  • rating: +62+x

Item #: SCP-1054-FR-J

Though this file was initially to be delegated to one of our secondary branches, the Administration has decided that, on one of my suggestion, its content was too sensitive to risk being distorted by a translation which did not capture all the subtle nuances of its original language. This will also prevent it from being given a European-style "Threat Level", which is about as futile as its colour code is in bad taste. As a result, I am pleased to inform you that this SCP will remain in good hands: mine. - Junior Researcher Cletus

Object Class: Euclid Keter Euclid Keter Euclid

Considering its still poorly understood and potentially dangerous nature, I recommend that SCP-1054-J be classified as Keter in order to benefit from the appropriate containment procedures. - Junior Researcher Cletus

The Evaluation Committee has decided the object will be classified as Euclid and to be considered as such. It has undergone the same evaluation procedures as the previous 4000, and you do not have the power to decide for yourself, even if you are peeing yourself about its nature. Best regards. - Dr. Vince

Special Containment Procedures: Due to its nature, SCP-1054-J is not containable. In order to conceal its effects from the civilian population, the B135 coverage story "Fake News" was deployed, and a major misinformation reinformation misinformation operation was transmitted to all the Foundation's undercover agents in the world's main scientific organizations, as well as in influential media outlets and on social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr included)

I don't see the point in specifying the names of the social networks concerned. The personnel likely to read this report know what a social network is. - Dr. Vince

Yes, and the same personnel are present on these networks. They are therefore directly concerned by these measures and it is legitimate to keep them informed. And then it allows them to better identify themselves. - Junior Researcher Cletus

Identify with what? A large reinformation operation was transmitted on social networks, that's enough. These are containment procedures. We are an international paramilitary research organization, we are not here to meet subscribers or to say that we like the same things as the reader, for fuck's sake! The SCP Foundation, unlike you, Junior Researcher Cletus, does not need your constant reform attempts to exist. - Dr. Vince

Come on, come on. Here you go again with your 'wise' words. We both know that if you overreact in this way it is because of negative personal assumptions on your part against some of these networks, and some of the personnel who use them. And because you can't stand that Supervisor Hammond has transitioned to female and posts about it regularly on Twitter and Tumblr. It's been a while, Vince. Don't think that your constant micro-aggressions go unnoticed. - Junior Researcher Cletus

But it's you who put Twitter and Tumblr in an official report and it's me who lacks objectivity?! That is quite ludicrous! What the fuck do you want me to care about Hammond, he does what he wants, if he could at least behave in a professional way and not const-

You see, you're misgendering her. The Foundation is preparing the world for tomorrow, Mr. Vince. If you are not able to get closer to people, to all people, to civilians, if you are not able to think about a more equitable future, I think it is time for you to give way to the new guard. - Junior Researcher Cletus

New guard? You are aware that just your extracts from online chats and SMS discussions that you put everywhere, transcribed as they are in a scientific file, represent a huge risk of misunderstandings which… oh fuck it, fuck you, fuck you all, you are incapable of living in a world that is not covered in sequins, all right, fuck you, it's been too long that this has been going on. We are not going to let the sacred fire extinguish, we are going to create a new organization, faithful to its values, and not directed straight into the wall by a bunch of tra

The terminal of: [Assistant Researcher Vince (demoted)] has been disconnected on command from: [Senior Researcher Cletus].


Secure. Contain. Protect.

Item #: SCP-1054-J

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Due to its nature, SCP-1054-J is not containable. In order to conceal its effects from the civilian population, the B135 coverage story "Fake News" was deployed, and a major misinformation operation was transmitted to all the Foundation's undercover agents in the world's main scientific organizations, as well as in influential media outlets and on social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr included). Any media offensive by RPD Command must be stopped.

Since we lack scientific personnel due to the recent stupid and unjustified departures of many members of staff, we have opted for a new formatting until such time when we can resume research. The images are now displayed in a larger format, and small coloured arrows guide the reader to beautiful inserts where relevant information will certainly be added in the near future.

