SCPFS Atlas patrolling along the shores of SCP-291-FR.
Item #: SCP-291-FR
Threat Level: Red ●
Object Class: Keter
Special Containment Procedures: A 5 nautical mile (9.3 km) Maritime and Aerial Exclusion Zone has been established around Point UBalt-291. Eleven (11) buoys equipped with active Scranton Reality Anchors must be present at all times in the exclusion zone in a manner such that their field of activity permanently covers its surface. In accordance with a cooperation agreement between the SCP Foundation and the Swedish Ministry of Theoretical Research, the Coastguard HMS Morten Petersen must patrol the Zone at least 72 hours per week, in order to dissuade potential civilian intrusions, as well as to intercept and/or destroy SCP-291-FR ships that attempt to pass through Point UBalt-291.
Armed Surveillance Site He-291 has been established at the surface of SCP-291-FR. Mobile Task Force Kappa-22 (Guardian Angels) is in charge of the protection of the site and must ensure the maintenance of cooperative behavior of SCP-291-01-FR instances. In the event that SCP-291-01-FR instances prove hostile towards the Foundation staff and MTF Kappa-22 become incapable of ensuring the security of Site He-291, staff are to immediately suspend the delivery of D-Class personnel the application of the N’Guyen Proposition, evacuate the island, and MTF Kappa-22 must initiate Protocol 66-5 “Party's Over”.
The rest of the Containment Procedures were defined amicably with SCP-291-FR's ruling instances in the Special Containment Charter of SCP-291-FR.
Object: SCP-291-FR
Date: 27/03/200█
- Article I: The Foundation agrees to provide twenty-three (23) D-Class personnel per month for SCP-291-FR to do with as they wish. As of 01/12/201█, the N’Guyen Proposition must be applied monthly (cf. Addendum 291-b). In return, SCP-291-01-FR agrees not to undermine the safety of SCP Foundation staff or of the civilian populations placed under its protection.
- Article II: The Foundation agrees to guarantee SCP-291-01-FR free access to SCP-291-02-FR. Furthermore, it promises to respect the rituals, customs, traditions, and religious practices of SCP-291-01-FR. In return, SCP-291-01-FR agrees to respect the blockade of Point UBalt-291 and to make no attempt to leave SCP-291-FR’s universe.
- Article III: The Foundation agrees to ensure the protection of the population of SCP-291-01-FR and to provide for them within reasonable limits a continuous supply of food, seeds, livestock, manufactured tools, and fuel. In return, SCP-291-01-FR agrees to restrict the usage of its anomalous properties in the presence of the Foundation’s staff and to collaborate with its mission of scientific research.
- Article IV: The Foundation agrees to recognize the administrative and legal authority of instances of Group A over instances of SCP-291-01-FR and to aid them to achieve their mission. In return, instances of Group A agree to pursue and sanction any instances of SCP-291-01-FR that are hostile to the Foundation’s interests and its mission of scientific research.
Dr Steven Oten - director of Site He-291
David Blumenstein - Ethics Committee Representative
Karcist Naarvëlsen
Võlutaar Shkreli Varveüm-Hvitserk
Description: SCP-291-FR is an 85 km2 island located in a pocket universe with its access point (designated Point UBalt-291) located in the Baltic Sea, 67.5 nautical miles (125 km) off the Swedish coast. The topography, climate, and ecosystem of SCP-291-FR are consistent with those found throughout the Baltic islands. The exact geography of the ocean surrounding SCP-291-FR and possible territories beyond are unknown at this time, all objects moving farther than 5 km away from SCP-291-FR being systematically transported to the location of Point UBalt-291. Information provided by SCP-291-01-FR in regard to this subject has proven imprecise and contradictory, and most often prove to be legends or fables.
Point UBalt-291 designates the point of contact between our universe and that of SCP-291-FR. It is a spherical spatial anomaly 37 meters in diameter. It is worth noting that roughly one quarter of the anomaly is submerged below sea level, which therefor allows relatively large boats to navigate between the two universes unimpeded.
The population of SCP-291-FR consists of approximately 31,000 anomalous individuals of humanoid appearance, collectively designated SCP-291-01-FR. Each of these instances possess an anomalous genetic makeup, characterized by the presence of three pairs of supplementary chromosomes, as well as an unknown blood type that is completely incompatible with the standard blood types. Most instances of SCP-291-01-FR also possess the capacity for thaumaturgy and local reality manipulation at fairly significant levels.
