Item #: SCP-011-PT
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-011-PT must be guarded and studied only by male personnel during its active period; during its inactive period, the research and security teams may include personnel from any gender; exceptions to this rule must be protocoled immediately.
The area where SCP-011-PT is located has been defined as a Permanent Environment Protection Zone taken care of by a private company serving as a facade for the Foundation. Members of the containment team of SCP-011-PT must refer to the protocols contained in the document Fleurs-de-Lys et amour.
The location, responsible personnel, equipment, and structures associated with the creation, and accommodation of hybrid instances of SCP-011-PT must be related to the current research director for recurrent investigations.
Due to the nature of SCP-011-PT-4, the Foundation will maintain contact with the major organizations responsible for astronomical research, officially documenting the anomaly in the event of the occurrence of these observable phenomena. Should future tests be requested, extra protocols of containment and disinformation will be developed according to the necessities.
Description: SCP-011-PT is a hydric perennial extension of clear waters, measuring ~60m², ~2.5m and ~1.2m of depth in its maximum, and minimum points, located in the Amazon Rainforest. Species of Victoria amazonica can be observed over its surface: SCP-011-PT-1-A and SCP-011-PT-1-B denotes its leaves and its flowers1, respectively.
- SCP-011-PT possesses an active period, denominated SCP-011-PT-2, occurring between the months of March and July. During an SCP-011-PT-2 event, any female individual that rests over the frozen area created by SCP-011-PT-1-A will disappear, by unknown means, intermittently until the end of July, thus being designated an instance of SCP-011-PT-3.
- Individuals designated SCP-011-PT-3 display several relevant elementary behavioural, emotional, and habitual (inter and intra-personal relationships) changes in ~92% of the cases observed after experiencing SCP-011-PT-2; these changes are relevant when compared to their personality profiles previous to the event.2
- SCP-011-PT-4 is a celestial body that will appear in the immediate proximity of the terrestrial Moon like a sub-satellite; an instance of this object forms itself spontaneously after individual SCP-011-PT-3 experiences during an SCP-011-PT-2 event. SCP-011-PT-4 is a temporary observable phenomenon that ends at the end of July, coinciding with the reappearance of SCP-011-PT-3 instances.
SCP-011-PT-1-A are visually identical to its common counterparts3, capable of supporting 200kg of weight over their surfaces. During an event SCP-011-PT-2, these instances excrete a sheet of black ice (its chemical composition corresponding to the juice extracted from 1-B) over the water, in a radius of 1.5 metres from its borders with ~2 centimetres of thickness. The temperature of the substance ranges from -10 ºC, to -20 ºC, suffering natural melting under environmental temperatures or external disruptions in the morning; during the night, it is self-preserved.
SCP-011-PT-1-B are water lilies that exude a sweet fragrance and bloom only during the active period of SCP-011-PT, displaying an azure incandescence not corresponding to its natural white and/or pink pigmentation, possessing temperatures that range from 0 ºC to -10 ºC. These instances do not attract Cyclocephala castaneda species (pollinator beetles).4
During SCP-011-PT-2 the specular reflexion from the water's surface is notably clearer, and incandescent as it reflects celestial bodies during the night (from 18 hours to 6 hours in the fuse GMT-4), being the interval in which the anomalous activities intensify. This specular effect will occur independently of the current weather conditions.5
Instances of SCP-011-PT-3 interviewed report experiences resembling the REM state of sleep during the periods of March and July; their descriptions can be generalized as an "invigorating night of respite", with the quality presented in their evaluations being increasing exponentially to the time they experienced abducted by the anomaly.
After this interim, the individual will reappear resting over one of the present lily pads in SCP-011-PT, their physical state unchanged, wearing, and carrying the belongings which they possessed before disappearing.
Despite being observable, physical indicators of the existence of SCP-011-PT-4 instances, excluding the approximate geographical point of their presence, cannot be asserted even though the object displays similar characteristics, like the emission of light, and a chemical composition similar to a star. It does not possess its own gravity, nor has it an impact in a tangible manner correspondent in scale to the event of a star suddenly appearing somewhere.
