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Item #: SCP-PL-180 Level 2/180
Object Class: Keter Neutralized Restricted


SCP-PL-180. (11:32)1

Special Containment Procedures: In connection to the anomalous activity all containment procedures were terminated. Prior to neutralization, object wore a permanently attached GPS location tracker and has been accompanied by at least one guard ensuring the subject's safety at all times.

All drugs (mainly containing ketamine) that could be harmful to the subject were removed from K. Maleski's flat.

Description: SCP-PL-180 is Canis familiaris,2 of the Hovawart breed. The anomaly's physiological and morphological feats suggested a standard build of a few weeks old puppy.

SCP-PL-180 followed a strict schedule. Breaking this schedule by more than 398.4 seconds will result in teleportation of the anomaly to a location, in which the entity would be located according to the schedule.

The object had no development or aging process. It is estimated that the anomaly was 39 years old at the time of neutralization.

Schedule of SCP-PL-180


6:00 The anomaly wakes up Under the bed in the K. Maleski's flat
6:00-6:27 The anomaly moves around the room in random directions and sniffs random objects, most likely checking who was in the room when the anomaly was asleep. K. Maleski's flat
6:27-11:32 The anomaly goes downstairs the flat and guards the house, in case someone is found on the property, the entity will not react to that person. During all this time, the subject holds its tail beetween its hind legs and points its ears back. By the front doors of K. Maleski
11:32-11:39 Anomaly goes in the northeast direction Streets of G██████ village
11:39-11:45 The anomaly consumes food given by the owner of the supermarket, in case the vendor does not want to give food to the anomaly, the subject will steal food from behind the counter. Supermarket of the G█████ village
11:45-11:48 Anomaly goes in the northeast direction Streets of G██████ village
11:48-1:01 The anomaly waits for bus no 8██, then it gets on it. Bus stop in the G█████ village
1:01-1:51 The anomaly moves about by bus. G█████ village-Wroclaw link.
1:51-2:29 The anomaly goes in north-west direction Streets of Wroclaw3
2:29 The anomaly enters area of the st. Lawrence of Rome's graveyard. st. Lawrence of Rome's graveyard
2:29-2:31 Anomaly walks throught the graveyard. st. Lawrence of Rome's graveyard
2:31-8:00 The anomaly stops at K. Maleski's grave and throws leaves away from it using its nose. During this phase, the anomaly would react with aggresion towards any person that would try to move the grave. st. Lawrence of Rome's graveyard
8:00-8:02 The anomaly goes through the cementry. Exiting it at 8:02 pm. st. Lawrence of Rome's graveyard
8:02-8:40 Anomaly goes in the southeast direction Streets of Wroclaw
8:40-9:21 The anomaly waits for bus no 8██, then it gets in it. Bus stop near the Reagan's roundabout.
9:21-10:17 The anomaly moves about by bus, then exits it. Bus stop in the G█████ village
10:17-10:24 Anomaly goes in the southwest direction. Streets of G██████ village
10:24-10:26 Anomaly is staring at an empty dog's bowl. By the front doors of K. Maleski
10:26-10:27 The anomaly enters the flat's bedroom and gets asleep under the bed. K. Maleski's flat
10:27-6:00 The anomaly is sleeping. Under the bed in the K. Maleski's flat

Addendum: The anomaly has been neutralized 9th of May 2018 at 2:17 PM, about 17 seconds after a crash between a bus and a heavy-loaded truck, the anomaly's bodyguard lived through the accident.

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