Note: She Who Betrayed Everyone
rating: +8+x

Fiona Adler

Aliases: The untouchable General, „The woman nobody likes“*
*I just recently got the joke on that.

Summary: Appears to be a woman in her mid-30s, but she told me she was twice that age. She has a special kind of immunity against anomalies. I even witnessed that when we were attacked by a few agents from a hostile group. Has knowledge and combat experience from her time at the military.

Threat: Might cause me trouble, even if she likes me. I need to find a way to keep her at bay. Markers don't work, so something else. I prefer to not wake up in a cell, even if it's a clean one and the food is free. I actually have a theory on her immunity. Let's see what I can find in the Wanderers' Library.

At Best: I have found a unique ally.
At Worst: I have found a unique enemy.

Interests: She told me that she wanted to "stir up the scene". She's working with a certain «Philip Noir»*.

Recruitable? She offered me her services and those of her partner. Gotta keep that in mind with the business card and all. The two of them are good for research.

*The private detective with the interesting jacket; B. 8, p. 48

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