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— Felice Ridolfi, Director of DITC
Item #: SCP-151-IT
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-151-IT is contained in cell number K/151 of Site Angerona. Access to the cell, as well as interaction with SCP-151-IT for experimental purposes, are restricted to authorized personnel.
Description: SCP-151-IT is a semimaterial noospherical densification, with an estimated Hyperuranic Stability (HS) of 127 cid.1 Because of its low HS, SCP-151-IT is unstable in the Noosphere and is bound to assume concrete, visible form. The object shares physical and chemical properties with a supercritical fluid and replicates the appearance of the traditional Italian fruitcake commonly known as panettone; moreover, it is stable at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. The object can be sealed in airtight containers - even under pressure and at temperatures lower than 0 °C - and transported from a place to another without leading to potentially hazardous situations. When removed from the container used for transportation, SCP-151-IT keeps floating stably near the point where the removal took place. SCP-151-IT is chemically, physically and esoterically unalterable.
Addendum 151-1: History of the anomaly
The Italian Branch was first provided with evidence of SCP-151-IT on 07/03/1984, when an email was sent directly from the administrative offices of the English Branch of the SCP Foundation. It was received via the intranet of the organization. An integral transcript of the text is reported below.
From: moc.pcs|21_inivlas.hpesoj#moc.pcs|21_inivlas.hpesoj
To: ti.pcsf|atsev_oduabf#ti.pcsf|atsev_oduabf
Subject: Possible anomalous event report
Report for the attention of Filippo Baudo, management head, SCP Foundation, Italian Branch
With the following, we are reporting the possible presence of the physical trace left by an Ubiquitous Noogenesis2 on Italian territory. It supposedly took place simultaneously between 1494 and 1496 at these coordinates: N ██° ██' ██″ E ██° ██' ██″.3 The first traces of this event were located by the English Branch on 27/02/1984, through the instrumental detection of long-distance noospherical radiation exceeding the hyperuranic constant4 near the first of the two aforementioned locations. Since there are still high odds that a similar trace is present in the second location mentioned as well, we request the Italian Branch lead an on-site investigation and forward all results, so as to carry on the ongoing studies on the event occurred.
Joseph Salvini, Foreign Affairs Coordinator
On 09/03/1984, following further agreements made with the English Branch, the Italian Branch sent a SIR-I team to search the reported location. On the same day, at 21:35, SCP-151-IT was discovered; specifically, the finding occurred in the rooms of the palace which used to be its kitchens. However, before a containment attempt could be made, the object disappeared - leaving behind weak long-distance nootic radiation - and was never retrieved over the following decades. Therefore, on 15/03/1999, the English and Italian Branches decided to discontinue research on the item, assuming that it could have been subject to spontaneous neutralization.
A new series of SCP-151-IT sightings occurred in 2013, in San Donato Milanese (part of the Milanese metropolis). On 24th March, the local police began to respond to a series of reports of a "flying panettone" appearing in a specific area of the city, found at these coordinates: N ██° ██' ██″ E ██° ██' ██″. An undercover SIR-II agent working at the police station became suspicious of how frequent the reports were, so he called the headquarters of the Intelligence and Research Section. SSM IV ("Pugnus Ferri") was immediately deployed. A complete report of the operation conducted to contain the anomaly can be consulted in the SSM database, in the "Field Operations" section.
Over the weeks following the placement of SCP-151-IT in its current containment cell, SIR-II was busy tracking down all eyewitnesses to SCP-151-IT and amnesticizing them. Meanwhile, every document and/or media file recording its sightings was confiscated or removed from message boards and social media.
Given the events occurred, the Italian Branch deemed it suitable to recontact the English Branch, in order to forward updates on the status of SCP-151-IT. On 27/03/2013, research on the item was officially resumed; using the newest, most advanced technologies for noospherical analysis made it possible to shed more light on the anomalous properties of SCP-151-IT, beside redefining its nature and mode of origin completely.
You are attempting to access a version of this document still in the process of drafting. All information contained here are incomplete and may be subject to future modifications - even substantial ones - depending on the results of the ongoing research on SCP-151-IT; therefore, they must not be understood as conclusive. If you still wish to access this document, please log back in.
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A sketchy graphical representation of what used to be the original form of SCP-151-IT.
Item #: SCP-151-IT
Object Class: Pending
Special Containment Procedures: Pending classification. The special containment procedures provided in the previous instance of this file should be considered valid until further notice.
Description: SCP-151-IT refers to a non-transient, semimaterial nootic densification, originated from the severe loss of HS from an Original Nootic Structure (ONS) based in the human Noosphere. The original form of SCP-151-IT presented itself as a translucent, brownish, spheroidal egregore, with black spherical structures on its surface. Its modes of origin are unknown.
The ONS of SCP-151-IT randomly made contact with two human beings through an Ubiquitous Nootic Enlightenment event.5 Said event affected Ugo di fu Antonio Galli, a cook at Ludovico Sforza's palace (in March 1496), and British physician Joseph John Thomson (in March 1904). Exposition to this phenomenon allowed them to invent the recipe for panettone and conceptualize the so-called plum pudding model6 respectively.
It is assumed that, after the initial Enlightenment event, the ONS gradually lost a significant part of its original HS - estimated at 191 Gid7 - until it took its current form, with an estimated HS of 127 cid. The reason why this event occurred, as well as the reasons why SCP-151-IT manifested itself in Italy with the aforementioned form, are unknown. Further studies are ongoing.