their anomalous biotechnology.


Cult of the Great Eye of the Mediterranean

~ CGOM ~

Original Name: Culto del Grande Occhio del Mediterraneo


Description: Little is known about the Cult's origins, but the latest archaeological finds in the mediterranean zone indicate that this Group of Interest has been active since the first human civilizations, as part of a now dismantled order of ultra-religious zealots. These primitive men were all converted to the Cult's faith in their object of worship, which they refer to as the "Great Eye".

It's suspected that the Cult was inactive until the first decades of the 9th century BC, and that it entered this state of "secrecy" after fighting the Phoenicians and the Greeks under the pseudonym of "Sea People". The reason for such attacks is probably connected to achieving the hegemony of what was born and prospered around the Mediterranean. Since then, the Cult has lost a good part of the military power at its disposal and has been reduced to thousands of adepts scattered across all the Mediterranean, which still make the Sea particularly insidious.

At the time of writing, no diplomatic or peaceful contacts have been made between the Cult's followers and Foundation personnel. The Cult remains dangerous to this day, due to the use of sea creatures and adepts gifted with esoteric powers not fully known to the Foundation. Any finding, capture, or retrieval of individuals/objects connected to this GoI must immediately be assigned to the Esoteric and Thaumaturgical Department, and reported to the SSM-I.

To access the complete and updated documentation about the Cult, access to the Division of Underwater Archaeology of Site Nettuno is necessary.

Organization: During its long centuries of inactivity the Cult came close to disbanding several times, losing countless adepts. Because of this, the Group of Interest has dedicated all of itself to the secrecy of its operations after its collapse and seems to be divided in ranks, which follow:

  • THE GUARDIANS - Entities that, thanks to the energy contained in their own "sepulchers" and in [DATA REMOVED], seems to be gifted with esoteric powers connected to the sea and the water, with which they're able to control life's own existence around the Mediterranean. The number and full capability of these beings is currently unknown.
  • THE SEEKERS - Commanders of great groups of adepts, which can contain over 100 members, these intermediaries seems to be the most loyal to the Cult's cause and are subject to a process known as "Illumination", connecting them to the "Great Eye" and providing them with some of the power of Guardians.
  • THE ADEPTS - The most human, positioned on the base of the hierarchy and constituting the labor force of the Cult, as well as the backbone of their operations. They cover the most varied tasks and seem to be chosen among the most capable, the most intelligent, and the strongest. There are also reports about adepts "kidnapped" from the surface and reconditioned to serve the Cult, although the lack of additional details makes these reports difficult to confirm.

Additional information about the "abilities" of some Cult members seem to be contradictory and, at the time of writing, not supported by actual evidence. The only sure thing is that they have an anomalous capacity to survive under the sea, where they have various bases, immune to marine pressure or erosion thanks to the power of some of the Cult's members.

Purposes: The Cult's purpose is to protect their divinities from impure eyes; in fact, according to them, it could even damage their own existence. The secondary purpose is to impose the Guardians' will on the sea itself, preparing to conquer the mainland if necessary. Due to their fanaticism, is to be suspected that forms of hypnotism and mass indoctrination have been used to ensure that no adept would betray the Cult (this is, obviously, only true in most cases). CGOM's activity is very sporadic, not easily detectable, and very variable, with a few peaks of activity spread over decades. From 2006, however, their involvements have become much more common, and to this day it is hypothesized that this is due to the awakening of their "divinity".

Attitude: The CGOM is currently hostile towards the Foundation and every other Group of Interest that hinders their purposes or tries to contact them. It's probable that such attitude is destined to remain in this way, due to the lack of diplomacy from both sides.


Febris Pharmaceuticals

~ FF ~

Nostrum malum, nostra salus

Original Name: Febris Farmaceutica


Description: Febris Pharmaceuticals is a company founded in the 60s of the 20th century specialized in the research and sale of drugs intended for both sides of the Veil, using thaumaturgical knowledge that appears to have been transmitted by Febris, the Roman Goddess of Malarial Fever and of Healing. The origins of this Group can be traced back to the Cult of Febris, a group of serial poisoners in Imperial Rome. Led by Lucusta in the 1st century AD, their sect was violently repressed by Emperor Galba in 69 AD and their writings, keepers of the knowledge to subsue and cure diseases, transmitted (presumably) by the goddess herself, were thought lost. However, the tablets containing their rituals were hidden through thaumaturgical practices and remained hidden over the centuries, awaiting new disciples. Following their discovery 20 years later, Febris Pharmaceuticals learnt the ways of thaumaturgy and applied modern chemical and biotechnological knowledge to them, recovering the ancient way of the Cult of Febris.

Organization: Like any contemporary company, Febris Pharmaceuticals is led by a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who coordinates the various administrative, financial and scientific sections through Directors and Managers of the respective sections. Due to their recent introduction beyond the Veil, they have recruited researchers and employees capable of using thaumaturgy, hiring them from areas associated with the anomalous and from various Nexuses and Free Ports.

