
Item #: SCP-444-FR

Threat Level: Orange

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: Given SCP-444-FR's isolation and the cooperation contract that was signed with the SCP-444-FR-A instances, the only necessary containment measure consists in road signs barring access to the anomaly. They are to be positioned at regular intervals. The currently implemented cover story is n°7-2: "ongoing film shooting." Should a civilian enter the anomaly, the SCP-444-FR-A instances may make use of their anomalous abilities to amnesticize the individual and direct them back to their home. Following the incident on 10 november 2013, this permission was revoked. Two Foundation employees (including a security agent as well as a researcher1 to be relieved quarterly) are to remain in the vicinity of SCP-444-FR, and disperse potential civilian approaches of the anomaly. Should the aforementioned civilians resist orders, the use of Class A amnestics is allowed.

Should SCP-444-FR-A instances behave in a dissenting or aggressive manner, specimens of SCP-444-FR-1 are available in a secure container located within the nearby observation outpost. Simply brandishing these items is enough to mitigate their behavior, although this might degrade future relations.

SCP-444-FR-2 is to be inspected on a monthly basis to assess its integrity. If it is to contract an infection of parasitic or non-parasitic nature, the SCP-444-FR-A instances are to be instructed to return inside SCP-444-FR-Prime until the item has recovered. If the item is irremediably damaged, a similar tree is to be planted nearby in order to maintain the connection. When the tree is sufficiently developed, the usual Special Containment Procedures are to be restored.

The inhabitants of ███████ have been relocated to Ninngo. A monthly visit is to be carried out, to insure the absence of any minor, residual anomalous effects.

Description: SCP-444-FR is a small village located close to Ninngo, north of Lake Débo, Timbuktu Region, Mali. It is established on a hillside and divided into three neighborhoods:2 two of which flank one of the Niger river's numerous tributaries, while the third is situated higher on the hills, overlooking the rest of the village. SCP-444-FR contains about two dozen huts,3 in addition to five buildings that contain collective equipment (workshops for pot making, weaving, tanning, glass working; a forge; laboratories for astronomy and medicine; tools for jewellery, woodworking and micro-electronics, among others). The buildings are insulated both from temperature using a system of heat pumps, and from sound.


Suudu within SCP-444-FR. Note the presence of a cooling vent.

The structures are supplied with energy by rows of solar thermal collectors. They use a previously unknown heat transfer fluid called "Ndiyam wuuli"4 in addition to a system of multiplied p-n junction cells, which drastically increases the yield of the system up to 72%, far beyond the Shockley–Queisser limit. When interrogated about this, SCP-444-FR-A instances deny the involvement of any anomalous processes.

A large, 1-hectare field where various types of millet are cultivated, such as pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), white fonio (Digitaria exilis) and Guinea millet (Brachiaria deflexa), fulfills the food requirements of SCP-444-FR-A instances. The field is partially automated: the water is delivered by a photosensitive irrigation system that only triggers at night so as to avoid evaporation; while protection from parasites, especially midges (including Geromyia penniseti, Contarinia sorghicola and Orseolia oryzivora) is insured by special housing for the insect-eating yellow-winged bat (Lavia frons). A small cotton farm is also present nearby. A dozen meters from there is a shaded cattle pen containing about twenty individuals of the Ndama breed, three quarters of which are female.

The water to be used for agriculture, but also for crafts and for drinking, is in part pumped directly from the river that SCP-444-FR was established next to. After this, the water is treated via a system of ultrafiltration containing specialized organic filters, which insures that they can be easily replaced. This circuit also allows for efficient recycling of waste waters, thus saving a considerable amount of potable water.

The SCP-444-FR-A instances are entities endowed with significant thaumaturgic abilities, albeit confined to the area covered by SCP-444-FR, where they live in isolation. Having a human appearance most of the time, the instances may transform into a wide variety of items and animals, as well as being able to summon these at will. This kind of activity appears to exhaust them however, causing them to become lethargic for several hours at a time. According to SCP-444-FR-A instances, this ability has allowed them to focus on the development of knowledge, and thus technology, that they can rely on.

