
Special Containment Procedures: All Foundation Korea Regional Command personnel should be notified of SCP-953-KO's existence and its basic anomalous traits. Thus, the following information has been added to the regional command manual.

  • SCP-953-KO is a dangerous anomaly that takes over and mimics people.
  • If Code "Maegu" is issued, strict on-site authority defaults to security personnel. Failure of any Foundation member to comply with security requests under Code "Maegu", such as movement commands or having blood samples drawn may lead to confinement or termination by on-site control personnel.

Security Warning: Access to other SCP-953-KO related information is limited to on-site personnel or any personnel with level 2 clearance or higher. Unauthorised access will result in corresponding disciplinary measures.

    • _

    ▶ e-mail: guardian███
    ▶ password: * * * * * * * * *

    ▶ Authorised viewer. Welcome, Officer ███.

    Viewer: Officer ███, Security Team
    Authorised View Time: Renewed
    Authorised Information: SCP-953-KO Report: Authorised Level 2 Access

    Special Containment Procedures: All Foundation Korea Regional Command personnel should be notified of SCP-953-KO's existence and its basic anomalous traits outlined in the regional command manual. Special attention is to be given to Site-13K personnel, who must be taught of SCP-953-KO's habits and specific countermeasures for its anomalies. Compulsory education modules must include:

    • "SCP-953-KO's chief anomalous property is the subsumption and mimicry of its prey.
    • SCP-953-KO can take the form of a human(Homo sapiens) or a Korean fox(Vulpes vulpes peculiosa).
    • SCP-953-KO's original form is a juvenile female fox 51 centimetres long. Its default human form is an underdeveloped East Asian female 110 centimetres tall, with black hair, brown eyes and protruding coccyx.
    • SCP-953-KO's physical capabilities differ on its form. However, it has demonstrated the ability to inflict fatal injuries on adult humans and successfully flee from armed Foundation personnel.
    • SCP-953-KO shows extreme hostility to humans, 'hunting' and consuming prey, including humans, when possible.
    • SCP-953-KO consumes its prey alive. It can devour the entire human or don the skin of its victims, mimicking them.
    • SCP-953-KO is contained in Site-13K 5th Barn Wing underground containment cell. 5th Barn Wing is dedicated solely to the containment of SCP-953-KO. Therefore, under ordinary circumstances, access is prohibited to off-duty personnel.
    • If SCP-953-KO breaches containment, Code "Maegu" is to be issued. Under the code, strict on-site authority defaults to security personnel. Failure of any Foundation member to comply with security requests under Code "Maegu", such as movement commands or having blood samples drawn may lead to confinement or termination by on-site control personnel.
    • A person being mimicked by SCP-953-KO may show the following symptoms: sporadic amnesia, loss of professional knowledge, and sudden change in attitude. If someone is suspected of having been mimicked by SCP-953-KO, the situation is to be immediately reported to Ext 5935. Regardless of whether Code "Maegu" is issued or not, the response team will take over. Until then, the relevant informer should avoid aggravating or gaining suspicion from the suspected subject.

    Should Code "Maegu" be issued, Foundation sites across the Korea Regional Command area. Under the authorisation of the director or regional command administrator, relevant government personnel on the peninsula may be informed of SCP-953-KO's containment breach and kept up-to-date on the situation as it unfolds.

    Security Warning: Access to further information about SCP-953-KO is restricted to Site-13K 5th Barn Wing employees and personnel with level 3 clearance or higher. Unauthorised access will result in corresponding disciplinary measures.

      • _

      ▶ e-mail: ms██
      ▶ password: * * * * * * * * * * * *

      ▶ Authorised viewer. Welcome, Researcher ██.

      Viewer: Researcher ██
      Authorised View Time: Renewed
      Authorised Information: SCP-953-KO Report: Authorised Level 3 Access

      Special Containment Procedures: All Foundation Korea Regional Command personnel should be notified of SCP-953-KO's existence and its basic anomalous traits outlined in the regional command manual. Special attention is to be given to Site-13K personnel, who must be taught of SCP-953-KO's habits and specific countermeasures for its anomalies. Information about the anomaly may be handed over to related government employees and all regional command personnel when necessary.

      SCP-953-KO is stored in Site-13 K's 5th Barn Wing underground containment cell, which consists of a high-hazard biological containment chamber with two layers of outside-only access. SCP-953-KO is given standard meals three times a day, with occasional raw pig liver as a treat. The cell should be cleaned once a week, with a vet performing bi-monthly checkups on the subjects. Personnel entering SCP-953-KO's cell should wear puncture-proof body armour and be accompanied by armed guards. The inspection process should be watched on camera. Anyone entering or exiting 5th Barn Wing is required to take a blood test.

      If SCP-953-KO breaches containment, Code "Maegu" is to be issued. Under the code, 5th Barn Wing is to be sealed off, and Site-13K put under strict lockdown. Predesignated essential personnel are to evacuate following the evacuation order. Upon lifting the Code "Maegu", blood tests are to be done, starting with the most suspicious individuals. Suspicious individuals include:

      • Personnel found where SCP-953-KO's video-tracked line of movement ends.
      • Personnel who have found or interacted with corpses left behind by SCP-953-KO.
      • Personnel moving to other sites under Code "Maegu".
      • Personnel with unissued weapons.
      • Informants and suspects in cases of alleged mimicry
      • Any personnel deemed insufficiently compliant with Code "Maegu".

      If SCP-953-KO is not found among the suspected, all personnel in the site should be tested. Nearby locals and wild animals are subject to tests too if SCP-953-KO is thought to have escaped.

      Description: SCP-953-KO is an anomalous female Korean fox (Vulpes vulpes peculiousa). Its basic form is visually identical to a juvenile of its species, with the exception of its bright red hue. Additionally, SCP-953-KO weighs 25 kilogrammes, much heavier than a standard fox of the same size. Correspondingly, SCP-953-KO also consumes more calories than expected for its species.

