
Item #: SCP-2503-JP

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Institutions with equipment capable of generating SCP-2503-JP are to be placed under the supervision of the Foundation, and care is to be taken to ensure that no people other than Foundation personnel conduct experiments involving the risk of generation. The list of institutions to be monitored is given in Appendix A. In addition, Foundation personnel who wish to conduct experiments that could generate SCP-2503-JP are to be permitted by personnel with level 3 security clearance or higher.

Description: SCP-2503-JP is a voice that is heard by the person conducting a scientific experiment when temperatures near absolute zero1 are generated in the course of that experiment. SCP-2503-JP has a rather low male voice, and utters phrases such as "Good job" and "You're doing great" in English. At temperatures above 1K, SCP-2503-JP is small and difficult to hear, but in experiments where lower temperatures2 are generated, it can be heard very clearly. SCP-2503-JP responds to our questions, but the content is limited to "I'm glad you can hear me" and "Keep up the great work", and does not mention its origin, purpose, and knowledge of cryogenics. In addition, SCP-2503-JP can only be heard by those involved in the experiment and cannot be recorded.


Professor Kamerlingh Onnes

The first case of SCP-2503-JP's discovery took place in the Netherlands in 1908, when Kamerlingh Onnes, a leading low-temperature researcher at the time heard it during an experiment to liquefy helium. Initially, Professor Onnes's claim was considered to be an auditory hallucination, but several scientists who had conducted similar experiments made similar claims, leading to a report to the Foundation and the establishment of Containment Procedures. Later, it became clear that SCP-2503-JP could be heard more clearly in experiments that generate lower temperatures, and the need to stop such experiments were discussed but the decision to stop was not made because research on low temperatures is beneficial to humanity.

In the 1990's, with the invention of laser cooling and a temperature range below 0.1mK becoming a reality, SCP-2503-JP spoke different content than before. The content was "We're almost to the unknown world." It was predicted that "unknown world" refers to Bose-Einstein condensation3, but even when research in the U.S. demonstrated Bose-Einstein condensation in the 1990s by bringing a temperature range of less than 1μK to reality, the content of its speech did not change.

In 2019, the Foundation's research team succeeded in creating a temperature range of about 10nK4. SCP-2503-JP said things like "I didn't think you'd make it this far" and "You're almost there", and Dr. Wyman who was in charge of the experiment reported that SCP-2503-JP "seemed to be in a good mood and was more cooperative than ever". Since Dr. Wyman is a seasoned Foundation personnel and has had many conversations with anomalies, she attempted to conduct an interview and elicited information that she had not been able to obtain in previous conversations. The following is the excerpt.

Interview Log 2503-24:

Interviewer: Dr. Wyman

Subject: SCP-2503-JP

Dr. Wyman: You seem to be in a much better mood today.

SCP-2503-JP: Is that so? But so do you. Cuz you're one step closer to the unknown world.

Dr. Wyman: What's this unknown world you speak of? I've asked you so many times before, but I think it's time you tell me.

SCP-2503-JP: Do you really need to ask? You'll be able to see for yourself soon enough anyway.

Dr. Wyman: Is that so? It was only in 1995 that laser cooling became practical and the micro-K barrier was broken, but humanity has yet to create temperatures below nano-K. I'm getting old, you know5. I don't know if I'll be able to achieve more in my lifetime.

SCP-2503-JP: Don't dwell on such weak thoughts. I kind of understand your feeling and I'd love to tell you, but the truth is, I don't know either.

Dr. Wyman: You don't know?

SCP-2503-JP: That's right. Even I don't know what will happen when matter reaches absolute zero.

Dr. Wyman: When it reaches? Wait a minute, what do you mean by that?

SCP-2503-JP: It's in the literal sense. No one knows what happens when the temperature of matter goes to absolute zero. That's why you're going to try it, right?

Dr. Wyman: Absolute zero is a theoretical concept, and there's no way matter is going to reach it.

SCP-2503-JP: What?

Dr. Wyman: The third law of thermodynamics is the basic of science that even high school students know. Are you going to disprove it?

SCP-2503-JP: No, wait a minute. It doesn't exist?

Dr. Wyman: That's how it works in our science.

SCP-2503-JP: Why?

Dr. Wyman: Matter lowers its temperature by releasing internal energy through adiabatic expansion, but unless it expands indefinitely, it will never reach absolute zero… no, wait. You don't even know that?

SCP-2503-JP: Why are you working so hard to lower the temperature even though it will never reach absolute zero then?

Dr. Wyman: That's because, just like BEC has been discovered in the nano-K world, there is still a possibility that unknown phenomena are hidden in low temperatures.

SCP-2503-JP: BEC?

Dr. Wyman: It's a Bose-Einstein condensation that was demonstrated in '95. You were there, right?

SCP-2503-JP: I was there, but I don't really understand difficult topics.

Dr. Wyman:

After the above interview, the content of SCP-2503-JP's speech changed. It no longer responds to conversations, and more often says things like "I don't like scientists cuz they always say difficult things" and "You'll probably make fun of me by saying I'm below high school level".

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