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This page has been transcoded and encrypted on September 1, 2018. I will try to decode it when you read it. This may take several minutes or hours

The order has been accepted, and I will prioritize the documents that need to be changed.
There are 2 documents to be changed, and 1 has been completed.

According to the agreement CN-1050-2018/8/20, it is announced that this page will be deleted:
0 years, 0 months, 0 days, 7 hours, 05 minutes, 48 ​​seconds

As of August 21, 2018, the process mapping medium between SCP-CN-1050 and H-001 has been confirmed 317, (defined as SCP-CN-1050-1 to 317) of which 5 have been classified as critical Mapping medium (defined as SCP-CN-1050-A1 to A5):

File list I-A:
Number Mapping medium Types Capture capacity
A1 "The Age of Aquarius" 1969 edition Collection Loop-12 songs / 42 minutes 9 seconds and 5 people / 4 minutes 49 seconds
A2 ██ High School Class 8 Graduation Commemorative Video of 1986 Video/audio Cycle-66 people/1:22 or 4:49
A3 Interview Record of ██ High School Class of 1986 Text Cycle-102 people/429 pages
A4 Aquarius Observation Record 2018/8/26 Text Loop-page 27

2 items completed, 2 items in progress, 0 items remaining

File List II - B:
Number Mapping medium Types Capture capacity
B1 ██ High School Teacher Interview Record 1999-2017 Collection Loop-12 songs / 42 minutes 9 seconds and 5 people / 4 minutes 49 seconds
B2 ██ High School Punishment Record in September 1988 Text Cycle-1 person/4 pages
B3 ██ High School Class of 1986? Text Cycle-66 people/429 pages
B4 Habayashi Junliu stage Text Loop-page 11
B5 Bulwark Array (T6e4R9C Text Loop-page 14
B6 Yue Text Loop-20 pages

Completed 0 items in progress 6 items remaining 186 items

File List III - C:
Number Mapping medium Types Capture capacity
C1 The 5th Dimension history Text Cycle-21 people/14 pages
C2 When is the 8th compilation of China? 1969 Text Cycle-14 people/4 pages
C3 ︿??HLove case 1969 Word Cycle-1 person/8 pages
C4 Wang Yuhong commits suicide bkV Yi Tian 1986 Text Cycle-1 person/8 pages
C5 Ye Z>Murder  1987 Text Cycle-1 person/8 pages
C6 ?? F pus 1 missing 6 1988 Text Cycle-1 person/8 pages

Completed 0 items in progress 6 items remaining 115 items

k threshold € pre-nephew R?? Interpret+:
Numbering Mapping medium Types Capture capacity
Steal Text Cycle-2 people/14 pages

1 item completed, 31 item in progress, 0 item remaining

According to the agreement CN-1050-2018/8/20, it is announced that this page will be deleted:
0 years, 0 months, 0 days, 4 hours, 05 minutes, 52 seconds

Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License