      SCP-953-KO has the capacity to morph between a fox and a human form when unhindered. It has been observed that SCP-953-KO prefers to stay human. Optics analysis via X-rays and volumetric calculation proved that the change is physical, rather than cognitohazardous. SCP-953-KO can only take one human form when not mimicking 'consumed' prey: a young East Asian female, 110 centimetres tall, with black hair, brown eyes, and coccyx protruding about three centimetres. Visual analysis suggests SCP-953-KO's human form is approximately 9 to 15 years old; however, its mental capacity is roughly that of an average 7-year-old human. This matches the registered age and developmental diagnosis of SCP-953-KO.

      Despite its relative size in either fox or human form, SCP-953-KO has surprising physical capabilities. SCP-953-KO has high strength and agility, and when given the opportunity will take advantage of them, 'hunting' humans and livestock with its claws in its human form before consuming them. The subject can quickly kill a fully grown human and has previously injured armed Foundation personnel in combat. Caution is of the utmost importance.

      SCP-953-KO's primary anomaly displays when it consumes the 'prey' human's liver. SCP-953-KO first attacks from behind, immobilising the victim, and inserts its arm through the victim's orifice (such as its mouth or anus), ripping away the liver in one stroke. Following liver consumption, the victim is immobilised, and their skeletal tissue and organs disappear, with its posterior skin rupturing. This process takes about ten seconds on average after consumption. The victim is alive and conscious at this state, but no modern methods could prolong their life for more than twelve hours.

      If SCP-953-KO chooses, it will wear the deformed victim's body, and the two forms merge seamlessly into a regular human. After about ten minutes of adaptation, SCP-953-KO takes full control of the body, and the formerly ruptured back of the victim heals. When morphed this way, SCP-953-KO cannot be visually distinguished from the original victim. The victim completely dies in this state; their cells entirely replaced with SCP-953-KO's. This anomalous property enables tracking of SCP-953-KO via blood tests, even when the subject is in mimic camouflage.

      According to medical logs of SCP-953-KO from before its capture, it was born in ██ maternity ward at Jeju Special Self Governing Province on 2006. Both parents and all siblings of the instance were human(Homo sapiens). It is seemingly biologically impossible for the parents to have given birth to SCP-953-KO, as it is genetically identical to a Korean fox. Whether this is yet another unknown anomaly of SCP-953-KO or a result of some other error is uncertain.

      Some researchers have noted similarities with other human-imitating red fox(Vulpes vulpes) entities such as SCP-953 and POI-9724. However, cross-examination of SCP-953 and SCP-953-KO's DNA resulted in no conclusive evidence of any profound genetic connection with the subject.

      Retrieval log 953KO: SCP-953-KO was first found in a house in Seogwipo City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Republic of Korea. Site-13K researcher Bu Yeongrae's family lived in the house, in which SCP-953-KO was the youngest daughter. On March 28th, 2018 when Bu went home he found all members of his family except SCP-953-KO dead. Bu, judging from the circumstance, suspected paranormal activity and soon enough witnessed SCP-953-KO dawning on his mother, Ms Bu's flesh and reported to the site. Afterwards, MTF unit Zeta-4 was dispatched and captured SCP-953-KO. Two officers were injured, but none were killed.

      For three days after capture, SCP-953-KO refused to communicate or eat and crouched down crying in the containment cell corner. Only on the fourth day, the subject shed Ms Bu's flesh and slept. Following the Incident, the subject started acting more cooperative, complying to staff orders. It retained its cooperative attitude until Incident 953KO-E1.

      Incident log 953KO-E1: On 28/08/2018, the 154th day of containment, SCP-953-KO started acting abnormally. It grew noticeably nervous, and suddenly attacked D-3958, who had entered the cell to feed her. SCP-953-KO struck the food tray (which threw the food on D-3958's face) and approached the startled D-3958 from behind, inserting its arm into his rectum, ripping off his liver and immediately consuming it. After that, SCP-953-KO dry-heaved and stayed away from D-3958's disfigured corpse, crouching in a corner. This was the first time that SCP-953-KO killed a human while in containment, outside of testing.

      Armed personnel quickly entered the containment cell and threatened SCP-953-KO, which responded in fear, rolling on the ground. D-3958 was moved out of the cell for SCP-427 treatment but expired before the procedure began. The research team assumed that SCP-953-KO might have caused the Incident via an anxiety-driven coma. This claim is further reinforced by her movement in surveillance footage and its response after the Incident.

      Further interviews were conducted to diagnose the psychological state of SCP-953-KO. Psychologists and veterinarians concluded that she feels immense stress from confinement, similarly to a child or animal. They theorised that the psychological trauma-induced coma activated SCP-953-KO's instinctual survival mechanism and triggered aggressive behaviour. Therefore, regular therapy sessions were implemented, and plants and toys were brought into its cell to help with her mental stabilisation.

      Incident log 953KO-E2: On 02/11/2018, the 220th day of containment, SCP-953-KO showed signs of anxiety again, trying to hide in the cell corners. The research immediately ordered that everyone entering the cell be accompanied by armed guards. The regular therapy session scheduled for 12/11 was preponed to soothe SCP-953-KO, and a medical team was gathered.

      During the session, SCP-953-KO fell into a coma multiple times, attacking medical teams and guards. Eventually, a guard shackled SCP-953-KO for the safe resumption of the session. SCP-953-KO regained consciousness after a little over four hours. One guard suffered abdominal injuries, and SCP-953-KO was bruised from the shackles. SCP-953-KO was distressed from the shackles and armed guards, making it mentally unstable, resulting in a longer session than usual.

      The medical team suggested granting SCP-953-KO partial freedom for stable containment. Research head Dr. ███ ██ proposed allowing SCP-953-KO regular walks outside her cell under the surveillance of armed guards. (Containment Procedure update proposal currently pending.)