Senior Researcher Cletus, I would like to see you in my office to discuss recent events and your attitude towards the newly formed RPD Command. All this seems to me to be quite counterproductive and, if it is not possible to recover our agents who left there, it could be interesting to see what lessons can be learned from this split, so that it does not happen again. - Dr. Nassier

I've got better things to do than to go over this again, Nassier. The weed has been pulled. It left on its own. We made sure it left on its own. We're much better off without them. - Senior Researcher Cletus

Probably, but maybe not everything is to be thrown in this experiment. No one is objective, especially not you - and neither am I, be careful, that's not what I'm saying - but this victim complex combined with your offensive attitude doesn't seem very… healthy, professionally. - Dr. Nassier

You're on their side, aren't you? I have informed the Site Director. Either you are with us or you are against us. Do you want to play the snooty like our international sites that refuse to integrate our symbols of peace? I'll cut off your food too then. I suffered a lot of pain building a climate of trust and acceptance, and I won't let you jeopardize everything I've worked so hard on. If you're not happy, all you have to do is leave. We'll be much better off without you. - Senior Researcher Cletus


Reassure. Preserve. Defend.

Artifact #: RPD-1054-J

Type: Gamma

Rules of Priority Domination: Due to its nature, RPD-1054-J is not containable. In order to conceal its effects from the civilian population, the Jeth-2 coverage story "Turnaround" was deployed, and a major misinformation operation was transmitted to all the Command's undercover agents in the world's main scientific organizations, as well as in influential media outlets and on social networks.

Since the Command has just been founded, this report will for the moment be entirely composed of information that we have valiantly carried away with us from the treacherous claws of the SCP Foundation, saved shortly before they were manipulated and rewritten with a consensual sauce.

Director Vince, I was wondering if you had a moment to discuss? It's about our current relationship with the SCP Foundation. It's a bit tense. - Researcher Némès

I thought I made it clear that we no longer had anything to do with them and that we were cutting off all communication. The case is closed on our side. These wretches never miss an opportunity to take a single sentence in or out of context to make us look like fashes. So, no, I don't have a moment. Get back to work, it's through quality that we will impose ourselves. - Director Vince

That's exactly what I'd like to talk to you about. The Command does welcome some Foundation alumni whose… motivation goes beyond the legitimate misunderstandings we have with the Foundation and draws more on… stronger and more controversial opinions. Of course, the RPD Command is not in their image as some people claim, but if we want them to stop claiming it, we should act. The new, hem, flag displayed in the hall makes me a little uncomfortable, I must say. - Researcher Némès

Our Command is founded on an ideal, Némès. An ideal which wants that anyone can work with us, as long as their opinions do not affect their work. As long as he does a good job, not like the Foundation's biased studies and stupid theories, which are only promoted because the personnel who present them make them look good on camera. If you want to fire people because they give us bad press, maybe we should start with yourself. - Director Vince


Secure. Contain. Protect.

Item #: SCP-1054-J
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Due to its nature, SCP-1054-J is not containable. In order to conceal its effects from the civilian population, the B135 coverage story "Fake News" was deployed, and a major misinformation operation was transmitted to all the Foundation's undercover agents in the world's main scientific organizations, as well as in influential media outlets and on social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr included). Any media found offensive even by a small margin must be obscured.

Dr. Cletus, the administration told me to turn to you, since you are chairing more and more projects. That's it, I'm a little concerned about some of the steps taken recently within the Foundation. Last week, we lost 15 men in a submarine due to an immersion problem. Provoked by you, I'm afraid. I am absolutely not here to accuse you, of course not, and my colleagues take a rather negative view that I have reproaches against you, you are a very respected person, but I would have liked to talk in more detail with you about the way things are going. Since the first schism, our work seems to have some flaws that we… let repeat instead of, well, correcting them. Perhaps out of pride, since it was the same flaws that our, uh, current enemies were blaming us for. - Dr. Santanis

Well, Dr. Santanis, I don't have time to waste on your paranoia. We're thriving more than ever, okay? See: at 4:00 p. m. I have an appointment with a telepath who uses his power to get free ice cream. And at 6:00, I'm taking care of a guy who's being insulted by seals! Our files have never been so numerous or so good. Look at the personnel appraisal ratings! It's our apotheosis! - Dr. Cletus