Usually, SCP-444-FR-A instances take on the physique of healthy, athletic humans: this versatile form allows them to accomplish chores without needing further transformation. SCP-444-FR-A instances are generally dressed in the ways of the Fulani people: a sleeveless brown tunic5 under a white or dark blue gown6 for males; a breechcloth and gown with dull or bright colors and a turban7 for females. During labor at workshops, the instances wear a colored leather apron bearing many geometric shapes with an aesthetic, as well as practical function: the visual patterns act as a repellent for various biting insects.

Regardless of gender, SCP-444-FR-A outside of their homes will often wear a special conical head covering to protect themselves from the sun, called a tengada. These artifacts differ from traditional Fulani head coverings by the presence of a miniature electronic system that supplies the wearer with information, in the form of a holographic projection, about their distance from SCP-444-FR, their dehydration status or the presence of wild animals, among other things. Despite requests from the Manufacturing Department, SCP-444-FR-A have refused to cede specimens to the Foundation.


An SCP-444-FR-A instance.

SCP-444-FR-A instances have a keen sense of aesthetics, as reflected in their often brightly colored clothes, finely crafted jewels (such as rings of gold, silver or coppers at the wrists, ankles and nostrils for females; or earrings), facial tattoos and, especially, their hairstyles. Besides common local hairstyles such as Fulani braids, crests, cornrows and looped braids, individuals also decorate their hair with a range of accessories both normal and anomalous. The choice of possibilities is so wide that instances typically change their hairstyle every day.

Furthermore, the individuals carry a peculiar device, which may take on many appearances but most commonly looks like a badge; its primary use is to scan the people they encounter for protective talismans that could block their anomalous abilities. The device can then act as a "counter gris-gris"8 that annuls the effect of the talisman.

Currently numbering 45 46, these entities match the Guinâdyi9 described in a wide array of African tales as anomalous beings comparable to genies. SCP-444-FR-A instances appear to share one source of power that depends on two factors: their population count, and the size of SCP-444-FR. When their population increases, the boundaries of their village expand, but their anomalous abilities weaken. It is thought that, with enough instances, and with their territory sufficiently expanded, they would become non-anomalous and retain their current appearance. Inversely, a single individual located in SCP-444-FR-Prime could become a Class IV reality bender. In order to maintain the current equilibrium, which is deemed "satisfactory" by the instances, they are neither trying to expand nor shrink their territory, nor to produce offspring.

SCP-444-FR-1 refers to a collection of 12 roughly-cut stone (mainly laterite) rings with a diameter of 5 cm and a thickness of 1 cm. SCP-444-FR-1 are able to repel SCP-444-FR-A instances by causing them growing discomfort as the item approaches. Despite their efforts, the entities have not yet managed to produce a "counter gris-gris" for this, finding that the items differ too much from their abilities:

Interviewee: Instance SCP-444-FR-A-27, known as Meynsata, specialist in the craft of "counter gris-gris"

Interviewer: Dr Gobatoin

Foreword: Excerpt from a routine interview between SCP-444-FR-A-27 and Dr Gobatoin, 25 august 2013. Excerpt deemed relevant, translated from Fulani. Interview was cut short due to the instance being indisposed by her pregnancy.

Dr Gobatoin: It's that unpleasant?

SCP-444-FR-A-27: You have no idea! Just thinking about it is making me queasy.

Dr Gobatoin: But our reports are unambiguous: these items are completely normal. Average Akiva readings, a reality level of 2 humes… How can you explain that?

SCP-444-FR-A-27: I can't, and that's why I can't do anything about it! There's 45 of us, and not a single good idea came up. To find a counter for a gris-gris, you need to think empirically. If there is a square doodad that blocks the levitation of needles, then maybe the solution is going to be a round doodad. And if we already have a counter made of wool that works on spindles, then maybe wool is the key. But that one, that stone ring, nothing works.

Dr Gobatoin: Unfortunate. Whoever created them had to know your powers really well.