SCP-291-01-FR instances practice a religion belonging to a divergent practice of proto-Sarkic cults. The most notable feature of this religion is the cult of SCP-291-02-FR. Their way of life is primarily agricultural and is based on the rejection of all forms of technology, notably electricity, the use of various chemical products and non-natural fertilizers, motor vehicles, and industrial food. The usage of older models of cars or electric generators has been noted among the most progressive families and clans, some firearms have also been identified before being confiscated by Foundation personnel. Most instances also reject all contact with the outside world, with the exception of that which concerns operations to resupply on seeds, various rudimentary manufactured tools, and human sacrificial products.
Regarding its political aspect, the community of SCP-291-FR is divided into an archaic system of families and clans who number anywhere from a few dozen to many hundreds of individuals grouped around a patriarchal/matriarchal authority figure. These clans frequently quarrel amongst themselves over questions of honor, the sharing of resources, and the boundaries of fishing and farming territories. In addition, there exists a very violent religious dispute between the island’s most conservative families and its most progressive ones, who are open to the utilization of certain technologies and venturing to the exterior of SCP-291-FR. The community as a whole is administrated by a counsel of 23 individuals elected for life by the community and seated at the temple of Ion Asken in Hvitserkgard, the island’s largest settlement (population roughly 5-6,000 individuals).
The community of SCP-291-FR is divided into three categories:
- Group A (386 individuals): this group comprises the political, legal, and religious leaders of the community, namely the members of the governing counsel of SCP-291-01-FR and the principal clan chiefs. It is a very influential caste whose members are chosen from among “the noblest and purest” [sic] instances of SCP-291-01-FR.
- Group B (~28,500 individuals): this represents the majority of the population. They are for the most part fisherman and farmers. A small subgroup (roughly 300 individuals) acts as a police force and acts directly under the control of instances of the governing counsel. At this time, these instances assist the members of MTF Kappa-22 with managing the conflict which divides the population over the terms of the Special Containment Charter of SCP-291-FR. The Varveüm-Hvitserk clan and their allies are in favor of the Charter, conscious of the benefits the Foundation's involvement provides for the island’s inhabitants, whereas the members of the Ivengarsen clan, one of SCP-291-FR’s oldest and most conservative families, seem to regard the Foundation as an occupation force.
- Group C (~2,000 individuals): these are the members of the population possessing no anomalous abilities. It is an extremely low-status caste of slaves and servants, comparable to the untouchables class in India. It is important however to point out that these instances possess the same genetic peculiarities and the same blood type as the members of groups A and B, and thus have never been victims of the human sacrifices intended for SCP-291-02-FR.
Religious ceremony in proximity to SCP-291-02-FR
SCP-291-02-FR is an anomalous specimen of Fraxinus excelsior (European ash) situated in the geographic center of SCP-291-FR. The tree measures nearly 80 meters high and its trunk measures 5.5 meters in circumference, which although exceptional, is not anomalous for a tree of this nature. On the other hand, SCP-291-02-FR does not possess conventional roots and its trunk seems to be simply stuck into the ground to an undetermined depth. Finally, SCP-291-02-FR possesses a set of 23 prehensile fleshy appendages measuring between 2.8 and 4.3 meters long arranged in a circle around the base of the trunk. These appendages secrete a digestive enzyme which possesses a paralyzing effect on the nervous system which permits it to digest its prey by wrapping around them. Generally, to avoid the victim struggling during the process, SCP-291-01-FR offer them a drink or dish made from narcotic plants. It has been noted that this tranquilizer also promotes the process of internally digesting the victim’s body. In some cases, the priests presiding over the ceremony have resorted to telepathic suggestion to relax the subject and keep them calm as SCP-291-02-FR seizes them.
SCP-291-02-FR is exclusively anthropophagic and only derives nourishment by digesting living, healthy human beings through use of the aforementioned appendages. To date, all attempts to feed SCP-291-02-FR through the use of alternative food compounds, various animals, human corpses, [REDACTED – LEVEL 4/291 CLEARANCE REQUIRED] (cf. Addendum 291-c), or instances of SCP-291-01-FR have proved unsuccessful.