To be honest, some of us are wondering if… well, if the C-Class personnel still have all their subjectivity. I have nothing against having a little fun, but it's true that the recent topics of study and the methodology adopted are… particular choices. - Dr. Santanis

My poor friend, these people don't know what's good. Vote democracy, yes. These foolish opponents, such as those of RPD - or CCC - or ACD - are enemies of democracy as long as it does not conform to their taste. Do you realize that? They push us to block the votes and the right of members to express themselves by trying to tamper with our system: the further away they are, the better we are. They are terrorists. - Dr. Cletus

What I mean is that… well, funny things, nods, private jokes can be found everywhere, and in abundance. It's easy to produce. At its beginning, our organization stood out because it proposed to deal with serious and mysterious issues, by equally serious and mysterious ways, and it might be clumsy to lose that in the long run. If the majority wants something else, they may simply not belong here. - Dr. Santanis

That is exactly the kind of sectarian comment that I cannot suffer. You sound like those fascists who accuse us of raiding their warehouses when they are the first to do so. No, there is not much in our past that we can be proud of, no matter what those who were there before may say. It is our duty to rework it. To perfect it. And if anti-progressists such as you disagree, go ahead, join a competition that is dying because it does not know how to give people what they want. So take the initiative for a new life. We'll be much better off without you. - Dr. Cletus


Confine. Control. Comprehend.

Item n° 3C-1054-J
Alert: Red
Controlled Conservation Conditions: 3C-1054-J is impossible to contain. In order to hide its existence from civilians, the Green Shark cover story was invented and sent to all the Company's partners in the global media, political structures and influential scientific organizations.

Nassier, I would have liked to have a brief talk with you. It concerns our recent break-up with the Foundation. Again. - Apprentice Brandy

We already talked about this at last week's meeting, Brandy. A significant proportion of the Foundation's employees seem to follow the words of some senior officers as gospel. Popularity calls for popularity. I do not reject the editorial shift taken by this noble institution, far from it, but we have made the bet to try the experiment with, say, a different approach. - Analyst Nassier

The fact is that we are struggling to recruit. Those who leave the Foundation mainly join RPD or ACD, which is embarrassing, but the real big problem is that we can't even recruit from outside. We have no visibility. People only know about the SCP Foundation and, because of the SCP Foundation, they don't discover us. - Apprentice Brandy

Well, the SCP Foundation will always monopolize the field, that's the way it is. Whatever their work, they were there first, they took the place, and they will keep the bulk of the attention. Whatever they do. Good or bad. I'm not happy about it any more than that, but we're a vine growing in the shadow of a baobab tree - the question is to give good wine. Do I make myself clear? - Analyst Nassier

I… suppose? Actually, with the staff - all six of us - we had a little chat. We did a very good job here, we are proud of it, and we think it's a shame not to have more visibility… - Apprentice Brandy

That's out of the question. - Analyst Nassier

But I haven't even made a request yet! - Apprentice Brandy

You want to go beg our former employers to take you back. After having claimed our independence in full force and shouted for it. Because pride in quality work is not enough for you, you want it to be displayed between two studies of sh… Sorry for this reaction. But rest assured that this would be a big step backwards. - Analyst Nassier

Nassier, we're proposing an alternative that no one else has asked for. Those who don't like what has become of SCP go to RPD, or focus on their old work. Either we go back there and raise the level in our own way, even if it means being hidden behind work of…. variable quality but extremely valued, or we make radical changes here to propose something radically different from what they do. We have no choice. - Apprentice Brandy

Brandy, no offense, but I have the impression that your brain is completely rotten from these supply and demand stories. I may be the one who is too idealistic, I don't know, but despite the small size of our company I feel that we are on the right track, and I don't want to change it for considerations like that. Of course, if you want to start a new branch which best aligns with your vision… well, who am I to stop you? And maybe later on, the time will come for a partnership. - Analyst Nassier


Reassure. Preserve. Defend.

