Article: SCP-015-PT — Electromagnetic Cannon
Author: lulatred
Translator: L200
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Item #: SCP-015-PT
Object Class: Safe
Threat Level: ● White
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-015-PT must be kept in a 150 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm compartment in the safe object containment section, located at Site PT7. The crystal present in SCP-015-PT must be stored separately, in a small containment compartment, padded inside and vacuum sealed, in order to avoid damage to the crystal and contact with impurities from the environment. SCP-015-PT should be accessed only with direct authorization from Dr. Armando Ferraz Nogueira.
Every two days the object must be maintained, which involves removing the accumulation of dust between the parts, checking whether any component is suffering from oxidation and changing the water in which the crystal present in SCP-015-PT is submerged. Every seven days the crystal that makes up SCP-015-PT must be cleaned using a damp cloth and a common neutral detergent.
The files retrieved from the Brazilian Superintendence for the Paranormal on studies of electromagnetism and thaumaturgy and their military applications can be found in the Bibliographic and Documentary Archive of Site PT7, located in Administrative Block 07-B, and can only be accessed with the prior permission of Dr. Ferraz or the collection supervisor, Gustavo Lindbergh Torres.
Diagram of SCP-015-PT, Brazilian Superintendence for the Paranormal, 1974.
Description: SCP-015-PT is the prototype of a portable multi-stage electromagnetic cannon developed by the Brazilian Superintendence for the Paranormal. The object itself follows the basic concepts of other current electromagnetic cannons, however it has considerable anomalous modifications and thaumaturgy was used to maximize the destructive potentials of SCP-015-PT.
The object is composed of three parts, with its entire structure being made of graphene, which allows the object to have a mass of only 13 Kg. The first part, the cannon barrel, is composed of seven electromagnets, which magnetize copper coils which are positioned around an aluminum "rail" at the base of the barrel. This "rail" is a plate by which the loaded projectile is guided through the barrel of the cannon when the projectile is fired. Unlike current electromagnetic weapons, SCP-015-PT does not require a battery compartment, as the object's energy is supplied by a crystal.
The second part of the object is the compartment for insertion of ferromagnetic projectiles. The compartment itself is similar to that of common portable electromagnetic cannons, however, while current models support projectiles up to 100mm, SCP-015-PT carries 350mm projectiles. An aluminum plate separates the projectile compartment from the barrel. When pressing the gun trigger the plate moves and the projectile is fired.
The third part of the object is a small compartment located below the projectile compartment. In this part is found the aforementioned crystal. In addition to the crystal, the compartment is filled with water with a salinity of 15%. The understanding of this component is limited, but it is certain that this crystal supplies energy to all other parts of the cannon and that the amount of energy generated varies according to the salinity of the water and the physical properties of the individual handling the object.
Tests suggest that projectiles fired by SCP-015-PT can reach speeds of around 3000 m/s, having approximately 1 megajoule of energy applied to the projectile, depending on the individual handling the object. The destruction caused by the impact of projectiles fired by SCP-015-PT is similar to that of a V-2 ballistic missile, with the difference that the damage is localized. Therefore, instead of causing an explosion, the projectile pierces the target..
The aforementioned crystal is made up of three different elements. 27% of its composition comes from calcite crystal, 13% from gallium crystal, and the rest from an unidentified mineral. The three were polished and liquefied separately, being later solidified together by unknown means. When removed from SCP-015-PT, the crystal no longer exhibits anomalous effects, while the cannon becomes non-functional, even with the introduction of a new energy source. It is not known how the Brazilian Superintendence for the Paranormal was able to carry out tests with the crystal separated from the cannon.
With the Fundation's current knowledge of thaumaturgy, the most accepted theory of this object is that it is capable of transforming an individual's Elan Vital Energy (EVE) into concentrated electrical energy, without generating Aspect Radiation, so that instead of removing the individual's EVE, this energy is replicated and then transformed into an electrical current within the crystal itself. According to the researchers in charge of studying this object, to fully understand how the crystal works, it is necessary to know exactly how it was produced and what it is composed of.