Purposes: Heirs to the spirit of the cult of the goddess of fevers, Febris Pharmaceuticals is focused on replicating the dual nature of the goddess, giver of illness and healing, through the creation and sale of anomalous and non-anomalous drugs (for the public) and anomalous biological weapons (for private individuals), seeking economic profits. Currently, they intend to expand their clientele by entering into commercial agreements with other Groups of Interest, such as MC&D and AISI, for the sharing of the anomalous market of chemical and pharmaceutical products.

Attitude towards the Foundation: Since they are involved in different projects for the sale of anomalous drugs and biological weapons for private individuals, the members of Febris Pharmaceuticals thread carefully around the Foundation, aware of the disparity between their current resources and those possessed by the entities that monitor the Anomalous. Although not directly hostile towards the Foundation, it is not excluded that in the future, with the support of powerful commercial partners, they may act more actively in the defense of their products and and the company's interests.



Original Name: Medicea Accademia dell'Arte Occulta

Description: Founded by the lord and patron of Florence Lorenzo De' Medici in 1484, the Medician Academy of Occult Arts (usually called the Medician Academy for brevity) is a private organization that specializes in the acquisition and classification of pre-modern works of art with anomalous qualities. At the moment, the Foundation knows about ██ locations in █ different nations of Europe, each with different degrees of autonomy from the main headquarters. The Foundation at present does not know the source of the funds used by the Academy uses to pursue its objectives.

The main headquarters is located in Medici Riccardi Palace, under cover of a museum and residence of the Prefect of Florence. In the basement of the building, there is a large underground structure of unknown depth, with a permanent exhibition of the works collected on the Italian territory. From images taken by Foundation agents during rare visits, it is estimated that there are no less than ██ anomalous objects contained in the main headquarters.

Organization: The head of the Medician Academy is honored with the title of "Curator", while the directors of foreign headquarters have the title of "Tutors", of which only █ have full freedom of action inside the hosting nation, while the remaining Tutors are subject to the Curator himself.

Attitude towards the Foundation: The Academy is not hostile to the Foundation, and on many occasions, there have been joint actions to retrieve artifacts. Although he was extremely reluctant to reveal his identity, the current Curator gave his full support with the Academy's experience in the field of anomalous art, to better identify the anomalous characteristics of the pieces contained by the Foundation. The proposal has been submitted to the S5 Superintendence and is in wait for approval.

Note by Dr. ██████: "Although they love art in all its forms, members of the Academy nurture a deep hatred towards the GoI "Are We Cool Yet?", referring to their works as "sleazy" and "tasteless".


Ordo Iani

~ OI/01 ~


Original Name: Ordo Iani/Ordine di Giano

Description: Janus' Order, also known by its latin name Ordo Iani, is the most ancient organization in Italy dedicated to studying the anomalous. Founded in 79 CE (following the eruption of Mount Vesuvius) by Emperor Titus, who gathered in his court a group of philosophers and scholars in order to study and catalog unexplained phenomena. The Order's history through centuries is long and troubled and has been divided by historians into four phases.

Organization: Originally, the Order was composed of numerous members and headquarters scattered in roman provinces, though the number dropped from the fall of the empire on, and to this day counts a few hundred members and eight headquarters. The central headquarter, under the Palatine Hill, ("Ammenda" from the 13th century, or Tempulm Iani Occultum) has always been in the hands of the italian order, protected by anomalous defenses and not; from Frederick onward it loses its centrality (recovered with the end of the Papal State) for Castel del Monte and Naples' Studium.

The individual leading the Order is the Imperator Auxiliaris, followed in hierarchy by the eight Sacerdotes Magni (or Gran Sacerdos) who lead the eight headquarters. Members are divided into archivists (tabularii), who study and catalog anomalies, and seekers (quaesitores), for investigation and recovering missions, though the lack of personnel led to an overlapping of both roles.

Purposes: The Ordo seeks knowledge over everything else, convinced that dividing man from deity is also the awareness of universal laws and that intellectual elevation is accompanied by a spiritual counterpart (apotheosis), capable of setting free from the fear of the unknown; this was desired for all humanity, with the empire as a via for this purpose. The dual relationship with the divine (state to aspire to and entity to worship) unfolds in the figure of Janus, who symbolizes the dyads of man/deity and anomalous/ordinary.

On the question of the return in vogue of the Roman cults and consequent universal apotheosis, the post-imperial Order is instead divided, so much so that not every member is or has been pagan. The most moderate faction is more concentrated on preserving the acquired knowledge, while the nostalgic one waits for when humanity will be ready to re-accept the ancient faith, in order to lead it in a new golden age.

Attitude towards the Foundation: The two groups have a good relationship, centered on trust and cooperation, rather than mutual benefit. The Order admits Foundation's resources' superiority and is pleased to make its age-old knowledge available. In return, the Foundation reserves a small portion of its funds for the Order, preventing its dissolution.