SCP-444-FR-A-27: Oh yes, he did. I don't see how, since we didn't tell him anything.

Dr Gobatoin: We have several leads on that front. A lot of ancient books, describing similar entities to your people, like the Guinné, the Dougouné, the Dyini…

SCP-444-FR-A-27: Very nice folks, by the way. I ought to visit them someday.

Dr Gobatoin: Um, so, all of these books were borrowed, if you can call it that, several months ago. It looks like all the libraries in the area have been wiped clean. We're currently searching for the person behind this considerable acquisition.

SCP-444-FR-A-27: There's nothing worth looking for in those books. You should ask the nomadic tribes instead. I believe the Seedoobe are in the area around this time of year.

Dr Gobatoin: Why?

SCP-444-FR-A-27: In these parts, things get said but not written, Mickael. The most ignorant griot knows more than the most savant book.

Dr Gobatoin: I, alright. Um. But, at least, it's good that those Manna Charitable Foundation volunteers had these gris-gris on them. The victims could be safely rescued despite the somewhat forced establishment of your village.

SCP-444-FR-A-27: That's true. But there shouldn't have been victims in the first place. Actually, there shouldn't have been anyone here. We were promised a vast, free space, less claustrophobic than our original home. We only had to wait six months.

Dr Gobatoin: But one part of the deal was not upheld, unfortunately.

SCP-444-FR-A-27: Well, I'm still upholding mine to this day.

Dr Gobatoin: And what is it?

SCP-444-FR-A-27: Not telling you is part of it.

Dr Gobatoin: Oh. That's a pity: any information could help us track down the individual. I understand, but it's a shame.

SCP-444-FR-A-27: But if he comes back for his share, and he will, I'm afraid it will not be readily given to him. Djégéné will probably be brasher than the others. The worst would be if… Please excuse me, I am exceptionally tired.

Dr Gobatoin: I will stop with the questions, in that case. Thank you for your answers.

This property means that the aforementioned artifacts are the only effective way to contain SCP-444-FR-A instances. SCP-444-FR-1 were recovered from members of the Manna Charitable Foundation; see Addendum 444-FR-1 for details.

SCP-444-FR-Prime is a pocket dimension, from which SCP-444-FR-A instances originate, and which can only be accessed by climbing up SCP-444-FR-2, an African locust bean tree (Parkia biglobosa) located at the center of SCP-444-FR. To maintain good relations with the individuals, the location remains unexplored to this day, and entry was blocked. Recovered testimonies seem to depict it as a cramped, claustrophobic place, explaining in part why the instances sought to leave, but where the majority of the technology that they have developed is stored, comprised of still-experimental or previously unknown devices. Notably, various interviews attest the presence of an expansive vocal database and experimental reality piercing devices, which were not carried over as they were deemed non-necessary.

Addendum 444-FR-1: Initial containment report

On 8 august 2013, an emergency call originating from ███████ village, in the vicinity of Ninngo, reporting the presence of "demons," was intercepted by the Intelligence Agency. The very specific details and the call for help urged the Foundation to investigate. Due to the isolation of the area, a team comprised of 4 field agents stationed in Timbuktu only arrived 3 hours later. Once on location, the team observed that the village had been replaced with SCP-444-FR, violently ejecting the buildings and inhabitants that were already there.

Numerous humanitarian vehicles were found on site, identified as belonging to the Manna Charitable Foundation. The Group of Interest members were assisting the inhabitants of ███████, setting up tents in the vicinity to house them temporarily after the destruction of their homes, tending to their wounds and handing out supplies. All were wearing SCP-444-FR-1 instances in order to protect themselves from SCP-444-FR-A. Using a hidden tape recorder, the following interview with members of the Missionary Worker Group could be recorded:

Interviewee: Traorée Tounkala, mission supervisor

Interviewer: Aminata Magassa, field agent

Foreword: Interview takes place upon arrival from Foundation field agents.

Aminata Magassa: Hello.

