Item #: SCP-136-DE
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-136-DE is to be placed in a level 3 security cell for humanoid SCPs and is allowed egress within site DE20, along with Doctor Thompkins and 4 guards, and a tracking chip. Experiments, interviews and the like must only be conducted with Doctor Lee.
SCP-136-DE is currently held at site DE10, in a 10 m × 10 m × 3 m cell with simple standard furniture, and eight (8) outlets located in the corners of the room, which are connected to a sedative tank. These have to be used in case of refusal of orders, escape attempts or to prepare for possible transport.
Food, beverages and any requested objects must be provided via a 30 cm wide and 15 cm high large shaft with a double airlock. Access to SCP-136-DE's security cell must consist of two (2) steel doors coupled together, each 2 metres apart. The walls, floors and ceilings must be 50 cm reinforced concrete, with integrity sensors set in, coated with a rubber foam covering.
SCP-136-DE's position, as well as the isolation cell and exit, must be monitored at all times by an algorithm using a camera, integrity sensors, weight sensors, and a tracking chip implanted in SCP-136-DE's neck, in order to immediately respond to any breach of containment by SCP-136-DE. If SCP-136-DE escapes from containment, all doors, exits and otherwise secured passageways are immediately sealed off and, after SCP-136-DE's exact position has been determined, flooded with sedatives and re-contained by the RTF DE10-ℭ.
SCP-136-DE can request certain items or better food, but must remain quiet and cooperative for at least 3 weeks in order to do so. Requests must be approved by the SCP-136-DE project leader, as well as a member of the O4 Council.
Due to several signs of clinical depression, SCP-136-DE was prescribed therapy by Doctor Hinkeroder.
Addendum-001: Due to severe lack of cooperation and increased attacks on Doctor Hinkeroder by SCP-136-DE, therapy was suspended.
Addendum-002: Due to the consequences of a possible future containment breach, a vote was taken in the O4 Council on a possible "alternative containment" by artificial coma. The vote was negative with a majority of ██ %.
If we just want to put him in an induced coma for the rest of his life, we can terminate him right now. No, the current containment remains in place, he was cooperative once, he may become cooperative again.
Addendum-003: SCP-136-DE is scheduled to be transferred to Site DE17 as a result of budget cuts.
Description: SCP-136-DE is a ██ year-old boy who is 1.██ m tall and weighs ██ kg. In addition, SCP-136-DE has brown-blond hair, yellow eyes and is very athletically built. SCP-136-DE could achieve an IQ of 113 in a standard IQ test, which is slightly above average. In addition, SCP-136-DE shows a strong interest in technology and science fiction, as well as literature related to these topics. SCP-136-DE displays irritable and annoyed behaviour towards Foundation staff, often insulting them and attacking them several times in the past, but seems to have now ceased this behaviour.
SCP-136-DE has the anomalous ability to stop time, through a process that is not yet understood. However, it can suppress this effect on nearby objects, processes or phenomena, enabling it to breathe, move or perform activities such as eating, drinking and more while stopping time. Although the logical conclusion is that SCP-136-DE would be blind during the suppression of its effect, since no light would reach the retina of the eye, this does not seem to be the case, as there is unknown cellular tissue with the appearance of a yellow pattern in the iris of the subject. This is connected to the optic nerve via special nerves, and supplies it with stimuli identical to those of the retina, allowing SCP-136-DE to see normally should it stop time. Although the actual use of its anomalous effect of stopping time does not exhaust it in any way, the suppression of this effect seems to be quite exhausting and has already led to several breakdowns of SCP-136-DE.
Addendum-004: SCP-136-DE seems to have developed a kind of motoric behaviour which ensures that it unconsciously creates a kind of bubble in which it can breathe and move freely. At the edge of this bubble, there seems to be some kind of circulation of air and temperature, ensuring that he can breathe until the available oxygen in the environment has been converted into carbon dioxide. The heat given off by SCP-136-DE's body is evenly distributed in the environment, while at the same time external cold is largely shielded. This entire process appears to occur through a continuous expansion and contraction of the space at the edge of the bubble, with oxygen and carbon dioxide, as well as temperatures, being constantly exchanged.
Discovery: SCP-136-DE was discovered in the small town of ████████ after a Foundation agent embedded with the local police reported constant, mild, out-of-nowhere devastation, as well as video footage of a "teleporting boy". The Foundation prevented the release of this information and, thanks to several video recordings of these events, were able to identify the boy as ████████ ███ and contacted the family under the guise of Child Protective Services. See interview log-136-DE-1.
Foreword: Agent ████████ interviews the mother of SCP-136-DE, █████ ███, under the cover of the Youth Welfare Office.
<Start of the recording>
Agent: Hello my name is John Dexter, from the youth welfare office, we had already spoken on the phone.
Mrs.███: Yes, that's right, you said that there are abnormalities in ████████'s behaviour that need your attention.
Agent: That is correct. May I know where your son is at the moment?
Mrs.███: Of course, ████████ is currently at school. But he should be home soon. By the abnormalities, do you mean his grades? I understand that his teachers may have notified you, but I want to assure you that….
Agent: No, that's not the point, but we'll come back to it later.
Mrs.███: Um, what kind of abnormalities do you mean then?
Agent: Well, we found video footage all over the city showing her son for just a fraction of a second, after which the whole area is devastated.
Mrs.███: You are joking or how could that be possible? You must have false information. Probably those are some photoshopped videos.
