Original title: SCP-1690-JP - 犭貪トン あるいはウロボロス
Author: ©︎physicslike
original publication date: 13 November 2016
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Part of the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall.
Item #: SCP-1690-JP
Objetc Class: Euclid Ain1
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1690-JP cannot be contained by the Foundation because it is an event that occurs in ultra-deep space. Detailed observation data of the Great Wall Hercules-Corona Borealis will be collected and censored and simultaneously all astronomical observatories will investigate to find out the principles of the disappearance of galaxies.
Special Concealment Procedures2: All astronomical observation agencies that obtain detailed data on the Great Wall of Hercules-Corona Borealis will be censored3 and prevent any related investigation. Information contained in SCP-1690-JP, including this report, will only be disclosed to the O5 Council and the Chief Investigator of each investigation division. Furthermore, the E1 and E2 plans set appropriate disguised goals so that society would not find out about the goal of leaving Earth.
Description: SCP-1690-JP is a disappearance of galaxies observed on the Great Wall of Hercules-Corona Borealis.The disappearance of a galaxy occurs in a very short period of time (10-20 years), and it has been observed that electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves decay at the same time, so it has been shown that light is not seen attenuated by no shield. Light intensity analyzes indicate that most of the galaxies in which the annihilation phenomenon occurs are huge, but no other significant regularity has been found due to observation limitations. The distance to the Great Wall of Hercules-Corona Borealis indicates that SCP-1690-JP occurred in very distant galaxies 10 billion years ago, but has not been observed in other regions, including the vicinity of our galaxy. However, the possibility that the same phenomenon occurs in the vicinity of our galaxy and in the galaxy itself cannot be ruled out, because the beginning of this phenomenon is still unknown.
SCP-1690-JP is a flat, bull-shaped surface4of unknown size and extension, part of which can be seen as the Great Wall of Hercules-Corona Borealis. SCP-1690-JP is a flat, three-dimensional torus5, that is, the boundary surface of a loop of specific direction in this universe, and light and objects that have moved linearly in a perpendicular direction will eventually return to the starting point. Therefore, the galaxy cluster known as the Great Wall of Hercules-Corona Borealis is a finite celestial region of the universe observable through SCP-1690-JP, due to its distance from Earth and the accelerated expansion of the universe.6.
It is created that SCP-1690-JP is swallows space on the opposite side of the galaxy whereby it is viewed from Earth at a speed greater than that of light. Esteem that its rate is from █.███ to ██.███ light years per year, where confirmed the disappearance of the galaxy in a short period of time. Due to the fact that the opposite side of SCP-1690-JP is observable, it will be considered that SCP-1690-JP maintains the ability to penetrate electromagnetic and gravitational waves7. What happens in space engulfed by SCP-1690-JP is a hypothesis, but as electromagnetic waves and gravitational waves are isolated, it is unlikely that ordinary matter is conserved, it will be considered reasonable to assume that normal material disappears with all space from the point of view of the continuity of the universe.

Conceptual diagram that describes the universe with the surface of a three-dimensional flat torus in a visually comprehensible way. You can see that the donut-shaped surface is the universe, and it returns to its original position by following the latitude and longitude lines.
Since the speed of space erosion exceeds the speed of light, it is impossible to observe how close SCP-1690-JP is to eroding space. SCP-1690-JP's rate of erosion is estimated to be faster than the expansion rate of the universe, but the size of the universe is believed to be larger than expected due to the existence of Earth. However, there is no evidence that this galaxy is in the safe zone, and the timing of SCP-1690-JP's arrival is unknown. Additionally, SCP-1690-JP's rate of erosion is now 10 billion years, and may be changing.
Annex 1: When SCP-1690-JP was first discovered, it was defined as an inexplicable phenomenon of galaxy disappearance occurring in ultra-deep space as a Euclid classification object, but with improved observation precision, it was discovered that the disappearance of the galaxies occurred in order from the nearest galaxy to the farthest. The eroding surface of the structure was predicted to be the origin of the phenomenon. Furthermore, analysis of observations of broadband radio waves from the vicinity of the Great Wall of Hercules-Corona Borealis revealed that the structure is much larger than it appears and has a looped structure8. As a result of more detailed observations based on the hypothesis, it was shown that the universe is a flat three-dimensional torus and that the aforementioned properties of SCP-1690-JP are accurate with a probability of more than 99.99%. In response, a task force consisting of ███ senior researchers from each of the research divisions conducted a multi-faceted review of the results. The main plans that were reviewed are summarized below.