The modified rating modules were made for the Chinese branch and were adapted for the INT branch by Jochoi.
Special thanks to the following people:
Boyu12 for method to avoid displaying error message in sentiment bar when total page vote is 0
W Asriel for suggestion to integrate sentiment bar into rating module
Note: The modified modules with sentiment bar integrated requires refreshing of the page to update the rating ratio.
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Sentiment bar body
Within [[include…]], you may delete or use arguments according to your needs.
[[include :scp-int:ratemod:sentimentbar-arguments lang=en | uper=0.55 | nper=0 | dper=0.45 | width=300px | theme=ytp-like]]
In action:
lang: Optional. Description text for when the page has no votes. Defaulted to "en".
uper: Optional. Desired portion of upvotes in terms of decimals or fraction not exceeding 1, default is number of upvotes divided by total number of votes of the current page.
dper: Optional. Desired portion of downvotes in terms of decimals or fraction not exceeding 1, default is number of downvotes divided by total number of votes of the current page.
nper: Optional. Desired portion of novotes in terms of decimals or fraction not exceeding 1, default is 0.
width: Optional. Width of the sentiment bar, default is 200px for en.
theme: Optional. Color theme for the sentiment bar. Default is "greengreyred". Predefined themes are as following:
User-defined themes can be achieved through the following css code:
Rating module with sentiment bar:
Replace [[module rate]] with [[include ratemod:sentimentbar]]. Parameter lang and theme are optional, but lang is defaulted to en.
[[include :scp-int:ratemod:sentimentbar lang=en | theme=ytp-like]]
In action:
theme: Same as the description above.
Credit module with sentiment bar:
Replace [[include credit:start]] with [[include ratemod:sentimentbar-credit:start]]. Parameter theme is optional.
[[include :scp-int:ratemod:sentimentbar-credit:start lang=en | theme=ytp-like]]
[[include :scp-int:credit:otherwise]]
More information
[[include :scp-int:credit:end]]In action:
More information
More information
[[div_ class="foldable-list-container"]]
[[include :scp-int:ratemod:sbar-adapter-{$lang}]]