

Object #: SCP-116-DE

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-116-DE-1 is to be kept in a lockable garage of site-DE5 and equipped with a GPS tracker, which is to be checked monthly regarding proper function and to be replaced if necessary. To ensure its continued cooperation with the Foundation, SCP-116-DE-1's structure is to only be tested using non-invasive methods. Testing and driving of SCP-116-DE-1 may only be conducted within Site-DE5. Invitations from SCP-116-DE-1 to ride in it are to be declined by all personnel. Personnel acting contrary to this directive is to be subject to arrest and interrogation.

Should SCP-116-DE-1 become uncooperative, metal clamps shall be used to prevent it from using its weapons systems and other mechanisms. Furthermore, it needs to be secured upside down to the ground with steel cables.

If an intact or still partially preserved instance of SCP-116-DE-2 is recovered, its battery must be removed as soon as possible. Until this is done, it is to be fixed to the ground inverted with steel cables and prevented from deploying its weapon systems with additional steel cables. Its missile launcher is to be taped shut with suitable means to prevent it from opening. The specimens are then to be transferred to Site-DE10.

SCP-116-DE-2 instances encountered outside of containment shall be attacked with KE ammunitions if possible and secured as intact as managable, though they may be destroyed if the situation requires. Rocket launchers or projectiles of .20 mm or higher are required for destruction.

Should information about SCP-116-DE-2 become public, appropriate misinformation shall be disseminated and the media concerned shall be censored until the content in question has been removed or edited.

Description: SCP-116-DE-1 is a heavily modified Trabant 601 S with pale green color. On the surface, SCP-116-DE-1 does not differ from other vehicles of its model and is in good condition.

SCP-116-DE-1 has its own consciousness and can start and move by itself, unless it is driven by a person. In such a case, SCP-116-DE-1 can offer some resistance to the actions of its driver, but usually not enough to take control from him. SCP-116-DE-1 is capable of processing and responding to visual, tactile, and audio input from its environment in ways currently unknown. Through testing, SCP-116-DE-1 was found to have a field of vision equivalent to that of a person sitting in front of the steering wheel, preventing it from seeing its blind spots.

Its intelligence could not be fully assessed so far, but at the moment it is considered to be human-like, as the vehicle is able to understand spoken words in German and Russian and responds accordingly. Another reason for this assumption is that it can apparently identify itself with the name "Tom", as well as its designation. It is also noteworthy that SCP-116-DE-1 can remain inactive for a long time1 without suffering negative consequences for its mentality. SCP-116-DE-1 is able to communicate with the help of its signal horn, but at the moment it can only answer yes-no questions. Assigned personnel are currently trying to teach SCP-116-DE Morse code, but so far with only moderate success.

SCP-116-DE is friendly with Foundation personnel and occasionally invites them to ride in it by braking beside them and opening its doors. Staff has been instructed not to respond to such invitations, firstly to prevent potential containment breaches by third parties, and secondly to prevent the development of an emotional bond with the anomaly. SCP-116-DE-1, despite its normally friendly behavior, reacts aggressively when attempts are made to dismantle or otherwise remove individual components from it, making full investigation of the anomaly impossible at this time. It is suspected that this behavior stems from its treatment by the forces of the Group of Interest Raptor Tec. Industries (see video files 116-DE-1 to 116-DE-6). SCP-116-DE-1 also resists any form of maintenance, presumably for the same reason (with the exception of cleaning and wheel changing, which seem to give it pleasure). Whether it needs maintenance at all is currently the subject of an ongoing debate, as SCP-116-DE-1 has not shown any malfunctions so far.

SCP-116-DE-1's windows, structure and exterior cladding are extremely durable and can withstand MG fire up to and including .12.7 mm, as well as exposure to fire2 with no damage taken. The vehicle is also capable of expanding or reducing the space inside it at will. This feature allowed the installation of additional devices and machine parts inside it, which would never have found a place in a normal vehicle of its model and can be activated by special camouflaged controls on the dashboard. Among them are several weapon systems that are supplied with ammunition from as yet unknown sources. SCP-116-DE-1 includes, among other things:

  • A horizontally and vertically 90° swiveling, double-barreled machine gun for 7.62 mm rounds. SCP-116-DE-1 can fire this weapon independently, achieving relatively high hit ratios. The gun is extended from the trunk during deployment, with the trunk lid "folded" rather than raised. After firing 200 rounds, the gun cannot be used for nine hours. Firing is possible only in the direction of the rear.
  • Two miniature rocket launchers that can be extended from the front flashing lights. Each can fire an 8 cm long .1.5 mm missile, capable of penetrating most modern armor and possessing high explosive power for its size. After firing, the systems are inoperable for 17 hours.
  • A gravity anomaly apparently located in the underbody that allows SCP-116-DE-1 to travel on vertical surfaces and even on ceilings. Furthermore, SCP-116-DE-1 can use it to manipulate its own weight, allowing it to right itself when resting on the roof by making itself lighter than the surrounding air for a short time. How it adjusts tire pressure when its weight changes is unknown.
  • A tank at the rear that sprays an oil onto the ground behind the vehicle that reduces the friction coefficient of any surface it is splashed upon to zero. After dispensing 2 liters, the mechanism cannot be used for ten hours. The liquid usually evaporates and decomposes within ten minutes. Studies of the substance are still underway, however, it has already been found that the molecules of this oil have some special functional groups that should be impossible according to the known laws of chemistry.
  • Two cup holders in the front part of the vehicle.
  • Two propellers designed for use on and under water. During deployment, the rear wheels are "folded in" and the propellers are extended. Rudders, which are extended from the front wheel arches after the front wheels are "folded in", are used for steering. Because SCP-116-DE-1 can manipulate its weight and also appears to be waterproof, it is completely maneuverable underwater. How deep SCP-116-DE-1 can dive is not known.
  • An engine that is actually too large to fit in the engine compartment of a Trabant 601 S, but still has enough space available due to SCP-116-DE-1's space anomaly. It allows the vehicle to accelerate very quickly and reach speeds of up to 230 km/h. The engine was found to produce during operation the exact same noise as a P 65/66 two-cylinder gasoline engine and appears to have the same fuel requirements. SCP-116-DE-1 is apparently capable of running this engine without fuel, but seemingly prefers driving while fueled.
  • A fog machine that emits very dense fog through the exhaust. SCP-116-DE-1 can wrap itself in fog within seconds of coming to a stop with this device, but then seems to have difficulty orienting itself afterwards.
  • A mechanism that can hurl caltrops or even mortar mines from the trunk after it is automatically opened. The mines detonate for as yet unknown reasons only when any sort of vehicle passes over them and have hollow charges that have been able to penetrate all armor tested so far. The reason for this is not yet known, as the mines appear to be made of completely normal materials. During a deployment, up to 70 caltrops and eight mines can be laid out, after which the mechanism is no longer usable for the respective ammunition type for 20 hours.
  • A previously poorly understood anomaly that apparently can neutralize kinetic energy, allowing SCP-116-DE-1 to come to a stop within nanoseconds, even when moving at its maximum speed. The anomaly apparently also affects occupants, as test drivers reported feeling no jolt forward when braking.
  • A refrigerator located in the glove compartment. Is only accessible after SCP-116-DE-1 has been verbally asked for it. If this condition is not met, only the usual storage space is found when the glove compartment is opened.

In some recovered documents of Division XXV, a vehicle is mentioned whose description fits SCP-116-DE-1, so it is assumed to be a match. According to the documentation, SCP-116-DE-1 was an exclusive vehicle for agents of Division XXV and was used mainly for surveilling and securing anomalies.

Discovery: SCP-116-DE-1 was discovered when it was tracked near ████████ by five SCP-116-DE-2 instances. More details can be found in Incident Log 116-DE.

SCP-116-DE-2 are 6 m long vehicles, which externally resemble Formula 1 cars. It has a black painted body, exterior paneling and windows, which are even more durable than those of SCP-116-DE-1 and can withstand even machine gun fire up to .25 mm without visible damage. SCP-116-DE-2 can be controlled by a driver, but also has a built-in AI that controls the vehicle and can be supplied with commands by radio. Furthermore, the objects have several weapon systems, such as retractable MG guns located on the sides and minelayers for anti-vehicle mines with different modes of operation. In addition, there is a rocket launcher with six 15 cm computer-guided .20 mm rockets located behind the cockpit. In addition, a grappling hook can be fired from the front, which is connected to a carbon rope and can penetrate concrete up to 7 cm thick. The wheels can be extended, which allows driving on uneven terrain, and have bullet-proof tires made of extremely durable rubber. SCP-116-DE-2 is able to change its weight and tire pressure, which allows it to out-brake even trucks and tanks by means of its grappling hook, if the terrain it is on allows it. The vehicle's electric motor draws its energy from a battery that can store up to 60 gigawatts of energy. Also striking is the logo of Raptor Tec. Industries, which is affixed to the rear of SCP-116-DE-2.

Direct examination of SCP-116-DE-2 has not been possible so far because these objects have a self-destruct mechanism. This self-destruct mechanism, when activated, creates a strong gravitational pull inside the vehicle that compresses the object in such a way that subsequent identification of individual components becomes impossible.

All information on SCP-116-DE-2 comes from observations and from recovered data media from members of Raptor Tec. Industries. These could be seized on ██.██.████ during a break-in into a small base of the interest group. However, members of the interest group could not be caught, as they managed to escape with the help of some SCP-116-DE-2 instances. The information obtained was mostly data on SCP-116-DE-2, which is apparently distributed by R.T.I. under the name "R.T.I. Rudra" and, according to the information obtained, is used to patrol urban areas or attack protected convoys.

Data was found on the private computer of one of the members, which led to the conclusion that SCP-116-DE-2 was developed using SCP-116-DE-1 as a basis, which is why it was given the same SCP designation. Also present were several video files showing SCP-116-DE-1. These files were designated as Video Files 116-DE-1 to -6. It can be assumed that among the escaped persons was one of the inventors of SCP-116-DE-2.

The Foundation has come into contact with SCP-116-DE-2 several times since the first encounter with SCP-116-DE-1. The objects have been used, among other things, to attack Foundation logistics vehicles and apparently represent a means of maintaining order for those in power in some areas. Corresponding disinformation campaigns are underway while attempts are made to secure or neutralize all instances.

Addendum 116-DE-1: During an inspection, SCP-116-DE-1 opened his glove compartment. Inside was a sealed letter that had been handwritten. It is not yet clear why R.T.I. did not take this document, but it can be assumed that SCP-116-DE-1 was successful in keeping its existence secret.

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