      Objection note: Dr. ██, I request you cancel the proposal to loosen SCP-953-KO's restrictions. We've all agreed that SCP-953-KO is an intelligent and malicious anomaly. It looks human, but it doesn't have the slightest hint of humanity. We don't know if SCP-953-KO threw a fit because of psychological stress, or if it's tricked us into believing that. It can assume the form of any human we know; the aftermath would be unimaginable had it tricked us.

      - Researcher Bu Yeongrae

      • Request denied. Researcher Bu, I am very sorry for your what happened to your family, but letting emotions take over is ill-advised. SCP-953-KO requires mental stability, not for the entity's sake, but to minimise breach risks and reduce response costs. SCP-953-KO can be adequately suppressed by enforcing current containment procedures, such as teaching staff and having response measures prepared. I have to inform you that we may reassign you to a different department if you place further complaints about SCP-953-KO's treatment.

      - Dr. ███ ██

      Security Warning: Access to further information about SCP-953-KO is restricted to SCP-953-KO designated senior researcher and Level 4 personnel. Unauthorised access will result in immediate disciplinary measures.

        • _

        ▶ e-mail: Dr███
        ▶ password: * * * * * * * *

        ▶ Authorised viewer. Welcome, Dr ███ ██.

        Viewer: Dr ███ ██
        Authorised View Time: Renewed
        Authorised Information: SCP-953-KO Report: Authorised Level 4 Access

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        ㅤTitle of the page: SCP-953-KO


        [[include :scipnet:component:classified-header
        |director=Advisor Seol Semyeong, Acting Director
        |research-head=███ ██

        I lost the body.
        It was all good until my goddamn brother screwed everything up. I should have killed him first.

        Let me think. Fuck, what kind of site has no pencil?
        I hope no one sees me typing.

        Catch the geeks off guard: done.
        Get out of the cell for a walk: done as well.
        Act all safe and mellow while walking to let their guard down: perfect.
        In addition to that, the other geeks kicked my paranoid brother off. Supreme.

        It was all according to plan until I acted when everyone was distracted.

        But no! How the fuck could I have known that the timid bookworm nerd brother of mine would not only drag me here, but also completely disregard his duties and spy on me 24/7? Shit, the alarm's getting on my nerves.

        There were a lot of people outside just before. Where did everyone go?

        I got caught when I moved from the guard to the Researcher, but not when I moved to this doctor. They must be chasing after the researcher guy seeing from the warning screen when I logged in… It's a matter of time until they find this body out. Damn it. I should have moved to the director to blend in while they were leaving! Screw you, brother…

        Who the hell is that?|

        Sis, I got this one. I knocked her out for you.
        With love, your third sister.|

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        I'm saving this. I think it might be helpful.
        I assume you have a backup?
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          • _

          ▶ e-mail:
          ▶ password: Th' flower back green does nae open tae a'body

          ▶ Authorised viewer. Welcome, Director Seol Semyeong.

          Viewer: Director Seol Semyeong
          Authorised View Time: Renewed
          Authorised Information: SCP-953-KO Report: Authorised Level 4 Access: Latest version

          Special Containment Procedures: All Foundation Korea Regional Command personnel are to be notified of SCP-953-KO's existence and basic anomalous traits as outlined in the regional command manual. Special attention is to be given to Complex-13K perosnnel, who must be taught SCP-953-KO's habits and specific countermeasures to its anomalies. Relevant information may be shared with other Foundation and government personnel at the discretion of site directors.

          SCP-953-KO is stored in Site-13 K's 5th Barn Wing underground containment cell, a high-hazard biological containment chamber with outside-only access panels. SCP-953-KO is to wear a straitjacket and shackled to restrict its movement. A cocktail of fructose and amino acids and tranquilising agents(if necessary) is to be injected intravenously in both its arms. The IV lines and shackles are to be firmly fixed on the straitjacket and checked regularly to prevent damage.

          Personnel should not enter the cell unless necessary. Nutrition should be given to SCP-953-KO intravenously. The IV solution is enriched with a daily dose of calories and essential nutrients for a fox(Vulpes vulpes), divided into three portions. Interviews for testing and diagnosis should be done via remote devices. The cell should be cleaned monthly, and the subject should be cleaned every six months. Personnel entering SCP-953-KO's cell should wear stab-proof body armour accompanied by armed guards.

          Site-13K Barn No.5 employees should score higher than 4 in the Mental Amplification Resistance Scale(MARS) test, and under -15 on the Cohen-Weinberg compassion scale. When entering Barn No.5, the person should wear an integrated protection suit to protect their posterior. Mental experts regularly check Site-13K main site employees for emotional decay and abnormal behaviour. Barn No.5 employees are to be checked once every month, and other employees are checked twice per quarter. Personnel who show compassion or emotional vacillation should be immediately repositioned and given therapy.

          All facilities in Barn No.5, including the containment cell, should have countermeasures for SCP-953-KO's escape. At least two infrared and visible light cameras should be installed in the building's cell and corridor. Necessary devices such as locks and intranet terminals should be locked by a verification system via simple blood testing. All personnel entering or exiting Barn No.5 is to have identities checked, and blood sample tested.

          If SCP-953-KO breaches containment, Code "Maegu" is to be issued. Under the code, 5th Barn Wing is to be sealed off, and Site-13K put under strict lockdown. Predesignated essential personnel are to evacuate following the evacuation order. Upon lifting the Code "Maegu", blood tests are to be done, starting with the most suspicious individuals. Suspicious individuals include:

          • Personnel found where SCP-953-KO's video-tracked line of movement ends.
          • Personnel who have found or interacted with corpses left behind by SCP-953-KO.
          • Personnel moving to other sites under Code "Maegu".
          • Personnel with unissued weapons.
          • Informants and suspects in cases of alleged mimicry
          • Any personnel deemed insufficiently compliant with Code "Maegu".

          If SCP-953-KO is not found among the suspected, all personnel in the site should be tested. Nearby locals and wild animals are subject to tests too if SCP-953-KO is thought to have escaped.

