
Figure A.1: SCP-2989-JP

Item #: SCP-2989-JP

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: Once the manifested SCP-2989-JP is recovered, only the necessary amounts are to be stored in a low-threat storage locker, and the rest are to be destroyed. Any person who allegedly has SCP-2989-JP on the neck is to be taken into custody by the Foundation, and the experiments are to be conducted to elucidate the anomaly with the permission of the Ethics Committee. Anyone who witnesses the SCP-2989-JP manifestation is to be amnestized.

Description: SCP-2989-JP is a balloon that appears tied to the neck of a human body. Only the person to whom it is tied (hereinafter referred to as subject) can perceive it, but all objects including the subject cannot physically interfere with SCP-2989-JP.1

Currently, 1 person2 who testified that SCP-2989-JP is wrapped around his neck is in custody. According to the testimony, the color varies from blue to red to orange, and the shape is round, heart, star, etc. and there is no regularity. SCP-2989-JP manifests3 when the subject dies, and the string it was tied to slips through the neck and floats into the air. There is no difference in the manifested SCP-2989-JP compared to the non-anomalous balloons.

Mr. Koizumi was sometimes seen mumbling to himself4 in the protection room and when checked, he testified that the number of SCP-2989-JP was increasing5. Because the only time he testifies that SCP-2989-JP is increasing is when he is confirmed to have mumbled to himself, it is believed that there is some connection with his statement. The amounts of SCP-2989-JP appearing on Mr. Koizumi was 3 when he was first contained, but now there are about 200, and it has been confirmed that the amounts are gradually increasing without any decrease.

Currently, there are about 10 cases6 of SCP-2989-JP manifesting on the corpses. The confirmed bodies were found to have died from asphyxiation, and the traces of string tightening on the neck have been confirmed. This proved that although it is impossible for us to interfere with SCP-2989-JP when it is not manifested, SCP-2989-JP is capable of influencing the subject. There is no commonality between the people who are said to have SCP-2989-JP, and it is assumed that it is caused by some factor with extremely low probability, but the cause of the appearance is being investigated.

A person7 was found dead in his room surrounded by a large number of SCP-2989-JP, leading the Foundation to inspect its existence. It has been confirmed that Mr. Kondo had said on Twitter that invisible balloons appeared tied to his neck just before his death.

The following is the information from Twitter8 before and after the appearance of SCP-2989-JP.

MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2




MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

it's getting tighter



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

My post went viral again, and balloons are increasing dramatically so I think they're celebrating as well



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

Otakus only say things like "I'm gonna die" and "Let's get married" when they're in a high state of excitement, so it's possible that their basic emotional expressions are not joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, but weddings and funerals


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MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

I wanna marry Alicia!
Let's marry



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

ARIA is great
It enriches my heart



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

My mind is a mess, so I'm gonna watch ARIA to recover



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

Did the amounts of balloons increased again? It's doubled…… I'm just gonna ignore and watch anime. Test? IDC



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

Humans are stupid and should die out ASAP


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MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

Molcar's starting! I gotta go to the commentary thread. My sister's out and no one's home, so I'll watch it in the living room


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MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

Aaaaaaaaah, there are more balloons than before. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ANNOYING



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

I heard today is the day the model for the American Sniper died, a moment of silence


  2   15  

MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

I woke up



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

I ate food, so I'm gonna take a nap



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

It went so viral lol



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

Friend: Psychological test ~ Where do u pour hot water first in the bath?
Me: It's cold at first, so floor
Friend: It's the part of ur body you're most confident about
Me: Floor…?


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MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

I've settled in, so I'm gonna eat my first (?) meal



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

Balloons are calm now



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

More balloons? In fact, it's increasing little bit at a time?



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

Ugh, test tomorrow, death


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MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

Seriously, what is this lol. Even if this is a hallucination, it's too disturbing lmao



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

I asked my sister, but she didn't see any balloons and was worried about me. I tried to untie it, but I couldn't. What the hell is going on?



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 2

I woke up this morning and there was a balloon wrapped around my neck lol. Is this my sister's prank? lmao



MONO @nekonekonyannyan・ · Feb 1

I drunk too much alcohol and I'm so sleepy, I wanna die!



Addendum: Based on the estimated time of death, it has been determined that Mr. Kondo died after the above statement, and the causal relationship is still under investigation. It is confirmed that the number of SCP-2989-JP appeared in this case was about 2700. In addition, as a result of the investigation, it was confirmed that the skin tissues of the subject was attached to the string of the manifested SCP-2989-JP. On the other hand, Mr. Koizumi who was taken into custody by the Foundation is thought to have had a clearly lower frequency of SCP-2989-JP increase before being taken into custody compared to Mr. Kondo. Mr. Koizumi testified that he had never used social media, and the cause of the increase in SCP-2989-JP is thought to be related to the spread of the subject's information.9

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