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SCP-CN-1174 on initial discovery

Item #: SCP-CN-1174

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-CN-1174 is to be contained in Chinese Anomalous Object Departments Protected Locker #N-H-1120.

Researchers who wish to experiment on SCP-CN-1174 should contact the Anomalous Objects Department manager (currently Dr. Tianxing) at least 1 week in advance and acquire approval from at least one Level 3 member of personnel. During the experiment, it must be ensured that SCP-CN-1174 is located in a room at least 1 meter away from the main testing personnel. All testing that involves direct contact with the object must be performed by Class D personnel. Without written authorization from Level 4 Researcher Dr. Relief, any Foundation staff that directly interact with the object will be forcibly amnesticized.

Description: SCP-CN-1174 is a Royal Quiet Deluxe (3rd model) typewriter, with no serial number or date code1.

SCP-CN-1174's anomalous properties manifest when paper is inserted and a human subject begins to type on it. When the subject finishes typing and removes the paper from the typewriter, the paper will rapidly combust, and a green low-temperature flame will be produced; the heat produced from the flame is insufficient to burn skin or light other papers. Attempts to prevent the combustion of the paper have failed. The ashes produced do not appear to be anomalous.

3-5 minutes after the paper has been fully burnt, the subject (henceforth SCP-CN-1174-2) will slowly begin to lose their hearing, simultaneously developing a certain degree of lip-reading ability. If the SCP-CN-1174-2 previously possessed knowledge of lip-reading, their lip-reading ability will increase in accuracy. At the same time, depending on what the subject typed, they will begin to hear various sounds; see the Addendum.

Typically, the auditory hallucination experienced by SCP-CN-1174-2 will begin to fade after 1 hour and their ability to hear will regenerate; within 1 hour and 10 minutes, the anomalous effect will end. This effect appears to be somewhat addictive; all SCP-CN-1174-2 will display a desire to use SCP-CN-1174 again. It is currently unknown whether withdrawal symptoms exist.

SCP-CN-1174 was discovered on 2020/██/██ in the late Serpent's Hand member █████'s residence. Following this, Level 2 Researcher Nowell and Level 3 Researcher Tian completed initial experiments at Site-CN-40 under Level 4 Researcher Dr. Sever's supervision, after which the object was transferred to the Chinese Anomalous Objects Department for containment.


Experiment Log SCP-CN-1174-A

Damaged for unknown reasons. Please contact the Information Security Department for further information.

Experiment Log SCP-CN-1174-Summary

Subject Subject Trait Entered Text Result
D-CN-912 Memorized In a Station of the Metro in Chinese In a Station of the Metro Auditory hallucination was a young female repeatedly reading the full text of In a Station of the Metro in Chinese
D-CN-912 Read The Nightingale and the Rose in Chinese, but did not remember its contents The Nightingale and the Rose Auditory hallucination was a middle-aged male repeatedly reading the full text of The Nightingale and the Rose in Chinese
D-CN-912 Read The Nightingale and the Rose in Chinese, but not in English The Nightingale and the Rose, English Auditory hallucination was an elderly female repeatedly reading the full text of The Nightingale and the Rose in English
D-CN-912 Listened to the song Faded Faded Paper did not burn, no effect observed
D-CN-912 Listened to the song Faded Alan Walker - Faded Auditory hallucination was the song Faded played on loop
D-CN-912 Did not know the date of birth of George Washington Date of birth of George Washington Paper did not burn, no effect observed
D-CN-912 Knew the date of birth of George Washington Date of birth of George Washington Auditory hallucination was a robotic voice repeatedly stating the date of birth of George Washington
D-CN-912 Mother is deceased Talk to me, mother Auditory hallucination was D-CN-912's mother's voice, which could respond to D-CN-912's speech; subject broke down crying during the experiment, but whether this is an anomalous effect is unknown
D-CN-912 Had previously talked to Nowell, but had not heard them sing Abide With Me Nowell singing "Abide With Me" Auditory hallucination was Nowell repeatedly singing Abide With Me
D-CN-912 Read The Brothers Karamazov in Chinese, but did not remember its contents The Brothers Karamazov, female Auditory hallucination was an unknown young female reading the full text of The Brothers Karamazov in Chinese; the hallucination lasted far beyond 1 hour and finished only when the full text had been read
D-CN-912 N/A Talk to me, Death [REDACTED], subject regained ability for rational thought after amnesticization
D-CN-912 N/A Anything Auditory hallucination was the sound of cats meowing
D-CN-912 N/A Anything Auditory hallucination was commentary for a nonexistent boxing match
D-CN-1011 Deaf from birth Anything Paper did not burn, no effect observed
D-CN-912 N/A Nothing Paper burned, but no auditory hallucination
D-CN-912 Preference for rock music My favorite Auditory hallucination was an unknown piece of rock music by an unknown band; subject broke down crying during the experiment, but whether this is an anomalous effect is unknown
Researcher Nowell Amnesticized Favorite Auditory hallucination was [REDACTED]
D-CN-912 N/A 2 Auditory hallucination is believed to be Library Archivist Alrivel reading the Library book Legend of Alrivel
D-CN-912 N/A Everything Auditory hallucination was incoherent noise; as D-CN-912 expressed that he was in severe pain, he was tranquilized
D-CN-1011 Deaf from birth █████ Auditory hallucination was [REDACTED], subject regained ability for rational thought after amnesticization
D-CN-912 Normal hearing ability █████ Paper did not burn, no effect observed
█████ [REDACTED] █████ "Oh, how far I've gone for this tranquility!"

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