Item #: SCP-569-JP
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-569-JP is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-8181, with all konpeitō removed from its inside. Experiments involving SCP-569-JP must be approved by 2 or more Security Clearance Level-2 personnel.
Description: SCP-569-JP is an object that resembles an electric bulb in appearance. Unlike normal light bulbs, however, SCP-569-JP has a detachable glass cover and an extra switch, and lacks filament. SCP-569-JP consists of general metal and glass.
SCP-569-JP's anomalous properties manifest when it has filled by konpeitō and its switch is pressed; the connection to power supplying socket is not necessarily essential. When switched on, konpeitō within SCP-569-JP becomes luminous. The color of light varies depending on internal konpeitō, which is expended over time. Of note is that konpeitō within SCP-569-JP does not melt by electric heat, even when SCP-569-JP is connected to power supplying socket.
In case that konpeitō within SCP-569-JP are used up, the user can refill and continue using it. While SCP-569-JP basically makes all konpeitō glow regardless of the manufacturer, it is proved that the light quantity is proportional to the quality of internal konpeitō. The mechanism by which SCP-569-JP makes konpeitō luminescent is wholly unknown. When completely filled, SCP-569-JP can emit light for approximately 120 hours continuously. Konpeitō used as light source can be consumed without any problems.
The light emitted from SCP-569-JP alters the exposed individual's mental state. Exact effect depends on its color; warm colors tend to make the subject aggressive, and cold colors cause the pessimistic sense. The effect of SCP-569-JP lasts longer in proportion to the length of exposure, but can be relieved to a certain extent by mental treatments such as counseling.
Test Log 569-JP-A
Subject: SCP-569-JP
Method: SCP-569-JP is filled with red konpeitō before activated.
Result: When activated, SCP-569-JP emitted the red-colored light.
Analysis: SCP-569-JP's color of light is dependent on internal konpeitō.
Test Log 569-JP-B
Subject: SCP-569-JP
Method: SCP-569-JP is filled with various sugar confectioneries before activated. This test is repeated for each type of confectionery.
Result: SCP-569-JP did not function in all cases.
Analysis: SCP-569-JP is not capable of making the confectioneries luminous, with the exception of konpeitō.
Test Log 569-JP-C
Subject: SCP-569-JP
Method: SCP-569-JP is filled with red and blue konpeitō before activated.
Result: When activated, SCP-569-JP emitted the purple-colored light.
Analysis: SCP-569-JP's color of light can be "mixed" by using multiple different-colored konpeitō.
Test Log 569-JP-D
Subject: D-4772
Method: SCP-569-JP is filled with white konpeitō before activated; the subject is exposed to the light for 30 minutes.
Result: 5 minutes after the test started, D-4772 abruptly fell asleep while smiling. The subject woke up at the same time as SCP-569-JP is turned off. After the test, D-4772 reported that he "felt happy and sleepy all of a sudden".
Analysis: White light seems to have a relaxing effect.
Test Log 569-JP-E
Subject: D-4669
Method: SCP-569-JP is filled with red konpeitō before activated; the subject is exposed to the light for 30 minutes.
Result: Approximately 5 minutes after the test started, D-4669 aggressively began to demand to be let him out of the room. 10 minutes later, D-4669 suddenly collapsed to the floor and was expired; the cause of death was concluded to be apoplexy.
Analysis: Red light seems to induce a state of intense agitation.
Test Log 569-JP-F
Subject: D-3845
Method: SCP-569-JP is filled with blue konpeitō before activated; the subject is exposed to the light for 30 minutes.
Result: Approximately 5 minutes after the test started, D-3845 began to cry uncontrollably. 7 minutes later, the test ended when D-3845 attempted to kill himself by biting off his tongue. D-3845 survived with prompt medical attention. He recovered in a few weeks to the point where he was able to speak again, claiming he "despaired of everything and wanted to die".
Analysis: Blue light seems to trigger pessimistic thoughts in the affected individual, who is still treatable.