Artifact #: RPD-1054-J
Type: Gamma
Rules of Priority Domination: Due to its nature, RPD-1054-J is not containable. In order to conceal its effects from the civilian population, the Jeth-2 coverage story, codenamed "Turnaround", was deployed, and a major misinformation operation was transmitted to all the Command's undercover agents in the world's main scientific organizations, as well as in influential media outlets and on social networks.

Gerton, I just received the quarterly report. What the fuck is going on, damn it?! - Director Vince

Well, these are the results of this quarter's work, sir. I'm not going to falsify them. Since the creation of the RPD, we have completed 58 studies, 14 of which have been declassified, 6 canceled due to problems in the work environment, and 5 whose documents were taken on board by ACD deserters. That makes 33. - Pr. Gerton

But it's ridiculous compared to the Foundation's production! They are now processing almost 50 cases per month! - Director Vince

Yes, but the quantity is far from equal to the quality, sir. That's precisely why we left, sir. - Pr. Gerton


Sir, with a few exceptions, we work according to the criteria and working methods of the Foundation's early days. We keep a serious, effective, serious tone, without submitting to the fragility of the readership. We are preserving the sacred fire, sir. - Pr. Gerton

What's all this about the doorknob and hamburgers on page 27? - Director Vince

It's still better than Homestuck, sir. - Pr. Gerton

Excuse me? - Director Vince

I'm sorry, sir. What I mean is that our task is also to welcome people affected by the SCP Foundation's new internal and external policies. They do not necessarily have the profile of exceptional scientists, but they have a good heart, sir. - Pr. Gerton

That's true. It doesn't suit me, but it's true. Let's face it, that's what the concurrence does. Gerton? - Director Vince

Sir? - Pr. Gerton

When you said you weren't going to falsify these results, it means they're technically falsifiable, right? Like… putting a 1 in front of the quarter's results? - Director Vince

Sir, you know that these fraudulent practices will only further harm our business. Remember when our researchers tried to hack into the Foundation's rating system? It is not worthwhile and leads to nothing more than giving them arguments against us. - Pr. Gerton

I know, Gerton. You know that I strongly condemn these methods. - Director Vince

Yes, sir. You stated: "It is out of the question to provoke attacks of this kind. Over my dead body. Now I'm going to look out that window for the next ten minutes, of course I couldn't see and therefore not intervene if any of you were to disobey me." - Pr. Gerton


Analysis. Capture. Detention.

Identifier: ACD-1054-J
Order: Prometheus
Apply the Criteria for Detention: Despite various attempts, ACD-1054 appears to be unable to be captured. In order to conceal its existence, the AT-RM coverage "Second Opinion" was activated, and all ACD spies implanted in the information world were charged to manipulate public opinion in this sense.

All right, now that we have founded our own secret society engaged in something other than masturbating over its ideology, we will finally be able to start describing this anomaly and finish writing these Criteria for Detention. A new page is turned, a great adventure begins where we will be able to find the soul lost by SCP and the, uh, sympathy that RPD is struggling to find. It was high time to move things forward, I am proud of all of you. - Master Némès

Certainly. Who's doing the research on the artifact again? - Brother San Brigon

Not me, I'm already working on a new system to evaluate the quality of work. With a single transferable vote system, the cream, you'll see, they'll look like fools the others with their point and star systems. - Sister Ekka

I take care of the interactive design of the internal database. We can't be left behind by the Foundation and its graphic designers on this front. - Brother Bartolomeo

Congratulations to both of you! I have planned a series of aperitifs (three per month) in a nice bar not far from the base, it will make it possible to do team-building, exchange experiences, create links, in order to create a close-knit community so as not to end up like the other jerks. In nine months we'll outnumber their personnel, they won't see it coming. - Brother Ramik

Okay, but what about the artifact? - Brother San Brigon

And I also had us set up a small brainstorming room with footstools and table tennis right next to the open space, you can tell me about it. So I'm not available San Brigon, I have to choose the carpet there, but we call each other or say that at Ramik's aperitif to see how it goes, don't worry. - Sister Magnésiam