          Description: SCP-953-KO is an anomalous female Korean fox (Vulpes vulpes peculiousa). Its basic form is visually identical to a juvenile of its species, with the exception of its bright red hue. Additionally, SCP-953-KO weighs 25 kilogrammes, much heavier than a standard fox of the same size. Correspondingly, SCP-953-KO also consumes more calories than expected for its species.

          SCP-953-KO has the capacity to morph between a fox and a human form when unhindered. It has been observed that SCP-953-KO prefers to stay human. Optics analysis via X-rays and volumetric calculation proved that the change is physical, rather than cognitohazardous. SCP-953-KO can only take one human form when not mimicking 'consumed' prey: a young East Asian female, 110 centimetres tall, with black hair, brown eyes, and coccyx protruding about three centimetres. Visual analysis suggests SCP-953-KO's human form is approximately 9 to 15 years old.

          Despite its relative size in either fox or human form, SCP-953-KO has surprising physical capabilities. SCP-953-KO has high strength and agility, and when given the opportunity will take advantage of them, 'hunting' humans and livestock with its claws in its human form before consuming them. The subject can quickly kill a fully grown human and has previously injured armed Foundation personnel in combat. Caution is of the utmost importance.

          SCP-953-KO's primary anomaly displays when it consumes the liver of the human 'prey'. SCP-953-KO first attacks from behind, immobilising the victim, and inserts its arm through the victim's orifice (such as its
          mouth or anus), ripping away the liver in one stroke. Following liver consumption, the victim is immobilised, and their skeletal tissue and organs disappear, with its posterior skin rupturing. This process takes about
          ten seconds on average after consumption. The victim is alive and conscious at this state, but no modern methods could prolong their life for more than twelve hours.

          If SCP-953-KO chooses, it will wear the deformed victim's body, and the two forms merge seamlessly into a regular human. After about ten minutes of adaptation, SCP-953-KO takes full control of the body, and the formerly ruptured back of the victim heals. When morphed this way, SCP-953-KO cannot be visually distinguished from the original victim. The victim completely dies in this state; their cells entirely replaced with SCP-953-KO's. This anomalous property enables tracking of SCP-953-KO via blood tests, even when the subject is in mimic camouflage.

          SCP-953-KO's other significant anomaly is the ability to inflict lasting psychological interference to humans. This is weak but very noticeable, rendering humans feel pity and positively rationalise the subject's behaviour. SCP-953-KO is very adept at exploiting the psychological bias it inflicted on personnel. Since its initial containment, it used this trait to calm 'prey', or trick researchers into facilitating a better environment.

          Unlike initial analysis, SCP-953-KO has a fully developed mental capacity, with high intelligence. It hid its second anomaly for ten months since its initial containment, playing the fool, tricking Foundation personnel. The subject went to lengths to be misdiagnosed as mentally retarded in an outside hospital before containment, hiding its true identity.

          According to medical logs of SCP-953-KO from before its capture, it was born in ██ maternity ward at Jeju Special Self Governing Province on 2006. Both parents and all siblings of the instance were human (Homo sapiens). It is seemingly biologically impossible for the parents to have given birth to SCP-953-KO, as it is genetically identical to a Korean fox. Whether this is yet another unknown anomaly of SCP-953-KO or a result of some other error is uncertain.

          Some researchers have noted similarities with other human-imitating red fox(Vulpes vulpes) entities such as SCP-953 and POI-9724. However, cross-examination of SCP-953 and SCP-953-KO's DNA resulted in no conclusive evidence of any serious genetic connection with the subject.

          Retrieval log 953KO: SCP-953-KO was first found in a house in Seogwipo City, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, Republic of Korea. Site-13K researcher Bu Yeongrae's family lived in the house, in which SCP-953-KO was the youngest daughter. On March 28th, 2018 when Bu went home he found all members of his family except SCP-953-KO dead. Bu, judging from the circumstance, suspected paranormal activity and soon enough witnessed SCP-953-KO dawning on his mother, Ms Bu's flesh and reported to the site. Afterwards, MTF unit Zeta-4 was dispatched and captured SCP-953-KO. Two agents were injured, but none were killed.

          For three days after capture, SCP-953-KO refused to communicate or eat and crouched down crying in the containment cell corner. Only on the fourth day, the subject shed Ms Bu's flesh and slept. Following the Incident, the subject started acting more cooperative, complying to staff orders.

          Incident log 953KO-E1: On 28/08/2018, the 154th day of containment, SCP-953-KO started acting abnormally. It grew noticeably nervous, and suddenly attacked D-3958, who had entered the cell to feed her. SCP-953-KO struck the food tray (which threw the food on D-3958's face) and approached the startled D-3958 from behind, inserting its arm into his rectum, ripping off his liver and immediately consuming it. After that, SCP-953-KO dry-heaved and stayed away from D-3958's disfigured corpse, crouching in a corner. This was the first time that SCP-953-KO killed a human while in containment, outside of testing.

          Armed personnel quickly entered the containment cell and threatened SCP-953-KO, which responded in fear, rolling on the ground. D-3958 was moved out of the cell for
          SCP-427 treatment but expired before the procedure began. This was the first time the subject killed a human outside of testing. However, researchers and the medical team, affected by its mental manipulation, came to an optimistic conclusion and decided to loosen SCP-953-KO's containment procedures.

          Incident log 953KO-E2: On 02/11/2018, SCP-953-KO showed signs of anxiety again, trying to hide in the cell corners. The research immediately ordered that everyone entering the cell be accompanied by armed guards. A regular therapy session was preponed to soothe SCP-953-KO, and a medical team was gathered.

          SCP-953-KO remained hostile throughout the session. This attitude was in stark contrast to its cooperation before, making researchers believe the aggression is due to stress reactions. This was misguided but was considered a valid theory at the time. Following this, containment procedures were updated to include regular walks outside the cell. Researcher Bu Yeongrae was excluded from the team for allegedly being too emotional.

