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Item #: SCP-1040-RU

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1040 is to be stored in the arsenal of Sector ██, in a separate gun cabinet. The cabinet must be guarded by two armed security officers at all times. Access to the facility is allowed only with the written permission of Dr. Theomant and under constant supervision of at least one employee of Level 4 clearance.

SCP-1040 should be loaded with blank cartridges only, as firing it with live cartridges will damage the integral muzzle.

Description: SCP-1040 is a modified Dragunov sniper rifle. Changes made to the original design are as follows:

  • The muzzle consists of glass, ceramics, and metal; its principle of operation is unknown, and it is not removable.
  • The scope has been replaced with one of unknown origin and model; all objects seen through this scope are visible, coloured in blue; however, objects that have been "hit" by SCP-1040 are coloured in red.
  • The manufacturer's information has been replaced by the words "Made by Lefty".

According to the instructions found alongside the object, SCP-1040 "spoils" or "damages" anyone who is shot with a blank cartridge. After firing while using the scope, the user can observe a red dot moving at great speeds towards the target. When said dot collides with a creature or object, its colour changes to red inside the scope. Without a scope, there are no observable effects.

Any living creature affected by SCP-1040 dies within 24 hours, usually as a result of an accident, but sometimes, under certain circumstances, from a heart attack or stroke. Any inanimate object, including the terrain surrounding the place of the spot's collision with the subject, will become "ill-fated" for about 48 hours. Unpleasant accidents occur regularly in their proximity, such as the loss of small objects etc. As time passes, this effect gradually decreases in severity.

Addendum 1: These are the user instructions found during the recovery of the object:

Almost everyone knows someone that they want to kill. Don't you?
Well, why wouldn't you? Uh… You don't want to go to jail…
Well, what if everything looks like it happened with no relation to you?
Load this thing with a blank cartridge, aim and pull the trigger and, well, everything will happen by itself.
With love, Lefty.

Addendum 2: The object was seized from the contract-killer [DATA EXPUNGED]. Initially, it went into the possession of local law enforcement agencies, before Foundation employees discovered it. The object was subsequently extracted under the cover of a fire at the warehouse where it was stored.

Addendum 3: Excerpts from experiments with SCP-1040:

… subject was released in the city centre… Cause of death: fell into manhole…
… released in the city centre… Cause of death: falling bricks…
… released in the city centre… Cause of death: hit by car…
… placed in a protected cell… Cause of death: ceiling collapse…
… placed in a protected cell… Cause of death: stroke…
… taken outside city… Cause of death: bite from venomous snake…
… placed in the cold weapons deposit… [DATA EXPUNGED]
Comment: Someone will answer for this! - Dr. Theomant
… impact on door threshold… Results: 5 stumbled, 2 blows on the door jamb, 1 crushed finger, 1 broken phone…
… effects on service pistol… 2 spontaneous shots, 3 misfires…
… impact on the vending machine… did not dispense the demanded goods for… roubles, issued the wrong goods 3 times, worked 4 times without returning change…

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