Security Facility Dossier: Site-ZH-44
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rating: +12+x


Minengnengay to ko kompiwta to Matayalay no Tapangan


O Nisaosi'an no miso i: O Nicodadan no Kakacawan-ZH-44


Welcome to Site-ZH-44

Foundation's Frontline of Eastern Taiwan.

Cities collapse, Machines decay
Yet the Zephyr, Terra and Sun will never fade away
Ini a pasiwalian, wawaaw1
O maan ko sakakacawan iso hokiya?2

The Foundation has contained over 10,000 anomalies; only half of them are discovered in human settlements.

You climbed out of bed, walked to the washstand, and washed away the numbness with cool spring water. Dehumidification and ventilation have been done quite well, but you just couldn't adapt to life in the underground bunker. Desire for fresh outdoor air, you opened the room's door, stepping into the vertical elevator in the end of corridor. The elevator soon brought you to the floor closest to the sun.

6 a.m. in the morning, the sun was about to rise above the clouds at the horizon of Pacific; the sparkling sea water today was not the most sapphire one you've seen. Screaming sounds of raccoons, the serpent, and a pterodactyl emerged behind you. You were totally aware that the sounds were not originated from the mountains, but you still turned around, with a verdant green bursting into your eyes.

The singing of ancient rituals rose like smoke from the village at the mountain base, resonating with the Ancient boulder contained in a glass dome. Though the containment procedure recommended you to put on earmuffs, but you did so merely to stop the thunderous noise from the landing helicopter. Three figures in white robes got out of the helicopter, stepping onto the natural stone steps leading all the way to the site entrance.

You took a deep breath, accepting a trace of benevolence from Mother Nature.

Suddenly, the alarms sounded in your ears; the helicopter then departed and flew towards the northeastern sea. You then saw an outlandishly huge tide far away from the coast: A hundred of whales flying over the water on the top of the tsunami. It should be another ancient deity you've never heard before coming to avenge the Children of the Austronesia. You scrambled to your feet and retreated into the bunker, later logging into the innermost database, aiming to figure out what had happened millennium ago.

The sun rose from the East. As usual.


Eastern Taiwan, a boundary of civilization and wildness lasting for 160 km. Here, networks and cameras no longer help, only rumors and trials of wild come into play. It is our destiny to overwatch this beautiful land with dangers lurking beneath, for the place being the homeland to 500,000 souls.

Welcome to Site-ZH-44, the Eastern frontline of the Foundation.

Today is the first day you learn how to breathe.

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