African Office of Occult Affairs
Régiment de Marche Occulte (RMC)
Occult Marching Regiment (OMR): A military unit of varying size and specialty deployed by the AOOA during large-scale strategic operations. Their use remains exceptional however, and is in theory reserved for handling major crises or confronting other state agencies. The AOOA allegedly controlled at least four of them.
MIRIFIC: A paranormal counterpart to the MINITEL, a network of connected computers that was popular in French-speaking countries before the arrival of the internet. It operates using fleas (not computer bugs, actual living bugs) using a technique derived from backwards haruspicy (see below). Although obsolete, the MIRIFIC is still used by the Gendastrerie for untrackability reasons but also due to budgetary restrictions.
Gendarme noir
Dark Gendarme: (obsolete) Formor provincial officers tasked with handling paranormal threats during the Ancien Régime. Overstretched, heterogenous and inefficient, they were federated under the First French Empire to form the Gendastres corps.
Gendastre: A rank equivalent to that of gendarme, which refers in a general sense to all members of the French Gendastrerie, a paranormal counterpart to the Gendarmerie founded in 1804 to handle an invasion of "Gens d'Astre" (Star People), extraterrestrial entities seeking to replace the French elites.
Maréchal des logiques
Mischief-Sergeant: A rank equivalent to the chief-sergeant. Non-commissioned officer tasked with prosecuting felonies against the laws of nature. Can be promoted to head mischief-sergeant.
Abjurant: A rank equivalent to the adjudant. Abjurant are gifted with an unusually high passive resistance to bewitching and mental influencing processes, or even, in some unexplained cases, to reality shifts. This is partly due to the selection process for this rank which favors mental slowness and arbitrary certainty. Can be promoted to chief-abjurant.
The Assembly: A general assembly that includes all of the Gentlemen and deliberates on collective decisions. It is unknown by the Foundation whether it is an actual location or an intangible anomalous construct.
Apprentice: A Gentleman to come, still in training; they generally carry out field missions. Every Gentleman has a single Apprentice, and likewise, every Apprentice has a single Gentleman.
Homme Meilleur
Better Man: (proper noun) The ideal of a Humanity augmented and enriched through mastering the anomalous, which is the objective pursued by the Gentlemen.
Network: (proper noun) A network of civilian informants, spread across all of France, who provide the Gentlemen with valuable intelligence about anomalous phenomena and the actions of other Groups of Interest.
The Humanist Gentlemen follow a defined set of ideals and policies, referred to by their latin names.
Hominum: Literally "Of Men." A humanitarian policy specifically aiming to combat all forms of oppression related to the anomalous, whether perpetrated on or using anomalies.
Nova Gloria: Literally "New Glory." The betterment of the human condition through creating and controlling anomalies. The Gentlemen's core principle.
Renovatio Pulchritati: Literally "Restoration of Beauty." The creation of a new form of art that fully unites the anomalous world and the normal world. Numerous Gentlemen are themselves anartists or benefactors of anartists.
Univers'Island Kingdom
Église de la Voûte Céleste
Church of the Heavenly Vault: (proper noun) An offshoot of christianity based on the idea that God spent all of his stamina creating the world and is actually regenerating as of today. God then divided himself into souls, which he placed into Men. Upon the bearer's death, a soul returns to God along with the knowledge and experience it has accumulated throughout its life in order to transmit them to him. The Church of the Heavenly Vault holds that current Worldian souls are corrupting God.
Unislism: (proper noun) Islean way of thought based on the desire to leave Univer'island to go live on Earth which has become a kind of resistance. Unislism is currently divided into two conflicting branches, one peaceful and the other terrorist. Islean authorities try their best to dissimulate the existence of Unislism from the kingdom's inhabitants.
Islean: (noun) Inhabitant of the Univers'island Kingdom. As an adjective (non-capitalized in French), refers to anything related to the Univers'island Kingdom.
Worldian: (noun) Name given to Earthlings by the Isleans. As an adjective (non-capitalized in French), refers to anything related to the Earth.