          Incident log 953KO-F-100: At 8 A.M. 20/01/2019, during SCP-953-KO's regular walk outside the cell, it suddenly killed its accompanying guards. As per the containment procedures, no restraints were put on SCP-953-KO, and the two guards were relaxed from the regular walking sessions. CCTV analysis later showed SCP-953-KO smiling before deviating from the course. Only one of the guards chased after her as they did not take the deviation seriously enough. Afterwards, SCP-953-KO presumably killed and took over the guard's body off the screen. It later killed the other guard and proceeded to escape.

          No real-time tracking of the walking session was in progress, so SCP-953-KO's escape was only discovered after the guard's body was discovered fifteen minutes after the Incident. The Site director issued Code "Maegu" and reported to the Korea Regional Command. 5th Barn Wing was closed down, and a travel curfew was issued throughout the site. As per the protocol, MTF units and security proceeded to do blood tests on all personnel, but with limited progress.

          For time little less than an hour, the response team merely managed to retrieve two abandoned bodies, failing to track SCP-953-KO's whereabouts.1 The prolonged situation pressured the regional command to consider the evacuation of non-combat personnel. However, SCP-953-KO killed Site-13 K's director and inflicted severe injuries to the assistant site director, cancelling the evacuation.2 Cheif Advisor Seol Semyeong, outside the site to inspect the newly built observatory, was appointed acting director of Site-13K. She soon issued a lockdown on the entirety of Site-13 K's main compound.

          At this point, the main facility of Site-13K was in total anarchy. Site staff were well educated about SCP-953-KO's traits, but this backfired, triggering distrust between site personnel. Security's control efforts bore no fruit, and SCP-953-KO hijacked different people, dodging pursuit amid the chaos. Regional command decided to deploy Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") to investigate the Incident of Site-13K.

          Chief Advisor Seol returned to the main site via a helicopter and entered the facility despite the command's advice against it. She switched every essential site functions to automatic and commanded all site personnel to hold place defending themselves. Afterwards, following the initial identity check of security personnel, Epsilon-11 and the security team executed a joint search operation of the entire main facility.

          The chaos soon lulled in. When approximately 60% of the site was confirmed safe again, SCP-953-KO was found unconscious in front of an office SCiPNET terminal. The entity was immediately moved to its containment cell. No personnel access is allowed before reevaluation of the anomaly.

          Seven people, including the former Site director, were killed by SCP-953-KO. Three sustained severe injuries, and 22 sustained minor injuries amidst the chaos. Four SCP objects were damaged from the Incident due to failure to enforce containment protocols while regaining control over the base. The breach did not inflict further property damage. SCP-953-KO was adjusted to Keter, as it showed extreme hostility. Site-13 K's science department had to reassemble SCP-953-KO's research team to research the entity's traits from scratch.

          Video log 13K-L1.30-190120: This log is from a CCTV of main site room 130, from 10:58 P.M., January 20th, 2019, the day when Incident 953KO-F-100 occurred. SCP-953-KO was found unconscious in the room. The footage shows SCP-953-KO, Dr.'s body hijacked by SCP-953-KO, and an unidentified female thaumatologist3(referred to as POI-4003).

          <Start footage>

          (SCP-953-KO in Dr. ███ ██'s body locks the door and uses the SCiPNET terminal.)

          (A light source forms off screen.)

          SCP-953-KO: (Turns back) What? Who are you?

          POT-4003: Soyul, Soyul, my underwhelming daughter Bu Soyul. Do you not recognise me?

          SCP-953-KO: Who the fuck are you, you wall-piercing whore? (SCP-953-KO prepares to attack.)

          POI-4003: …Well, not surprising for a brat who doesn't recognise her parents.

          (SCP-953-KO jumps on the woman before she can finish her sentence.)

          (The woman strikes SCP-953-KO's forehead, popping SCP-953-KO out from Dr.'s body. The body drops forward, while SCP-953-KO is thrown backwards rolling on the ground.)

          SCP-953-KO: Ouch!

          POI-4003: Stand up. I know you're not that weak.

          SCP-953-KO: Ahh… Fuck… You're that bitch, aren't you? Why are you here, you deplorable piece of shit?

          POI-4003: Watch what you say to your goddess. Don't tell me you honestly didn't think I'd come for you.

          SCP-953-KO: Excuse me, what dynasty is it today? Go get some sleep, you old hag-god!

          POI-4003: Hah, as if a fox vixen is modern.

          SCP-953-KO: Shut up! You have no business on my life!

          POI-4003: I was graceful enough to grant you your life for you and your parents, but you speak like you learned nothing! That's it. I will fix my mistakes once and for all, so you shall not talk!

          (SCP-953-KO is paralysed as the woman reaches out her hand. SCP-953-KO tries to move with no avail.)

          (A sharp object appears on the woman's left hand. It resembles half a pair of scissors with a flat edge.)

          SCP-953-KO: (Screaming) You cannot judge me! It's not your domain!

          POI-4003: Who said I'm judging you?

          (The woman swings out her left arm. The sharp object penetrates SCP-953-KO's chest, and disappears.)

          (SCP-953-KO's body shivers shortly, and stops moving.)

          (The woman takes her eyes off SCP-953-KO and looks at the terminal. She uses it for a moment, looks at the camera and walks to where she came out, leaving the field of view. The same light as 10:58:42 appears. No other movement in the room.)

          (Security enteres room 130 and finds SCP-953-KO.)

          <End footage>

          Note: Who the woman is, or where she came from is unknown. Analysis of the light when POI-4003 appeared or the footage of drawing the weapon did not lead to any thaumatological patterns that give a clue to her affiliation. Korea Regional Command Thaumatology department, Local history department, and Muism department lead a joint research project to identify POI-4003.

          Interview log 953KO-F100-5: This log is a witness account of Assistant researcher Bu Yeongrae, who showed peculiar actions during Incident 953KO-F-100. Bu was assigned an irrelevant research team but deviated from his position when Code "Maegu" was issued to track SCP-953-KO.

