Mysteries are distinctive metaphysical manifestations with no apparent origin. They serve as a natural source for certain supernatural phenomena largely denominated as Thaumaturgy (and its peripheral concepts).

Mysteries form naturally, and accumulate throughout time, developing further capabilities. Mysteries are pluripotent, and their power is derived from the fact they are not fully understood.

Human activity systematically constructs and deconstructs Mysteries as a consequence of the expansion of scientific methods, and the subsequent genesis of knowledge; Mysteries are constructed when knowledge about their existence is diffused, with their capabilities affected by the collective imaginary.

Since they accumulate throughout time, Mysteries acquire strength throughout their existence. Objects, and beings may become vassals for Mysteries, serving as vessels that contain an array of metaphysical capabilities.


Miracles are a type of Mystery characterised by their ability to reproduce phenomena that should be completely impossible since their manifestation can be considered outside the scope of reality. It is theorised that their application is only possible for beings that are very well-versed in Thaumaturgic knowledge.

Historically, it is theorised that the difference between "Miracle" and "Thaumaturgy" was minimal, however, with the advancement of human knowledge, and the degradation of Mysteries, these differences have intensified.


Thaumic Energy is the representation of different sources, and types of existing energies that are utilised for thaumaturgic purposes. Generally speaking, Thaumic Energy is every energy, in transit, or not, that is employed for thaumaturgic purposes. It is the combustible necessary to fuel all forms of Thaumaturgy.

Amongst the several distinguished cultural nomenclatures, the term "Mana" is commonly utilised to generically denominate thaumic energy. There are several types of thaumic energy, and several theories relating to the reason for their existence, and their extensive usage.

Normally, thaumic energy is generated naturally in the environment, and by all components thereof, especially in connection with Nevralgics. Individuals, other entities (metaphysical, or not), and objects (animated, or not) are capable of naturally storing, and producing thaumic energy (some of which are even capable of utilising it extensively, such as natural, or indigenous, thaumaturgical organisms); biological organisms, or other living systems, appear to be more sensitive to such thaumic capacities.

Thaumaturges utilise the thaumic energy that is latent in the environment, or in reserves (of their own, or not) to actualise Spellcraft. Notably, thaumic energy is associated with the physical-structural capabilities of those that store, employ, and produce thaumic energy. However, it should be noted that the capability for the extensive usage of thaumaturgy depends, primarily, on the competence of the practitioner.


Nevralgics are unique metaphysical constructs understood to be extensive networks of connections, and convergences of Thaumic Energy, notably forming unique Mysteries, connected universally in a type of "network".

Nevralgics form naturally as a consequence of the development of Mysteries, especially those related to locations, and geographical symbols of cultural, and social interest.


There are certain objects/entities that exist in a form similar to "echoes", or "images". They are, essentially, manifestations of Thaumic Energy, that are still not completely understood, assuming a shape. Said objects/entities degrade naturally with the passage of time.


Thaumaturges are practitioners of Thaumaturgy. The capacity for an individual to become a thaumaturge is primarily related to their intellectual capacity to rationalise thaumaturgy. Certain individuals, however, are born with specific predispositions (or affinities) — although blood descendency is a factor, individuals with thaumic affinity may appear in families without any history, or affinity with the practice.

From a philosophical viewpoint, the concept of a "thaumaturge" would apply to whoever dedicates themself to the development, and study of Thaumaturgy in any form. In the anomalous scene, there are certain individuals of renown, and thaumaturgical patents recognised worldwide.

The majority of thaumaturges are in favour of the convenience found in the usage of modern technologies, and observe the symbiotic relationship between ordinary scientific development, and thaumaturgy.

Certain thaumaturges, however, believe in the superiority of thaumaturgical apparatuses over the convenience of other modern utilitarian objects. Within that bias, certain individuals comprehend Thaumaturgy as something that must be preserved solely as a subject, and object of study, seeing its use for mundane objectives as a deturpation of the natural world.


Familiars are idiosyncratic thaumaturgical constructs created, or contracted by thaumaturges for a myriad of purposes. They function as extensions of the thaumaturge through psychophysical, and metaphysical connections. Functionally, Familiars may be temporary, or permanent.

There are many functional ways of creating, and developing a familiar.


Summarily, Thaumaturgy is the artificial engineering of Mysteries. It is the art of operating supernatural phenomena in a systematic way. The limits of this art have been modified throughout time thanks to humanity's advances. Thaumatology is the study of Thaumaturgy, and its components.

According to the current definition, the limitations of modern Thaumaturgy are defined by the limits of human intellectual capability in developing methods for generating plausible,1 or verisimilar reproductions of imaginary or real phenomena through rationalizable processes.

The principal mechanism utilised by Thaumaturgy is the transformation of the "impossible" into the "possible" through the development of processes commonly called Engineries. Throughout the years, many Schools of Thought were developed by multiple individuals, and groups with the objective of codifying this driving mechanism.

Due to the democratisation of this knowledge in the anomalous scene, differences in "power" between practitioners of Thaumaturgy have become, essentially, tied to the type of mechanism, and system utilised by them.