The time required to digest around twenty people is about one month. If it is neither regularly nor sufficiently fed, SCP-291-02-FR will wilt and wither away for a few days. By analyzing SCP-291-FR’s passed history, it has been discovered that SCP-291-01-FR once provided for SCP-291-02-FR’s needs by breeding normal humans who were forced to reproduce among themselves in order to guarantee maximal self-sufficiency in sacrificial products. In the 1980’s, these humans nearly all succumbed to an epidemic of a particularly virulent strain of influenza, which pushed SCP-291-01-FR to carry out its first resupply expeditions into our universe in more than a hundred years.
The community of SCP-291-1-FR worships SCP-291-02-FR, which it considers to be an incarnation of Grand Karcist Ion – an entity of quasi-divine status revered by most Sarkic cults – and thus venerate it as a living god. The population of SCP-291-01-FR also seem to share a symbiotic relationship with SCP-291-02-FR. Effectively, during the initial containment of SCP-291-FR, a general enervation of the population was observed, as well as the loss of their anomalous abilities when SCP-291-02-FR has been cut off from its source of food. After a few days, nearly [REDACTED] deaths had been noted within the population, which prompted the Ethics Committee to compel MTF Kappa-22 and research personnel assigned to SCP-291-FR to enter negotiations with the governing instances of SCP-291-01-FR (for more details, see Addendum 281-a, Document a1: Containment Report).
Addendum 291-a: History
SCP-291-FR was discovered by the Swedish Navy as a result of the [REDACTED] affair, during which many dozens of civilians living in small port villages on the Baltic Sea were reported missing over the course of several months.
04/09/199█, the Coastguard HMS Morten Petersen intervenes following the reports in Swedish waters of a suspicious fishing vessel identified in multiple ports and coastal villages affected by the disappearances. After having spotted the vessel and briefly engaged in pursuit when the vessel refused to obey its injunctions, the Coastguard finally loses track of it at the edge of Point UBalt-291. The Swedish Ministry of Theoretical Research quickly establishes a security perimeter around the anomaly before requesting the assistance of the Foundation.
05/09/199█, the SCPFS Atlas traverses Point UBalt-291 and begins the first missions for reconnaissance and observation of SCP-291-FR. Many abandoned SCP-291-01-FR villages are explored, the populations having fled inland upon the arrival of the SCPFS Atlas. During one of these expeditions, an MTF Kappa-22 (Guardian Angels) squad manages to capture three juvenile instances of SCP-291-01-FR while they were playing on the beach. The instances in question are then transported aboard the Atlas for questioning. During questioning, the captured instances confirm the presence of the missing Baltic civilians in the vicinity of SCP-291-02-FR. A hostage recovery mission is then set in place.
10/09/199█, members of MTF Kappa-22 are airlifted to the vicinity of SCP-291-02-FR. Thanks to their SRA equipment and counter-occult tactics, their heavy weaponry and considerable element of surprise, MTF Kappa-22 manage to establish a perimeter around SCP-291-02-FR while recovering the hostages from its grasp and evacuate them. The operation was only a partial success; none of the recovered hostages were able to be kept alive by the Atlas' medical personnel. MTF Kappa-22 casualties amounted to two KIA (including one case of [REDACTED]), two MIA, and four lightly injured. The number of SCP-291-01-FR casualties is as of yet unknown.
Following this, the Atlas and MTF Kappa-22 evacuate SCP-291-FR’s universe. A blockade of eleven (11) Scranton Reality Anchors and military vessels of the Swedish Navy is established around Point UBalt-291. Thanks to this arrangement, SCP-291-01-FR’s attempts to counterattack from the other side of Point Ubalt-291 are easily driven off.
15/09/199█, a delegation of instances of SCP-291-01-FR Group A emerge under a white flag in front of Point UBalt-291 and state their intention to enter into negotiations. The instances are immediately captured and brought aboard the Atlas to be questioned. A medical report determined that these instances found themselves in a troubling state of health. In particular, they are diagnosed with rapidly progressing acute myopathy, loss of fat and muscle mass, as well as renal failure and severe anemia. Finally, the instances no longer presented any of the anomalous properties observed by MTF Kappa-22 during the mission to recover the Baltic civilians.