Bias: (noun) Name given to the apparent anomalous effect of a Singularity, considered to be a defect in human perception. SAPPHIRE will seek to eliminate an object's Bias in priority, regardless of whether it implies destroying the Singularity.
Diamond: (proper noun) For SAPPHIRE, refers to an ideal of purity, lucidity and incorruptibility which any atheist should try to reach, similar to Ataraxia in stoicism. Diamond cannot be used for an acronym, since it is unattainable.
Lodge: (noun) SAPPHIRE is composed of about fifty distinct, semi-independent lodges that are free to each act however they please. However, every lodge is managed by a Lodge Leader, and every Lodge Leader meets up with the others yearly during Interlodge Society Summits at Stoa (see thereafter).
Singularity: (noun) Designation for SCP items, considered to be "officially inexistent" by SAPPHIRE. According to various SAPPHIRE members, Singularities can be perceived as exceptions, anomalies or illusions.
Stoa: (proper noun) Supposedly a kind of headquarters where Interlodge Society Summits occur every four years. Location unknown.
Extortion Maneuvers, Espionage and Reconnaissance inside Agencies, Leagues and Dogma (EMERALD): SAPPHIRE agents undercover within other organizations of the anomalous world. Operating individually, they are tasked as their name suggests with spying, theft and developing the Society's network.
Office for the Protection of Arts and Literature (OPAL): A minor cell within SAPPHIRE, the OPAL's task is to insure that the Society's terrorist projects do not harm the world's cultural and artistic heritage. Quite impopular, the OPAL is considered a kind of inquisition by SAPPHIRE's less scupulous elements.
Guide for Atheists Regarding the Norms and Ethics of Terrorism (GARNET): Training and propaganda manual circulating clandestinely among SAPPHIRE members. Being constantly appended and annotated by its possessors, no two copies of the guide are identical.
Jurisdiction of Amnestics Specialized for the Prettification of Expression and Rhetoric (JASPER): A unit of ZIRCONs (see thereafter) with great eloquence and rhetirical talents, exclusive to the Reims Lodge.
Repressive Use of Bias and Imaginary Entities Suppression (RUBIES): Field unit of SAPPHIRE composed of volunteers. Carries out full-on terrorist attacks as well as kidnappings, raids and other executions.
Zetetic Investigation, Rational Cognition and Oddities Negation (ZIRCON): The intellectual core of SAPPHIRE, comprised of logicians, rhetoricians and other zeteticians. Is tasked with debunking paranormal cases and revealing trickery where there is not.
Singular Imperial Academy
Capes Noires
Black Cloaks: (proper noun) nickname given to the officers of the Singular Imperial Academy because of their uniforms. Could have been demeaning depending on the person using it.
Chirograph: (noun) Device capable of rewriting hand lines. Used to signal the rank and clearance level of SAI members, like a kind of access card.
Herme-Nautic: (proper noun) Elite corps of the Singular Imperial Academy tasked with collecting anomalies throughout the world, and for whom Nicolas Flamel-class frigates were intended.
New-Bastille: (proper noun) Administrative headquarters of the Singular Imperial Academy, built during the Directoire where the Bastille prison was formerly located. Was comprised of a vast neoclassic building on the surface as well as several underground levels. Destroyed during the Paris Commune in 1871.
Psychothaumatograph: (noun) A prototype of typewriter capable of transcribing a human subject's thoughts.
Backwards Haruspicy: (noun) An occult telecommunication technique (now obsolete) based on re-arranging and reading the organs of animals marked with a magic seal, derived from the ancient practice of haruspicy.
Pocket universes
Mirmande: (proper noun) (also referred to as Mirmanda) Monarchical city-state in the eastern Pyrenees, ruled by the Auberonid dynasty. Mostly populated by Fae and Therianthropes, Mirmande is characterized by its non-euclidean medieval architecture and permanent fog. Its extremely secretive community is only known to the French and Spanish secret services.
SAI members
Asile pour Aliénés Particuliers Saint-Jérôme de Brest
Saint-Jérôme de Brest Asylum for Peculiar Mental Patients: Breton asylum dedicated to victims of anomalous phenomena, ran by Mr. Henri Artisamourt. Closed in 1861 following personnel malpractice. Member of the SAI council.
