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Historical photograph of SCP-188-DE-A

Item #: SCP-188-DE

Object Class: Neutralized

Special Containment Procedures: There are no samples of SCP-188-DE existing anymore. Should samples be discovered, against expectations, they are to be frozen and handled according to standard measures for microbial biological weapons class 3. Production of SCP-188-DE based on the discovered research protocols is strictly prohibited, no research in this direction is taking place.

All original documents, as well as possibly existing copies, are not anomalous, though as for the danger posed by reproduction, they are to be contained in a high-security safe level S4 under video surveillance. Access to these documents is not permitted to anybody. Digital copies are underlying security level 5/188-DE. In case of unauthorized access, the content of the safe is to be destroyed automatically by a termite-charge. Attempts to access the safe are in doubt to be averted by deadly force.

Humans and animals infected by SCP-188-DE, and those suspected to be infected are to be isolated and observed in a reinforced quarantine-room. In case they show symptoms, the project manager is free to order euthanization; infected foundation personnel may request to be euthanized, should they show symptoms. If no symptoms occur after six weeks, the infection is regarded as averted and the subjects are no longer infectious. The corpses of victims of SCP-188-DE and possibly infected are to be treated as a class 3 bio-hazard and cremated.

SCP-188-DE can survive and remain infectious in the air for up to five days after exposition. Actual or alleged contaminated premises are to be flooded with an oxidizing gaseous disinfectant like ozone or chloric gas and all surfaces are to be cleaned with an appropriate oxidant. SCP-188-DE itself is not mask-breaking but can be combined with mask-breaking support materials. In case of deployment by the SKP from U-3378-DE, Site-DE3 is equipped with an ozone-generator to flood Room ᚠ as well as attached hallways. Should an exposition occur, protective clothing with oxygen supply and Tactical Power Armors are to be preferred and to be decontaminated with oxidant or nonthermal plasma. Possibly damaged parts are to be replaced.

Description: SCP-188-DE is an anomalous modified multiresistant Staphylococcus aureus bacterium (SCP-188-DE-A), to which an anomalous prion (SCP-188-DE-B) is coupled. It was developed in 1944 by the Sonderkommando for the paranormal as the biological weapon B4 “Blitzgewitter”. Though its effect is deadly, its main purpose was the demoralization of enemy units. No samples exist anymore (see attachment #188-DE/A1). Further, it is unknown if the records of its development are suitable to reproduce SCP-188-DE.

SCP-188-DE was developed as a carrier fluid to be sprayed from planes over enemy emplacements and camps. The carrier fluid is glaring yellow and precipitates as a colorless, sticky gel on all surfaces by oxidation. It is not soluble by water and hard to remove. SCP-188-DE partly remains bound in the carrier substance, partly becomes aerobic and on first exposition it enters the body through the respiratory system, eyes, mucosae or later by accidental ingestion via contaminated food or smear infection after contact with contaminated objects. If the carrier substance is inhaled it irritates the throat, leading to coughing, though remains in the respiratory system long enough to lead to an infection. SCP-188-DE survives in the carrier substance for ca. one week and remains infectious for this time. It is transferable from person to person by body fluids and via air, though it does not survive outside of the body or the carrier substance for more than 2 hours. It remains infectious for the whole time of exposition. SCP-188-DE's effect only occurs on humans, animals are contagious for ca. one week, afterward SCP-188-DE denatures as for the unsuitable environment. It is resistant against all non-oxidizing disinfectants. The carrier substance is not anomalous and was destroyed as it began to decay, the chemical composition was determined before though and is deposited along with instructions for its synthesis in document #188-DE/A2.

SCP-188-DE-A stays asymptomatic for ca. 3 days in a healthy human and just reproduces. When SCP-188-DE-B reaches a certain point in its spread, it causes the release of a hormone through the hypophysis, which activates SCP-188-DE-A. This leads to a spontaneous triggering of a blistered detachment of the epidermis, similar to toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome) as well as necrotic boils and carbuncles, and possibly additional symptoms, typical for infection with Staphylococcus aureus. The period in which SCP-188-DE remains inert depends on various environmental factors during the application as well as the “ripening phase” and the time from its cultivation till its application; as long as all infected stay in one place and are exposed to the same factors, it breaks out in all infected simultaneously within one hour, if all SCP-188-DE are from the same batch.

Not all infected show symptoms. If SCP-188-DE-B does not reach the brain within 37 hours it starts to degenerate, the hormone is not released, SCP-188-DE-A remains inert and begins to die off after a few weeks. Research of the SKP to specialize SCP-188-DE on certain haplogroups remained fruitless.

SCP-188-DE-B infects the brain and initially ripens asymptomatically for the time mentioned above. By releasing the hormone not only SCP-188-DE-A is activated but SCP-188-DE-B too. At first, only headache and sensory disorders like double vision or tinnitus and vertigo occur. 4-8 hours after the release of the hormone spontaneous behavioral changes occur. The affected show extraordinary aggression and hawkishness against sources of noise and quick movement, regardless of whether the sources are persons, animals or objects. Though the outbreak of the behavioral change only slowly reduces the intellect, the perception or the ability to speak and to use weapons and equipment, over multiple hours.

SCP-188-DE-B causes a progressive degeneration of the brain, circa 12 hours after the outbreak of the behavioral changes the affected only remain with “animal instincts” and are neither able to speak nor to utilize equipment and seem to understand neither speech nor script. The decay of the brain continues and ca. 5 days after the outbreak it reaches vital areas and leads to death unless the affected have not already perished from thirst or sepsis. The hormone that is continuously released by SCP-188-DE-B leads to a chemical change of sweat, which then changes its odor. The affected far less often tend to aggression against other infected.

SCP-188-DE-A is resistant against all known antibiotics, including modern antibiotics against MRSA like vancomycin or linezolid and almost all sanitizers despite oxidants and nonthermal plasma. It is to note that the SKP considered SCP-188-DE-B just as an anomalous protein. The concept of prions did not confide to them. Despite measures to prevent infection there are no possible countermeasures or vaccines.

SCP-188-DE was already finished when the SKP was disbanded and had been tested on KZ-inmates and prisoners of war, the samples have been unmade before their first deployment though (see addendum #188-DE/A1), so the Foundation just got hands on the documentation and could hear some witnesses.

Though SCP-188-DE was developed as bio-weapon for use against enemy fortifications and camps, an outbreak in modern urban centers would, depending on the amount of initial infected, quickly reach catastrophic scales. As there are no samples left, no specific containment measures for that case have been planned yet.

Addendum #188-DE/A1

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