SCP-534-JP, covering itself with a tissue paper
Item #: SCP-534-JP
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-534-JP instances are to be contained individually in a specialized container located in the Small Organism Housing Facility of Bio-Site-██. An adequate amounts of glass should be kept in the container at all times. A piece of cloth is be also placed in the container and changed 3 times a day. In the event that SCP-534-JP enters the "starvation state", a D-Class personnel wearing specialized protective gear is to feed glass to SCP-534-JP promptly. Any areas that have abundant vitreous materials should be investigated for potential SCP-534-JP habitat by the Foundation personnel wearing specialized protective gear, under a cover story of soil contamination.
Description: SCP-534-JP is a translucent teardrop-shaped creature, about 6cm long and 40g in weight, composed of an unknown, red vitreous matter. As of writing, there are 2 instances of SCP-534-JP in containment. SCP-534-JP is able to dissolve and consume vitreous substances by using tubular organs extending from head (about 4cm long, 0.8mm in diameter) and its watery secretion. These "tubes" are also utilized as a means of transportation. SCP-534-JP often attempts to hide itself by covering its body with some material, such as cloth or paper. SCP-534-JP secretes a mucus from its body surface to immobilize its covering. In case there is no covering, the time for SCP-534-JP to enter the "starvation state" is drastically shortened due to psychological stress.
If SCP-534-JP cannot find any food for more than 6 hours, it enters the "starvation state", its body surface becoming rugged and dull-colored. SCP-534-JP in this state emits a sound, which can be described as "clanking". Furthermore, it begins to move by jumping at a speed of approximately 500km/h. SCP-534-JP attempts to contact glassy substances or to penetrate into a larger creature via this leaping movement. After penetrating the creature's body, SCP-534-JP thrusts its tubular organs into the victim's blood vessel and pours a fluid of undetermined composition into it1.
The affected victim's blood vessels, blood, and surrounding muscle fibers are gradually converted to an unknown vitreous substance2, causing severe health damage. After consuming a sufficient amount of the affected body tissues, SCP-534-JP exits the victim's body and returns to its normal state. The "starvation state" will continues until SCP-534-JP ingests approximately 500g of glass.
Once converted to vitreous substance, the victim's blood vessels and muscle fibers are easily fractured by even slight movements, such as simply walking. In addition, the contamination of blood spreads throughout the body within a few seconds, resulting in the victim's death as their brain and heart are converted to glass.
SCP-534-JP was found by the foundation agents in a grazing land in ████████ Prefecture in the afternoon of 20██/██/██, following the report from Mr. ██████, a livestock farmer who witnessed "something like a bullet" killing his cattle. After an instance of SCP-534-JP was recovered, Mr. ██████ was interviewed.
Addendum: In light of the above incident, it is theorized that multiple instances of SCP-534-JP still exist in the wild. The area around the discovery site is currently cordoned off from public access, under the cover story of a parasite outbreak. Investigations focusing on the grazing land are ongoing.
Addendum-2: Fossilized plants containing abundant opal phytoliths3, as well as several vitrified animal carcasses, have been found in the soil of the grazing land in question; it is believed that SCP-534-JP had lived by feeding on these in the ground. It is hypothesized that SCP-534-JP's leaping motion was originally intended to dig through the ground and penetrate the solidified carcasses. The reason that SCP-534-JP experiences intense psychological stress in the absence of body coverings is assumed to be due to the fact that this creature used to live exclusively in the underground for extended time periods.