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Structure intended to be converted into an SCP-320-FR-1 instance.

Item #: SCP-320-FR

Threat Level: Yellow

Object Class: Keter

Special Containement Procedures: If an instance of SCP-320-FR-1 is discovered by civilians, involved individuals must receive class B amnestics and all structures resembling a pillow fort in a 150m radius around the location of the incident must be ceased by the Foundation. Any disappearance of children is to be presented as a kidnap to the public, and online testimonies and recordings must be removed if possible and decredibilized otherwise.

As building pillow forts is a common activity among children, SCP-320-FR cannot currently be contained. However, the conditions required for its appearance are very specific and most incidents can be avoided by monitoring events and festivals where large pillow structures are constructed.

Description: SCP-320-FR is a phenomenon affecting all constructions that meet the following criteria:

  • The structure must consist only of pillows, cushions, mattresses and blankets, and mimic the appearance of a medieval castle.
  • It must have been built by children between 4 and 14 years old.
  • It must feature one or more entrances, closed using a blanket, and the inside of the fort must not be visible from the outside.

SCP-320-FR will only manifest in constructions with a volume in excess of 10m³. If the structure is left untouched for twenty-seven (27) days, an access is created to a much larger tunnel, made of the same materials. From this point, the construction is designated SCP-320-FR-1. Tunnels of SCP-320-FR-1 instances consist in a sequence of rooms weakly lit by nightlights, and all converge to a shared origin (see exploration logs). These tunnels are undetectable from the outside of the structure and digging will not reveal them.

Occasionally, one or more men (referred to as instances of SCP-320-FR-2) will emerge from the structure shortly after it was constructed, wearing a helmet and armour made of pillows, and wielding a weapon, often a pool noodle. The men will attempt to capture children between 4 and 14 years old in sight, and if none are found or are out of reach, will quickly return to the inside of the structure. They will most of the time not interact with other entities, unless they appear threatening, in which case they will use their weapons. Near SCP-320-FR-1, such a weapon is sharp and hazardous. As the distance between the individual and the structure increases, it tends to behave non-anomalously. Instances of SCP-320-FR-2 are most of the time muscular, bearded men.

Addendum: Attempted capture of an SCP-320-FR-2 instance
On June 5th, 2017, Dr Vicat's team successfully captured an instance of SCP-320-FR-2; as it was being brought away from its origin SCP-320-FR-1 instance by agents, it started aging rapidly. The instance eventually died 50 meters away from the construction, before an interview could be conducted. The instance's weapon and armour, once they had been taken away from it, behaved in a normal manner. After the death of the instance, the corpse quickly decomposed. Further interview attempts were led near the structure, but none of the instances cooperated.

Why the instance aged so fast remains a mystery, but a better question is where it came from. Either these "knights" spawn in the tunnels and vanish once their business is done, or they live and keep the children somewhere in there. And the best way to find out will be to look for ourselves. - Dr Vicat


Photograph taken by Agent Quer inside SCP-320-FR-1 tunnels.

Addendum 2: Exploration log
On June 10th, 2017, an exploration team formed by Agents Marc Febvre, Guillaume Quer and Jean Lévy was sent inside of an SCP-320-FR-1 instance. Agent Febvre lead the expedition, while Agent Lévy was responsible for radio communication, and Agent Quer carried a camera.

The team progressed inside the tunnel for fifteen minutes. It intersected several other similar caves. The team eventually reached a cavity now regarded as the origin of SCP-320-FR. Below is a transcript of radio communications between the team and Dr Vicat at that moment.

While returning, the agents took a different path than when exploring, upon request by Dr Vicat. They emerged in a garden in ███████, South Korea, from a massive pillow fort. Agent Quer's camera contained no images of the castle. No other anomalies were reported.

Addendum 3: In order to approach the castle described during the first expedition (designated SCP-320-FR-3), exploration teams are now dressed in a way that mimics SCP-320-FR-2 armours. In this way, they can approach the structure without being noticed by inhabitants. This method has proven effective, and allowed for a precise topological and anomalogical evaluation of the area. Below are Dr Sirc's notes after several undercover explorations.

During the following months, the Foundation successfully established peaceful relations with the inhabitants of SCP-320-FR-3. Several Foundation members were invited to "banquets", that were occasions to better understand the origin of the SCP-320-FR anomaly, to examin parts of the structure inaccessible before, and gather data on the king cited by Dr Sirc. Data is available below, depending on your clearance level.

Addendum 4:

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