          Interview date: January 21st, 2019
          Interviewer: Korea Regional Command Human Resources Department Agent Zhsan
          Interviewee: Assistant Researcher Bu Yeongrae

          <Start log>

          Agent Zhsan:
          — I'm Zhsan, from the human resources department. Please, take a seat.

          Researcher Bu:
          — Okay.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — Briefly state your identity for the record.

          Researcher Bu:
          — Site-13K Science Department Level 2 Assistant Researcher Bu Yeongrae. I'm currently assigned to SCP-███-KO's research team. And I'm SCP-953-KO's… brother. Not sure if I am at this point, though.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — I would like to hear about SCP-953-KO first. We have necessary information about the subject from the initial retrieval log, so please do not worry. First, how was SCP-953-KO when she acted human?

          Researcher Bu:
          — She was a regular girl. She was born when I was in graduate school, so she was relatively younger than her siblings. My parents gave much love to their mentally ill daughter, and so did me and my siblings. Though… How can I say this… From some point on, I noticed something off from her.

          When she was born, I was at school, and I barely saw her after I graduated, since I joined the Foundation. The only news I'd get about her was from my family, except when I'd sometimes visit home for my holidays. They'd tell me she's doing fine and well. I, though, noticed she often did disturbing things. She had a glum attitude, but she was stubborn with her demands. She'd throw tantrums whenever they're not fulfilled, and quickly became hostile. My family would tell that it's because she's ill, but for me, she had Antisocial Personality Disorder rather than mental retardation.

          I was busy at that time though, so I brushed it off, thinking it's just me. I keep thinking that, had I've been less indifferent, I might have noticed that thing dangerous… But it's too late now.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — The reports show that you've kept claiming SCP-953-KO was tricking people. Could that have stemmed from your regret?

          Researcher Bu:
          — Maybe. I was scolded for being too emotional for my personal matter.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — I'm sorry.

          Researcher Bu:
          — No… I understand. I had to go through my claims, again and again, thinking that my family's death or the fact that we were siblings might have blurred my vision. Analyses were pointing that SCP-953-KO lacked the intelligence to make her own decisions, and was displaying violence and anomalies against her will.

          But I can't forget Soyul… SCP-953-KO's face on the day she first killed someone. Those eyes, they stop me from believing that it's all an accident. The initial suspicion led to a chain of negative thoughts. "What if she's deceiving us? What if she's tricking us into keeping her, just like what she did to my family? What if she keeps on lowering her class, and takes the opportunity to hijack someone and escape?"

          …But my claims called no positive reaction. A handful of colleagues who agreed with me gradually changed their opinions, and I eventually had to move. Well… It might have been a good thing for me. I had grown overly obsessed with her, regardless of whether my suspicion was right or not. Moving teams and forgetting her might have proved helpful for me.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — But the suspicion proved true, unfourtunately.

          Researcher Bu:
          — Yes.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — Let's talk about the day of the Incident. Where were you at 9 A.M. on January 20th, 2019, when Code "Maegu" was issued?

          Researcher Bu:
          — I had breakfast, got to work, and was in the monitoring room of SCP-███-KO.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — You seem to have roamed around, violating the curfew.

          Researcher Bu:
          — I know it's a rule violation. But I can't just sit there.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — But no one knew where SCP-953-KO was. How did you manage to track it down?

          Researcher Bu:
          — It had been a while since her escape. She must have escaped 5th Barn Wing by then. My conclusion was that she'd head to the personnel with evacuation plans, the administrative staff. This makes it clear where she'd go.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — HQ.

          Researcher Bu:
          — I went to the nearest security, took a blood test, identified myself, and notified them of SCP-953-KO and the administration's evacuation plan. Fortunately, they all understood me. Five of them followed me to base.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — I see. Go on, tell me about what happened after you reached HQ.

          Researcher Bu:
          — It was chaos when I reached HQ, screaming everywhere… When we stormed in, a security guard had already attacked the director and assaulted the assistant site director. He was SCP-953-KO. When the team shot at it, it ran away. But… the director already passed away. It was 9:21 A.M. then.

          The assistant site director was severely injured, with its hand penetrated in his abdomen. We quickly put in cotton to stop the bleeding. It must have been excruciating for him; we didn't get to sedate him. Before he lost consciousness, he told us that he's appointing Chief Advisor Seol Semyeong as the acting director after him.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — And you contacted her?

          Researcher Bu:
          — I told the communications staff there to relay the message along with the status report.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — And the advisor became acting director. Did she give further instructions?

          Researcher Bu:
          — Yes. She told us to convert all HQ facilities to automatic, and everyone to hold our position.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — And you followed it?

          Researcher Bu:
          — Hmm? Oh, of course, I did. The comm staff relayed her orders, activating automatic mode, and held position complying to her order. We would have stayed put anyways, though.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — I see.

          Researcher Bu:
          — It took 20 minutes for the advisor to arrive. Everything went according to her command. I stayed at HQ since the assistant site director needed medical attention and the other identified injured people that HQ pushed on me. I didn't notice time passing while I was concentrated on first-aid and changing hemostasis gauzes until it became a bit after 11 when Code "Maegu" was lifted. After that, the proper medical team took my place.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — I see. Thank you. I think this is enough.

          Researcher Bu:
          — …Uh, actually, I don't know if this is necessary but…

          Agent Zhsan:
          — Please, go on.

          Researcher Bu:
          — Actually… I had a dream the night before.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — A dream?

          Researcher Bu:
          — …Yes. A woman in fluttering, colourful Hanbok4 was calling my name… Are you sure I can say this stuff?

          Agent Zhsan:
          — Hmm… Well, go on.

