
Partial occult inscriptions left by SCP-689-FR, near the Sainte-Marie lake.

Item #: SCP-689-FR

Threat Level: Green

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:

A scholar disinformation program must be maintained on SCP-689-FR. All petroglyphs found in the Vallée des Merveilles must be artificially dated from the Bronze Age, even if they are two thousand years older in actuality. All major archaeological discoveries around Mont Bégo must be reported to the Foundation, which will take control of possible digs.

All artifacts linked to SCP-689-FR must be kept in a standard anomaly security box. In addition, the seven instances of SCP-689-FR-1 must not be touched without padded safety gloves.

Since the anomaly is localized on the Franco-Italian border, the monitoring of possible anomalous activities around Mont Bégo is ruled by an agreement between the Foundation French branch and their Italian counterpart, under French supervision. Details of this deal are available in the appendix of this document.


Major petroglyphs discovered in the Vallée des Merveilles during the Italian studies of 1964, lead by the Plutone site.


SCP-689-FR designates an anomalous civilization, also known as “Begonian civilization”, from the beginning of the Neolithic (5th millennium BC).

The only known remaining traces of SCP-689-FR surround Mont Bégo, in the Maritime Alps; more specifically, in the Vallée des Merveilles and the Vallée de Fontanalba. Most of those traces are petroglyphs. Around 100,000 drawings have been discovered on nearly 3,700 carved rocks: a third of them are figurative, while the remaining is composed of some various abstractions (59%) and thaumaturgic symbols (11%).

Most thaumaturgic petroglyphs discovered are deeply anachronistic in comparison to the occult technocomplex known for that period. Some thaumaturgic runes found at the site were rediscovered in Europe only at the end of 15th century, in the forbidden books of Philippus Theophrastus Aureolus Bombast von Hohenheim1.

It has been proven that SCP-689-FR knew and mastered a thaumaturgic pseudo-alphabet, of which we found associations of symbols into thaumaturgic words on the carved rocks. Some hypotheses suspect associations occurred at a higher scale than currently recorded, due to the positioning of each carved rock. Nonetheless, the general deterioration of the rocks makes the confirmation or the rejection of those hypotheses impossible.

All the runes found were inactive, not being connected to any nevralgics or thaumic generative rune of any kind. The way the runes were meant to be activated is currently unknown as well as their precise goals2. Symbols are not strictly organized like in modern thaumaturgy3 and glyphs are frequently associated with opposing arts in same groups of carvings. Most of the petroglyphs were from Evocation and Transmutation art, but it was not uncommon to find nearly endemic symbols of Abjuration and Enchantment as well.


The Sabion tumulus, close to the eponymous mountain pass.

On top of the petroglyphs, four little Begonian tumuli have been found around Mont Bégo. One was found empty. All of them had an entry decorated by intermediate thaumaturgic runes most closely resembling chronomancy, as well as an inner circle made of more diverse and disparate runes with an unknown utility. Like the carved rocks, these runes are inactive due to the lack of alimentation. The remains found inside are standard human. In addition to a number of classic tools from the Neolithic period, several anomalous artifacts were uncovered, such as Alpine ibex bone thrusters engraved with multiple glyphs4 rendered inactive by the law of thaumaturgic sympathy5 and by their poor general condition. Seven bone harpoons made from an unknown species have also been found, still active. These have been designated as SCP-689-FR-1.

Addendum 1: Study of SCP-689-FR-1


Four instances of SCP-689-FR-1 found in the Sabion tumulus.

1.1. Study of the Material:

The seven instances of SCP-689-FR-1 have all been built from the rib bones of the same anomalous species, herein designated SCP-689-FR-2 (Lupus signore by international convention, reference tag CMO CM-103). However, the seven harpoons are not all from the same individual animal, but from at least three different ones according to DNA testing.

Bones from SCP-689-FR-2 seem to possess obvious thaumaturgic properties, suggesting a creature naturally able to exploit and bend thaumic energy6. Specifically, we have discovered that SCP-689-FR-2 bones are naturally shaped as to create a natural conduct inside the spinal cord which is able to process nearly entropic-free thaumic energy transportation, using a architecture composed of natural glyphs7.

The surface of the bones appear to have been carved for use as a harpoon or arrowhead, but it is to be noted that most of the spikes are in fact natural excrescences. Carved runes are visible on them, creating a primitive variant of what is described as a “contôl circuit” in modern thaumaturgy. Some master runes can be found on the handle as well as some diverse slave runes on the spikes, giving the potential user control over the resulting thaumaturgic process.


Some representations of individuals making use of SCP-689-FR-1.