During the interrogation, the instances expressed the vital necessity for their community to feed SCP-291-02-FR with the help of human beings in good health and offer their cooperation in exchange for the Foundation’s aide and leniency. The instances also mention that the suspension of SCP-291-02-FR feedings has caused a general weakening of the population, as well as many deaths among the most elderly instances, young children, and infants. An MTF Kappa-22 squad deployed in a coastal village confirm their claims and report nearly a hundred corpses.
17/09/199█, a memorandum from O5 Command authorizes the provisional monthly supply of D-Class personnel for SCP-291-02-FR and orders that peaceful negotiations with SCP-291-01-FR be undertaken. The project for the containment and study of SCP-291-FR is placed under the authority of the Ethics Committee.
12/10/199█, the Special Containment Charter of SCP-291-FR is signed between the Foundation and instances of Group A.
XVth century nautical map showing the location of point UBalt-291.
Forward: The following document is an extract from De Septentrionalis Chronicae, a manuscript attributed to Boiorix the Cimbrian, a Danish chronicler from the VIIth-VIIIth century AD. It contains the earliest written reference to the existence of SCP-291-FR.
Whereas the Ozi̮rmok Ion, the Priest-King of Adí-Üm and the father of all Nälkä, took to the far reaches of the Median and Assyrian territories his crusade against Mekhane, the prophet Ivangar journeyed to the shores of the Great Sea of the Suiones. He had indeed vowed to teach to the Varangian barbarians who live there the occult mysteries of the strange faith of the Nälkä. Before their astonished eyes, the prophet performed countless miracles and wonders in the name of the Lord Ion and the pilgrims flocked in droves to follow his teachings. Soon, many were the Varangians who abandoned the gods of their fathers to become the disciples of Ivangar. Satisfied with the success of his enterprise, the prophet then set himself in search of a place where he could build an altar worthy of the Priest-King of Adí-Üm.
With his disciples, he traveled to Kerh Vassr, whose name means “Home of the Waters”, for there the Varangians had erected a temple to the glory of their oceanic divinities. There, he toppled the alters of the Varangians, felled their sacred trees, and set to building a living sanctuary where he and his disciples could practice their faith in accordance with the precepts of the Nälkä.
But the noble prophet incurred upon himself the anger of the Varangians’ gods, for he had toppled the alters and felled the sacred trees. Each day, the jealous gods seethed to see him usurp their followers for the benefit of a foreign and brutish god. Thus, the Varangians and their pantheon declared the disciples of Ivangar heretics and thenceforth sought to make them perish. Among those who Ivangar had converted, many were those who died martyrs under the arrows and axes of the Varangians’ ferocious gods. The captured faithful were immolated as an offering to their gods in cruel public sacrifices where crowds intoxicated by wine and blood blasphemed the name of Ion and swore the ruination of Ivangar.
Ivangar saw this and experienced a great sadness. Refusing all food, he put on clothes of mourning and covered his face with a veil to hide his shame. Overcome with despair, he appealed to Ion in a sincere and impassioned supplication:
“Father, in thy name I have journeyed farther west than any of thy children. I have converted the Varangians to the faith of the Nälkä, henceforth the barbarians praise thy name and consecrate their sacrifices to thee. I cast down their idols of rigid wood and cut stone, now they venerate thee around living altars of fat, flesh, and blood. All my life, I have applied without fail thy precepts and followed thy law, must it be that thou hast forgotten me that I might witness the scattering of thy flock, which I gathered under the fangs and claws of the pagan wolves of the West? Now I am but a shepherd without a flock, come to mine aide O master. Arm thy people and crush under thy heel the Varangians’ cruel gods!”
Ion heard the prayer and the lamentations of his servant, and his heart filled with anger at what the barbarians had inflicted upon his followers. He appeared in person at Kerh Vassr where he lifted Ivangar up and embraced him as a father embraces his son.
“Good and faithful servant,” he said to him, “I have heard thy plea and my heart is filled with fury. Rest assured, I will punish the Varangians for their misdeeds. My temple will become for them a subject of terror and wonder. I will place thine authority over the children of their children and their children after them. They will honor thy descendants and venerate thy name with fear and respect.”
Upon these words, the Priest-King of Adí-Üm approached a young ash tree not far from there and plucked from it a branch which he entrusted to Ivangar.
“In this branch I have placed my spirit. Go and plant it at the foot of mine altar; nourish it, make it grow, and venerate it faithfully as thou wouldst do with me, for it will not be said that Ion has abandoned his servants when they reached out to him a beseeching hand. From this day forth I arm thee and thy disciples, be you no longer submissive nor fearful and march towards victory.”