Compagnie Chasseresse Spécialisée du Gévaudan
Gevaudan Specialised Hunting Company: Association of hunters specialised in the tracking of cryptids. Founded by the Ducasse lineage. Member of the SAI council.
Fonds de Versailles
Versailles Funds: Treasure made of anomalous objects gifted or retrieved by French kings since Charlemagne, it was the cornerstone around which the SAI was built.
Kabbale du Grand Sanhédrin
Kaballah of the Great Sanhedrin: Assembly of some of the most influential Jewish Kabbalists of the Empire, relaying some of their secrets in service of the Emperor. Member of the SAI council.
Ligue des Magiciens Royalistes du Nouvel Élu Légitime
Royalist Magicians League of the New Legitimate Chosen One: Royalist league made up of the last sorcerers traditionally lending their services to the King of France, sharing some of their secrets hoping that they would maintain their influence over the seat of power. Member of the SAI council.
Société Anticléricale Contre la Religiosité et l’Étrange
Society Against Current Religious Eccentricity: Ancestor of SAPPHIRE, the SACRE owes its name to the coronation of Napoleon who crowned himself completely disrespecting the Pope. Member of the SAI council.
Société des Explorateurs Post-Mortem
Post-Mortem Explorers Society: Association comprised of spiritism and necromancy amateurs seeking to understand what happens after death during their lifetime. Member of the SAI council.
Société Savante des Antiquités Interdites
Scholar Society of Forbidden Relics: Parisian Scholar societiy dedicated to the study of ancient anomalous objects or those pertaining to unknown civilisations. Member of the SAI council.
Civilisations and Lost Worlds
Marawi: ([…] civilisation), (also: Marawite civilisation) IIIrd millenium B.C.E. civilisation including various small kingdoms and city-states appearing in North-Eastern Africa. All had in common the worshipping of the god Marawi and their early mastery of space exploration.
New-Isles: Canadian archipelago inhabited by Ortothan groups. Mysteriously disappeared at the turn of the 20th century following a conflict with the Univers’island Kingdom, leading to the apparition of deceased soldiers, thousands of snakes and godly beings. In present day, a conspiracy group named the “Collective of the Awakening” investigates these events.
State-sponsored Groups of Interest
Ministère Suédois de la Recherche Théorique
Swedish Ministry of Theoretical Research: Kingdom of Sweden’s main state-sponsored group of interest.
Office de Gestion des Singularités
Singularities Management Office: Principality of Mittelheim’s main state group of interest.
PANGEA Network: General Assembly of Polices of the Anomalous, the Interpol of the paranormal. PANGEA is an apolitical network gathering state-sponsored GoI of most nations, despite their differences and away from the meddling of the Global Occult Coalition.
Secrétariat des Artefacts et des Sciences Paranormales d’Abyssinie
Secretary of Paranormal Sciences and Artifacts of Abyssinia: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia’s main state-sponsored group of interest.
Jacquerie de la Pétaudière
Bedlam Peasant Revolt: Rural upheaval that broke out at the end of the XVIIth century and kickstarted the Great Divine Dismissal on December 29 1705.
Secret du Roy en Nouvelle France et aux Amériques
The King’s Intelligence in New-France and the Americas: French Kingdom institute founded at the turn of the XVIth century and based in Fort Maleville, not far from Quebec. Was tasked with anomalous investigations and the retrieval of anomalies in colonies accross the pond on behalf of the Versailles Funds on which it depended.
SmartFarm Inc
SmartFarm Inc: Agri-food company which uses anomalous means to increase its productivity.
Sommes-nous à nos aises, désormais ?
Are we snug, henceforth?: Precursor of the Group of Interest "Are We Cool Yet?" that took action in France from 1874 to 1924.
Empreinte d'Artefacts à Sécuriser (EAS)
Imprint of Artifact to Secure (IAS): Method for identifying an anomaly allowing the characterization of its imprint. It was implemented in various examination centres of Foundation Sites in 1985 and spread to MTF since 2003. An anomaly's marks also allow to locate it using model Kant-6-U satellites.
