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The first identified instance of SCP-2472-JP-1. Note that it is perceived as a non-anomalous cat by personnel who do not have Class Ω perceptual immunity.

Item #: SCP-2472-JP

Object Class: Ticonderoga1

Special Containment Procedures: N/A

Description: SCP-2472-JP is an anomalous variant of itch mite (Sarcoptes scabiei). SCP-2472-JP has the ability to convert body tissues of domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus), that it comes in contact with, into new instances of SCP-2472-JP. In addition, when SCP-2472-JP forms a cluster of approximately 30 or more instances, they develop Class Ω cognitive influence property2, which renders all other sentient beings without Class Ω perceptual immunity, including humans (Homo sapiens sapiens) and cats, unable to visually perceive SCP-2472-JP and their colonization on cats. Since no sentient being with congenital Class Ω perceptual immunity has been identified to date, SCP-2472-JP in this state is virtually unrecognizable to normal humans and cats. The results of scientific tests on SCP-2472-JP are also misperceived due to their Class Ω cognitive influence property.

Once attached to a new cat, SCP-2472-JP migrates toward its ears, settles in ear canals, where it begins to replace contacting body tissues and lay eggs on the host's skin. In rare occasions, the host cat would behave as if there is discomfort in its ears. SCP-2472-JP at this phase can be killed and removed by ordinary miticides; no case of the replaced tissues recovering spontaneously has been confirmed.

After the host cat's ears have been completely replaced with SCP-2472-JP in about 3 days, SCP-2472-JP groups attempt to preferentially replace the host's nervous system, particularly the brain, with SCP-2472-JP through the nerves of the ears. If SCP-2472-JP is removed by appropriate surgical procedures, the host cat may survive, although there is a high probability of sequelae.

After completing replacement of the host' s nervous system in about 7 days, the number of replacements per unit time increases with population growth, which results in SCP-2472-JP completing systemic replacement of the host cat in about 2 days. The collective mass of SCP-2472-JP at this phase (SCP-2472-JP-1) develops drug resistance. While pulsating in amorphous form, SCP-2472-JP-1 attempts to take the same shape as the host cat, behaves as if it has the identical memory and intelligence, and mimics pre-replacement behavior and body functions. The following are examples.

  • SCP-2472-JP instances comprising SCP-2472-JP-1 is carnivorous similar to the host domestic cat, and consumes food that was preferred prior to replacement while distributing it among all instances. Fecal masses are expelled from near the posterior region of SCP-2472-JP-1.
  • SCP-2472-JP instances near the epidermis mimic feline body hair by elongating its bristles. Likewise, SCP-2472-JP instances near the head mimic whiskers by elongating its bristles to an extreme extent.
  • If an unneutered domestic cat is replaced with SCP-2472-JP-1, it will mate with another SCP-2472-JP-1 or a non-anomalous domestic cat. After mating, a cavity is formed in the "female" SCP-2472-JP-1's body, and SCP-2472-JP lays a large amount of eggs in it. The hatched SCP-2472-JP group separates from SCP-2472-JP-1 to form a new, smaller SCP-2472-JP-1. In addition, multiple SCP-2472-JP instances migrate from the "male" SCP-2472-JP-1 to the interior of the "female" SCP-2472-JP-1 or non-anomalous female cat after mating.
  • When a juvenile cat is replaced by SCP-2472-JP-1, the population of SCP-2472-JP comprising SCP-2472-JP-1 gradually increases by spawning and hatching in order to simulate the growth of a cat.
  • Some instances of SCP-2472-JP comprising SCP-2472-JP-1 are capable of generating high-pitched sounds from about 700 to 800 Hz by scraping their bodies against each other. This allows SCP-2472-JP-1 to generate a continuous high-pitched noise to mimic the sound of a cat.
  • In a situation that would be fatal for a non-anomalous cat, SCP-2472-JP instances comprising SCP-2472-JP-1, except around the epidermis, die from unknown factors. The surviving SCP-2472-JP-1 instances will be scattered.

Due to Class Ω cognitive influence property, normal humans and cats perceive SCP-2472-JP-1 to be identical to the host cat before the replacement. If SCP-2472-JP-1 comes into direct contact with a cat, or if a human who has contacted SCP-2472-JP-1 by petting, hugging, or being licked touches a cat without sufficient cleansing, SCP-2472-JP can be transmitted from SCP-2472-JP-1 to the new cat. No case has been confirmed that SCP-2472-JP parasites on living organisms other than domestic cats.

Addendum: On 2020/09/01, Dr. Jessica Penford developed a method of acquiring Class Ω perceptual immunity through the use of a chemical agent. During a field study of self-concealing entities was conducted via Class Ω perceptual immunity, an agent reported an anomalous appearance of Dr. Penford's cat, which led to the discovery of SCP-2472-JP and SCP-2472-JP-1. At this time, the agent in question terminated the first identified instance of SCP-2472-JP-1 by knocking over a shelf in Dr. Penford's room onto it.



Sketches of SCP-2472-JP-1 instances

Worldwide investigations by field agents with Class Ω perceptual immunity revealed that approximately 99.9% of the entities previously perceived to be domestic cat were actually SCP-2472-JP-1 instances, and there is no non-anomalous cat outside of several cold or dry regions3. Due to the uncontainable spreading of SCP-2472-JP and SCP-2472-JP-1, as well as their self-contained nature, it was deemed meaningless to attempt the containment of SCP-2472-JP. Accordingly, the special containment procedures for SCP-2472-JP were not established; Penford Protocol was enacted instead.

Penford Protocol

Foreword: This protocol is intended to prevent the extinction of domestic cats by SCP-2472-JP-1 instances.

Description: The Foundation field agents with Class Ω perceptual immunity are to be dispatched worldwide to map the areas where SCP-2472-JP-1 instances are present. If a non-SCP-2472-JP-1 cat is discovered in an unmapped area, Mobile Task Force Sigma-35 ("The Cullers") is to be dispatched to the area in question. Sigma-35 is responsible for securing the domestic cat instances, administering amnestics to the individuals involved, and erasing all relevant records. At the same time, anomalous domestic cats or equivalent objects under the Foundation custody are to be checked to ensure that they are not SCP-2472-JP-1 instances.

The secured non-SCP-2472-JP-1 cats are to be transferred and contained at Site-217; non-anomalous cat instances are to be provided with appropriate staff and food, while anomalous cat instances are to be contained in accordance with established special containment procedures.

Note: Even if it turns out that your cat is actually nothing but a mass of creepily wriggling white ticks, no, your cat would not either be contained or terminated. If you have difficulty in accepting this fact, please contact SCP-2472-JP research team; you will be amnesticized and your privilege to access this document will be revoked. The "cat" to those who are unaware of this fact is that mass of ticks from the very beginning. — Jessica Penford, Site-217 Director

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