Number: Test 1
Subject: D-3210, 35-year-old male. Imprisoned for drug trafficking.
Status: Appears after 2 hours. Alive, full of allergic inflammations.
Protocol: None, the first tests were being carried out.
Relevant Findings: D-3210 claimed to fall unconscious upon seeing "a thing that floats, like from a sci-fi movie, emitting blue light like a giant bulb" in "the bedroom", which is to the right of the entrance and whose door was open. He claims that he woke up "in a field of flowers full of bees" and that he came to after two hours of running, when he saw "a blue light on the horizon".
Quotes: D-3210 appears to be allergic to pollen. Perhaps, whatever is inside, he can receive information from the people who enter the house? Will it have memetic characteristics? You will have to be careful. Maybe it's Euclid class or worse. - Dr.
Subject: D-3212, 31-year-old male. Imprisoned for raping at least four minors.
Status: Appears after 4 hours. Live. No visible wounds, tired. Happy look.
Protocol: None, the first tests were being carried out.
Relevant Findings: D-3212 claims that "the thing" took him to "fucking heaven", as he woke up in "a huge bed surrounded by good looking women" who [REDACTED] over the next four hours, at which point "I turned to hit [REDACTED] that [REDACTED] and then I saw that crystal, which was behind me it seems, and I came back here."
Quotes: …But what [REDACTED]..? - Dr █████.
Number: Test 3
Subject: D-3212, 31 year old male, who volunteered after test 2.
Status: Appears after 2 days and 13 hours. He died of hemorrhage due to superficial cuts on his hands, wrists and [REDACTED]. Both femurs of both legs are broken in two parts.
Protocol: None, the first tests were being carried out.
Relevant results: None.
Quotes: Honestly, he had it coming. - Dr █████.
Number: Exhibit 7
Subject: D-2411, 25-year-old female, incarcerated for multiple pistol murder. She gets a tape recorder strapped to her leg and a 9mm pistol.
Status: Appears after eight hours. Alive, with heavy breathing. She refuses to talk about what happened until Foundation psychologists evaluate her.
Protocol: 009-A
Relevant results: she Appeared in the house where she lived as a child. She was chased by a creature identical to her ex-boyfriend, but "with bigger teeth". After three hours on the run, she too began to be chased by creatures identical to the people she killed. She woke up when she entered the house where she lived before being imprisoned, where she saw SCP-ES-009. She claims that the bullets from the Foundation-provided pistol "couldn't kill them, it just slowed them down."
Quotes: I hate to have to weaponize the D-Class, but at least that way we've got another living subject, finally. However, both the gun and the tape recorder have disappeared. We have no proof that what you say is true… - Dr █████
Number: Test 9
- D-2451, 52-year-old female years, imprisoned for spying.
- D-2587, 41-year-old woman, imprisoned for drug trafficking.
Status: Alive. D-2451 returns after a week, with no apparent injuries. D-2587 appears gasping for breath, she appears after five hours.
Protocol: 009-B. They also carry a micro camera and a locator embedded in their torso. Their locator signal disappears at the same time, ten seconds after entering the containment room. Both are interrogated with a polygraph.
Relevant results:
D-2451 claims that she woke up in the house where she lived as a child, and that she spent six full days there with her parents and grandparents living with them. She affirms that "during that time, I forgot about my current life, about the mission they gave me, about the Foundation, about everything. I was happy." She is visibly moved when talking about the seventh day, "Sunday, [DATA EXPUNGED]" when she says that she met her deceased relatives in the dining room and with an image of SCP-ES-009 on the TV. She says that after that she appeared in her bed. D-2451 refuses to answer any more questions after this explanation.
D-2587 claims to wake up in the middle of ████████ ██ █████ and that he spent the five hours rushing back to the Foundation, as he "had to be there for this interview at twelve o'clock I was late" until he met SCP-ES-009, who was in the middle of one of the streets. When asked about how he knew what city he was in, what time it was or why he wanted to go to the Foundation if he had just left it and was also apparently free, the answer to everything was "that he simply knew" and the like, despite at the insistence of Dr. ████.
Quotes of interest: Wow, what a surprise. Not only have they not gone to the same place, as we had planned, but also the places they have gone are related to their past. D-2451's parents were captured and killed on [REDACTED], which was a Sunday; Which led to his arrest, and ████████ ██ █████ is D-2587's hometown…Where he shows up depends on the person… ? We need more evidence. - Dr. █████
Update: 15:30 The doctors tell me that the microcameras and the locator we put on them are missing. They have disappeared. How is it possible? We still don't have a recording to prove to us that everything they say is true. - Dr. █████
Update 17:45 D-2451 did not show up for his psychological therapy this afternoon. We won't be able to get more information out of him…it seems that he doesn't remember almost anything of what he told us this morning in the interview. That for her it is something "very far away, as if it had never happened." That means that SCP-ES-009 can affect the human mind. And this is BAD. - Dr. █████
Note 009-23-1: Despite the fact that they have passed the polygraph test, she is not entirely convinced of the veracity of the data. We are talking about D-Class people, after all. Delinquents, and with little time under our service. They are not reliable. It is better to test with Agents, whose veracity is less questionable.
O5-█ Note: Admitted. But please doctor, save yourself subjective value judgments in official reports.