Ivangar blessed Ion’s name and applied scrupulously his instructions after having dedicated unto him a burnt offering. As was promised, the spirit of the Priest-King armed him and his servants that they would no longer fear the sword of the Varangians. The idols and magic of the pagans could not oppose Ivangar and his disciples and they were crushed under the divine superiority of those whom they had once hunted. They lost everything, for Ion is a living god made of warm blood and pulsing flesh, whereas the idols of the Varangians are but simple effigies of wood and polished stone. This is how Ivangar brought down Ragnarök upon the pantheon of the Varangians. Once his work was finished, one third of the barbarians lay dead at the prophet’s feet. His disciples reduced another third into slavery and the final third groveled fearfully in his shadow and was forced to pay him tribute.
The barbarians that he had enslaved, Ivangar sacrificed them to Ion; as for the pagan idols that he had cast down from their throne, he immolated them and consumed their essences with his disciples. Thus the teachings of the Nälkä were respected: the flesh will go to the spirit and the spirit will go to the flesh.
Addendum 291-b: Special Containment Procedures Update
From: pcs.secruosernamuh|ymalleb.p#pcs.secruosernamuh|ymalleb.p
To: pcs.192ehetis|neto.s#pcs.192ehetis|neto.s
Date: 01/07/200█
Subject: D-Class Personnel
Mister Director,
You are no doubt aware that my department must frequently deal with provisioning issues due to the numerous legal constraints imposed on me. And yet it turns out that with an annual consumption of 276 units, your site alone (which, I remind you, is dedicated to only one single anomaly) currently monopolizes nearly ██% of our annual resources for the European sector. For reference, be aware that we’re talking about a record that far exceeds those of our Foundation’s other containment projects, every site, branch, and department combined. That is why, after having studied the nature of the anomaly which you are in charge of, my associates and myself have concluded that your site did not constitute a priority objective.
I am cognizant of the fact that cutting off your supplies like this would mean a non-negligible loss of research opportunities, as well as the regrettable loss for which you are responsible. But I must remind you that we are also responsible for providing to the needs of other containment projects that are more vital than yours.
I therefor regret to inform you that if you do not manage to find a less costly solution by the end of the current year, I will be forced to drastically reduce – and probably suspend – the provisioning of your site.
Perceval J. Bellamy
Vice-director of section D of the Department of Human Resources
Forward: The Alternative Containment Research Committee of SCP-291-FR (or ACRC) was created on 15/07/200█ by O5 Command following the difficulties described above concerning the provisioning of Site He-291 with D-Class personnel. Most members of the ACRC are part of the scientific or administrative staff of Site He-291. The ACRC’s objective was – as the name indicates – to find an alternative solution to the containment of SCP-291-FR permitting the preservation of both the Foundation’s human resources and the integrity of the entities under the supervision of Site He-291. On 10/10/200█, Dr. N’Guyen was finally able to propose a viable solution to the members of the ACRC after many months of research and debate.
[…] Ladies and gentlemen of the ACRC,
It is with great pride and more importantly a deep sense of relief that I announce to you that we have finally discovered a means of feeding SCP-291-02-FR in a manner that is sustainable over the long-term.
Perhaps some among you have heard tell of SCP-███-██. It is a Safe Class object, created in a laboratory by Foundation researchers and is little-known among staff members. Its unique anomalous property boils down to quite simply the duplication and cloning of certain organic tissues, including human tissues. Because of this property, SCP-███-██ has up until now been used for medical purposes, in order to create skin grafts and [REDACTED] for personnel wounded during hazardous operations.
Before my team took interest in it, SCP-███-██ only permitted us to produce samples of limited size and only in very small quantities, but for some time now, my research team and myself have for the first time succeeded in duplicating a viable human subject. Our research to ameliorate these results progresses day by day and according to our latest estimates, in just a few months we will be able to feed SCP-291-02-FR in a regular and sustainable manner. The most optimistic reports even envision using SCP-███-██’s capacities in other containment projects between now and 202█. In short, we are on the cusp of creating an inexhaustible source of D-Class personnel. […]
Following this speech, the utilization of SCP-███-██ as a means of containment for SCP-291-02-FR was officially approved by members of the ACRC, the Ethics Committee, and O5 Command. However, its utilization for other containment projects has been rejected. The Special Containment Procedures for SCP-291-FR were modified accordingly.
