
Item #: SCP-069-IT

Object Class: Safe Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: All instances of SCP-069-IT-A of which the Foundation is aware are contained in SCP-069-EN-B, the site of the species' discovery. The area around SCP-069-IT-B is surrounded by 3-meter-high electrified fences, placed approximately 30 meters from the shore, in such a way as to provide instances with space for hunting. In addition, it must be monitored by SPeV-I "Acies Aegis" agents. The latter must be disguised as members of the Carabinieri Corps, in order to monitor the area without arousing suspicion and driving away any passers-by or campers.

Update 18/11/2001: In the aftermath of Incident 069-Σ, it is imperative that personnel assigned to the anomaly cease all friendly contact with the anomaly and limiting themselves to acting in a detached manner. Any personnel who has taken a liking to more than 5 instances of SCP-069-EN-A is to be immediately transfered In the event that this does not happen and an instance of SCP-069-IT-C is generated, SIR-IV "Missio Mercurii" is tasked with transporting the aforementioned instance to Site Deus with the aid of a Reality Cell System in order to be temporarily contained until the anomalous effects are exhausted.

Update 20/02/2003: Following newly obtained information on SCP-069-IT-A, the area within 50 meters of SCP-069-IT-B is to be off-limits to the public; esoteric glyphs of Type Gamma, enhanced by thaumaturgical symbols with the runes Laguz1 and Perþo2. at the base. They must be at the edge of SCP-069-IT-B as per Protocol Falsa Imago. Any instance of SCP-069-IT-A that attempts to tamper with the glyphs is to be terminated immediately.

Image Unavailable
Laguz Rune: Means "lake" in Proto-Germanic.
Image Unavailable
Perþo Rune: Proto-Germanic meaning is uncertain,
sometimes linked to the concept of "at home".

Portion of SCP-069-EN-B.

Description: SCP-069-EN-A is a species of humanoid creatures similar in appearance to Ambystoma mexicanum3, except for some characteristics that differentiate them from the latter:

  • Specimens of SCP-069-IT-A are bipedal and have opposable thumbs and movable eyelids;
  • The height of the adult specimens varies between 1 m and 1.30 m.
  • Their skin appears thicker than that of a common amphibian.
  • The average longevity of these entities is around 70 years4.
  • The specimens have a cognitive development comparable to that of Homo neanderthalensis.
  • The reproductive system and mating are similar to those of mammals.

Instances of SCP-069-IT-A exist exclusively at the site of discovery and are purely carnivorous. They feed on plankton, freshwater fish, insects, molluscs, crustaceans and birds, which they swallow entirely, as they do not have teeth.

SCP-069-IT-B is a lake located at coordinates ████ ██°██'██.█"N ██°██'██.█"E on the Sila promontory, Calabria. It has a perimeter of about 5 km and is 35 m deep. Inside, in addition to SCP-069-IT-A, live some species of freshwater fish, amphibians and lake insects5. The fact that the Hume levels recorded in the lake is ██% higher than in the rest of the region is noteworthy.

The anomalous properties of SCP-069-IT occur when a specimen of SCP-069-IT-A emerges from the lake: in fact, the water of SCP-069-IT-B has chemical properties that exclusively affect the species, without affecting the rest of the fauna and flora. The skin of the instances, when immersed in the liquid, dilates, reaching up to twice its thickness. When a specimen resurfaces, it retreats, showing its pores, which reach up to a centimeter in diameter. A yellowish-greenish viscous liquid comes out of them. This substance is corrosive and has been identified as hydrochloric acid.

The specimens prove to be fearful of this ability. In fact, their stays outside their habitat are rapid. Despite SCP-069-IT-A's apprehension, the pus they generate does not cause any effect on their own skin, nor does it cause any repercussions on their health.

The SCP-069-EN-A species is organized in a hierarchical order, headed by an "Alpha" male and female pair who lead the clan during the hunt, and a "Beta" pair who teach the cubs to hunt.

