Nico's Proposal


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Item #: SCP-ES-9999-EX

Object Class: Explained

Special Containment Procedures: N/A

Description: SCP-ES-9999-EX is a phenomenon affecting the SCP Foundation, whose process results in the creation of additional entries in the SCP database that lack the «ES» tag normally required to register an SCP object. This has caused a level of confusion among staff, as SCP-173 and SCP-ES-173 are not the same anomaly despite possessing the same designation, save for the tag. Attempting to add the tag will result in its removal within one to three weeks. The process by which this happens remains unknown.

Although most SCP-ES-9999-EX instances lack a tag, it has been observed that some have a tagging system similar to the one used by ISO 639-1 code, which indicates a two-letter abbreviation for each language, e.g. RU (Russia), KO (Korea), JP (Japan), etc.

Although originally believed to be anomalous, RAISA has since stated a program to facilitate knowledge of the origin of the anomaly in which a tag has been applied.







  • computer
  • concept
  • document
  • es
  • explained
  • language
  • scp
  • self-replicating

page revision: 88, last edited: 18 Mar 2019, 13:49 (2 days ago)
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