          Researcher Bu:
          — Well, then… The woman… She smelled peculiar, like rice grains. She made me stand still and threw three big seeds around me, which quickly sprouted. And soon the sprouts grew into giant gourds. She then pulled out some kind of… big, rectangular knife that looks like half a pair of scissors, and cut a gourd in half with it. Thorny vines poured out of the gourd until it revealed SCP-953-KO tied up in the middle.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — And you had that dream just before the Incident?

          Researcher Bu:
          — Yes, that's why I'm telling you: it's all too weird. Anyways, the woman cut another gourd, in which red flames poured out, burning the vines into ashes. In the middle of the fire, Site-13K was burning down, and SCP-953-KO was sitting on top of it, taking the form of a girl. It… was smirking at me.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — You mean, SCP-953-KO?

          Researcher Bu:
          — Yes… I think I asked her what my family or I did to deserve what she did. She didn't say anything. Instead she… scoffed at me, ridiculing me for needing a reason… Just like last March.

          (Agent Zhsan pauses his writing.)The woman who was standing by cut the last gourd. Then water poured out, flooding where we were. The fire went off, and SCP-953-KO struggled before returning to a fox and fell asleep. I suffocated until I started feeling faint, and…

          Agent Zhsan:
          — You woke up.

          Researcher Bu:
          — …Yes, but I saw some people before that.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — People? Do you remember who?

          — There were two people. A woman, holding an unconscious man… not the woman that I told before. She had short, black hair, wearing a stylistic black coat, and…

          Agent Zhsan:
          — And?

          Researcher Bu:
          — I think it might have been the now-deceased director and advisor Seol. My vision wasn't clear, but that was what I thought in my dreams. Actually… this dream was why I headed to base as soon as I heard the alarm. …Sorry for taking your time with my nonsense.

          Agent Zhsan:
          — It's alright. On the contrary, it can help us; SCP-953-KO seems to have quite many shamanistic features involved. Thank you for your account. That's all for the interview.

          <End log>

          Note: Despite his disobedience, Bu's decision contributed to the capture of SCP-953-KO. Therefore his curfew violation was not reprimanded. Researcher Bu was promoted to Level 3 and was appointed as research head of SCP-953-KO.

          Researcher Bu's dream was also analysed. Oneiroi interference was suspected at first, but researcher Bu shows no oneiric aptitude, nor does have a history of on contacting one, so the theory seems unlikely. When provided with the Incident records, he described POI-4003 in room 130 footage similar to the woman in the dream.

          Muism department analysis claims that his accounts resemble old Korean mythology, especially the Samsin5 folklore, though it is uncertain why the entity in his dream showed information about the future, of why the former director and advisor Seol appeared.

          A theory that the same individual was involved in both the events in room 130 and Researcher Bu's dream, but there is no conclusive proof or further research.

          Interview log 953KO-F100-12: To gather information about Incident 953KO-F-100, Advisor Seol Semyeong, the former acting director, was interviewed. This interview doubles as her performance appraisal.

          Interview date: January 21st, 2019
          Interviewer: Korea Regional Command Human Resources Department Dr Killie
          Interviewee: Site-13K Chief Advisor Seol Semyeong

          <Start Log>

          Dr Killie:
          — I am Doctor Killie from the HR department. Nice to meet you.

          Advisor Seol:
          — Nice to meet you, I'm Seol Semyeong.

          Dr Killie:
          — We appreciate your efforts about yesterday's Incident. I would like to hear how everything happened.

          Advisor Seol:
          — I was at the coastal observatory at Namwon-Eup, Seogwipo to visit the test drive of the long-range Hume oscillation sensor. The Incident occurred while the test was being prepared, so I cancelled all appointments and contacted the base. The administrations did not seem to know what exactly happened—no factual information, only the fact that the code was issued too long after SCP-953-KO breached containment.

          Dr Killie:
          — So how did you respond?

          Advisor Sul:
          — As you know Site-13K is the integrated provincial site of all Jeju. If HQ falls, next is the entire Foundation on the island. I knew that the main facility could not deal with more than 953-KO's breach, so I checked other facilities for SCP-953-KO too, and reinforced the curfew. Limiting SCP-953-KO's field of movement to the minimum was of the essence.

          Dr. Killie:
          — I see. At 9:20 A.M., the former director passed away, and the assistant site director was severely injured. This led to you being the acting director. Is this according to standard protocols?

          Advisor Seol:
          — No. As per the standard protocols, if the director is unable to perform, the assistant site director becomes the acting head, then the assistant director of containment. But since the assistant site director chose me, I got the most unexpected call to take his place. I couldn't fully comprehend what had happened, since I was so busy controlling the situation. After the code was lifted, I gave back my acting director role to the assistant director of containment, following the manual. Did SCP-953-KO interfere in the transfer?

          Dr. Killie:
          — That doesn't seem to be the case. The director and assistant site director didn't get hijacked, and there are quite a few witnesses who heard his words. We don't have any problems with the protocol.

          Advisor Seol:
          — Is that so…

          Dr. Killie:
          — Now, back to where we were. You immediately returned to the main compound after you became the acting site director?

          Advisor Seol:
          — Yes. Fortunately, the Namwon observatory stationed troops had a helicopter I could ride to return to base as fast as possible. It was about 9:45 when I arrived at the main facility with seven security guards.

          Dr. Killie:
          — Regional command recommended against entry, but you went in without hesitation.

          Advisor Seol:
          — I needed information to resolve the situation, but gathering it is limited if I'm not at the place itself. We already knew about Code Maegu, so we thought we'd be able to counter SCP-953-KO, had it attacked us. To do that, we needed site personnel to stay calm and stay still.

          Dr. Killie:
          — That's why you switched the facility to automatic mode, and placed a curfew, right?

          Advisor Seol:
          — I was well aware of the risks: unarmed individuals are helpless against SCP-953-KO if left alone. However, I thought that there would be more harm in a situation where one can't tell a friend from a foe. My decision to activate automatic mode was to minimise personnel with their hands tied to facility management.

          Dr. Killie:
          — I understand. Please continue.