Discovery: On 18/07/1998, the sensors of the Deus Site picked up an anomalous peak of Hume levels in the Sila (CS) area. Given the unexpected event, some SIR-I "Aureæ Notitiæ" agents were sent to the area to investigate the incident. Upon arriving at SCP-069-IT-B, they discovered two corpses near its shore. One of them was holding a Beretta 12 caliber shotgun, was covered in third-degree burns (cause of death) and was identified as Gianluca ███████, an inhabitant of Cosenza who came to the area to hunt for recreational purposes. The other body belonged to Carlo █████, a friend of the first who came to the area for the same reason. The cause of death of the latter is attributed to the gunshots received to the head, the bullets of which can be traced back to Gianluca ███████'s weapon. When the agents arrived, Carlo █████'s corpse was being buried by some -A instances. An interception operation by the Foundation against the Fascist Council of the Occult (CFO) occurred on 12/04/20██6 he later revealed that the Royal Institute of Italic Anomalies (RIDIA) had been in charge of its containment from shortly after its birth until 1945, the year of the institution's liquidation.

Addendum-069-1 - Reports

Tests were conducted on SCP-069-IT-A's IQ at the request of Dr. Battista Bruno, during which the specimens behaved docile and willing to cooperate with the staff. In addition, they have been shown to be able to solve simple logic problems. The Alpha pair demonstrated a higher intelligence quotient (IQ) than the rest of the specimens examined, and following this discovery, Dr. Bruno was given permission to teach them sign language.

The two specimens were able to formulate simple sentences after two months. The following are excerpts from SPeV-I's Agent Tommaso Busolini's reports of surveilling SCP-069-IT-B.



Date 15/02/2001: The two Alphas communicate with each other through sign language. They also made demands of staff, including:

  • Extra food supplies: denied.
  • Regular visits by Dr. Bruno: authorized, visits will be held on alternate weeks every Friday afternoon.

Date 2/03/2001: Several adult specimens of SCP-069-EN-A have learned the language and communicate with each other. However, it is rare for them to approach staff, except for questions about Dr. Bruno. It would seem that they have developed a certain admiration for the aforementioned researcher. In addition, stays outside of SCP-069-IT-B have begun to become prolonged.

Date 24/03/2001: Dr. Bruno has received gifts from the -A instances, including lake plants, freshwater fish and flowers, whose stems appear to be corroded. The rest of the team informed the researcher of the development of a code of laws formulated by the Alphas. The rules include hunting shifts, curfews, and, most importantly, researcher protection. Following a brief discussion with the SPeV-I commander and the researchers assigned to study SCP-069-IT other than Dr. Bruno, this devotion developed by the species was flagged as potentially dangerous. Therefore, our team will increase surveillance. -Agt. Busolini

Transcript of the dialogues recorded by camera 4 of Area-069-IT at 16:54 on 16/11/2001

Dr. Bruno enters the containment area.

Agt. Busolini: Good afternoon, doctor. You came early today.

Dr. Bruno: Yes, I decided to anticipate my visit by a few minutes. I need more time to study the specimens.

Agt. Busolini: Of course. Excuse me if I seem indiscreet, but… Why, exactly?

Dr. Bruno: Quite simply: to subject them to further intelligence tests.

Agt. Busolini: I thought you was done with those.

Dr. Bruno: It seems that their IQ has increased recently, so I have to do some checks.

Agt. Busolini: Of course… Listen, I have been instructed by my superior to tell you of our concern about your behavior towards the anomaly.

Dr. Bruno: Okay, go ahead.

Agt. Busolini: Well, I'll tell you quite openly, we believe that your peculiar interest in SCP-069-IT could be a potential danger, so it would be appropriate for you to reduce the number of visits.

Dr. Bruno: That's it? I thought it was something more serious.

Agt. Busolini: Bruno, this is serious. If it wasn't, you wouldn't have received a warning from the upper ranks, would you?