Traorée Tounkala: Oh, hello! You're here for-

Aminata Magassa: Malian national police, I'm Officer Sissoko. We're intervening following an emergency call-

Traorée Tounkala: Oh, um, welcome. I imagine, uh, you've already seen this somewhat futuristic town?

Aminata Magassa: Yes, and-

Traorée Tounkala: Well don't worry about it, all of this is, uh, perfectly normal. In fact-

Aminata Magassa: Let's skip the small-talk, alright? SCP Foundation field agent. What happened here?

Traorée Tounkala: The… the real SCP Foundation? Wow, I mean, it's the first time I ever meet you guys. I never expected to see you here!

Aminata Magassa: Let's skip to the interesting bit.

Traorée Tounkala: Yeah, that would be faster. Traorée Tounkala, Mission Supervisor at the Manna Charitable Foundation. The town you're looking at wasn't always here: there was only ███████ village. Then, according to the witnesses, it just appeared suddenly, shoving away the buildings and the people in the process. We're here to assist them, but we have yet to establish a contact with the… the inhabitants of this new town: nobody wants to get close to it, or get out of it.

Aminata Magassa: We'll handle that part later. I will refer the case to my superiors. The containment teams should be with us shortly. How long have you been here?

Traorée Tounkala: About three hours.

Aminata Magassa: The emergency call was emitted three hours ago, how did you make it here so quickly?

Traorée Tounkala: Oh, we were already en route. We departed no less than six hours ago. A very lengthy trip: the tracks, when they even exist, are not adapted to heavy, filled up vans.

Aminata Magassa: Wait, so you were already here before the call was made?

Traorée Tounkala: Um, yes. We got the information from an outside source. An anonymous call: an abnormal event that caused the destruction of a village, leaving these poor people resource-less in these vast, arid lands. Therefore, we needed to intervene, or at least check it out: we weren't disappointed.

Aminata Magassa: Indeed.

Traorée Tounkala: On top of that, it's an occasion to use our recently acquired funds.

Aminata Magassa: Recently acquired?

Traorée Tounkala: Yes, a new Benefactor made generous donations, including an Abnormal Asset, these gris-gris. This one here, in my hair. Once we explained to him the dangers, shall we say, of the area, he insisted on giving us these.

Aminata Magassa: Do you happen to know his identity?

Traorée Tounkala: He wished to remain anonymous.

Aminata Magassa: Too bad.

Traorée Tounkala: What can you do: some want to remain anonymous, some don't. We only give them the possibility: the choice is theirs. It's a policy I personally defend: although pride is usually an incentive for donors, I think giving them the choice allows something else to come through, a more noble feeling. Everyone's trying so hard to get praise, so for once that it's not the case, I think that-

Unknown: They told us, alright! We should have left while we had the chance! Six months, they've been telling us!

Traorée Tounkala: Please calm down, madam. Mohammed? Over here, she needs help. Take her to the shade, and give her a water bottle, thank you. Sorry, what with the heat and all… so, back to the concept of choice. You see, I think listing out the positives and negatives of a choice allows you to succeed without the need for restrictions. Take, for example, children and aleewa candy. These little rascals-


Afterword: In lieu of this information, a more thorough investigation was launched.

Once the containment specialists and field agents reached the location, witnesses from the civilian population and the Manna Charitable Foundation could be amnesticized and negotiations with SCP-444-FR-A instances began, before reaching the current containment plan. The village of ███████ was discovered to be the object of several purchasing attempts by an unknown individual. Despite attempts to hack the account behind this, the identity of this person could not be determined. however, bigger, suspicious financial transactions were uncovered, benefiting high profile members of the Manna Charitable Foundation. When interrogated, the latter provided the Intelligence Agency with the following document, mentioning a so far-unknown anomalous item.

Addendum 444-FR-2: Incident 444-FR

On 10 November 2013, an unidentified individual bypassed the security systems and entered SCP-444-FR without the knowledge of personnel. The next day, the lifeless, disfigured body of a forty-year-old man was recovered. The man was wearing luxury clothing at the time of his death. SCP-444-FR-A instances confessed to the murder. Post-mortem examination revealed that the individual seemed to be sterile.

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