Addendum 011-PT-α: Excerpt of the documentation, and relevant changes after an event SCP-011-PT-2.
Individuals display an extraordinary increase in their perception related to their psycho-physical self-image, and self-esteem in a positive manner;
Positive aspirations related to activities involving social relationships;
An inclination for personal development;
Increase of empathic romantic-affective feelings related to objects of affection, not obstant to the gender of the individual;
Increased interest in the development of a varied skillset;
- In certain individuals exhibiting Dysthymia, the pathological state is reduced drastically.
Moreover, SCP-011-PT-3 instances display memories of an event without precedents or concrete registers, acting as inveiglement for the trigger of those relevant changes. This event is reported as being something profoundly significative for the individual, manifesting itself in an artistic/ludic manner, normally in a situation related to their daily life.6 These memories have the following characteristics in common:
- The presence of a metaphorical entity;
- The presence of an element that is: admirable, irresistible, and/or unattainable;
- The presence of an ambition for establishing concrete relationships between the metaphorical entities (in certain cases including SCP-011-PT-3);
- The presence of an element of significant sacrifice (deliberate or forceful) in a tangible, or intangible manner performed to affect the union between the relevant entities;
- The presence of a mediative bias for that trigger;
- The presence of one/many allegories;
- The presence of symbols (such as fauna, and flora) related to the night, celestial bodies, and hydric bodies.
Interviewer: Dr. Martins
Interviewed: D-01121
Foreword: D-01121 participated in tests with SCP-011-PT 1.6 years before this interview. D-01121 has been convicted for 20 years due to her participation in a cannabis traffic gang, as a transporter.
[Begin Log]
Dr. Martins: Do you feel like you had any general, or significative change in your life, during these years since you've travelled to the Amazon?
D-01121: Uh, I don't know, doctor. Other than reading, and going to the gym, I don't know, I think I'm more tranquil, in general. Since then I've been feeling more optimistic about being imprisoned, and everything else, after I comply with my sentence I'll try to stay in line. [pause] Did I answer that right?
Dr. Martins: Did you, by any chance, feel any type of inspiration, something that encouraged you with these tasks?
D-01121: Look, being imprisoned in here sucks, right, if you just stop, your mind kills you. I don't know, if I need to say what made me uh, go to the gym more, I'd say that it is because of those girls from Sector 7.
D-01121: I dunno what you guys put in their dinners that gives them those arms bigger than my head. I'm serious, doctor, give me that thing, too. I know I'm already great because like, look at this butt; although I'd accept becoming a Frankenstein to gain those massive arms. [laugh]
Dr. Martins: I understand. You mentioned before something about 'reading more', has it been encouraged by something else?
D-01121: Um. Not that I remember, it is not like I woke up one day, and thought "What a beautiful day, today I'll stop being such a sucker".
D-01121: No, wait, there has been something, yes. I don't remember when but I started remembering quite a lot about when I had about 14, I think, I was listening to the radio in the balcony while I swept for my grandma, and then a sort of MPB7 music started playing, from a singer with a shy voice.
D-01121: The music was about her trying to talk with an owl, saying that she was going to sing in every existent language until the owl responded but nothing worked, and, she ends up screaming so much, so much in sadness, that she ends up without her voice. So, right in the ending of the music, the little bird answers her and teaches her how to whistle, and it ends with the two whistling together.
D-01121: There was a verse like, "Little owl, my friend, when I saw you I fell in love, Hello, Bonjour, Entschuldigung. But you pretend to not see me, do not answer me, doesn't even care". I remembered these parts with foreign words in the music, and I just dunno, I felt like learning more stuff, in general.
Dr. Martins: Do you remember the name of the music, singer, or the radio station?
D-01121: Sheesh, I wish, every time I try to remember it my mind goes blank. I think I've already asked everyone that I told about the music but I dunno, might've not stuck back then. I don't remember having heard it more than once.