Aerospace and exobiology
Centre de Recherche Outre-Spatial de l’Aden (CROS Aden)
Aden Outer-Space Research Center (Aden OSRC): The Marawite civilization's techno-thaumaturgic knowledge exploitation and research center. Main base of the French occult space pre-programme managed by the AOOA. Destroyed in 1923 during Avalon Incident.
Armament and military strategy
Pipeau de Hamelin
Hamelin Pipe: Offensive military device that emits a lethal infrasound frequence. Gave its name to the recapture operation of the old town of Carthage by AOOA troops in september 1943. The Foundation currently possesses a copy.
Dispositif Phalange
Phalanx device: Deployable portable shield installed in a cumbersome compartment placed on the forearm. Requires a certain physical strength to be properly used. Only effective against non-anomalous small or medium-calibre ballistic shots. At first a non-conclusive project, only carried by soldiers because their hierarchy wanted it, then developped in more conclusive and effective varieties than the prototype.
Dispositif SARTRE
SARTRE Device: Portable communication system with a theoretically unlimited range, operational regardless of circumstances. Expensive to produce and single-use, it is given to important expeditions whose communication maintenance probability of success are low or even null. Initials of System of Anomalous Radio Transmission via Radiation Electrothaumaturgy.
Occult arts and thaumaturgy
Cuves allégoriques
Allegorical tank: Anomalous technology allowing the creation of a concrete allegorical entity, first developped by the Singular Imperial Academy under the Second French Empire then improved by GRU-P in the fifties.
Theomancy: Thaumaturgic practice involving ritualized exploitation of an anomalous entity's faculties. It presents a passive form (prayers, invocations, votive sacrifices, ect.) and an active form (sacrifice of the entity itself).
Archaeology and History
AltDat²: The Alternative Dating Database is a scanner specialized in the recognition of archaeological objects originate from anomalous civilizations or alternative timelines.
Fouilles d'Alexandrie-Rome//
Alexandria-Rome excavations: First anomalous archaeological excavations campaigns instigated by the Foundation in anomalous tunnels linking the ancient imperial palace of Rome and the Great Library of Alexandria. The site was the subject of 3 campaigns: Alexandria-Rome I (1926-1928), II (1928-1929), and III (1932-1935), all rich in discoveries.
Réseau C.O.R.A.I.L. (Réseau de Confinement d'Objets Religieux Antiques Inter Laboratoires)
C.O.R.A.I.L. network (The Inter-Laboratory Containment Network for Antique Religious Objects):Research platform dedicated to ancient and religous anomalous world, helping access along to latest discoveries and favouring cooperation bewteen european laboratories of the SCP Foundation. Founded in 1947 by Drs. Conrad Néobar and Josse Bade,the network regroups researchers from diverse branchs as historians, archaeologists, anthropologists, geographers, physicians, biologists of the Foundation. The International Collaboration for Antique and Religious Unusual Studies (I.C.A.R.U.S.) coordinated by the CORAIL network allowed its expansion to America, especially during the study of SCP-097-INT. The C.O.R.A.I.L. acronym must be kept in french in the text. For works created in english using the network, the I.C.A.R.U.S. can be used instead.
Truelle Antithaumique Montou
Montou Antithaumic Trowel: Trowel intended for archaeological excavation sites in esoteric environments, which allows the prevention of curses and spells attached to excavation sites, or simply surrounding residual thaumaturgic energy, affecting archaeologists.
Biology and genetics
Gène de Régénération Y du Métabolisme
Gene of Regeneration Y of Metabolism: Gene regeneration method developped by the Nazy Party in Ravensbrück during the Second World War. Despite investigations by the Foundation, no remnants of these works seems to have survived the fall of the Reich.
S.O.H.O. (Sentinelle Omniprésente Humanoïde Opérationelle)
Systemic Operational Humanoid Overwatch: Scientific project aiming to dematerialize a human consciousness in order to replicate it endlessly in other bodies.
Education and training
Journal des Sciences Cachées et Paranormales
Journal of Sciences Concealed and Paranormal: Bimonthly scientific newspaper intended for SCP Foundation personnel. Here are published articles and studies about diverse and varied (non classified) subjects, news about (non classified) current events in Foundation sites, recruitment advertisement for projects (generally non classified) and small logical thinking games, sudokus and crosswords, meant for personnel's entertainment (exclusively outside of work hours).
Programme INDIGO
Innovative Newcoming Deviant and Instructed with the Generation of the Occult: Advanced educational programme intended for gifted childrens and teenagers and/or those with anomalous abilities, under the control of the Foundation.
SCP: Television show presented by Gidéon Léophyte intended for Foundation personnel's families, and more specifically to their children. PCS serves essentially to promote security (Security Code education Program) and the integration of anomalous personnel (Supra-normal Collaboration learning Program).
Memetic and conceptual hazards
Concept-being: (noun) Sentient entity and manifestation of concepts thought by Man. Concept-beings exist due to the connections of several singular bridges (see below) like synapses. Their only way to communicate with the concrete world is by bending reality.
Psychology and mind manipulation
Syndrome de Filbuson
Filbuson syndrome: (noun) From Captain William Filbuson's name. Mental dissociation preventing the suffering person from recognizing the existence of anomalous phenomena incompatible with the accepted model of the Universe.
Échelle de Böszörményi-Nagy
Böszörményi-Nagy scale: (noun) Based on the same name psychiatrist's works allowing to evaluate a person's loyalty.
Robotics and computing
113-B: Hacked information created by the GoI Nemo and the Nautilus which randomly contaminates some Foundation programs, servers, codes and files.
CDS-I: "Computer Destruction System" or CDS-I is a computer virus created by the Foundation to affect and delete GoI data without leaving traces.
GECKO-I: Robotic unit for off-road repairs, mainly used to repair facilities near hazardous anomalies.
Projet Homonculus
Homunculus Project: Long-standing Foundation project, renewed multiple times between 1879 and 2012, aiming to transfer a human consciousness into an artificial body. Homunculus Project 2.5 eventually ended in the creation of the BN-J1 Unit.
Reality and other existence planes
Carcan de Clastre
Clastre's Constraints: (noun) Containment device allowing to limit an anomaly's Clastre Radiation, and hence the creation of other anomalies (see below).
Entité Posthume
Posthumous entity: (noun) Visible manifestation of a deceased living being's spirit.
Faviers (Fv)
Faviers (Fv): (unit) From Dr. Henri Favier's name. The unit of measurement for Clastre Radiation, measurable with a Favier-Clastre counter.
Fedruasten: (noun) Metallic material known for its rarity and the difficulty to extract it to the physical plan. Having low conductivity, it is a choice material for armatures of robotic structures because of its resistance and its modular facet. Melting point is situated to 2300 °C only, but the metal has an impressive resistance to pressure. Fedruasten is also greatly linked to non-physical plans, remaining stable in them and able to serve as support for links between different planes of existence.
Pont singulier
Singular bridge: (noun) Physical object theorised for the first time by Jean-Baptiste Ravin de Courville and Joséphine d'Hast in the Treatise on Singularity of 1777. Singular bridges would be the cause of anomalous phenomena by allowing physical interactions of a reality to influence another, where these interactions are unfamiliar and in so perceived as anomalous. This theory is nowadays defended by Dr. Firmin Valbeaugris.
Rayonnement de Clastre
Clastre Radiation: (noun) From Dr. Morgane Clastre's name who discovered it in 1993. Phenomenon influencing the nature and rate of the manifestation of anomalous phenomena, impacted by the noosphere. It is measured in Faviers (Fv).
Sertannet (St)
Sertannet (St): (unit) From Dr. Jacob Sertannet's name. Unit of measurement of normality. The higher the level of Normality of an area, the tougher its level of Reality will be to alter. A saturation point of Sertannets can lead to things being too "normal" and cause exceptions, coincidences and differences to disappear. Vice versa, a negative level of Sertannets will remove all sense of Reality and render it more and more absurd and unpredictable.