Yes, by the way, I'm telling you as long as I have you: to overcome SCP and RPD, I'm implementing an algorithm to monitor the administration's performance statistics in order to optimize team management and sanction any discrepancies. You can be sure we'll never end up as RPDs with this. Zero drift possible. - Brother Ranch

We'll see that at the aperitif too, but I've contacted several members of the international concurrence branches, many of whom are in the same vein as us before our departure, I think we can reach a not gross compromise to expand our activities and create several global poles, a good start to the Foundation and the Command. - Brother Expansif

But we don't even have a finished report ye-

You will be delighted to know that in addition to the usual computers and pens, we now have old typewriters, and even a lectern with ink and a nib. With a wide variety of environments where each of you can feel more comfortable writing, production will be greatly improved. - Master Némès

Ah, but you're all jerks, actually. - Brother San Brigon


Secure. Contain. Protect.

Item #: SCP-1054-J
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: Due to its nature, SCP-1054-J is not containable. In order to conceal its effects from the civilian population, the B135 coverage story "Fake News" was deployed, and a major misinformation operation was transmitted to all the Foundation's undercover agents in the world's main scientific organizations, as well as in influential media outlets and on social networks (Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr included). Any media found to be offensive by a small margin must be obscured.

"Say, I just got back from vacation…. Where the hell is everyone? And what's with the new fuschia wallpaper in every lab?" - Dr. Pleks

"The fuschia is a semi-collective initiative, Pleks. Everyone is free to choose their own interior design. It's allowed. And everyone has the right, a simple matter of good taste, to choose my colour. The fuschia belongs to everyone, you know. I don't really like your insinuations." - Director Cletus

"I… All right, fine. What about the disappearance of half the researchers who worked here? I can't even find a microscope." - Dr. Pleks

"Microscopes have a depressing side. On the personal side, it seems to me that the count is good. Take a look at the registry to be sure." - Director Cletus

"The registry has been updated eighteen times in the last week. Half the names were deleted? Looks like everything's been rewritten. What does that mean, "we're way better off without them"?" - Dr. Pleks

"Uh…. Let's focus on the real problems… do you like fuschia?" - Director Cletus

"Ah, wait, there's the names of the editors in the registry history…" - Dr. Pleks


Spear - Net - Shield

Cell SPN/1054/J
Type Ganesha
Control plan: Location: SPN/1054/J is currently at the centre of an appropriation conflict between the SCP Foundation, RPD Command, CCC Company, ACD House, Strange Agency, WeirdWay Society and the Monopoly, making its exact location impossible. Concealment: SPN/1054/J is not currently accessible, so its concealment is not necessary. Disinformation: SPN/1054/J is currently at the centre of six parallel disinformation campaigns, some of which contradict each other. No intervention on our part is desirable.

"Sweet is the kiss of independence. Finally free from the yoke that suffocated our minds, free to be ourselves and to study this anomaly under the right conditions. To the staff who read this note: thank you for following me. Becoming independent was a difficult choice, but we have left behind the old shackles and Science will be grateful to us. Are the first tests ready?" - Dr. Santanis

"Affirmative. The B-Clas… I mean the B-Types were sent there as planned. I'm waiting for their arrival to be confirmed." - Agent Dill

"Excellent. Did our Movable Operation Force pass in front to ensure that risks were controlled?" - Dr. Santanis

"Affirmative, Dr. They left Base-02 this morning. It's an Euc…Ganesha after all. Distrust is the keyword. - Agent Dill

"Distrust is always the keyword. Our spear secures, our net confines, our shield protects. This is our motto." - Dr. Santanis

"Is that the new motto? Doesn't that look a little lik-" - Agent Dill

"Yes, sweet is the kiss of independence…" - Dr. Santanis


Confine. Control. Comprehend.

Item n° 3C-1054-J
Alert: Red
Controlled Conservation Conditions: 3C-1054-J is impossible to contain. In order to hide its existence from civilians, the Green Shark cover story was invented and sent to all the Company's partners in the global media, political structures and influential scientific organizations.

The presence of Monopoly spies is suspected within the 3C-1054-J research team due to current competitive pressures. The vigilance of personnel is required, and denunciation is encouraged.