Documents retrieved suggest that the use of thaumaturgy in this object refers to the knowledge of the first Jesuit priests to set foot on Brazilian soil. Studies are being carried out to obtain more information about the crystal, however much has been confirmed thanks to the files attached below. Members of the GoI-2391 (Second Company of Christ) refuse to exchange any information with the Foundation. Negotiations are ongoing.
Major Beato Eustáquio, Occultism Department Director
PROJECT LEADER: First-Lieutenant Luís Fernandes Ribeiro, level A researcher of the Advanced Occultism Sector
OTHER GROUP MEMBERS: Sub-Lieutenant Rafael Cardoso Pereira, level B researcher of the Arms Development Sector; Second-Sergeant Carlos Castro lobo, level B researcher of the Applied Electromagnetism Sector; and Corporal Victor Martins Souza, level C researcher of the Basic Occultism Sector
STATUS: In progress
HISTORY: On 18/03/1972, at the request of Captain ████ █████████ ██████, the Research Group C-05 was formed to study Paranormal Object ███. On 26/06/1972, the transformation capabilities of the Object were confirmed, as the contact of a mouse with the Object was able to light an incandescent lamp, within a controlled environment adapted to the Object's nature. On 09/11/1972, the contact of a chimpanzee with the Object was able to fully charge a 25V battery. It is believed that the intensity of transformation varies according to the physical characteristics of the entity that comes in contact with the Object. On 12/02/1973, began research on war potentials from the application of the Paranormal Object ███. Below is the list of prototypes created from the Object's paranormal effects.
OBSERVATIONS: We knew that the Object would have some degree of hidden work involved in its peculiarity, due to the fact that it was apprehended from the Jesuits of Goiás. The problem is that without knowing its exact origin or the true process of the formation of this crystal, we cannot discover its true potential by simple calculations, assumptions and theories. The tests carried out have shown increasingly satisfactory results. Please understand that the cost and time spent on this Object will be duly rewarded. Anyway, what we do know is that the vital energy of any entity that comes into contact with the crystal becomes electrical energy., and that it is possible to manipulate the amount of energy generated. Perhaps other types of energy can be obtained, and if that is the case, the possibilities are endless. I suggest that you send the reports of this project to the other members of the Occult Department, more specifically of the Paranormal Artifacts and Relics Sector, and that they try to obtain more information about the origin of the Object.
— First-Lieutenant Luís Fernandes Ribeiro
PROTOTYPES: (Details of each model will be sent later)
DESIGNATION: Alpha EM-01: Manually activated single-stage stationary electromagnetic cannon. Paranormal Object ███ externally attached to the prototype, submerged in water with a salinity of 3.5%.
RESULT: Not enough power was applied. Projectile got stuck in the barrel of the cannon. Model updated.
MODIFICATIONS: Repositioning of the Object.
DESIGNATION: Alpha EM-02: Manually activated single-stage stationary electromagnetic cannon. Paranormal Object ███ internally connected to the prototype, submerged in water with 50% salinity.
RESULT: The force applied to the projectile was too concentrated. The projectile caused an explosion after leaving the barrel of the cannon. Model discarded.
MODIFICATIONS: Repositioning of the Object. Addition of more electromagnetic coils.
DESIGNATION: Bravo EM-01: Manually activated 3-stage stationary electromagnetic cannon. Paranormal Object ███ externally attached to the prototype, submerged in desalinated water.
RESULT: Energy was unevenly distributed across the coils. Projectile stopped inside the barrel of the cannon. Model discarded.
MODIFICATIONS: Repositioning of the Object. Addition of 4 more activation stages.
DESIGNATION: Charlie EM-01: Manually activated 7-stage stationary electromagnetic cannon. Paranormal Object ███ internally connected to the prototype, submerged in water with 10% salinity.
RESULT: Projectile fired successfully. Speed of approximately 1200 m/s, energy of approximately 700 joules applied to projectile. Model updated.
MODIFICATIONS: Performance improvements. Structure redesigned to support the use of carbon fibers.
DESIGNATION: Charlie EM-02: Manually activated 7-stage electromagnetic cannon. Paranormal Object ███ internally connected to the prototype, submerged in water with a salinity of 13.5%.