D-01121: Ah, doctor, about that thing of inspiration, I should've told about Marcela, too.
Dr. Martins: Marcela?
D-01121: Yes.
D-01121: You know, doctor, I wasn't literate when I was a child. I had to work in parents’ houses since I was young, so parents became bosses, bosses became the thing with the weed, you know the deal.
D-01121: I joked before saying I was a sucker, but like, I've never felt lesser than anyone who had gone to school. My grandma always said that being smart comes from living, you know, sweating, and learning with hardship, and that's how I learnt how to — how to do things, talking, and listening. I know I'm smarter than some ma'ams that haven't been humiliated ever, never scrubbed the floor with a toothbrush so they wouldn't starve.
D-01121: But staying here, and in the other sector, I've met lots of people, people that gave the desire of becoming more realized, more open-minded. Do you know that girl, sort of slender, from the 4, with glasses? So, she's Marcela. She's my best friend.
D-01121: I've known her for a year, sort of. When she arrived here she had already gone through 10 years but she came alone, didn't talk with other people, that kind of thing.
D-01121: So, I saw her by herself, and I dunno, I felt like approaching, take the first step that nobody took. And like, we had a basic chit-chat but she was at another level, she tried to talk about some books that she read because she went a lot to the library, a real lot, but I always got so nervous about those philosophical things, that I would start laughing, and I'd say: "Fuck, Marcela, talk in my language, gal!" [laughter]
D-01121: But like, I didn't want to get away from her, you know.
D-01121: I think that her life story is really touching. She went through a lot of heavy stuff during her life, had to do some stuff for some weird people but ended up addicted to crack, and got busted. Said she was so desperate that she tried to rob a market with a fishmonger, and ended cutting off the finger of a guard, crazy. She tries to talk with her son in Bahia, he must be, like, 25 years already but he doesn't answer, it makes her very sad.
D-01121: [pause] You know that story about the fishmonger, she tells about it laughing but when you know her for real, you can see she is very ashamed of that. I think a lot of the girls here that keep bragging about stealing that guy and killing that other guy have a hidden burden, in their soul, really, that they are too ashamed to admit to God.
D-01121: But then, I didn't want to leave her excluded again just because we didn't understand each other right, eh. So, one day I told her, "Fuck, gal, what if I enroll in that preparatory course that they host here? Then I'd understand what you say and everything".
D-01121: I was expecting her to laugh at my face but she got really excited. Kept saying she would help me, would test everything I learnt, and you know, it was a great help. By myself, I already did a fucking lot, but she gave me a lot of moral. Managed to get my degree in 10 months, I read everything, argued complex stuff with Marcela, and the other people in the library. Since I got educated, I feel a much more realized woman, more like a warrior.
Dr. Martins: That's great, You seem to admire Marcela a great deal.
D-01121: Talking like that so it seems [laughter]. Being sincere, I am a bit reserved when it comes to expressing myself but I tell her, right at her face, that she is a great fuckin' woman because it is true! She doesn't tell me how much longer she'll be here but I told her "Gal, if I get out before, I swear to you that'll wait for you out there" because I want to help her talk with her boy, with her little bird in Bahia. And if it doesn't work, I'll support her in any way I can because I want to help her step up in life, keep her clean, those things. Maybe even live together so we can keep an eye on each other, share a little apartment. I believe I owe her that, support her like she supported me.
[End Log]
Interviewer: Dr. Álvarez
Interviewed: Ms. Ramos
Foreword: In order to collect results regarding the effects of -3 on individuals without previous illegal activities, researchers of 011-PT were authorized to announce discounts for experimental hydrotherapies (as a facade company) in newsletters to recruit subjects to participate willingly in experiments. Information and relevant records can be found in the document Operation: OpenAqua Amazon.
[Begin Log]
Dr. Álvarez: Do you feel like you have had any general, or significant change in your life, in the last years since you've travelled to Amazon?
Ms. Ramos: Girl, it has been such a while, I believe my life has changed completely. You - could you help me? Ask something more precise, about my career, house. So, my memories can flow better.