"Great news everyone: I am pleased to announce that with a lot of elbow grease (and a little help from the muses, ahah) I have finally finished putting our first 20 published files online! To celebrate, you are invited to the refectory at 5: 00 pm for a small pot. May the Company prosper for a long time to come!" - Analyst Nassier

"So I am well aware that we all have a lot to do to keep this agency running, and I thank you for your investment. But it would nevertheless be polite of you to send me an email to let me know that you couldn't come to the pot." - Analyst Nassier

"Just as it would be polite to reply to the previous message. I hate to raise my voice, but this lack of communication is hardly tolerable." - Analyst Nassier

"Is anyone there?" - Analyst Nassier

"Test: I think the database is down. And the mailbox. My notes may not be displayed. If you can read this note, come by my office and let me know." - Analyste Nassier

"Heh-ho? Is anyone there?" - Analyst Nassier

"…no?" - Analyst Nassier


Apprehend the Stranger.

Entity # AS-1054-J
Level Xylon
Operations Charter: The Strange Agency undertakes to actively search for the location of AS-1054-J, the origin and history of AS-1054-J, the nature and effects of AS-1054-J, the means of controlling AS-1054-J, the means of limiting the effects of AS-1054-J, the means of using AS-1054-J in an environmentally responsible manner that respects the sensitivity of everyone. It also undertakes to assess the importance of the presence, research and influence of other organisations with similar or diverging aims to those of the Agency around AS-1054-J.

"Guys, I finally found a way to distinguish us from the other similar SPCs. We have to think about de-mo-gra-phy." - F. Andrews

"Could you develop that, Andrews?" - L. Smithers

"Simple: we don't have enough visibility. The abnormal business world is clogged everywhere. Too many people. No contracts, no dough. But all the others are addressed to the states, to the armies, in short, to guys from 30 to 50 years old. How about targeting… the seniors?" - F. Andrews

"The seniors? Have you been drinking?" - L. Smithers

"Think about it. The world population is getting older and older, but no one is listening to them. With a well-established network, we have a whole business world to deal with." - F. Andrews

"Like… haunted canes, memetic hazards on France 3? We will die in the shadows so that you can live a few more days in the light (depending on whether or not they have cataracts)? That kind of thing?" - L. Smithers

"Exactly. And we'd call ourselves the Observatory of the Elders." - F. Andrews

"You're fired." - L. Smithers


Reassure. Preserve. Defend.

Artifact #: RPD-1054-J
Type: Gamma
Rules of Priority Domination: Due to its nature, RPD-1054-J is not containable. In order to conceal its effects from the civilian population, the Jeth-2 coverage story, codenamed "Turnaround", was deployed, and a major misinformation operation was transmitted to all the Command's undercover agents in the world's main scientific organizations, as well as in influential media outlets and on social networks. Where possible, sabotage and espionage of groups threatening the interests of the Command are recommended.

"Internal Note: The RPDSS Entraide, which we rescued from the hands of the Foundation, left this morning for the Certain Agacement Star to plant our flag there, and there again to proclaim it as ours and not the property of these scatterbrained people. Glory to RPD!" - Director Vince

"Glory to RPD! Uh… There was an inauguration? I was at the head of the project, I would have liked to…" - Pr. Charleton

"Oh? I mean, yes, what do you think, we don't do propaganda here. I took care to finish the details and get the guys on board discreetly to avoid the Foundation's spies. Here, here's a picture of the crew. You see, I'm not lying." - Director Vince

"It's a picture of German soldiers from the Second World War." - Pr. Charleton

"How dare you! They are proud Americans! I know that the flag in the hall can be confusing, but take a look at the registry, you will see that I have assembled a team - you don't know them - that I sent this morning. I'm not lying." - Director Vince

"Ind- wait. The history says you just edited it. With your cell phone. As we were talking." - Pr. Charleton


Science and Consciousness.

- Sign. 1054-J -

- Design. Magnus -

Management: The Occurrence 1054-J is currently out of WeirdWay Society's reach. Each local, territorial, national and global intelligence faction is informed of its existence and actively collects all possible information about the Occurrence, both from public authorities and private informants - whose anonymity will be preserved here for obvious reasons. No funding is currently required outside the intelligence and counter-intelligence factions. Monitoring of agencies related to the Occurrence must be ongoing and reported daily.

