
Item#: 1500-KO
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:



Special Containment Procedure: Site-50K, Site-13K, Site-140 and ██ other sites with marine observatories are to identify SCP-1500-KO manifestations and execute a VI-Class veil policy on such occurrences. All personnel are to take note of the object's disruption class, Amida.

Description: SCP-1500-KO refers to a series of sporadic but somewhat consistent anomalous events in tropical and temperate oceans globally that have been documented since the 2060s. Such events manifest in ██ counts of forms, such as explosions as big as 4 kilotonnes of TNT, a fire tornado, anomalous rainstorms, and an extreme drop in Hume readings. These events can sometimes inflict serious damage to lifeforms, including humans, and poses a great threat to the Foundation's veil policy. The subject's manifestation is proven to follow the theory of unified thaumaturgy, but the Foundation lacks an understanding of the mechanism.

Addendum: For the circumstances regarding SCP-1500-KO and its movement, personnel are to refer to the following.


Abstract: SCP-1500-KO coincided with an early briefing about SCP-1500-KO done in Site-50K.

[Start of Log]

Researcher La4tia: Last month's hot potato, EE-291██, has been officially nominated as SCP and given the designation SCP-1500-KO. Therefore its containment class rose from Anomalous to Keter. Oh, also, please note that it is Amida.

Director Jeong Gaon: …Enough with the annoying class stuff. What's the damage?

Researcher La4tia: Site-45, 140, 3069 and 13K suffered direct damage. Twelve additional facility damages, and, hmm, the pacific command suffered especially severe damages.

Director Jeong Gaon: Analysis?

Researcher La4tia: It's still underway, director. Phenomena are hard to notice, isn't it? Please understand that everything is still under process, obviously.

Driector Jeong Gaon: …So nothing change—

Explosion. Amber alert on the site.

Director Jeong Gaon: Shit, what was that?

Researcher La4tia: What could that be? I'll increase the collapse attunement resistance for now.

Director Jeong Gaon: Is it a GoI? (Sigh) Fuck, I worked so hard to keep our coordinates hidden.

Researcher La4tia: …We don't know that yet. Researchers on the other building are analysing it in real time.

Director Jeong Gaon: (Looking out the window) Woah, what is that?

Researcehr La4tia: (Turns her head around) Huh? What?

Pillars of fire caused by unknown reasons can be seen ou the window. As Site-50K is underwater, the pillars generate numerous bubbles in the seawater around them.

Researcher Jeong Gaon: The end is nigh! (Chuckles)

Researcher La4tia: …Wait, that. That just… Oh, we got the analysis.

Director Jeong Gaon: How's it like? (Chuckles)

Researcher La4tia: We need further analysis to be exact… But that's certainly SCP-1500-KO. This is strange.

Director Jeong Gaon: Speak of the devil. It's finally here on our site!

Researcher La4tia: Director, behave yourself. The recording's on.

Director Jeong Gaon: So? Turn it off, then.

[End of log]

Conclusion: Site-50K suffered damage from SCP-1500-KO for the first time. A detailed post-incident analysis followed.

Analysis revealed a high level of aspect radiation, including unidentifiable EVE spikes, detected from SCP-1500-KO. However, attempts to identify the EVE spike have all failed. F-e9661, an EVE used for relatively basic thaumaturgic actions, were detected, but it was not enough for identification, as such EVE spikes are commonly detected from various thaumaturgic devices and novice thaumaturgists.


Abstract: Researcher La4tia interviewed Site-50K's AI, Bathyal.aic. The purpose of the interview was to test the AIC's autonomous high-speed analysis abilities about the EVE spike detected from SCP-1500-KO from the incident 1500ko/50k1.

[Start of log]

Researcher La4tia: Hmm, when does this finish?

Researcehr Lee Youngsu: Almost there! Just five more seconds.

Bathyal.aic: Analysis complete. I have compared the sample you provided with 730,000 EVE spike types and found 17 subjects that show a matching rate of over 98.7%. One type had a 100% match: S-n2364—

Researcer La4tia: (Startled) Wait, what?

Researcehr Lee Youngsu: …Is there a problem?

Bathyal.aic: The S-n2364 type. Could I continue?

Researcer La4tia: It's nothing… Carry on.

Bathyal.aic: S-n2364 has a notable higher pitch in the high-pitched EVE types. This suggests that this type results from biological reproduction, more commonly known as intervaginal ejaculation.

Researcher La4tia puts her palm on her forehead. Researcher Lee's ears blush.

Bathyal.aic: However, SCP-1500-KO is not soley comprised of S-n2364. SCP-1500-KO's aspect radiation is a combination of at least 14 types of EVE spikes; two of the most abundant are S-n2364 and F-e9661 mentioned before.

Researcer La4tia: …Oh dear.

Bathyal.aic: I'll continue. F-e9661 lowers the pitch and acts destructively. This signifies that the EVE generation stems from a strong desire to harm oneself or others.

Researcer La4tia: Wait, isn't F-e9661 commonly made from paranormal devices of novice thaumaturgists? Such paranormal effects look like it's prone to sucking all those EVEs. I don't think that's enough to distinguish SCP-1500-KO.

Bathyal.aic: All paranormal devices of Site-50K utilise an Everhart resonator or a reality sink anomaly. Moreover, there are no thaumaturgists that use the F-e9661 type EVE. Also, the EVE from SCP-1500-KO is too much for a novice thaumaturgist to make, nor is it a type for experienced thaumaturgists to use.