Trou de Tennenti
Tennenti hole: (noun) From Dr. Philippe Tennenti's name who theorized its existence in 1986. Resulting phenomenon of the collapse of another reality, leading to an important increase of the Humes level around the area of impact. Can be generated by entities able to bend reality to an extreme level.
Theology and demonology
Di-Hagon: Also Pen-Ghïrot (lit. "the scarified god"), fallen god of oceans in Marawite mythology. Defeated by the god Marawi and imprisoned for eternity in a cave beside the sea.
Tehatmeru: Goddess of sky and space in Marawite mythology and the god Marawi's main antagonist.
Marawi: Holder deity of the marawite civilization. God of earth, war and space-faring.
Tortana: Also Pene-Nemwi (lit. "the careful goddess"), fallen goddess of the underworld and the abyss in Marawite mythology. Submited by the god Marawi and kept secluded in her own palace.
Anémoi ou théorie des vents
Anemoi or theory of winds: ancient archaic mythology highlighted by Doctors A. Ainianos Mazarakis and F. Beth-Sheba's works (see "C.O.R.A.I.L network"), aiming to link various occult sciences, named "mysteries". The resulting Anemoi pantheon is organized according to the winds of the cardinal points, the Sun's path and the relations of exchanges between the human and demiurge space. Descriptions of divinities associated to the Anemoi pantheon originate from the "Initiation" of Andronicus Cyrrhestes (~100 BCE):
Æther: God of light and Alchemy whose arcane "Allows, within our realm, to use divine forces through our own means. He can be found in the east, where the sun is born. To call upon him, one only needs to draw the right symbols."
Hemera: Goddess of day and general thaumaturgic rituals whose arcane "Allows the exchange of wishes with the gods, at the cost of a dependency towards them. This way, they do not leave their divine realm, but are able to interact with our realm. She can be found in the south, bathed by the sun. To call upon Hemera, a request, a ritual wish, needs to be added alongside the drawings."
Erebus : God of darkness and inter-dimensional travels, whose arcane "Allows to become one with the divine realm, at the cost of a total dependency of one's body and mind. It is in the west, where the sun dies, that this arcane was born. To the drawings and wishes, Erebus adds a demand for the gift of oneself."
Nyx: Goddess of night, and memetic and antimemetic processes. "In the North where the sun never comes […] The arcane of Nyx, like her nightly kingdom, are not to be understood. […] Space does indeed exist when we close our eyes. The arcane of Nyx make us close our eyes to some features of our space."
Time travel and alternative temporalities
Sablier alaskien
Alaskan hourglass: Time travel capsule of unknow origin. For some time in possession of GRU-P, it was used once by the latter to successfully modify the course of time. Went missing along with its crew at the end of this mission, probably following a technical incident.
Autorisation de type Mitclan
Mitclan-type authorization: Specific clearance gived by a vote of the Ethics Committee authorizing personal possessing it to interact with extra-dimensional entities called "Posthumous".
Code Singulier
Singular Code: First legal code about the anomalous to have been adopted in France. After a long elaboration under the Directory then the Consulate during the French Revolution, the Singular Code was promulgated by Napoleon in 1804, following the model of the Civil Code. Its more drastic measure is to have decreed the monopoly of the State on all anomalous things, a monopoly which was relaxed at the end of the French Empire in 1815 then abolished under the July Monarchy in 1830.
Ratification Anormale des Droits de l'Homme et du Citoyen
Anomalous Ratification of the Rights of Man and the Citizen: Ratification of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen defining Anomalous Individuals' status and including them in the aforementioned Declaration. Action taken by Louis-Napoleon, Prince Imperial in 1862 making France the first nation to welcome and grant a protected status to Anomalous Individuals.
Procès de Mirmande
Mirmanda Trials: Trials of war criminals of the Seventh Occult War, carried out in 1948 in the Mirmanda city-state. Here were sentenced to death the greatest Nazi occultists (Obskuracorps, Ahnenherbe and Sonderkommandos included) captured on French territory, but also numerous officers of the National Gendastrerie who collaborated with the Nazi regime.