"Gosh, finally free from RPD and its obnoxious director. It only cost us a few death threats in the end - and scratches when the barbed wire escalated. The WeirdWay Society is here! It is high time to return to a healthy and pure foundation!" - Captain Gerton

"Isn't that exactly what RPD wanted when it left the Foundation?" - Ranger Bouloch

"Well, uh, actually, they did, but they got lost along the way. We are really going to do it." - Captain Gerton

"From what I've heard, that's what a lot of others have said. I say that…" - Ranger Bouloch

"Well, don't say anything. We're really going to get back to our roots. No more softening comfort of high-tech structures. Back to the huts and the forest. No more Eldrich nothingness there, back to ghosts and werewolves. The hunt, the awakening of the senses, the smell of fear! That's what we need!" - Captain Gerton

"Isn't there a medicine cabinet? I haven't felt my arm since the barbed wire and…" - Ranger Bouloch

"Stop puting on a show, Bouloch. I-and don't faint here, damn it, you can see there's mud everywhere!" - Captain Gerton


Analysis. Capture. Detention.

Identifier: ACD-1054
Order: Prometheus
Sub-order: Job

Apply the Criteria for Detention : Despite various attempts, ACD-1054 appears to be unable to be captured. In order to conceal its existence, the AT-RM coverage "Second Opinion" was activated, and all ACD spies implanted in the information world were charged to manipulate public opinion in this sense. Several brainstorming meetings are planned for 21, 25 and 28 March - please keep to the schedule or risk sanctions. Also note the addition of new suborders to refine the sorting of ACDs, thank you Ramik.

"Still no information on the ACD? Apart from the new suborder, I mean." - Sister Pit

"Weren't you at brunch on Thursday? Did you know that brainstorming is now mandatory? You might alter our perfs by not keeping up to date like that." - Brother Ranch

"Do you know what you risk if your absences make us less competitive?" - Brother Gradient

"Don't worry about the report, Pit. We have a hell of a structure, a brand that is foolproof, and we are surrounded by amateurs with big glasses but no survival instinct. The Monopoly of San Brigon the Dissident is already in the red, but they have been working on information that could be useful to us. We proposed a merger to him and a few others." - Sister Ekka

"So… we don't do our own reports after all?" - Sister Pit

"Of course it's our own reports. Once the merger is done, they are ours. ACD property. I don't know what more you need." - Brother Ranch

"Ah, Sister Pit. You missed the mandatory brunch, I see. I'm sorry. Really. It will be almost painless." - Master Némès


Ensure a Better World.

Registered: 1054-J

Calibrated: Cyan

Adopted strategy: Undetermined direct threat. Medium indirect threat related to the influence of other potentially hostile related organizations. Spy forces deployed. Counter-intelligence forces deployed. Scientists mobilized on the study project: sixteen. Measures were taken against neutral and allied institutions: confiscation, blackmail, corruption, use of intermediaries.

Contact the Magnates for more details.

"So this is the end. After all we've done? We sell the Monopoly to these bastards?" - Employee 0-I000I0

"It's called a last stand, I000I0. We lost, due to lack of means. Lack of reputation. Lack of visibility. It's not fair, we both know that. ACD is just a bunch of morons who don't give a shit and wait for our work to fall right into their laps. There's no way we're letting them win." - Magnate 0I

And yet you give up. - Employee 0-I000I0

"That's right. But the real mistake was that they proposed the merger to me. When I was at their facility I was the only one who cared about research. Unfortunate for a scientific company, they are counting on us to have done the work for them. They will not check the work we are going to give them. They wouldn't even know how to read them. Take this." - Magnate 0I

"What is it?"- Employee 0-I000I0

"The real data for 1054. I want you to go and start a new agency while I destroy ACD from the inside with a bunch of shitty reports. I still don't know the details of its nature, but believe me: 1054 needs you to set up a new agency." - Magnate 0I

"We're much better off without them."

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