RESULT: Projectile fired successfully. Speed of approximately 2300 m/s, energy of approximately 950 joules applied to projectile. Model updated.
MODIFICATIONS: Performance improvements. Structure redesigned to support the use of graphene. Approval for testing in Field Operations pending.
DESIGNATION: Charlie EM-03: In development.
Among the documents retrieved from the SBP regarding the studies of SCP-015-PT, a file was found entitled: "File of the operation of apprehension of anomalies in the possession of religious institutions, associations and communities". This document suggests that the crystal that is part of SCP-015-PT was taken from a monastery located near the municipality of Pontalina, GO. The interaction below is the transcription of an audio record recorded by the undercover agent from the Pontalina Municipal Hospital, Alexandre Marcondes dos Santos, who was monitoring the region, sent to collect information from the monastery.
Begin log.
Agent Alexandre: Hi, my name is Daniel Barbosa, I live nearby and I never paid attention to this little monastery of yours before. Anyway, I would like to know if I can take a look inside, maybe take some pictures for my wife as she really loves these church decorations and all that. You wouldn't mind, right sir…
Coadjutor Marcos: Marcos. Coadjutor Marcos. And stop the act, we know who you are. You work for the men of science, don't you?
Agent Alexandre: Yeah… I… I don't know what you're talking about.
Coadjutor Marcos: Good, but I know very well. We've been here a lot longer than you. And what harm do we do? We are not criminals or crazy or who knows what you think. We are monks. Men who seek to serve God and spread his word across the Earth. We pray, study and live in peace. But it only takes one of you, who live in greed and disillusionment, so that our entire structure is shaken. So I'm just going to ask you once, what can you want with us, after all the harm your science has done to our brotherhood?
Agent Alexandre: Okay. I got it. I guess if I ask for your cooperation the answer will be no, correct?
Coadjutor Marcos: Exactly.
Agent Alexandre: Well, so I only have one question, could you please tell me about a crystal that…
Coadjutor Marcos: No, I can't. I know you are another organization or whatever the name is, but last time we saw our sacred artifacts being stolen, our brothers tortured, and our monastery burned. We never trusted you and we will never trust you again. Your blind actions lead to chaos? Then keep the chaos for yourselves. And if you have any object that belongs to us, I suggest you return it, or spend eternity trying to decipher it. Please don't came back.
Agent Alexandre: But I just…
The gate closes.
Agent Alexandre: Alright… Central, now what? Understood, I'm coming back.
End log.
Request to invade the monastery denied. Request to return the crystal of SCP-015-PT to the monks denied. Attempts to negotiate with the members of the monastery are underway. The other members of the Second Company of Christ are being monitored.
General notes and observations about Test 015-A. Subsequent tests start from the same principle as this one, varying in materials and objects against which SCP-015-PT was fired. The projectile was able to pierce every solid structure presented so far.
Target: A 20 meter thick concrete block.
Projectile conditions after firing: The projectile reached a velocity of approximately 3150 m/s and 1.2 megajoules of kinetic energy was applied to it.
Result: When going through the target, the projectile left a conical perforation in the block. In other words, at the projectile's entry point, the gap left had a diameter of 90 cm, while at the exit point the diameter reached 8.5 m.
Notes: "This data may not seen surprising, but it is worth noting that the most modern portable electromagnetic cannons cannot go through more than 30 cm of concrete. The damage caused by SCP-015-PT is similar to that of large stationary cannons or ballistic missiles, in such a way, the mobility and speed of handling this object make it superior to any technology of this type we know.
Another important point to note is the energy consumption, the biggest electromagnetic weapons need about 25 megawatts of energy, in other words, a huge supply of some kind which is probably not possible to move. Meanwhile SCP-015-PT uses only one crystal less than 10 cm high and a few drops of water with salt.
The use of the object in combat is being analyzed, as we still need to learn how to recreate this technology and maybe even integrate it with other objects we have available, but, assuming we can use it, we could try to equalize the damage cause by SCP-015-PT, so that the hole left in objects is cylindrical, which means we could use the object as a quick, safe and inexpensive means of invading structures."