The basis of Thaumaturgy postulates that it is necessary to use Energy (commonly Thaumic Energy, or another type of energy transformed into Thaumic Energy) to produce something that already exists, or that could exist. It is the manifestation of these things in relation to the necessary resources required for it to be. In order to create something new, or to alter something that already exists, some equivalent "thing" must be offered in exchange.

For example, a thaumaturge that desires to "levitate" an object that has a mass of 100 kilograms must offer energy equivalent to that which would be expended to fulfill this action in some other way.


Thaumic Energy is capable of storing information. A practitioner may store, and partition fragments of information in distinct collections of Thaumic Energy.

In practice, this means that whenever an individual utilises an object as part of their thaumaturgic practice (e.g. a conduit), a fraction of their Thaumic Energy is affixed onto the object. The Sympathy between an individual, and an object is refined, and solidified in accordance with its usage.


It is the natural capability of things to resist Spellcraft, especially spells that seek to coerce a target. Practitioners normally possess elevated resistances due to the circulation of Thaumic Energy in their bodies, similar to the immune system. Certain practitioners are capable of consciously activating, and improving these defences through diverse means, especially Abjuration.

It is also possible that people who do not practice thaumaturgy may have the capacity to resist numerous manifestations of Thaumic Energy.


Thaumaturgy has diverse schools of thought, akin to those found in diverse fields of knowledge, that seek to apply concepts, and ideas in order to structure logico-rational comprehensions, and techniques for the application of knowledge, and its performance in the world.

Essentially, the Schools of Thought are fundamental bases for the explanation of how Thaumaturgical Systems are used. The combined knowledge, and practice developed by a School of Thought guides the practice (of how, of why, etc.) of Thaumaturgy for a thaumaturge from a philosophical, and technical standpoint.

This way, practitioners act according to the doctrine of each School of Thought, following a series of "universal laws" postulated by the School, (e.g. the Global Occult Coalition's Universal Theory of Thaumatology), shaping their use of Thaumaturgical Systems accordingly.


Spellcraft is the systemic process of channelling, or converting Thaumic Energy in order to modify the environment. It is the set of steps, and protocols for the strict execution of a command — a spell.

Spells normally possess pre-determined capabilities due to being pre-established Engineries. The alteration, or creation of components for Spells requires a level of understanding of the complexities of the relevant Thaumaturgical system, and of the Spell itself.

The practice of Spellcraft is an ordinary convention for the use of Thaumaturgy, however, between different Thaumaturgical Systems, it is an extremely divergent practice, due to the different Schools of Thought, and even the individual characteristics of the practitioner. Different practitioners will utilise different processes to arrive at identical results.

Most Thaumaturgical Systems involve necessary components for the operation of Spellcraft. The most common thereof, with an almost universal presence, are:

  • Material components, that involve the use of specific reagents, that is, materials to be used as parts of the equivalent exchange;
  • Somatic components, that usually involve some form of physicality, like gestures and/or specific movements made in an orderly way;
  • Tacit components, which involve specifically the practitioner's concentration, their mental state, and the direction of their thoughts;
  • Verbal components, which include commands that require vocalisations, like singing;

Thus, certain Spells require different conditions, and processes to be operated. In usual conditions, spells can also be interrupted. When one of the components is not included correctly, the latent Thaumic Energy involved in the process dissipates. However, in certain cases, Thaumic Energy may end up reacting in a volatile manner.

The amount of components is not necessarily indicative of the spell's performance power from a qualitative standpoint. Extraordinary performances depend primarily on the quality of the practitioner's competence in operating Thaumic Energy.

Arias, or chants, and incantations, are focal components for practitioners; generally with the objective of strengthening the practitioner's concentration through the usage of mnemonic devices for controlling Thaumic Energy. Certain practitioners use Arias with allegories that are reflections of their experiences, and identities.

Certain rituals seen in Thaumaturgical Systems also have the intent of enhancing, or refining the quality of Mysteries, and directing their applications via the usage of several components.


A Thaumaturgical System (used as a generic term) is a systemic foundational basis for the conversion of Thaumic Energy into Spellcraft. Thaumaturgical Systems are universal matrices that are interacted with through the application, and the practice of Schools of Thought, fundamentally defining how the practitioner operates these systems.


Thaumatugical Engineering, or simply "Technothaumaturgy", is the application of creative processes from interdisciplinary engineering, and its technologies alongside Thaumaturgy in order to create Engineries (e.g. structures, objects, processes, systems, etc.) that are functionally thaumaturgical. Normally, it is utilised for the construction of constructs, golems, and machines that operate in a thaumic manner.


Elemental Thaumaturgy encompasses the operation of the "classical substances that compose the world", that is, the manipulation of Water, Air, Fire, and Earth. Practitioners normally possess a specific Elemental Affinity with one of these elements that is not dependent on their capability of manipulating the remaining others.

In modern Thaumaturgy, as a consequence of the scientific revolution in the fields of chemistry, the alchemical, or spellcraft-based manipulation of the environment based on the chemical elements categorised on the periodic table has become a crucial part of certain Thaumaturgical Systems.