          Advisor Seol:
          — When we arrived HQ was disorganised but relatively safe. According to what I was briefed while we moved, HQ had to use their resource on the facility, causing a security vacuum that led to the director's death, but after a security squad stormed in, the thing ran away.

          Dr. Killie:
          — That must be the team led by Researcher Bu Yeongrae.

          Advisor Seol:
          — So I'm told. Thanks to them, HQ installed measures that I ordered even before I arrived, but I still needed more people to normalise the base and capture SCP-953-KO. HQ administrations staff searched for suspects of SCP-953-KO and broadcasted the location of the MTF unit and security team, who were holding their position under the curfew. We made people search for the groups for blood tests, recruiting more people. When there were enough people, we searched continued our search on other sectors, reassuring safety and commanding people to lock the door and stay in their rooms.

          Epsilon-11 arrived earlier than expected, so it was easy from then on. About half the facility got searched for safety, and no other additional casualties were reported. And… that's when we found SCP-953-KO.

          Dr. Killie:
          — I heard she was found already subdued.

          Advisor Seol:
          — …Correct. The thing was lying next to the body of Dr ███ ██, in its fox form, unconscious. It didn't even wake up by the sound of the search.

          Dr. Killie:
          — Any clue on what might have happened?

          Advisor Seol:
          — Nothing. I think someone might have knocked her out, but I'm not sure since I wasn't there.

          Dr. Killie:
          — SCP-953-KO was editing a report with an intranet terminal before it fell unconscious. It presumably used it as a temporary journal to assess the situation instead of leaving a document. Did you happen to read it?

          Advisor Seol:
          — I did, after we captured the subject.

          Dr. Killie:
          — There was also a message presumably left by the person who subdued SCP-953-KO.

          Advisor Seol:
          — There was.

          Dr. Killie:
          — Is there anything you have to say about that?

          Advisor Seol:
          (Staring Dr Killie in the eye) Negative.

          Dr. Killie:
          — …I see. The interview is over. Thank you for your cooperation.

          <Log End>

          Note: The Human Resources Department and Intelligence Department reviewed the interview. Chief advisor Seol Semyeong was formally appointed as Site-13K director at February 1st, 2019 for her extraordinary crisis management skills shown during the Incident.

            • _

            《Internal Security Department Identification Key confrimed.》

            Internal Audit Report

            Date: January 29th, 2019

            Author: Regional Command Internal Security Department Detective Killie

            Auditee: Chief Advisor Seol Semyeong, unofficial next Site-13K Director

            Seol Semyeong has the most unclear background from all auditees that the author has encountered for six years. Seol says she was born in Jeju in May 1970, but no birth certificate matched this claim, and barely any records of her before 1995 when she joined the Foundation exists. Her diploma was confirmed, but we could not find any other documents or witness accounts related to her, except for her grades and graduation records, nor any signs of expunging them. It is as if she never even existed before 1995. Therefore, knowing that the audit only covers her actions after joining and lacks an in-depth personality analysis.

            When she first joined, she used to work in front companies rather than the Foundation itself. She started her career as a recruit in Shinil-Cheonggang Produce, contributing to SCP-112-KO 's initial containment, and earned the company's trust during the 1997 IMF crisis, blocking risks of secrecy breaches, and reestablishing Foundation control, gaining the Foundations' trust. She later discovered SCP-064-KO, separating Seoul Cinematic Productions under Shinil-Cheonggang Produce to manage the anomaly. She also left noticeable exploits in Sprint Communications Provider where she was dispatched, such as developing new surveillance mechanics fit for the newly rising smart mobile device market. She was moved to Korea Regional Command at 2008, where she worked for administrations, excelling in her duties.

            At 2015, Jeju was the most affected by the long-lasted conflict with Beyond Entropy(BE). The first fiercest battles happened outside the island, but as the conflict tempered down, BE chose Jeju as a primary target, since the island is ecologically diverse, concentrating sporadic terrorist activities on the island. Headquarters decided to integrate provincial facilities under Site-13K for a rapid recovery from the attacks and efficient work systems. Seol was appointed as Chief Advisor of Site-13K to manage this big-scale administrative reformation project.

            Site-13K is functioning normally as a provincial complex with its jurisdiction firmly on the entire island. Seol was highly evaluated for her works, waiting for a scheduled promotion. This audit has been under process since the 4th quarter of 2018. At this time, Site-13K's director position became empty due to SCP-953-KO containment breach. Seol showed competence in responding to the Incident as acting director; she is naturally nominated as a candidate.

            Despite this, the author still holds doubt with granting Seol with a Level 4 clearance and high authority. Nothing is known about her personal life, nor any of her external relations, including her friends and family. This does not prove she is a spy or mole but leaves questions as to who she is.

            Coincidentally, during Incident 953KO-F-100, the unidentified woman in the security footage, POI-4003 left a message to someone. Nobody related to the Incident had a "third" sister, except for Seol, whose family is entirely unknown. In the interview, Seol was asked about the individual, but she consistently claimed she knew nothing.

            The Internal Security Department does not refer to dreams as evidence. However, in this case, Bu Yeongrae's dream account has significant implications. The woman in his dream, who is theorised to be POI-4003 herself, foreshadows relations with Seol. Of course, this statement is from a 'dream', which cannot be verified, so it is inadvisable to accept the theory mentioned above as audit evidence.

            In conclusion, no evidence of wrongdoing to disqualify Seol as next Site director has been found. She showed clear work history, professionalism, and extraordinary crisis management capabilities. However, her background is almost nonexistent, rendering it difficult to presume the motives for her loyalty. The unclear message left by POI-4003 from Incident 953KO-F-100 also builds suspicion on her identity. Regardless of her appointment, thorough research about her identity must continue.

            Note: HQ Internal Security Department read the report. HQ decided not to veto, and Advisor Seol Semyeong was appointed as Director of Site-13K on February 1st, 2019. The Internal Security Department designated her as special inspection personnel, EOI-04002, and tracks her whereabouts.

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