Dr. Bruno: Come on, they're just harmless little beings. They're afraid of their own shadows. Do you really believe that they can cause trouble?

The agent doesn't answer, crossing his arms.

Dr. Bruno: You're simply exaggerating. What I decide to do for research, I can manage by myself, thank you.

Agt. Busolini: I believe you are trying to feed your ego through SCP-069-IT-A's worship.

Dr. Bruno: What, excuse me?

Agt. Busolini: And to say that you're the psychologist here. If I were you, I would have been as far away from them as possible, for my safety and that of everyone, and yet you seem to benefit from it.

Dr. Bruno: Are you calling me egocentric, agent?

Agt. Busolini: Oh, no, no, not egocentric, I'm just saying that you're trying to compensate for your insecurity with the adulation of anomalies, which is quite bizarre, let me tell you.

Dr. Bruno: You're crossing the line, Busolini.

Agt. Busolini: I'm just making you face reality. You're playing with fire.

Dr. Bruno begins to chuckle slyly.

Dr. Bruno: Me? Playing with fire just because I asked for an extra 10 minutes for a test? I'll show you how to play with fire.

A flame is lit from the palm of Dr. Bruno's right hand, which he hurls at Agent Busolini with a movement. The latter barely dodges, yelling briefly.

Agt. Busolini: What the fuck is wrong with you?

The flame hits a tree behind the agent, from which the latter moves away, then the communicator approaches his face.

Agt. Busolini: Commander, Dr. Battista Bruno seems to have developed some anomalous abilities and is attacking me. Send someone, I need help!

While distracted, Dr. Bruno hurls another flame at Agent Busolini, hitting his right arm that was holding the radio, and part of his chest. The doctor approaches him.

Agent Busolini screams, retreats and falls, ending up on the ground against the burning tree. Agent Bonasorte catches up with the two.

Agent Busolini groans in pain, rolling away in an attempt to extinguish the flames that have now spread across his chest and part of his neck. The researcher attempts to hurl another flame at Agent Bonasorte, but the latter shoots at him, wounding him in the right shoulder.

Dr. Bruno's wound stops bleeding. Agent Bonasorte pins Dr. Bruno against a tree.

Agt. Bonasorte: Guys, I think he hit his head too hard against the tree.

The rest of the team rushes to the scene shortly after, extinguishing the fire on Busolini's body and driving him and Dr. Bruno out of the containment area.

Outcome of Incident: The fire, which affected 40 m2, was extinguished by specialized personnel contacted by SPeV-I immediately after the events. Field agents fabricated a cover for arsonists in the area when questioned by the forestry corps.

Following the convalescence of Agent Busolini (which lasted about a month), Dr. Bruno was put on trial, following which he was found guilty of the incident. However, since the effects of the anomaly on him have not yet been clarified and his unstable mental condition is counted, his sentence was relieved. He was banned from research activities for a year and subjected to 9 months of weekly psychiatric visits.

Agent Busolini also received a warning for insubordination, following which he was relieved of his position previously in SCP-069-IT's containment area.

Further experiments were conducted that led to the definition of SCP-069-IT-C: such an anomaly is formed when a human being is worshipped, through what is believed to be a thaumaturgical process7, by SCP-069-EN-A and is capable of powerful regeneration and pyrokinesis, as well as being followed and understood by -A. It was therefore decided, in light of the new findings, to reclassify SCP-069-IT to Euclid.

Addendum-069-2 - Interview Log

The following is Dr. Luca Longo's interview with SCP-069-IT-A's Alpha instance, following Incident 069-Σ.

Premise: The following dialogue took place in sign language, which was subsequently translated.

Interviewer: Dr. Luca Longo

Interviewee: Alpha male intance of SCP-069-IT-A's clan, nicknamed Ahuitzotl by researchers

[Begin Log]

Dr. Longo: Very well, Ahuitzotl, we can begin. Why have you taken a liking to Dr. Bruno?