Addendum 291-c: ACCESS RESTRICTED – AUTHORIZATION LEVEL 4/291 necessary
Subject: Special Containment Procedures Update of SCP-291-FR
Date: 15/10/200█
For the attention of level 4 personnel of Site He-291,
Before I get into this memorandum, I would like to issue a brief reminder of the third principle of our motto: “Protect”. This principle refers not only to the human species that we have sworn to defend against the unnatural, but also to the anomalous artefacts, phenomena, and entities for which we are responsible. We have the duty to preserve them and protect their integrity, not just for the scientific interest that these anomalies represent, but also for moral and ethical reasons.
There is a consensus that the initial containment of SCP-291-FR was a failure of this principle. Our momentary ignorance of the facts led to the deaths of many thousands of sentient and sapient humanoid individuals. It is an error we do not have the right to repeat. Our vital containment projects monopolizing our meager consumable human resources, we needed to find an alternative. This is how the N’Guyen Proposition was created, a cynical solution, but a necessary and effective one which would permit us to carry out our mission.
However, a sizeable problem still remains.
The N’Guyen Proposition is only a decoy, camouflage to reassure Foundation personnel and the Ethics Committee. It was ultimately abandoned off the books for the three reasons:
- Its risk: the crossing of SCP objects remains one of our strictest taboos. We cannot risk discovering on the job how an entity so poorly understood as SCP-291-02-FR would react to contact with humanoids created through means of an anomalous artifact.
- Its efficacy: after a few initial successes, the results obtained by Doctor N’Guyen and his team on SCP-███-██ ultimately proved absolutely catastrophic. The human subjects obtained – assuming one can qualify them as human – are absolutely not viable. Their organic tissues necrose and decompose barely a few hours after the final phase of their creation. Dr. N’Guyen has so far been unable to keep them alive over the long term.
- Its cost: a six-figure number per unit produced for a result that is practically worthless.
To ensure the safeguarding of SCP-291-FR, we have once again been forced to find another solution.
Some of you may have already heard of Protocol 12, the recruitment of D-Class personnel from within civilian populations. No, it is not a legend. Yes, we have already used it in the past and yes, we have decided to use it again to provide for the containment needs of SCP-291-FR.
This is why, as of 01/01/200█, the human resources department of Site He-291 will personally carry out the monthly recruitment of its D-Class personnel. Following an agreement with the medical authorities of our European partners, these D-Class personnel will be selected from within various medical establishments from among coma patients with no chance of recovery, patients with a late-stage terminal illness, and candidates for euthanasia or assisted suicide. This measure will remain in effect up until the study program of SCP-291-FR is completed (31/12/201█), after which its continuation will be decided by an annual vote by O5 Command.
I am aware that these measures may appear immoral or monstrous to some among you, but consider this: these people are dying. They have chosen to die or are on the brink of death. The survival of many thousands of individuals, men and women, elders and children, is worth the sacrifice of a few ephemeral and condemned lives.
We Secure, We Contain, We Protect
From: pcs.192ehetis|neto.s#pcs.192ehetis|neto.s
To: o5-5secreteriat@███████████.scp
Date: 16/10/200█
Subject: Resignation
I have reviewed the memorandum that you sent to me and my colleagues, however I regret to inform you that I deem them incompatible with my personal vision of the ethical standards that our Foundation should espouse.
When you offered me this post, it was not stipulated in the contract that I would have to sacrifice without their knowledge the same civilians that you made me swear to protect, even if they are dying, suicidal, or in a deep coma. In point of fact, the survival of a small group of anomalies is insufficient, from my point of view, to justify the criminal exploitation of innocent human beings.
It is for these reasons that I am presenting you my resignation from the position as Director of Site He-291. My assistant Dr. Forgeroux will take over my duties in the interim until such a time as you have found my replacement.
Finally, I ask that you contact me at the earliest opportunity in order to resolve various administrative issues and provide me with one 500 mg tablet of Class C Amnestics (not a syringe if you wouldn’t mind, I have a hard time cicatrizing). I’ll let you determine for yourself the decision regarding my reassignment/reintegration into civilian life/demotion to C or D Class/termination.
Dr. Steven Oten, future ex-director of Site He-291