Original Name: Regio Istitvto delle Italiche Anomaliæ

Description: Founded in 1871 by Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoia, the RIDIA was an organization under the control of the King of Italy whose influence extended throughout the country and its colonies; it had the function of finding and containing anomalous artifacts that could represent a danger to the monarchy or to civil life. Starting from 1926, the RIDIA was placed under the direct control of Benito Mussolini; under the command of the Dux, the RIDIA was distorted from its original function dedicated to research, becoming an extremely violent and aggressive group used to create anomalous weapons to be exploited in war.

Like the SCP Foundation, RIDIA cataloged all the anomalies it came into contact with (either contained or destroyed) and studied their properties and effects. Most of the documents were sent to large Archives (the most important is now used by the Foundation and is known as Site Pluto) to be kept.

Organization: The RIDIA was led by a Director-General appointed by the King and was divided into three divisions, then four with the advent of Fascism: the Division for the Study of the Anomalous (DSA), dedicated to the understanding of anomalies, the Internal Administrative Division (DAI), involved in the administration of the structures, the Research Division of the Anomaly (DRA), which was responsible for identifying and capturing anomalies, and the Military Division (DM), which was created in the 1930s and used the anomalies on the battlefields.

Attitude towards the Foundation: The RIDIA was officially dismantled in 1946 and became the Italian Branch of the SCP Foundation.


Serenissimo Colejo degli Estri e dei Maùchi del Comùn




Description: The Serenissimo Colejo degli Estri e dei Maùchi del Comùn (The Most Serene College of Anomalies and Oddities of the Municipality) has been a secret organization of the Most Serene Republic of Venice, active from the first half of the ninth century to the Treaty of Campo Formio in the 1797. The College's birth has been probably caused by the necessity of mitigating the impact of the use of anomalies from the Republic's rival powers. In its most relevant phase (between 1200 and 1500 AD), the SCEMC controlled a trading system for anomalies that weren't considered dangerous by Venice or weren't usable for its purposes.

Organization: The two headquarters discovered so far were situated at Costanziaco (active until 1435) and later on Poveglia's island. The SCEMC was a college composed of 10 members, and was formally chaired by the Doge in charge, whose powers were delegated to the Magistrate of the Estri, primus inter pares4 nominated on a rotating basis between Counselors in charge. Every Counselor was a College's life member. Seven of them were chosen between the patricians and three of them were chosen between the people.
Colejo's members were organized into two groups: the secretadori ("concealers"), whose job was to hide every trace of anomalies and objects of interest, and the maùcarioli ("Oddity sellers") whose job was to increase interest in the anomalies for sale.
The studies on the phenomena were carried out by the SCEMC's research body, the Popilian Academy.

Purposes: The SCEMC was founded with two main objectives: The Most Serene Republic of Venice's independence and its enrichment through the business of anomalous artifacts. Precisely this dual nature allowed the SCEMC to become both a powerful diplomatic lever for Venetian emissaries and a considerable source of revenue.

Attitude towards the Foundation: Being an entity to have disappeared in 1797, there hasn't been any direct contact towards the Foundation. SCEMC's existence is however known by the major Italian Groups of Interest, particularly RIDIA and CFO.


Anomalous Materials Information and Security System


Original Name: Sistema Informazione e Sicurezza Materiali Anomali

Description: In 1949, the Republic founds the SISMA as a government agency to aid the resolution of anomalous interministerial events. In truth, it's a military research and development, military coordination, intelligence and policing organization for the anomalous field. The obvious competition with the Foundation leads the two organizations to contend for hegemony on the italian soil until the 90s. The early years of SISMA saw, thanks to U.S. and Global Occult Coalition support, intense technological development to promote homeland security against Soviet Groups of Interest, followed by attempts to pacify the climate of the Years of Lead5 and eradicate an internal pro-fascist conspiracy. In 1996, because of the end of the Cold War and the investigations following a failed coup, SISMA was severely downsized. The 2000s focus on anomaly policing and the preparation and execution of national security contingency plans.

Organization: Central SISMA encompasses the Management of the various sections and Offices A (archives), C (internal/external communication and coordination) F (recruitment and training), and R (research and anomalous development). Military and field personnel is “borrowed” from other government agencies, still part of their original organization but trained by the System in anomalous countermeasures and assigned to operations inherent to their competencies. Those are organized in I (intelligence), P (police), and S (situation and military mobilization) Departments. SISMA has a central headquarters in Rome and a meager number of laboratories, storage units, and military structures, both permanents and leased. Much of this has been decommissioned, reassigned, or raided by subversive elements. SISMA collaborates, moreover, with international organizations like JOVE6 and PANGEA7.

Purposes: Ignoring alleged assistance to state agencies with staff specializing in "state-related anomalies", SISMA has the purpose of preparing and defending the Italian Republic from criminals, foreign powers, and catastrophes due to or accomplished via “anomalous materials”. The resulting philosophy is extremely nationalistic and utilitarian.

Attitude towards the Foundation: SISMA has never been openly hostile to the Foundation, passing from rivalry to cold cooperation. Today's agency collaborates with the Foundation in order to assure the Country's security and normalcy, yet allows itself to sanction the organization for violations that are considered too illegal, and prepares contingency plans that portray the Foundation as a hostile private army.


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