Dr. Grym's Journal 04/24/2014
Today, with Heiteira and ██████, we did some research on 343, just to measure the different physical values that changed when we were near him, you know, routine work, just to see what allowed him to do whatever he wanted with space, etc…
We noticed a couple of odd things, but nothing unusual.
Must say that when you work with SCPs, the abnormal in small doses becomes the normal.
However, as I was removing the last electrodes from 343, he said something to me… something that Heiteira and ██████ couldn't hear, they were already leaving.
"You are still looking for the anomalies in the equation."
It was quite a change from his usual speeches, really intriguing. No matter how hard I tried to get him to talk a little more, he remained as silent as a tombstone, and when I became too insistent, he teleported me to my office.
What the hell did he mean?
I've heard SCPs talking, saying all kinds of nasty things about murders and rituals and other dimensions and… whatever. But it was totally out of 343's usual behavior. Maybe I should report it to the Site Director… Or not. That bastard Our admirable director turned down yet another funding request for my research.
I must be imagining things. In any case, I have work to do. Some Class D moron tried to open the door of the 006-FR storage room again during an experiment, and I won't tell you what a mess it was.
Dr. Grym's Journal 04/25/2014
We got a new item today. If you can say it like that.
This thing just appeared in one of the Site's cells. The 113-B cell, to be precise. Some kind of big cubic machine, two meters on each side, with a touch screen and all that crap. A kind of ultra powerful computer at first sight, even if apart from its appearance, we didn't notice any anomalies.
We'll begin the tests on it tomorrow, with Frog.
Otherwise, I stashed Neremsa's cigars.
Let's see how long it takes him to find them.
Dr. Grym's Journal 04/26/2014
Wow, this thing that magically appeared is going to come in handy.
Frog called it "The Great Calculator" until we assign it a number.
This thing can calculate all the forces and chemical reactions in a desired area of space at a desired time.
Roughly speaking, this thing can predict the future, just type in the coordinates and the desired time. Then you have to interpret the numbers that the machine gives you, it takes time, but we set up the machine so that it tells us in clear words, it took the guys from the IT service all morning.
We started with some pretty "simple" stuff, even though none of the Foundation's computers would be able to do it, like knowing which square of the English roulette wheel hidden in Agent Neremsa's office the ball was going to land on.
And the thing was right every time; too bad we can't take it out, considering its size, it would be useful to me at the casino.
We're going to start testing on larger time frames and spaces tomorrow.
Ah, and obviously Neremsa was quick to find out who stole his belongings. Or maybe he sent me a burst of machine-gun for some other reason. Go figure.
Dr. Grym's Journal 04/27/2014
I understood what 343 meant.
The equation.
We. The world.
It came to mind when we started testing the Great Calculator.
I guess it's not a coincidence that we got that thing back two days after the ol' man told me.
Years of running around and dealing with SCPs quickly taught me paranoia and that there is no such thing as a coincidence.
When we entered the calculation positions on the English roulette, the thing displayed an endless Newtonian mechanics equation, and the solution. I didn't realize it right away.
And that's when it hit me. The ol' man was talking about the equation, he was talking about all of us. About the universe.
After all, we are only atoms, and our universe is built of them; we are ruled by the laws of physics.
So, technically speaking, the universe can be summed up in an equation.
And don't piss me off with free will. We don't have that. Our brain is a system made of atoms too. And so the interactions that take place there can be summarized by an equation. Free will doesn't exist, we're just robots whose technology is ultra advanced and who update themselves. Ah, biology…
The great equation, that was the universe.
Anomalies, SCPs, things that were outside the laws of physics.
But if these things exist, it is because someone introduced them. Someone outside our universe.
These things could not have formed by themselves, since they are foreign to the laws of our Universe; they must come from elsewhere.
And if this person could have created these anomalies that are the SCPs, he could also have created the mother equation in which they come to mess up. Our Universe.
Damn, I think I found something bigger than the Foundation. I'll have to check it on the Great Calculator tomorrow. See if there's a mother code that governs the universe.
Dr. Grym's Journal 04/28/2014
I knew it, there's something wrong.
We're used to certain restrictions on experiments from the Site Directors, which is normal, since we're handling some pretty dangerous stuff, or even for "ethical" reasons.
But this time.
Today O5-1 has arrived.
He has strictly forbidden any new experiment on the Great Calculator. Under penalty of death.
And they plan to destroy the machine soon.
Why do they want to hide the mother code? I can only think of the following explanation for this decision.
They know.
Dr. Grym's Journal 05/01/2014
I have defied the ban, I now know that this code exists. A titanic equation that describes our universe. I asked the Great Calculator for it and it gave it to me. But there is no way to record it, even the Foundation's server wouldn't hold up.
So we are only a simulation.
We do not exist, and the SCPs are anomalies that show us that this Universe is false.
They prove that our Universe is not logical, not stable, we must be a beta version, something like that, they want us to know.
Why else would 343 have led me down this path? I know he sent the Great Calculator, I can feel it. He wanted to show me this.
And where do the O5 fit into this? They created the Foundation to hide SCPs from the world. Oh Lord. Those sons of bitches know what it really is.
And if they're hiding it, they're part of the organizers of this big mess.
Who are the guys who put this together anyway? Some "gods" who created a matrix for testing?
We know thanks to SCPs that other universes exist. We are perhaps only one matrix out of millions, blocked in a kind of divine server, and from time to time an anomaly occurs, and connects two matrices.
But who causes these anomalies? Some kind of ultimate hacker? What's the point of doing this?
I don't understand anything anymore.
I don't think I should have found out.
But there's no turning back now.
If there is an equation to define the Universe, there must be another one, parasitic of the first one, which explains the anomalies, the SCPs, which shows us how they are created. And maybe how to stop them.
I'm getting closer to the goal, but first I'll have to get closer to the Great Calculator. Again.
Dr. Grym's Journal 05/15/2014
I used the big calculator on some SCPs. By the way, I felt like I was losing my life when two guards passed by.
Two days before they destroyed the object.
And I found it.
Whole lines of code describing factors common to SCPs, in unknown values, describing laws of physics not occurring in this universe.
Yes, I found it. The equation that rules the anomalies.
Something that is 10 terabytes long.
After all the fake 001 proposals I was expecting something really big. Clef's fire angel, Gears's alien-type thing.
Yes, I've stuck my nose in there, and I'm not the only one.
But in the end, 001 is nothing but a fucking string of numbers.
With that we could predict the creation of upcoming SCPs. Holy shit.
Dr. Grym's Journal 05/21/2014
I weighed the pros and cons.
I have fifteen of the most powerful amnestics available.
I'm going to send an encrypted copy of the journal to the central data bank, safely stashed away somewhere. Just in case someone smart enough has more balls than I do.
What would be the point of that. I could try to unravel the equation, but the guys who created this have two values to change in their software to make the earth flat. I can't fight it.
Besides, I prefer to think like I used to, without telling myself that I'm a puppet.
I created fake pages in the journal that I've already replaced. I'm going to swallow all these little pills, and see what happens.
I guess that's what they expect me to do, because otherwise, considering what they're capable of doing, I would have been dead a long time ago if I had chosen to do it differently.
If only I had the choice.
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"Dr. Grym's Proposal" originally published on Fondation SCP by Dr Grym and translated by macro_au_micro, from SCP International. Source: https://scpint.org/proposition-du-dr-grym. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
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