Joint statement of December 5th, 2017
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요주의 단체 서식용 추가 코드

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Important Doucment

[2nd Conference of the 1st Tri-party Talk] Joint Statement of December 5th (English)

Joint statement of the First round of the Tri-party Talks

(Seoul 05 December 2017)

The first round of the Tri-Party talks was held among the Republic of Korea, the Global Occult Coalition, and the SCP Foundation from November 1st to December 5th, 2017.

Ms. Ryu Minhwa, 3rd Vice Chief of the Republic of Korea Office of National Security; Mr. Yoon Soongu, Assistant State Secretary of the Republic of Korea Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Mr. Gokusui, Head of the Psyche department of the Far East Lodge of the Global Occult Coalition; Mr. Abdi Khalil, Ambassador of the Psyche department of the Global Occult Coalition; Ms. Grace Choi, Administrative Director of the SCP Foundation Korea Regional Command; and Mr. Kaestine Brome, 1st Vice Cheif of the Transregional Intelligence Agency of the SCP Foundation attended this talks as Chief Representative and Senior Vice Representative for each respective organizations.

Ryu Minhwa, 3rd Vice Cheif, chaired the talks.

For the cause of peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and in the world at large, the three parties held in a spirit of mutual respect and equality profound and practical talks concerning the paranormal problems of the Korean Peninsula, and agreed in this context to the following:


The Three Parties unanimously reaffirmed that the goal of the tri-party talks is to find the solution to the paranormal problems in the territory of the Republic of Korea in a peaceful manner.

  • The Global Occult Coalition (GOC) committed to not wanting the paranormal military tension on the Korean Peninsula, and to deploy assets in a way not threatening to the security of Republic of Korea (South Korea), and to maintain neutrality as a United Nations (UN) organization, and to uphold duties of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC).
  • The SCP Foundation (the Foundation) reaffirmed that it does not want paranormal military tension on the Korean Peninsula, and has no intention to attack or threaten South Korea with atomic, conventional, or anomalous weaponry.
  • The ROK (South Korea) affirmed its approval for the Foundation and the GOC to deploy facilities and personnel in its territory to handle paranormal problems directly while reaffirming its commitment not to develop or deploy anomalous assets per the 1981 ROK-Foundation Memorandum of Agreements on Anomalies of the Korean Peninsula.
  • The essence of the 1953 Korean Armistice Agreement Addendum and 1981 ROK-Foundation Memorandum of Agreements on Anomalies of the Korean Peninsula should be respected.
  • The ROK stated that it has the right to handling paranormal problems in its territory. The other parties expressed their respect and agreed to found an anomalous response agency under the ROK Government by editing the 1981 ROK-Foundation Memorandum of Agreements on Anomalies of the Korean Peninsula at an appropriate time.



The Three Parties undertook, in their relations, to abide by the purposes and principles of recognized norms of paranormal international relations.

  • The GOC and the Foundation undertook to respect each other's sovereignty regarding the actions in the Korean Peninsula, exist peacefully together, and to maintain their relations subject to their bilateral policies.
  • The ROK and the GOC undertook, in accordance to the Narita Declaration, to normalize relations subject to solving the urgent contemporary matters.



The Three Parties undertook to promote cooperation in the fields of anomaly response, processing and technology development, bilaterally and/or multilaterally.

  • The GOC and the Foundation stated their willingness to provide non-anomalous technology assistance to the ROK.
  • The GOC reaffirmed its proposal to provide personnel of three strike teams to the ROK on July 19th, 2017.
  • The ROK reaffirmed its proposal to hand further anomalies to the Foundation on March 8th, 2016.
  • The Foundation reaffirmed its proposal to provide land for three provisional bases to the GOC on November 15th, 2014.



The Three Parties committed to joint efforts for lasting peace and stability in northeastern Asia and the paranormal society.

  • The directly related parties will negotiate a peaceful joint response system at an appropriate separate forum.
  • The Three Parties agreed to explore ways and means for promoting security and paranormal cooperation in northeast Asia.
  • The Three Parties agreed to keep acting on the basis of mutual non-interference until the founding of a stated joint response organization.



The Three Parties agreed to take coordinated steps to implement the aforementioned consensus in a phased manner in line with the principle of "commitment for commitment, action for action."



The Three Parties agreed to hold the second round of the tri-party talks soon.

December 5th, 2017

Republic of Korea
3rd Vice Chief of Office of National Security

Ryu Minhwa


Republic of Korea
Assistant State Secretary of Foreign Affairs

Yoon Soongu


The SCP Foundation
Administrative Director of the SCP Foundation Korea Regional Command

Grace Choi


The SCP Foundation
1st Vice Cheif of the SCP Foundation Transregional Intelligence Agency

Kaestine Brome


The Global Occult Coalition
Head of the Psyche department of GOC Far East Lodge



The Global Occult Coalition
Ambassador of the Psyche department of GOC Headquarter

Abdi Khalil


"How do you see this appointment, Mr. Yoon?"

"Hmm? …Yes, it's quite an achievement. It's a shame that we can't let people know."

"You did hear what Director Choi said after the signing, right?"

"She said we should speed up the revision of the memorandum within this year. Is that what you're asking?"


"Isn't that good?"

"It is. But on the other hand, it's quite aggressive on their part for settling on such a preliminary agreement."

"It sure… is."

"The joint response organization of three parties, as declared in Article 4, has already been realized in Japan in the form of JAGPAT. But beneath the surface, there is much backlash. They cooperate for the most part but point their heads in different directions. The Coalition wouldn't want to be bound to such restrictions in Korea like that, nor would the Foundation want to give up the edge that it already has in our territory."

"It sounds like a tri-party joint front is impossible."

"No, not really. It's just that this vague situation is what all three of us truly want. We'd all want to get rid of the problems between the two parties that we have to solve quickly… while not breaking the balance between the three parties."

"Then concluding without setting a date for the second round of talks…"

"…Is for the same reason."

"…Ms. Ryu, it seems that you'd be in a lot of trouble from now."

"I've been prepared. We just started now, and I can't get tired already."

"What name are you thinking of the new organization?"

"What about the Presidential… National Paranormal Emergency Service?"

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