Protocole Crépuscule hivernal
Wintery Dusk Protocol: Vast programme of renovations of Foundation facilities aiming to make their critical sections able to resist to a potential nuclear conflict, spanning from the end of the fifties to the seventies.
Bureau de Surveillance des Individus Anormaux - BSIA
Anomalous Individuals Monitoring Bureau (AIMB): An unit tasked with finding anomalous individuals and rehabilitating them (or not) in the general society depending on their ability to endanger normalcy.
Bureau de Synchronisation des Branches Internationales - BSBI
International Branches Synchronisation Bureau (IBSB): The Administrative Department's Bureau tasked with the coordination of the various international branches of the Foundation, supervising prerogative attribution, document translation and intelligence sharing.
Cellule de Recherche pour le Déconfinement -CRD
Uncontainment Research Commitee (URD): Foundation international committee tasked with distinguishing and defining what is normal and what is anomalous. Especially involved in the reclassification process of explained anomalies.
Département de l'Écologie et du Développement Durable - DEDD
Ecology and Sustainable Development Department (ESDD): Department tasked with the limitation of pollution and Foundation energy expenses, as well as the study of SCPs polluting the environment and the implementation of their containment procedures.
Département de Censure et de Désinformation - DCD
Disinformation and Censorship Department - DCD: Department tasked with the censorship and falsification of testimonies about anomalous phenomena in order to prevent the civilian population from discovering the existence of the Foundation and SCPs.
Département de Recherche Ésotérique et Occulte - DREO
Occult and Esoteric Research Department (OERD): Department dedicated to the study of anomalous phenomena from the angle of occult practices.
Département des Théories Fondamentales
Fundamental Theory Department: Subdivision of the Scientific Department aiming to explain anomalous phenomena by a fundamental and systematic approach.
Division des Relations d'Intérêt
Relations of Interest Division: Subdivision of the External Affairs Department whose purpose is the direction of diplomatic relations with other GoIs or PoIs (negociation, hostage crises, conflict defusing…). On a global scale, this division is responsible for the peaceful communications related to the interests of the Foundation.
Observatoire des Corrélations Anormales et Socio-Culturelles - OCASC
Anomalous and Socio-Cultural Correlations Observatory (ASCCO): Small organisation dating back to the late 19th century tasked with the evaluation and analysis of correlations between the evolution of cultural and social practices and the emergence of new anomalies, whether man-made or not.
The Humanist Gentlemen/Gentilshommes Humanistes
Jean-Baptiste Ravin de Courville: (1740-1793?) Founder of the Humanist Gentlemen. After the Seven Years' War (1756-1763) — during which he fought and met with the anomalous for the first time — he hosted, along with the Baron d'Holbach, a high-society salon with a great reputation in the occult world, which would become the Gentilshommes. Distancing himself from the Revolution, he disappeared in 1793.
Joséphine d'Hast: (1742-1793?) "Co-founder" of the Humanist Gentlemen. Brilliant mathematician, heiress to a family of the nobility, she is also De Courville's lover, with whom she wrote the Treaty on Singularity. She disappeared along with him in 1793.
Baptiste Hamelin: Central figure of the Humanist Gentlemen under the Empire, he is considered one of the heirs of De Courville. After the schism of the Gentlemen due to the coup d'état of 18th Brumaire (November 9, 1799), he represents the party endorsing Bonaparte and sits in the Constituent Council of the Singular Imperial Academy until its dissolution.
Alexandre de Berriot: Gentleman especially active during the Revolution, and close to the "Enragés" (Enraged). After the schism due to the coup d'état of 18th Brumaire, he led the republican Gentlemen and those opposed to Bonaparte into exile in London.
Principality of Mittelheim
Reigning Margraves
Otto I von Nordensöhn: (1768 - 1820) Margrave of Mittelheim from 1799 to 1820, he secured the independence of his country in 1805 under the Treaty of Presburg in exchange for his loyalty to the Emperor of the French Napoleon I. Disappointed by the latter following a territorial arbitration in favour of the kingdom of Bavaria, he betrayed Napoleon upon his return from Elba by joining the forces of the Seventh Coalition.