Dr. Álvarez: Is there any point, as in, any moment that you can define as the beginning of that "complete change" that occurred in your life?
Ms. Ramos: Let me think… [pause] I think it was when… [pause] No, it was before if I think about it well enough. I believe it started when I began thinking a lot about a painting I saw in a thrift store.
Dr. Álvarez: Painting?
Ms. Ramos: The painting was somewhat Rococo, like, with two ladies… you couldn't see their faces but they were ladies. One of them, in the front of the painting, was sideways with her face turned back, her hand appearing in the frame, cutting her hair really short, by her ear. So, while she does that, another lady — she kissed the other lady, in front of her, as she puts her hand in the face of the first. You can't quite see the kiss, but like, all that pose isn't of someone kissing the cheek, at least for me.
Ms. Ramos: These ladies, they were pretty. Dark skin like me and you but the one behind had an aura, a white light around her head like those depictions of saints. The one in front was dressed in a suit with a brilliant effect, it resembled stars. Their faces didn't appear quite right but I felt that they were smiling.
Dr. Álvarez: It is a really beautiful painting, I imagine.
Ms. Ramos: Yeah. I think I saw that picture when I was about 15, around there, but only these years after the travel I remembered how beautiful it was. A very sympathetic man told me once that good art is that which inspires you, that touches us, humans… that's what I feel for that picture, it's like it spoke to me, you know. [pause] It told me that women can do those things, know, that they can like each other in that way.
Ms. Ramos: Did you know that, doctor? I believe there are a lot of people that don't even think about it, at least not the people I spoke with at first.
Dr. Álvarez: I believe that there still exists a certain taboo about relationships of these types, sadly. Would you like to talk about these conversations, with those individuals?
Ms. Ramos: I can try, I don't know if you'll understand because there are some things that give context the whole story, at least for the particular motive for me thinking like that. And I don't know if you - if you wanna hear about that. A lot of people that I spoke with kept looking at me as if I was crazy, so I don't know if I should talk, even if you're a professional, and everything else.
Dr. Álvarez: Well, you can trust that I'll deal with any sensitive information in the most professional, and comprehensive manner possible.
Ms. Ramos: Alright then, I'll try. [pause] I was abused when I was younger - when I had about 7. My stepfather, a disgraceful man, disgusting, drunk, that beat women without pity, he abused me. Never did it directly, you know. But he touched me, doctor. He stunk, never stopped stinking. I swear, I swear to you, I'll never forget that heinous man, he was the pure essence of Satan but at that time, I wasn't conscious of it. I thought I had made something wrong for him to do that to me. That I was a tainted woman, being punished by the Lord.
Ms. Ramos: So I spoke with my mother. I told my mother I felt dirty. I don't want to see your husband again, mother, I want to be locked. I don't want them looking at me, mother, I'll become a nun, I'll dedicate myself to the Lord alone. Mother heard me that day, and thanks to God she found a place for us to live in a small rented house owned by my fraternal aunt. I felt a little better then but I still felt suffocated due to hardships, I started to sleep sitting so I wouldn't wake in the middle of my sleep with the demon inside my head.
Dr. Álvarez: I am sorry that you have experienced all that. Would you like a cup of water?
Ms. Ramos: No doctor, it's alright, that's my life. I learnt to accept that it is my story. I just have to accept it, and not let it stay on my way anymore.
Ms. Ramos: Alright then, so, my life kept going, I was growing up in the church with others telling me I'd find a good man to take the sadness from my heart but — I felt terrorized with the prospect of marriage, with lying with a man. A year ago, I think, I believe that I grew tired of locking that feeling inside my head, so I went to talk with the other girls from the church, to know if anyone else felt cornered like that, and if marrying really helped.
Ms. Ramos: Two ladies that I talked with told me that ah, it was just like that, we accept those things for our husbands because that's right, that's a good woman. But there were two other girls - my friends Claudete, and Luana — they told me no, that they were scared, too, because they saw their mothers having a hard time, and they didn't want that to them because they wouldn't want to become housewives. But we didn't want to stray away from the Lord.