Normally, Thaumic Energy does not possess any elemental characteristics, however, when inert in an object which possesses certain attributes, the energy will adapt to the element(s) in question.


Alchemy is the study of the manipulation of structures and properties of matter through thaumaturgical applications. There are diverse schools of thought which serve as bases for specific alchemical systems, but, generally, the disciplines, and techniques relate to each other in their primary concepts.

Normally, the application of alchemical paratechnologies is supported by Thaumic Energy, and requires a level of technical-scientific knowledge of concepts such as energy, matter, and more advanced chemistry. However, the limits of alchemical processes are largely related to the performance of the practitioner.

  • Alchemical Transmutation: Is the general term used to designate the "transformation, and modification" of the proprieties of matter;
  • Alchemical Mixology: Is the specific field of Alchemy that deals with the creation, development, and study of "potions", and other substances, generally with associations to molecular culinary.


The manipulation of physical space, and of time (the sequential systems of events, and of existence).


The practice of transferring energy, or matter between distinct geographical (or meta-geographical) points without transversing the physical space separating these points. Metaphysical structures capable of intermediating these phenomena are vulgarly known as Portals.


The systematised practice of the study, and manipulation of time.


Inscriptions are a unique Thaumaturgical System; it is partially determined by the School of Thought of the practitioner. It utilises symbols capable of storing Thaumic Energy, and, according to their meaning, operating certain Mysteries. "Glyphs", "Runes", and "Sigils", etc., are thaumic symbols inscribed in a certain medium.

Runes normally possess a relationship to the Nevralgics, especially regarding their meaning, and specific conditions, and types of usage. They tend to reflect important shapes, and forms naturally encountered in the world.

In their most basic forms, they are patterns organised in a manner similar to "alphabets";
In their intermediate forms, they are patterns organised in a manner similar to "words";
In their advanced forms, they are patterns organised in a manner similar to "texts";

The progression of the complexity in the organization of Runes occurs due to their complementary characteristics. Complex spells that utilise runes tend to involve large systems with several blocks of Inscription patterns.


Psionic Energy is a form of Thaumic Energy generated naturally by the conscious, and subconscious thought processes of entities. It normally organises itself in interconnected systems of energy fields in the form of Matrices, or Psionic networks.

Psions (or psykers) are individuals that are capable of generating, and utilising psionic energy to interact with, and manipulate these Matrices and Networks in a thaumaturgical manner.


The materialisation of ephemeral objects constructed with Thaumic Energy; manipulating it to compose the design, and the materials of an imagined object. These projections must necessarily be rationalised by the thaumaturge, and therefore, it is impossible to construct functional objects without the practitioner understanding how the real object works, or how it would work, technically. These projections are functionally similar to Echoes.


Demonology is the systematised study concerning the fundamental, and general characteristics of extradimensional entities, commonly called Daemons — including through the application of non-anomalous sciences.

The characterisations and definitions of the fundamental nature of Daemons are extremely expansive; it is acknowledged, however, that there are many "versions" of Daemons (e.g. some schools of thought attribute religious meaning to the presence of daemons, whilst others treat their existence as mere objects to be instrumentalised), and several schools of thought that deal with Demonology as a discipline of study.


Necromancy is the systematised study of the use of Thaumaturgy to resuscitate, and control the dead. Additionally, any techniques whose processing utilises resources (physical or metaphysical) derived from postmortem phenomena may be technically designated as "Necromancy".


Initially developed by The Academy, the Arcana is a form of idiosyncratic Mystery structured as a School of Thought. Its applications revolve around the operation of the fundamental characteristics of energy, matter, and spacetime

Fundamentally, the Arcana generalises processes in the most efficient way possible, being limited essentially by the limits of the application of Thaumaturgy, and by the performative ability of its practitioners. Because of this, the Arcana is capable of interacting impeccably with the majority of thaumaturgical systems in the universe.


From a technical standpoint, the Major Arcana categorises Spellcraft into various types of distinct Arts, each with its own specialised application. However, it is understood that various processes of Thaumaturgy unite distinct Systems, and consequently distinct Arts:

  1. Abjuration — Thaumaturgy dedicated to defence, and protection. Essentially armours, barriers, shields, and other defensive structures, both literally as well as metaphorically.
  2. Conjuration — Thaumaturgy dedicated to the creation of thaumaturgical Engineries, and Projections. Denotes exclusively those engineries created through spellcraft.
  3. Divination — Thaumaturgy dedicated to the obtaining of information of any sort.
  4. Enchantment — Thaumaturgy dedicated to the enhancement of objects through thaumic processes, notably by imbuing an object with raw Thaumic Energy, or through Spellcraft.
  5. Evocation — Thaumaturgy dedicated to the manipulation of Thaumic Energy in its natural state, and its subsequent development into Spellcraft.
  6. Illusion — Thaumaturgy dedicated to the manipulation of the perception of reality.
  7. Transmutation — Thaumaturgy dedicated to alteration, mutation, and transformation of reality through manipulation of matter (including spacetime).
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