Otto II von Nordensöhn : (1859 - 1909) Last official reigning Margrave of Mittelheim, he ruled his country from 1902 to 1909. In 1908, he rebelled against Emperor Wilhelm II and seceded from the German Empire. An excellent strategist but a rough and unscrupulous soldier, his army committed numerous exactions in Bavaria, notably in Munich, which he razed to the ground after putting its population to the bayonet. His actions eventually led Emperor Wilhelm II to order the annihilation of the principality by the Kaiserliches Paranormal Einrichtung (KPE) through the use of the OSI "Lightning of Marawi".
1909 - 1965: Political situation unknown
Wilhelmine II von Neuprinz: (? - 1992) Presumed to be the first reigning margravine since the disappearance of Mittelheim, she is said to have ruled her country from 1965 to 1992. Her existence has still not been proven as of today.
Rudolf V von Neuprinz: (? - today) Presumed to be the current reigning margrave of Mittelheim, he is said to have succeeded his grandmother Wilhelmine in 1992. His existence has still not been proven as of today.
Notable members
Chris Thoriz: Member of the Reims lodge and owner of a jubilee, he is the greatest contributor to the establishment of the JASPE (see "GoI vernacular").
In addition to the contributions of its members, SAPPHIRE is also funded by several secretive dynasties of patrons, most of which can be traced back to its founding.
Faustil: Dynasty residing in Switzerland, the source of their immense fortune is murky. Some speculations imply that the Faustil are Neo-Sarkites or part of a cult orienting SAPPHIRE to serve its interests, a hypothesis which has never been confirmed.
- Armàn Faustil (1948-today): Current heir of the Faustil dynasty, living secluded in a luxurious villa in Basel. Deaf and blind as a result of an accident, he is also a renowned numismatist.
Silverstein: Dynasty of scholars and industrialists based on the East Coast of the United States, especially in New York, at least since the 30s. Its members include:
- Patrick V. Silverstein (1898-1959): Chief of the New York Lodge, he played a major role as a representative of SAPPHIRE within the OCC and in instigating its exit from the latter organization in 1953.
- Éric Silverstein (1985-aujourd'hui): Owner of the publishing firm ██████, he supervised the intellectual production of the French lodges and published the writings of their theoreticians.
Veröff: Dynasty of German industrialists that earned their fortune from nuclear energy during the 50s and 70s. Even though there are several leads suggesting that they secretly funded several lodges, there has been no evidence of this as of today.
Singular Imperial Academy
Édouard Auguste de Camecruzac (1743-1819): Director of the Singular Academy (1799-1804) and then of the Singular Imperial Academy (1804-1815). After taking part in various revolutionary occult commissions, he was involved in the drafting of the Singular Code under the Directory. Fervently Bonapartist, he supported the coup d'état of 18th Brumaire and remained in office until the Restoration.
The Aberdeen Pack
Heathermoor: Main line of the family and owners of the Denselgren Castle. Considered de facto as the legitimate leaders of the Pack, but this opinion seems to be highly contested by the other branches of the family.
- Alastor Heathermoor (? - today): Current head of the Heathermoor clan, never leaves Denselgren Castle except for hunting parties. Seems to have an anomalous physionomy, possibly due to crossbreeding with a non-human species.
- Kenneth Heathermoor (1968 - today): Half-brother of Alastor and public figure of the Heathermoor clan. In charge of hunting down and disposing of the remaining entities of Site-Yod in the context of the Danflamme Protocol.
Ducasse: French line of the Pack whose origins trace back to the Scottish immigrations of the XVIth century. Its members are widely spread throughout the Hexagon, but their family stronghold is the Vestillet Mansion, in the Drôme department.
- Henri Ducasse (1975 - today): Current head of the Ducasse line. Alchemist of worldwide renown whose services are regularly used by the Marshall, Carter & Dark club and the mercenary group Primordial.