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An observed SCP-3332-JP instance

Item #: SCP-3332-JP

Object Class: Keter

Special Containment Procedures: It is considered unfeasible to contain SCP-3332-JP due to its nature. In the event that the manifestation of SCP-3332-JP is confirmed, witnesses are to be administered amnestics and surveillance camera footage around the location of its manifestation is to be altered.

Description: SCP-3332-JP is an anomalous entity that manifests with extremely low probability when a human being (hereinafter referred to as "the subject") intentionally falls from a high place. Observation records have indicated that its appearance closely resembles that of a mouse cursor and that it materializes instantaneously in mid-air. Attempts to capture the moment of manifestation have been unsuccessful due to technical limitations of the equipment.

The subjects secured so far possessed the following common characteristics:

  • They consider themselves to have a strong sense of responsibility and are indecisive.
  • They feel secure in their current situation where they are being relied upon by others, while also feeling burdened by this fact.
  • They are under stress caused by the aforementioned two conditions, and have the urge to escape from reality.

Due to these factors, the psychological state of the subject tends to be unstable.

Once manifested, SCP-3332-JP approaches the subject and 'grabs' them, preventing them from falling. Attempts to rescue the 'grabbed' subject are unsuccessful due to the repulsive force generated around SCP-3332-JP.

After 'grabbing' the subject, an electronic tone closely similar to a beep sound is emitted from SCP-3332-JP. Following the electronic tone, the word 'Cut' appears at one meter in front of SCP-3332-JP; this text is confirmed to be non-corporeal in nature. The subject is known to disappear after the appearance of the word, in a manner as if swirling in place. Once the subject vanishes, SCP-3332-JP and the word also disappear.

Ten minutes after the disappearance, the subject reappears at the location where they fell. The psychological state of the reappeared subject is found to be healthy. It is also determined that the subject loses memories related to SCP-3332-JP upon reappearance. When questioned about their previous concerns, all subjects, without exception so far, have responded to the effect that they do not need to be the only one to deal with the problem.

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