Ms. Ramos: I told them that I had seen a beautiful picture a long time ago, with two women together. Wouldn't it be great if we could love, marry without needing rotten people in our life? Ah, doctor, they kept laughing but I was serious. They kept saying: "Oh, I wouldn't, Gisele, that is weird, there's no such thing as a woman with another woman, no, take a step back". I got quite angry with them laughing at me so I went to talk with my mother during that same day.
Ms. Ramos: I told her about the conversation, and then said: so, I saw the painting, and so on, so doesn't it mean it is allowed? And she answered, no, God didn't plan that for you, we'll talk with the priest. And I felt extreme indignation because, how come? I've been told my whole life — that I was loved by the Lord, I followed His word to my 22 years, and now my mother says in front of me that I wasn't doing what He planned for me? Oh no. I got the courage, and told like this: "ah, mother, I am certain that God loves me, and that's what He wants for me, and if I'm only able to lay with women, that's His plan for my life!"
Ms. Ramos: Look, doctor, you should've seen her face when I said that, I think it was the first that I raised my voice for her in my entire life. She screamed in tandem: "if it is like that then you can take your belongings out of this house since I don't want my daughter mingling with women!" [laughter] I don't know, doctor, it suddenly made me want to challenge her, so I said: "Alright then", and started packing my things.
Ms. Ramos: You know, back then I thought that it was true if I wanted to mingle because I didn't even know what it meant but I felt that I had to do that due to my love for the Lord. I had much more certainty that He wanted me to do that, to own my own life.
Ms. Ramos: Outside home, I quickly got employed taking care of a seigniory from the church that still liked me, and she allowed me to live in her place to help. My mother spread the word that she did not have a daughter anymore and pushed me away from the church but I still spoke with Claudete, and Luana by my telephone, and we tried to see each other in the weekend in the square next there.
Ms. Ramos: While I live with Ms. Célia she allowed me to use her computer to spend the time, study something, and I searched more about everything, for people that liked women, to make sure I was actually sure. [laughter] My eyes widened with some of the things I accessed by mistake but I knew I had the curiosity to learn about those things because of my age!
Ms. Ramos: I commented about those things with my friends, and they got a little afraid, sometimes they said that I had to bless myself, so I answered "no, the world is like that, guys, and I think that I'm like that, too, and I won't lay with any men, I decided". I knew they thought I was quite weird because of those chats but they had the same curiosity that I had, and that's why they didn't stop talking with me. Anyways, one day Luana kissed me, saying that she wanted to see if it was actually good.
Ms. Ramos: I didn't tell her that it was my first kiss with a woman, and I felt a little afraid. She sort of stopped talking with me after that but I think she figured out that it wasn't for her… I cried a lot for days until I got the courage to join these forums that I messed around, to talk. The women I found helped me a lot.
Ms. Ramos: They helped me learn more about life as if they were second mothers. With them, I got my license, worked in a hotel, and then in a restaurant, rented a nice house. Met personally some of the ladies in one of the bars in the city, they were from the church, like me; we became friends and even made our own group for prayers. We started to dress differently, cutting our hair, wearing trousers, shorts, we had a lot of fun with the things the church said we couldn't do but we knew that God would accept us if we were happy.
Ms. Ramos: So, about 3 months ago my Mother found me, and wanted to apologise. So I forgave her, of course, but I didn't come back home… now I felt free for real, you know?
Ms. Ramos: In the past, I think that at that moment that I left home, and followed my own path, with my own faith, I didn't feel I was close to the Lord. Now I felt that in the depth of my heart, wearing men clothes, having intimacy with women like me. I didn't want to stray away from God again, feel dirty. So, I follow this path now, and… I'm happy, even if there are people that see me with crooked eyes, swearing, spitting on me. I love myself, and I know God loves me, too.