Alpha: That human has bestowed upon us the gift of speech, uniting us as the Original did. For this reason, he is worthy of reverence. He is a reincarnation of Xolotl.

Dr. Longo: Who is Xolotl?

Alpha: Xolotl, the God of Lightning. He is the brightest star of the night and has protected and guided us since the birth of our species. When the conquerors of the east came, he protected us as much as he could, but in the end he perished.

Dr. Longo: I see. So you think Dr. Bruno is Xolotl?

Alpha: No, we don't think so. We know. It's hard to explain using this limited language. We all feel vibrations that pull us to him. It's like an intuition. He feels the same. In fact, he loves us. He wants to protect us. After abandoning us all this time, he's finally back. He calls us. We must return to him.

Dr. Longo: But you've approached and taken a liking to other humans as well. Shouldn't it be just one?

Alpha: Wrong. You can't see it, but they're the same person. We can feel it.

Dr. Longo: Very well. Have you had contact with anyone close to him?

Alpha: Yes, we met Quetzalcoatl, his twin, the morning star. It is he who has brought us here, to this sacred land.

Dr. Longo: Can you tell me more about your trip?

Alpha: I don't know much. I was told by my father, who heard it from his father, and so on. It was long, we first passed through a place of scholars, and from there we passed through wastelands, boundless waters. Several moons passed before we reached this place. Quetzacoatl risked dying many times to save us, but we did everything we could to help him. It was terrible, especially when we had to use boats. Our lymph ended up destroying them.

Dr. Longo: So, you swam to a to a certain extent?

Alpha: We did, Quetzalcoatl traveled on a small boat. The weather wasn't favorable, but he was able to survive, the same goes for some, but many unfortunately left us.

Dr. Longo: Oh, of course. It must have been hard.

Alpha: Several. We owe so much to Quetzalcoatl for allowing us to survive, the conquerors had threatened our home. He left us immediately after he got us to safety, saying that he was supposed to protect our land. Sadly, we don't hear from him anymore, except that we've now found his dear twin and opposite, Xolotl.

Dr. Longo: Ah, yes… Who are these conquerors?

Alpha: Men with shining sticks who threw thunder. They wore a kind of X on their chests. They killed many of us. They wounded even more.

Dr. Longo: Did they speak a language similar to mine?

Alpha: Yes.

Dr. Longo: Hm, okay. Therefore… Xolotl will protect you now, right?

Alpha: He's already done it. He's already proven his divinity to that human.

Dr. Longo: All right. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Alpha: One last thing.

Dr. Longo: What is it?

Alpha: When will we be able to see Xolotl again?

Dr. Longo: I'm afraid you won't be able to for quite a while.

Alpha: We must. It will be better this way.

[End Log]

Note: If what I think is correct, the conquerors Alpha was talking about are simply the Spanish Conquistadors. I have a doubt about the Alpha's claim about feeling whois a reincarnation, but I want studies to confirm it first. -Dr. Longo

Addendum-069-3 - Analysis

This is followed by physical and mental analysis of SCP-069-IT-A following Incident 069-Σ by Dr. Marta Solei of the Esoteric and Thaumaturgical Studies Section and Dr. Longo.

Analysis by Dr. Marta Solei

What we have in our hands is something extremely unique.
A thaumaturgical anomaly is usually created by three components: the creator, the intermediary and the result.

The creator is the one who wants to create the anomaly, the intermediary is the entity (usually of divine nature) that the artificer contacts through a ritual in search of energy and/or the materials to create the result, while the latter is, as the name suggests, the product of the ritual.