Number: Test 13
Subject: Agent F████
Status: Appears after three days and six hours. Alive, as soon as he appears, he begins to ask questions about "SCP-ES-███", describing it as "a giant octopus that throws spiders out of its mouth". He is missing an arm.
Protocol: 009-D
Relevant Findings: The Agent claimed that after seeing the crystal he "suddenly" appeared at his house, stating that he had to get to safety as a zombie apocalypse was happening. Upon being asked how he knew that this world was under a zombie apocalypse, he simply replied that he "just knew." He found the crystal at a military base after three days of surviving "just when I had gotten used to surviving and even had a doctor in the group and everything." After seeing the crystal, he says that as soon as he woke up "he saw the Doctor approach him", gave him a flamethrower and asked him to "eliminate SCP-ES-███ once and for all".
He claimed to wake up when he saw SCP-ES-009, which was inside SCP-ES-███.
Quotes of interest: It seems that SCP-ES-009 that appears in the "alternative worlds" can lead to a different alternative world that also has nothing to do with the previous one. Agent F████ has been a big fan of video games for a long time, and in the reality he's appeared in… well, there's even a damn flamethrower. This confirms that SCP-ES-009 can really access the mind of the people who observe it. But how? More evidence is needed. Dr. █████
Number: Test 19
Subject: Agent Sara.
Status: She was listed as "missing" after two months. She appears after two years, three months and eight days. After waking up, she began to behave strangely.
Protocol: 009-F
Relevant Results: The Agent states that she appeared "in my bed in this Area, here". She claimed that she had an interview with Dr. █████ since she thought that she was in contact with SCP-ES-009 and that she had returned to the normal world. When asked what she said then, she said that she "doesn't remember". The Agent claims that she spent two years leading a "normal life in the Area" and that she even met new people like [REDACTED], who had declared herself to [REDACTED] and worked with the SCPs [DATA EXPUNGED]. She woke up when she presented herself as a candidate for the "last test" that would be done with SCP-ES-009 before closing the investigations.
Quotes of interest: If she hadn't taken that supposed test, she'd be stuck in that place forever… Does that explain the other Agents whose bodies haven't come back, aren't even dead? The realities seem to continue without showing a pattern. More evidence is needed. - Dr. █████
Dr. █████'s Note: After doing some digging, we've discovered that all people, including SCPs, that Agent Sara has mentioned that they have entered this Area in the two years that she has disappeared. Impossible… How did she know? This may imply that SCP-ES-009 can predict or manipulate the future in addition to entering human minds. I raise the security level to Euclid, and I propose to do tests more often.
O5-█'s response: Denied. We ask you to better control the tests and tighten the protocols: We have lost too many Agents and obtained few certain conclusions. This is your last notice. - O5-█
Dr.████'s note: Despite this being test 19 chronologically, the interview was not conducted until just over a week before the last test, the [EDITED]. In the time it took him to return, the rest of the archived evidence was made.
Continuing with the observations made by my predecessor, Dr. █████, I note that the day of the last test with SCP-ES-009 coincides with the day of the last test where Agent Sara ended up. . It is unknown how she knew that information or if she [DATA EXPUNGED].
Number: Test 25
Subject: Agent C█████
Status: Alive. It appears after ten minutes. Appearing he stood up on the bed and jumped waving his arms, looking clearly disappointed as he landed. The interview was conducted with a polygraph and a psychologist.
Protocol: 009-H
Relevant results: None.
Quotes of interest: Yeah, putting a polygraph and a psychologist on an interview with an Agent as respected as he was too much, but… come on, did I start to fly like a bird by waving my eyes? arms"? It was one of the last things you would expect after so many tests. - Dr.█████
Number: Test 27
Subject: Agent ████
Status: Dead. Appears after five minutes. A large bloodstain appears on his bed, which is proven to be his after several DNA tests. There is no trace of his body.
Protocol: 009-I
Summary of the interview:
Quotes: This type of death had not been shown before. It's strange… maybe if we know how it occurs we can establish a pattern in what kind of worlds SCP-ES-009 sends its subjects. We should do more testing with Agents with a profile similar to Agent ████. I think we'll find an explanation soon. - Dr. █████
Number: Test [REDACTED]
Subject: Agent █████ and Agent ███ █████.
Status: They appear after two months. Both show symptoms of post-traumatic stress.
Protocol: Protocol 009-M
Relevant results: [DATA EXPUNGED]
Citations: [DATA EXPUNGED] - Dr. █████
This has gone too far. We notified you recently, Doctor, and you have ignored us. - O5-█
After lengthy deliberation and a 9-4 vote, the Council thanks Dr. █████ for her services and relegates her to Class D for wasting Foundation human resources. Also for hiding the exact number of deceased and/or missing persons in the general reports in order to continue the investigation.
Likewise, all your research colleagues involved in the experiments will be excluded from SCP experimentation of any kind and will be demoted to Level 1 personnel for not properly informing the council on time and giving them all the information.
Due to the object's classification, no further investigation will be allowed. As long as SCP-ES-009 is sealed, it does not carry any danger.
Furthermore, its nature is already clear enough.
From now on, you should consult with Dr. ████ to request documentation related to SCP-ES-009