Researcer La4tia: …That's complicated. It's all a cluttery mess.

Bathyal.aic: As anomalies are. In conclusion, SCP-1500-KO consists of the EVEs S-n2364, generated from copulation, more specifically intervaginal ejaculation, and F-e9661, generated from a blatant act of violence to harm others, seen from its amount. This is atypical, as two opposite-pitched EVEs are mixed together. Usually, EVEs of an opposite pitch result in pair annihilation, significantly dropping the efficiency of the thaumaturgy. However, they act exactly the other way in SCP-1500-KO.

Researcher La4tia: Interesting, but why?

Bathyal.aic: Unfortunately, I cannot know. This is the limit for the thaumaturgical information accessible with my clearance.

Researcer La4tia: So it's our job to find out.

Bathyal.aic: I agree. That is the case.

[End of log]

Conclusion: First success in analysing the aspect radiation structure of SCP-1500-KO using Bathyal.aic.


Abstract: Director Jeong Gaon talked with Researcher La4tia after the O5 Council report about SCP-1500-KO.

[Start of log]

Director Jeong Gaon: So, about that aspect radiation analysis report last week. Overwatch seems almost sure that that was sabotage from a GoI.

Researcher La4tia: What do you think, director?

Director Jeong Gaon: I don't know. I honestly don't. And I'm scared.

Researcehr La4tia: In what way?

Director Jeong Gaon: Don't you see? Some magic that is made while killing something and having sex is happening worldwide. It's terrifying.

Researcher La4tia: …Technically the magic gains energy from —

Director Jeong Gaon: Tomato, tomahto. Anyways, I'm scared of what lies ahead. Some new kind of paranormal organisation? A pluripotent entity jerking off?

Researcehr La4tia: So, what's the O5 going to do?

Director Jeong Gaon: They're signing an agreement with the GOC and scanning the entire area where that thing SCP-1500-KO manifested. Brutes.

Researcehr La4tia: …I didn't expect things'll get so big the O5 will get involved.

Director Jeong Gaon: Me neither. Well, it'll make things faster, I guess.

[End of log]

Conclusion: As seen in the dialogue, the authority over SCP-1500-KO's disposal has been transferred to Overwatch. Currently ongoing.

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Item#: 1500-KO
Containment Class:
Secondary Class:
Disruption Class:
Risk Class:

Special Containment Procedures: Site-50K, Site-13K, Site-140 and ██ other sites with marine observatories are to identify SCP-1500-KO manifestations and execute a VI-Class veil policy on such occurrences. Additional procedures are prohibited.

Description; SCP-1500-KO refers to a series of sporadic but somewhat consistent anomalous events in tropical and temperate oceans globally since the 2060s. Such events manifest in ██ counts of forms, such as explosions as big as 4 kilotonnes of TNT, a fire tornado, anomalous rainstorms, and an extreme drop in Hume readings. These events can sometimes inflict serious damage to lifeforms, including humans, and poses a great threat to the Foundation's veil policy.


Pseudobiceros bedfordi 7 seconds before triggereing SCP-1500-KO.

However, due to the origin of SCP-1500-KO, it cannot be contained. The subject is caused by the copulation of several flatworm(Platyhelminthes) species. As the species are hermaphrodites, their mating rituals involve a duel using their genitals. Fertilisation happens as the worms hurt each other. Such a process is referred to as "Cross-fertilisation" in biology. Extremely vigorous create a high-pitch EVE, S-n2364, and the violence causes the low-pitch EVE F-e9661. As flatworms do not make good thaumaturgists, the generated EVE is scattered around and causes a chain-repelling reaction called SCP-1500-KO.

SCP-1500-KO cannot be contained due to its properties. As such complete containment is prohibited by the Ethics Committee, and the item was designated as Archon-Class. However, due to the immense budget of the veil policy, a plan to control the flatworm population is under examination.

The high-pitch and low-pitch EVE generated from SCP-1500-KO amplify each other. This goes against the traditional Unified Thaumatology principles. Researcher La4tia coined the term "Cross Thaumatology" for this.

Addendum: Attachements


Abstract: Director Jeong Gaon talked with Researcher La4tia after the revision of document SCP-1500-KO.

[Start of Log]

Director Jeong Gaon: This is ridiculous. After all we've been through, this.

Researcher La4tia: I'm quite disappointed. SCP-1500-KO's Cross Thaumatology can shake the Unified Thaumatology from its stem, but the Ethics Committee indefinitely postponed it.

Director Jeong Gaon: I can understand them, though. You'd need a skilled thaumaturgist to fuck and kill at the same time.

Researcher La4tia: There are so many things we don't know about this SCP object, and we could have found a way to cope with the situation less aggressively. It's regrettable.

Director Jeong Gaon: By the way, I have a question.

Researcher La4tia: What is it?

Director Jeong Gaon: If SCP-1500-KO is caused by the copulation of flatworms, why didn't we notice SCP-1500-KO before?

Researcher La4tia: That's… because of global warming. Higher temperatures pulled marine invertebrates to mid-latitude regions, and thus SCP-1500-KO started happening globally. If you see here, in 2061, SCP-1500-KO happened only four times, but it happened 37 times in 2064.

Director Jeong Gaon: Leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. We caused this, eventually.

Researcher La4tia: Sort of speak. Nothing caught onto our growth, sadly.

[End of log]

Conclusion: N/A

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