Agent: Don't try to distract me and don't talk nonsense. The recordings were provided to us directly after an investigation by the police, so be glad that we were able to contact you first and that you and your son are not in custody. So what do you know about this?
Mrs.███: (Silence)
Agent: Ms ███, please we want to help you, but for that you have to cooperate with us.
Mrs.███: (whispers) He's just a kid, why can't you just leave him alone.
SCP-136-DE appears next to his mother
SCP-136-DE: Hi Mum, I'm home. Who's that on the chair?
Agent: (startled, but quickly calms down) Shi… hi, I'm John …
Mrs.███: (shouts) Run ████████ and hide, go to aunt █████ and do what she says
<End of the recording>
Closing remark: SCP-136-DE's mother, threw herself at Agent ████████ and tried to hold him down, but was overpowered and stunned by Agent ████████. When Agent ████████ looked around for SCP-136-DE, it had already disappeared.
SCP-136-DE was later recovered from ███████ in the care of █████ ████████. The woman was highly cooperative and handed SCP-136-DE over to the Foundation under the promise "that he would be helped". She was subsequently interviewed, as was SCP-136-DE's mother, and given amnesia. SCP-136-DE was placed in a standard security cell for humanoid anomalies at site DE20, in accordance with procedure Delta 7 for humanoid anomalies, for the time being.
Forword: SCP-136-DE should be questioned about its anomalous effect, by Doctor Thompkins, as she has already had several successes with humanoid young SCPs.
<Start of the recording>
Doctor Thompkins: Hello SCP-136-DE.
SCP-136-DE: I have a name.
Doctor Thompkins: I am aware of that, but unfortunately I have to call you that.
SCP-136-DE: Why?
Doctor Thompkins: The people who give me orders told me I have to call you that.
SCP-136-DE: And why do they want you to call me that?
Doctor Thompkins: I'm afraid I don't know, but can I ask you a question instead?
SCP-136-DE: Sure, why not.
Doctor Thompkins: How can you move so fast?
SCP-136-DE: Oh, that's easy, I think to myself that everything stops and then I just move.
Doctor Thompkins: Sorry, but you "think that everything stops", could you please explain this in more detail.
SCP-136-DE: Er, not really, I just do it.
Doctor Thompkins asks the administration if it is allowed to ask for an example. The request was granted.
Doctor Thompkins: Can you give me an example or show me one?
SCP-136-DE: Sure.
SCP-136-DE used its anomalous effect to displace the entire furniture.
Doctor Thompkins: (Visibly startled and cries out briefly) Oh holy….
SCP-136-DE: (laughing) Satisfied, Doc?
Doctor Thompkins: (Laughing) In a way, yes.
<End of the recording>
Closing remark: SCP-136-DE was placed in a level 3 security cell after questioning, as the level of danger he posed was classified as level 3.
List of things requested by SCP-136-DE:
- Some weights and other fitness equipment Denied
- A laptop with internet connection Denied
- A TV Granted
- A Playstation brand video game console Granted
- An electrical kit Denied
- E-book with a list of books and comics in the field of video game and science fiction culture. Granted
- A larger and more spacious cell Granted
- Return of previously requested objectsDenied
Incident report-136-DE-7:
At 12:██ p.m. on ██/██/20██, SCP-136-DE undertook a containment breach from its cell with its abnormal effect stopping time for over ██ hours. During this time SCP-136-DE used several objects within his cell to break a hole in the wall of his containment cell. He then apparently searched for an exit, taking several breaks to recover from the suppression of his effect. During these pauses, all exits and doors were sealed, eventually leading to the subject's re-containment with the aid of sedative anaesthesia.
Following this incident, new and improved security measures were developed for SCP-136-DE. As a result, SCP-136-DE was temporarily transferred to site-DE10, as it already had the resources to build a containment cell that met the updated security measures, and SCP-136-DE had no knowledge of the layout of site DE10.
Forword: Doctor Thompkins was to find out what the motives behind SCP-136-DE's containment breach were.
<Start of the recording>
Doctor Thompkins: Hello SCP-136-DE.
SCP-136-DE: Hi, Doc.
Doctor Thompkins: How are you today?
SCP-136-DE: I'm still drugged up from that Seditiva stuff you gave me yesterday.
Doctor Thompkins: Sedatives. We had to, unfortunately. You destroyed your cell and walked through the facility without any guards. You could have gotten hurt. It was all for your own safety…
SCP-136-DE: (Annoyed) Can you please stop treating me like a stupid toddler?
Doctor Thompkins: I'm sorry, but… I'm sorry, what?
SCP-136-DE: You understand, telling me that you want to help me, telling me that it is dangerous if I take one step out of my cell without you, or that I am not a prisoner here but a patient.
Doctor Thompkins: What are you talking about, we just want to help you.
SCP-136-DE: Of course, if you wanted to help me, you wouldn't lock me up here but let me live a normal life worth living. One where I'm not locked up in a cell all day.
Doctor Thompkins: Before we contained you, you regularly ravaged your hometown. I think you understand why we don't want to unleash you on the world.
SCP-136-DE: That's different, and also I'm older now and I don't do that shit anymore, so you can fucking let me out of here now.
Doctor Thompkins: I'm sorry, but that's not possible.
SCP-136-DE: (Profanity censored)
Doctor Thompkins: Please contain yourself, …
SCP-136-DE: You know what, no. I'm never gonna calm down again. I'm sick and tired of being ordered around by you guys.
<End of the recording>
Closing remark: