
Item #: SCP-290-DE

Object Class: Euclid


Sketch of SCP-290-DE-2, drawn by Doctor Wójcik

Special Containment Procedures: All instances falling under the designation of SCP-290-DE are to be each kept inside cells measuring 3 x 3 x 3 meters in Site-DE19, separated from each other. The walls of the each room consists of reinforced concrete 50 centimeters in thickness. The room's floor is covered in a mixture of dirt and small branches. Each room must be equipped with a camera located inside an opening in the wall, which shall be shielded with bulletproof glass. In order to counteract the abilities of SCP-290-DE instances, the legs and backs of the entities are held in heavy metal devices featuring sharp iron thorns (akin to an iron maiden). In addition, each device is secured by two steel chains attached to the wall, thereby limiting the movement of SCP-290-DE.

All instances are fed with two kilogram mechanically separated meat on a bi-daily basis, with fresh drinking water being dispersed through a small gutter situated at the wall every day. All three days, every room inhabited by SCP-290-DE instances must be cleaned by foundation personnel. For this purpose, a potent, gaseous narcotic floods the room through small pipelines on the ceiling. Afterwards, solely D-Class personnel may enter the room. They must always wear airtight protective suits, which are supplied with oxygen via external tubes, as the narcotic must be administered during the whole procedure to evade an early awakening. When instances of SCP-290-DE have been anesthetized, the mixture of dirt and branches is brushed out of the room, collected inside a bag, and subsequently burned, with a new mixture being added shortly thereafter. When no personnel is present inside the room and the doors are locked, injection of the narcotic is halted. Should an incident or containment breach occur which involves SCP-290-DE, deadly force is permitted; in such a scenario, gunfire must focus on the legs in order to achieve swift security. Provided that one instance of SCP-290-DE perish, personnel must wear protective masks featuring filters, which will filter gases. Then, fume hoods present in the cell will be activated. Over a span of three days, continuous venting will be conducted, during which all gases are cleaned via filters, with the clean air being released outside the site. If the filters are saturated, they will be replaced and stored for later cleaning.

Assuming that civilians have come into contact with SCP-290-DE instances, an MTF has to be deployed, who will then locate, question, and amnestitize the civilian or civilians. Simultaneously, the area where the instance or instances have been located is to be sealed off and secured, until the instance(s) of SCP-290-DE have been terminated or contained. Meanwhile, disinformation campaigns are to be initiated to cover-up the temporarily established exclusion zone.

Appendix: Given the increasing sightings of reported SCP-290-DE instances around the regions of Troisdorf, Königswinter, Bonn, and Meckenheim, security cameras have been installed inside said regions. They operate at all times, sending the video footage to the security AI KIRA in real time. Should KIRA notice instances, an alarm is send to near MTF units to accomplish swift recovery of the instances.

Description: SCP-290-DE describes an organism of non-terrestrial origin, initially sighted near Duisburg in the year 1987. Currently, the German Foundation hosts seven specimens of SCP-290-DE (Designated SCP-290-DE-1-7). They consist of four females and two males, as well as a juvenile whose gender is, at present, unknown.

Adult SCP-290-DE instances measure around 200- 240 centimeters in height, and weigh up to 170 kilo. They are trimly built and walk upright. Their skin is leathery and of grey/black tint. In some places, their skin is in an almost mummified, necrotic state. Their heads are small, and they posses external mandibles that are effortlessly capable of breaking bones. They do not possess external noses but two nostrils and the base of a nasal bone. The eyes of SCP-290-DE instances feature a glowing grey/blueish coloration. Following several tests, SCP-290-DE instances were concluded to posses a poor vision, and only have a limited field of view, comparable to a myopia around -6dpt. When hunting, instances of SCP-290-DE do not rely on their eyes but auditory and tactile organs, present at the occiput and along the neck. They act as a bio sonar, enabling them to sense animals and objects up to 200 meters away. At the level of their scapula, SCP-290-DE instances feature tentacle-like outgrowths that they can swiftly grow to a length of 2 meters. They serve the purpose of grabbing objects, as their arms are not properly pronounced, but they can also grab with their hands. SCP-290-DE instances posses well-developed and muscular legs. Similar to a bow, SCP-290-DE instances are capable of tensing their external tendons, and subsequently relax them to perform a fast jump. According to measurements, SCP-290-DE instances can thereby move with speeds up to 350 km/h, mainly utilizing this jump ability to hunt their victims. The usual running speed is at 70 km/h. SCP-290-DE instances kill their victims by penetrating/shattering the skull with their sharp-edged and pointed claws or snapping the neck. SCP-290-DE instances are not hostile to humans, though, are also hunted.


Drawing of the eggs.

Male specimens posses an interior penis, extending during erection. Male and female entities have been observed to execute a sequence of movements, akin to a courtship display. However, as of yet, this has not been proven for sure. After having mated, the female builds a nest consisting of dirt and little branches, and places 1- 3 eggs inside. The eggs have a dark blue color, and an optical resemblance to Prince Rupert's drops, which, however, terminates tale-like. Therefore, the shell also has comparable properties, thus the eggs are hard or impossible to destroy. The eggs feature a height of 30- 40 centimeters and measure around 10 centimeters at their thickest part. Juveniles hatch after around 2 weeks, using their strong legs to shatter the shell. Juveniles nourish on a mixture produced in the mother's abdomen. Said mixture is viscous and slimy, consisting of leftover meat and yet unknown substances. In order to feed the mixture, SCP-290-DE instances disgorge their whole stomach, turning it upside-down. As a result, the whole stomach contents are discharged, with the juveniles able to eat the mixture. After having finally emptied the whole of their abdomen, the female swallows the latter down. The female feeds the juvenile for 4 months, until it can hunt on its own. An SCP-290-DE instance reaches their sexual maturity with ca. 7 years. But the actual lifespan of the entities is unknown.

As of yet, SCP-290-DE instances have not been proven to talk in or understand human language. Specimens communicate through sounds. They are similar to a growling pantherinae and can reach a volume of 114 dB- 125 dB.

Observation and experiments have shown that SCP-290-DE instances demonstrate anxiety responses to deep water; such as lakes or also deep swimming pools, as they are incapable to swim, and would thus sink to the bottom. Should SCP-290-DE instances not be able to reach the shore or the surface, they will threaten death by drowning. If a specimen dies, its whole body (except for the bones) liquefies into a homogeneous mass1, which will decay after a few days. During this process, methane and also small quantities of hydrogen sulphide are created. This was discerned via different measuring devices. Leakage of these gases measured in a span between 3 to 48 hours after the death of an SCP-290-DE instance. Following this, the remainders do not pose any threat, in terms of dangerous gases.

Given the unpossibility of examining the cadaver of an SCP-290-DE instance post-mortem, solely x-ray, CT, MRI, and ultrasound may be performed, with exceptional situations also allowing for invasive surgeries. However, this has has proven to be very problematic, as SCP-290-DE instances showed to be able to move their legs, despite the anesthetization2, whereby a risk for womb and life of assigned personnel is feared. Surgeries conducted on instances showed that specimens posses two hearts. However, one is significantly smaller, and, according to theories, serves as „last reserve“ to keep an instance alive or in order to pump the blood inside its legs more swiftly. The blood has a dark red-black color and a viscosity lower than human blood. Blood samples revealed that it is made up of the same parts as human blood to a large extent. Tests involving SCP-290-DE's blood and D-Class personnel show, however, that an intravenous therapy leads to cardiac arrest and organ damage. In the process, necrotic areas form on the brains and hearts of affected persons, but also in the regions of around the cecum. If the symptoms are not to potent, a simple kidney dialysis can save the person. A surgical opening of the legs showed them to almost completely consist of muscles and tendons kept under tension, which are protected by a small bone-plate-like armor shortly underneath the skin; but which is not continuous, featuring holes on the places where the tendons reach into the exterior of the fibula. However, this bone armor only has a minimal protective function, and can be broken with brute force or pierced via pointed objects. The tentacle-like excesses entirely consist of a muscle able to stretch to an extent that gives the impression of abrupt growth. Only short tendons are present inside the arms, contracting upper and forearm, probably due to the contortion and short length of the arms. (Further investigations are ongoing.)

Addendum: On the 14. 03. 2015, an incident occurred in a town near Bonn that led to 7 casualties, as a great accumulation of SCP-290-DE specimens were present therein. Eye witnesses reported of figures and a bright light inside a forest area beside the town. MTFs were deployed to investigate the events. As they examined the forest, four members of the MTF squad fell into a subterranean tunnel system, which was not visible from the outside, and seemed to have been dug by wildlife. The tunnel had a height of almost 1.50 meters and a width of 1 meter. The MTF squad explored the tunnel, discovering a large subterranean room after a few meters, in which, according to details by the squad leader, 20 SCP-290-DE specimens and around 30 eggs were present. As the MTF squad wanted to request backup, several SCP-290-DE noticed the MTF agents, killing seven of them during their attack. When backup arrived 20 minutes later, every trace of the specimens and eggs was gone.

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