Item #: SCP-1012-JP
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Entry of civilians into SCP-1012-JP is prohibited under the cover story of defective property. If an adult male individual enters SCP-1012-JP outside of experimental procedures or similar objectives, said individual is to be considered dead, and its actions within SCP-1012-JP is to be observed for investigation. Experiments involving SCP-1012-JP are restricted to personnel of level 3 security clearance or above.
Description: SCP-1012-JP is a separate house in the public housing area of ██████, Shizuoka.
SCP-1012-JP exhibits its anomalous effects when an adult human male (henceforth referred to as the subject) enters the interior of SCP-1012-JP. Upon entry, an entity referred to as SCP-1012-JP-A manifests. While a subject is present in the interior, additional individuals entering the house are not affected. Once affected, the subject is unable to perceive any human individuals, except for SCP-1012-JP-A. The effect is persistent regardless of physical interference, and the subject expresses confusion or terror in such cases.
SCP-1012-JP-A is a humanoid entity which resembles a Japanese female, formerly known as Ms. ██. SCP-1012-JP-A behaves as if it were the subject's wife, although its action and speech are inconsistent. The subject perceives SCP-1012-JP-A as his wife. The subject appears to communicate with SCP-1012-JP-A, but what he hears is assumed to be inconsistent with the speech of SCP-1012-JP-A. The anomalous effect continues until the subject is deceased, and SCP-1012-JP-A will disappear upon the death.
When the subject and/or SCP-1012-JP-A exits the premise of SCP-1012-JP, the subject/entity temporarily disappears, and then reappears after an irregular interval, as if they are walking from the outwards of the perimeter. In such cases, the subject/entity may possess additional non-anomalous items, or may be dressed in a different manner.
Addendum: The following is the long term experiment log for SCP-1012-JP.
Long-term Experiment 1012
Objective: To investigate whether further anomalous effects exhibit in the case of long term continuation of SCP-1012-JP-A.
Description: Have a D-class personnel (referred to as D-1012 for simplicity) enter SCP-1012-JP, inducing its anomalous effects. The interior of SCP-1012-JP will be monitored via hidden cameras set up beforehand. Testing will continue until D-1012 or SCP-1012-JP-A notices the presence of the cameras, or at the point that D-1012 expires from natural causes within SCP-1012-JP.
The following are excerpts from video recordings retrieved through testing.
[D-1012 is forced to enter SCP-1012-JP. SCP-1012-JP-A manifests.]
D-1012: I'm home, ████.
SCP-1012-JP-A: Who is it now, a prisoner?
D-1012: God, it was hard work today. It's so happy to see ████'s cute face —
D-1012: Me too. That's how I always think of you.
SCP-1012-JP-A: Your pleased face makes me sick.
D-1012: I'll take it later. Let's have dinner first.
SCP-1012-JP-A: You're so dirty too. [SCP-1012-JP-A embraces D-1012 and kisses him on the cheek] Jeez, what am I thinking?
D-1012: Ha-ha, now why don't we leave that for later? Just for tonight, you know?
SCP-1012-JP-A: And I thought it would get better.
[SCP-1012-JP-A and D-1012 are taking a meal at the dinner table]
SCP-1012-JP-A: I want to eat more meat or something.
D-1012: I have to say, ██'s cooking is fabulous as always.
SCP-1012-JP-A: So much vegetables in your diet, and why aren't you losing any weight?
D-1012: It's so good, I can't help eating too much. I'll definitely become overweight.
SCP-1012-JP-A: You were like that from the beginning.
D-1012: For tomorrow? Let me think. [D-1012 pauses for a moment] Maybe something deep-fried. I would love some tonkatsu.
SCP-1012-JP-A: Nice one.
D-1012: Oh, why not? Vegetable curry…Not like I don't like it, but we could use some change…
SCP-1012-JP-A: Oh me…
D-1012: I said it was part of my job.
SCP-1012-JP-A: [SCP-1012-JP-A appears to be offended]
D-1012: You know that I actually do think about my family as well? I understand what you're saying.
SCP-1012-JP-A: [SCP-1012-JP-A appears to be offended]
D-1012: I'm saying.
SCP-1012-JP-A: [SCP-1012-JP-A slaps D-1012]
D-1012: Ouch. What's wrong with you. So selfish.
SCP-1012-JP-A: I'm sorry.
D-1012: [D-1012 holds a bouquet in his hands]
SCP-1012-JP-A: What?
D-1012: Well, I came across a flower shop while I was on my way home. It feels a little embarrassing though.
SCP-1012-JP-A: Um, was it some special day today?
D-1012: We haven't celebrated our wedding anniversary in a while.
SCP-1012-JP-A: Oh, I see.
D-1012: Just after we got married, we used to think about each other much more, like, we had a good relationship, right? These days, we're, passing by, I suppose. We haven't talked face to face for while. It's terrible to say, but I was so indifferent that I was about to forget the time I proposed to you. I'm so sorry. But you know, I think you are the only one I could call a lifetime partner. I'm not being rhetorical. Will you remember that time for me, the time when I asked you to marry me?
SCP-1012-JP-A: I'm sorry. I don't remember. No, I don't know. If I got to share the experience with you, if I had spent the same time with you, if I loved you more, I think I could have better accepted your words than now. Thanks.
D-1012: Me too. [D-1012 hands the bouquet to SCP-1012-JP-A]
SCP-1012-JP-A: There were several men who came into this house, and I lived with them for a while.
D-1012: Uh huh.
SCP-1012-JP-A: You are the longest I've lived together with, you know?
D-1012: Uh huh.
SCP-1012-JP: I think the second longest was about ten years. But we've spent longer.
D-1012: Uh huh.
SCP-1012-JP-A: I've never seen them die of age, but if it were you, I'd be happy to care for you until the end.
D-1012: Uh huh.
SCP-1012-JP-A: Maybe I might be the one to die first though.
D-1012: Uh huh.
SCP-1012-JP-A: I get the feeling that we're starting to communicate properly these days. I think I really love you, after all.
D-1012: Pass me the newspaper.
Testing is ongoing.