

Item #: SCP-2433-JP

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Each instance of SCP-2433-JP is to be contained in a standard document storage box by the D-Class personnel in charge. The Site containing SCP-2433-JP instances is to be equipped with a legally sanctioned courtroom of the local government, and is to be staffed with employed judges, prosecutors, and attorneys who possess national licenses or similar authority, so that all trials can be conducted privately and within the Foundation's structure. In the event that a new instance of SCP-2433-JP is discovered, the Foundation is to intervene in local law enforcement procedures to ensure that the trial is held at said Site.

Each known instance of SCP-2433-JP is assigned one D-Class personnel as its owner at all times. These personnel are excluded from the monthly termination procedure and the Ethics Committee's D-Class assignment validity evaluation protocol, and their reputation will be restored posthumously to their respective reasonable criminal records.

Since Level 1 and higher Foundation personnel are prohibited from directly contacting SCP-2433-JP in order to prevent exposure to unexpected anomalous properties, in the event that SCP-2433-JP needs to be relocated, all personnel involved in the task must be selected from D-Class, aside from several supervisory personnel.

Description: SCP-2433-JP is a 23 x 32 cm parchment that causes a bureaucratohazard related to Roman Catholic theology. While multiple instances of SCP-2433-JP have been found in a variety of forms, they all share similar decorations and descriptions that seem to imitate the indulgences1 issued in the early 16th century.

The primary anomalous properties of SCP-2433-JP are manifested in the following two stages: "Abandonment" and "Acquisition".

Abandonment: When the current owner of SCP-2433-JP (designated as Subject-A) transfers its ownership to another individual (designated as Subject-B), any and all codified and legal offenses that Subject-A has committed in their lifetime are erased from the public record, regardless of the severity of their punishment or how far they have progressed in their disciplinary process. Likewise, the perceptions of all individuals involved, except for Subject-A, are altered in a way that is consistent with Subject A not being involved in those crimes.

  • This "transfer of ownership" does not necessarily require an agreement between the two parties or legal procedures, and is presumed to be based on Subject-B's perception of SCP-2433-JP as their own property, or the fact that Subject-B is holding or touching it. These include the following cases.
    • Assignment from Subject-A to Subject-B
    • Purchase by Subject-B from Subject-A
    • Robbery by Subject-B from Subject-A
    • Forcible handover by Subject-A to Subject-B
    • Retrieval by Subject-B after misplacement by Subject-A

Acquisition: When Subject-B acquires SCP-2433-JP, the perpetrator of all crimes committed by Subject-A (Subject-A's criminal records erased by SCP-2433-JP) is replaced by Subject-B, both in public records and in the perception of the individuals involved. Depending on the accumulation and viciousness of the criminal records of Subject-A and Subject-B, this phenomenon is often accompanied by the immediate initiation of arrest, incarceration, trial, and execution of punishment by local law enforcement authorities. While these may involve obviously irrational and anachronistic processing, the individuals involved and the law enforcement agency members, except for Subject-B, do not find it strange.

  • No attempt by the owner of SCP-2433-JP to destroy or incinerate it has been confirmed to be successful to date, due to the anomalous durability that SCP-2433-JP exhibits in such situations. Therefore, in order to avoid the secondary effect that manifests itself in the form of extraordinary law enforcement, Subject-B must transfer the ownership of SCP-2433-JP to another individual (designated as Subject-C) in some way. Since Subject-B is also affected by the Abandonment Stage in the process, the crimes committed by Subject-A and Subject-B are cumulatively added to Subject-C's criminal record.

In their theological analysis of this process based on the assumption that, given the religious status of the original indulgences, what should be erased by SCP-2433-JP is not legal crimes, but rather religious sins as defined by traditional divine laws such as the Ten Commandments, the Foundation Department of Tactical Theology has supported the hypothesis that the original nature of SCP-2433-JP is to erase religious sins, and that the erasure of criminal records is a side effect resulting from the confusion of these two. However, no scientific proof of this hypothesis has been obtained as the Foundation has not yet established a means of quantifying the amount of religious sins, unlike criminal records.

Whenever SCP-2433-JP has not been possessed by an individual with legal personality for more than approximately fourteen days, it disappears from its current location and is transferred to the vicinity of a nearby individual. People with a history of serious crimes, such as robbery and murder, have been determined to be particularly prioritized as targets; in light of this nature, the current containment procedures were established primarily to ensure that the bureaucratohazardous effects of SCP-2433-JP do not affect the outside of the Foundation.

Containment History: The Foundation was made aware of SCP-2433-JP when a civilian male was charged in the Tokyo District Court of Japan with two robbery-murders, seven frauds, thirteen "crimes against humanity", thirty-four obstructions of business, two hundred and ninety-seven illegal dumping, and seventeen thousand five hundred ninety-eight various minor traffic violations. The subject was demanded to be "beheaded" at the trial and on the same day was sentenced to "death penalty after inflicting the greatest humiliation a man can suffer (sic)".

Additionally, an Acquisition Event occurred when an agent arriving on the scene secured SCP-2433-JP, causing confusion and security breaches regarding small-scale Foundation duties. In order to prevent such incidents and the defamation of Foundation personnel's public reputation by national authorities, current containment procedures allow only D-Class personnel with explicit criminal records to contact SCP-2433-JP directly.


Visual record [01:14:26] .

Addendum: 19██/██/██, when the ownership of a certain SCP-2433-JP instance (SCP-2433-JP-24) was assigned to a new D-Class personnel due to the accidental death of the predecessor, the said D-Class suddenly ignited and exploded due to unknown factors.

Immediately prior to the incident, several Foundation-operated recording devices observed an unidentified, high-velocity, luminous flying abject descending from the sky over the Site where the D-Class personnel were located, and subsequent investigation detected a strong sulfur odor in the center of the explosion. No confirmed damage to SCP-2433-JP-24 was caused by the ignition and explosion.

In response to this incident, the Department of Tactical Theology submitted the following proposal.




Sulfur and fire. These are often associated with Hell, and also symbolize the wrath of God. Needless to cite the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Old Testament, the judgment from Heaven is reserved for unredeemable sins; given this, we can assume that the accumulated sins in SCP-2433-JP-24 breached a kind of critical point, and caused a particular situation that cannot be handled by law enforcement.

We in the Department of Tactical Theology propose that this demonstrates the usefulness of SCP-2433-JP as a theological weapon. By using SCP-2433-JP, we can inflict on any target a massive amount of secular sins that are beyond the limits of humanity. This would bring down the wrath of God on the targets, and the Foundation could eliminate them with extreme ease.

- Y. Leiner
Abrahamic Subdepartment Lead

This proposal is currently pending, due to ethical concerns and facility maintenance costs, until a method is devised to operate SCP-2433-JP in such a way that the relevant Foundation personnel do not become owners of SCP-2433-JP in a "critical" state while making it practical as a weapon.

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