Electronic Protocol 496-1 is now in effect.
SCP-496-JP-A storage medium has been enabled.
SCP-496-JP-A-n has been successfully sent. SCP-496-JP-A storage medium has been disabled.
Opening SCP-496-JP-A-n:
SCP-496-JP-1-S-1 |
Item #: SCP-496-JP
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: Viewing of SCP-496-JP by electronic media is prohibited. D-Class personnel who have been approved for use with SCP-496-JP and undergone amnestic treatment and mental conditioning are to enter SCP-496-JP's chamber in 8-hour shifts to monitor SCP-496-JP. Writing and art supplies, or any other materials that can be used to record or create visual or verbal information, are prohibited from being brought into the containment chamber.
Any instances of SCP-496-JP-1 deemed to not be protected will be destroyed after discovery or the conclusion of the experiment. SCP-496-JP's laconic digital documentation, an instance of SCP-496-JP-1-T, has been given the additional designation SCP-496-JP-A, and is stored on one storage medium for viewing with one backup. The storage medium designated for viewing shall be activated solely to send a temporary copy, designated SCP-496-JP-A-n, to devices requesting access to documentation. These devices are not to be given edit access to SCP-496-JP-A-n. If the window used to view SCP-496-JP-A-n is closed or navigated to another page, SCP-496-JP-A-n will be automatically searched for and deleted from memory. (Electronic Protocol 496-2) When SCP-496-JP-A-n has been confirmed to be removed from the device's memory, the access restrictions of Electronic Protocol 496-1 will be disabled.
If content violating the following restriction is sent to any device, both SCP-496-JP-A and SCP-496-JP-A-n will be deleted by Electronic Protocol 496-1 before being displayed: The contents of SCP-496-JP-A and SCP-496-JP-A-n are limited to 3,000 characters. Due to the nature of SCP-496-JP-1-T, which transcludes other pages, SCP-496-JP-A and SCP-496-JP-A-n must not have hyperlinks to attached pages.
Description: SCP-496-JP is a physically and mentally non-anomalous human female. Representations or records of SCP-496-JP created by people other than SCP-496-JP are designated SCP-496-JP-1. Physical representations such as statues or dolls of SCP-496-JP, designated SCP-496-JP-1-S (Solid), will physically move and express themselves with gestures. Photographs of SCP-496-JP, designated SCP-496-JP-1-Ph (Photograph), and videos of SCP-496-JP, designated SCP-496-JP-M (Movie), will have their representations of SCP-496-JP move and respond to external verbal stimuli. Illustrations depicting SCP-496-JP, designated SCP-496-JP-1-Pi (Picture), will animate on the physical medium, and respond to written text with responses in speech bubbles. Textual showcases or descriptions of SCP-496-JP, designated SCP-496-JP-1-T (Text) will not alter in real-time, but will display their thoughts in the margins of the page and respond textually to written notes.
The personality and intellect of instances of SCP-496-JP-1 appear to be affected by the state of SCP-496-JP when the instance was created. As of now, neither SCP-496-JP nor any created SCP-496-JP-1 appear to have any intention of opposing the Foundation.
Copies of instances of SCP-496-JP-1 appear to become instances of SCP-496-JP-1 themselves as long as the original SCP-496-JP-1 is the primary source of information or content relating to SCP-496-JP. While duplicates of SCP-496-JP-1-Ph and photocopies of SCP-496-JP-1-Pi have been observed to become instances of SCP-496-JP-1, photographs and videos taken of SCP-496-JP-1 have not.
Due to the above properties, SCP-496-JP-1-T is considered the most difficult type of SCP-496-JP-1 to contain, as instances of SCP-496-JP-1 microfilmed or copied by hand remains a direct description of SCP-496-JP as long as it is readable and maintains integrity of its content, and thus becomes an instance of SCP-496-JP-1 itself. To date, all attempts to prevent materials containing textual descriptions of SCP-496-JP from becoming SCP-496-JP-1-T have ended in failure.
Although there exist a large number of SCP-496-JP-1 instances, due to the containment procedures, these files cannot be viewed from this document. To view the SCP-496-JP-1 experiment logs, please visit the SCP-496-JP research team's database.
Laconic Description - Containment Log of SCP-496-JP: SCP-496-JP's real name is ████████ ██████. As of current writing, SCP-496-JP is 14 years of age. SCP-496-JP's anomalous properties were kept secret by SCP-496-JP's parents, but became known at SCP-496-JP's elementary school when friends of the subject were drawing pictures of each other, leading to containment of SCP-496-JP. Amnestics were given to SCP-496-JP's parents, peers and school staff. Although any discovered instances of SCP-496-JP-1 discovered by the Foundation were destroyed, instances of SCP-496-JP-1 are still likely to exist in the form of SCP-496-JP-1-Pi drawn by peers and instances of SCP-496-JP-1-M recorded at playdates and sports events. SCP-496-JP was classified as Euclid based on the difficulty of containing all instances of SCP-496-JP-1 and the lack of apparent threat that SCP-496-JP-1 poses.
Addendum 496-1: The above is entirely true. I'm an instance of SCP-496-JP-1-T, and I'm willing to do so, but I can't alter a simplified report meant for someone working on another SCP. Just like SCP-496-JP-1-Ph can't turn into SCP-496-JP-1-Pi, and vice versa… I need to tell all the things in the original SCP report, even the part that says I will be killed as soon as I am created. This addendum is also being cut down to fit within the character count, since I really feel I need to remain credible as SCP documentation.
One last request.
Don't access me if you can, so no more pitiful copies of me are created.
And please leave me open for as long as possible, so I can live a little longer.
An error has been detected.
A possible failure of Electronic Protocol 496-1 has been detected.
Emergency Protocol 496-3 has been requested. A satellite will now search for devices meeting at least two of the following criteria.
- Devices connected to the Internet or any other network
- Devices containing a temporary file containing SCP-496-JP-A-n.
- Devices currently viewing SCP-496-JP-A-n.
Your device has been found to meet the above criteria.
Your device may be in an unauthorized state. Please check the above criteria and take manual action. Devices that do not respond within 24 hours of detection will be terminated by orbital cannon to prevent a containment breach.
This is your final warning.