Now, this is what is different in regards SCP-069-IT: the intermediary becomes the result, so that what is achieved at the end of the process is not an anomaly in itself, but a divine entity. So, we carried out some tests at 069-IT-B. By analyzing the events of worship, we have seen that 069-IT-A releases agglomerates of reality and Akiva radiation8 from their pores, both of which are oriented through ritual to arrive at 069-IT-C. The latter, given the increased Hume levels, reaches a levelof reality that is higher than that of the area in which it's located, thus becoming a manipulator of reality, while the radiation affects the brain of 069-IT-C, causing megalomaniacal and violent behavior, as seen in the -Σ incident. By exploiting the excess reality near himself, he was also able to use it as fuel and ignite the flame. We assume that the corrosive material expelled from the pores of the -A instances was actually process waste, but this is yet to be confirmed.

To recap: what we have in front of us is not thaumaturgy, as has been hypothesized previously, it is almost not definable as a matter of SSET.

Official communication issued and authorized by the SSMM on 16/02/2003

To the members of the Superintendence Council and the SRE-M,

I hereby inform you of the latest information discovered regarding the development of SCP-069-IT-A.
Following some incidents that resulted in the creation of 069-IT-C instances, further studies were carried out.

First, the whole species has now learned to speak its own language. It appears to be a mixture of Italian, probably learned by listening to guards and researchers, and Nahuatl9 of the pre-colonial era.

Secondly, the intelligence of 069-IT-A when in the presence of 069-IT-C seems to increase to very high levels, on a par with a human adult. Upon the dissolution or death of 069-IT-C, intelligence will return to slightly higher levels than before. An increase in incidents in which 069-IT-A attacks unsympathetic Foundation personnel is expected.
This confirms a doubt that I mentioned at the end of the interview: when he claimed to be able to feel who Xolotl was, Alpha didn't tell the truth. As evidenced by Solei's tests: they can't really remember, nor perceive who is a reincarnation and who isn't, they simply say it because they believe it. This is also seen in the Discovery, where they buried an instance 069-IT-C that was not even mentioned in the interview. However, they've recently, started to have better memory. They now only worship short, brown-haired humans who resemble Dr. Bruno.

In this regard, together with the Mind and Memetics Studies Section , the doctor and I have created Protocol Falsa Imago, with which, thanks to the help of some thaumaturgical runes, we will make 069-IT-A believe that in 069-IT-B it is "at home". They will not need to go out, hunt outside of it or create new instances of 069-IT-C, nor will they desire it. I am aware of how unethical this may seem, but the benefits far outweigh the costs, both physical and moral. To the Superintendence the arduous sentence.

Best regards,
Dr. Luca Longo, head of the "Falsa Imago" project.

Following a vote by the S5 Superintendence,Protocol Falsa Imago was approved and implemented. Since then, incidents have been reduced by 70%, with an increase in docility and a significant decrease in SCP-069-IT-A's intelligence.

Addendum-069-4 - Historical Reports

The following are documents from the Confraternity of the Knights of St. George (CCSG) about the history of the anomaly. These documents were obtained following an exchange of information with the CCWJ10 and translated from Spanish.

The following is a series of letters sent by the priest Franco Visagli, at the time inquisitor in Central America, sent to the Emperor of Spain, Charles V of Habsburg during 1522, from March 16 to August 25.

To His Majesty Charles V,

The journey has been long and winding, but the Lord has protected my caravel. La Villa Rica de la Vera Cruz11 is a very good port, Commander Cortés must have been busy in these 3 years.

Anyway, the night before we left, we decided to divide up the areas. Father Philip set sail for the lands further south, although still full of infidels from the Inca Empire, with the largest handful of apprentices among all four. Father Francis went to Puerto Viejo, more in search of young men to command than heretics to punish. Father Anton, with only one of his subordinates, headed to Panama Viejo, to finish what others had begun. I, for my part, decided to head to Coyoacán.

In fact, it seems that further south of the city there is a handful of creatures praising a fistula, in the lake near the field of flowers. The sacred Spanish Crown itself has entrusted us with the task of exterminating these demons and bringing the supremacy of Our Lord everywhere, none of us must even allow himself the indignity of breaking the oath of the Inquisition.

Priest Franco Visagli.

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