1.2. Study of the Effects:

Instances of SCP-689-FR-1 are activated through a dual biological requirement. To activate the artefact, the user must first scarify his hand by holding the harpoon above the first row of spikes and pushing them into his palm. Once the first step is done, the anomalous properties of the harpoon will activate on contact of the flesh, mucous or blood of any animal unrelated to the user.

Once stuck into flesh, SCP-689-FR-1 will draw any biological substances to itself, tearing the victim’s muscles to gradually attach them to itself before finally connecting them to the user, who will now gain control over the victim. Most of the flesh will rapidly transit to the user through the harpoon and cover him like a second skin. The victim usually remains conscious until the effect reaches the head and starts draining the brain. Organs and their natural functions are mostly preserved, but reorganized in a way to serve the user. A partial fusion of the nervous system on the user hand is observed with the opposing one, allowing him to interface with the victim’s organs. Occasionally, there is also traces of some blood fusions, more complex but yet fully effective.


Examples of representations of the parasitic process applied to multiple beings (here two bovines), using a cascading of multiple SCP-689-FR-1.

The effect is not limited to a single creature and can be repeated multiple times as long as the remaining heap of amalgamated flesh stays in contact with the artefact.The user is able to expel the drained flesh at any moment and stop the effect. It is also possible to hold a second harpoon using already drained flesh, allowing a cascading gestion of multiple drainings. This allows multiple layers of protections on the complex organic structure created around the user, while demonstrating a real mastering of advanced thaumaturgic engineering by SCP-689-FR, able to create modular architectures.

A warfare usage of those harpoons is highly suspected. No representation of fusions on hunting scenes is represented among the petroglyphs, implying a military use. Some tests conducted with class-D members have proved a real utility of those artifacts in fighting situations, especially when applied to a neolithic context. While it stays impossible to really know how SCP-689-FR-1 was used at the time, it is observed that the “natural” way of using it8 is to completely cover yourself with drained flesh and use the captured sensitive organs as a second head, protecting the whole body, including the real head. Flesh clusters becoming too large can quickly become unstable, almost collapsing under their own weight unless taking some efficient but completely inhuman form, reminiscent of some flesh golem from early 20th experimentations. Correctly used, the harpoons allow the user to create and control complex biologic constructions alike organic exoskeletons. However, no trace of serious injury was found on any of the skeletons recovered, normal and complete despite the prodigious strength given by those artifacts, impling no clues of usage of this technology against themself.


Representations of SCP-689-FR-2.

Addendum 2: Study of SCP-689-FR-2

DNA sequencing of SCP-689-FR-2 revealed several abnormal elements. In top of the bone anomaly already mentioned in this file, we note the absence of genes linked to a digestive system or its developpement.

After research carried around Mont Bégo, multiple skeletons of SCP-689-FR-2 have been reconstructed, confirming the absence of digestive system with the absence of an oral cavity or jaws on the head. The presence of small articulation bones between vertebrae and ribs are also observed. Apart from those features, SCP-689-FR-2 had the physiognomy of a carnivore. It is speculated that SCP-689-FR-2’s hunting method was based on a variation of SCP-689-FR-1’s abnormal effects and that this species was able to move and extend its ribs to harpoon its prey before draining it.

Multiple figurative petroglyphs show the presence of SCP-689-FR-2 near human figures, implying a possible domestication of that species. No hunting scenes of SCP-689-FR-2 are represented.

Addendum 3: Study of the Begonnian society and of its downfall

Even after this extensive study, the Begonnian society remains mysterious for the most part, like the majority of Neolithic civilizations of that time. The source of their knowledge and its actual extent are unknown. The way these glyphs were powered remains unknown. Depending on the answer to this question, it might be possible that SCP-689-FR-2 might was a natural species which has evolved around a long-gone nevralgic, or an artificial species created by SCP-689-FR.

We do not know what use the many recovered runic petroglyphs could have, judging by how time-worn they are. We do not know either why the last tumulus was empty, nor if the associated runes were a ritual measure, a protection or even a trap. The actual use of
SCP-689-FR-1 is yet unknown. We have no trace or testimony of interspecies hunt or conflict.

It is also noteworthy that sword pictograms are pictured on some cravings, while the Begonnian civilization precedes the Bronze Age by almost two millennia, and thus predates the first known swords. None of the tools found in the burial mounds, even those that are anomalous, do suggest any form of technological mastery of metalsmithing by SCP-689-FR. The origin of these depictions is thus unknown.

We do not know what caused the end of this civilization, as it was more than six thousand years ahead of its contemporaries thaumaturgy-wise.
In light of these elements, it is supposed that SCP-689-FR disappeared during a confrontation with an unknown foe and that the depicted swords are not Begonnian artifacts but rather those of the enemy of this civilization.

Of this foe, we know nothing yet, as we have found no trace of it.


Anachronic depiction of a sword.

Addendum 4: Cross-analysis on the origin of SCP-689-FR

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