[End Log]
Interviewer: Dr. Martins
Interviewed: Junior Researcher Vieira
Foreword: A proposal regarding the possibility of evaluating the effects of SCP-011-PT-3 in individuals with previous knowledge about the expected behavioral changes, and whether this knowledge would result in effects related to those commonly registered. Once approved, an experiment was conducted with the assistance of voluntary personnel, relocated to activities not related to SCP-011-PT. Junior Researcher Vieira was granted access to 011-PT's documentation, and was observed during the period of one year.
[Begin Log]
Dr. Martins: Do you remember the details regarding SCP-011-PT?
Junior Researcher Vieira: Yes, I checked the archives on a weekly basis.
Dr. Martins: Do you think that SCP-011-PT could have influenced any particular decision of your life, unconsciously or consciously?
Junior Researcher Vieira: Maybe, maybe not. I mean, there was that thing about an allegory but I don't think that it ends up being—
Dr. Martins: My apologies but could you report that allegory, specifically? For the record.
Junior Researcher Vieira: It was a miniseries about a nurse helping subversive groups during the Military Intervention, the plot being about them having conflicting reasons about what is right or not. Is the plot relevant for something? What you wanna know is if I had some type of epiphany, if I became a lesbian out of the blue, something like that, no?
Dr. Martins: We want to know if you feel any significant change in your life and if that change has been provided by SCP-011-PT.
Junior Researcher Vieira: But to what degree can we define this as something anomalous? The implementation of an artificial memory is an obvious anomaly, of course, but the influence of the memories by themselves is something that could be noticed with any type of significant event in the life of a woman, right? Or — anyone, really.
Dr. Martins: Well. Despite perceiving those tendencies as a component of the anomaly, we never affirmed that it was something anomalous by itself. You know that, as scientists, we have the obligation to cite facts that may or may not be relevant to our research.
Junior Researcher Vieira: Yes, I understand. But really, do you think that… that it can happen with anything else, any type of memory that created an impact in your thought process? About life, love.
Junior Researcher Vieira: I mean, think about your aspirations when you were a kid. Have you never met someone, or watched a movie, or something akin that made you think: "well, I want to be… I don't know, a veterinary. Well, there are so many people that die due to cancer, I wanna become a scientist so I can find the cure for it."
Junior Researcher Vieira: It's the same for love, too, like any type of inherent beauty that you had never perceived, the basis of attraction. How does someone develop a "type"? From blondes to brunettes to… men, and women. I don't know.
Dr. Martins: I don't think I'm following your line of thought.
Junior Researcher Vieira: I just believe that… the effects of the anomaly are not inherent to the anomaly. Maybe they aren't even inherent of something significant, by itself. I believe that all women - including me, and you — possess the capability of becoming happy, and ambitious loving one another. It doesn't need to be something exclusive, nor lesbian with all the letters but… prioritizing the women in your life, in general. It's not something really thought about by the majority of people.
Junior Researcher Vieira: Maybe the real effect of this skip isn't 'implanting' ideas, nor 'influencing', but suggesting them. I believe that the capability to love was already inside us all this time, and we just followed what was suggested, by our own volition. And, you know. Even with all the hardships, and sadness in our lives, our particular relationships, we are happier that way.
Dr. Martins: It is something interesting to think about, although, don't you think that assuming something like that, so personal, and subjective, to women as a whole, is something too passionate?
Junior Researcher Vieira: Huh, maybe. But I am full of passion, Martins. And I am sure that all the other women would be if they experienced that type of love.
[End Log]
Report of Discovery and Recovery: The Foundation became aware of the existence of the anomalous activity caused by the object in the region because of incidents involving tourists disappearing between the months of March, and July after interacting with "a lake full of lily pads that created ice, and had fluorescent lilies during the night".
SCP-011-PT has been documented for the first time in 18██, dating the epoch of annexation of the Province of Amazon by the Brazil Empire government. During the capital exploration, individuals found the relevant body of water, noticing its extraordinary characteristics, thus leading the Royal Conservatory of Paranormal Sciences to assume the research operations in the zone.8