Item #: SKP-592-FR
Classification: Dangerous
Usage: None, to be destroyed Extradimensional exploration
Safety Instructions: Because of the insult the Reich, the danger to German Ideal, the potential recuperation of SKP-592-FR by terrorist groups along the blasphemous nature towards the Führer, all of the copies of SKP-592-FR must me destroyed and their possessors must be either heavily sanctioned if they are Germans or be converted to Class-T personnel otherwise. In every case, a questioning must be done to determine how long SKP-592-FR and what influence it had on subject's psyche and their perception on German Ideal.
Every copy of SKP-592-FR are conserved in the IT-4 room of Sondereinrichtung-Kappa and connected to an electronic device able to modify its code. For now, the Kampfrechner-592-FR prototype must be used for offensive research linked to SKP-592-FR. Any porting or already ported copy of SKP-592-FR must be brought to Dr Riemann's team,Department of Offensive Computing, to be added to the Kampfrechner-592-FR. Procedures after a copy of SKP-592-FR has been found stay the same, and the public statement that it is a propaganda weapon must go on.

A SKP-592-FR/MS-DFB cartridge.
Description: SKP-592-FR is a set of self-replicating softwares, seemingly inspired from the game Eaglestone 3D, released in 1964 by id Software Company for MS-FB1. Unlike the non-paranormal version of the game, in which the war hero and Waffen SS Wilhelm Strasse must sneak into an American outpost to eliminate G.I.s, this version shows a Jew called B.J. Blazkowicz in a castle, murdering SS soldiers and even the Fürher.
Although SKP-592-FR does not provoke paranormal effects towards its player and has an effect on the same order as an exposition to American propaganda movies from the 1940s, the deep disgust it inspires and the panic movement it may create among German populations require the capture of SKP-592-FR and adapted containment.
The paranormal property of SKP-592 manifest when this one is used on a computer or any device able to emulate a Scherbius machine2. When using the program, a "Maßstab" event may occur, with a probability in function of use time P(t) following an exponential law. The eigenvalue of this law depends on the type of device used, with a value of 55 minutes for the Fenster, MS-FB and Linux versions (the operating system FS-BS3 is based on a XNU kernel and thus the eigenvalue is unchanged).
During a "Maßstab" event, a physical or digital device able to run a software at least 4ko heavy and 256o in RAM access is selected by SKP-592-FR. The chosen object is seemingly random chosen of a geographical, logical or thematic proximity with the initial device. The reason why SKP-592-FR is significantly lighter than its non-paranormal counterpart is still unknown. Once such a device is selected, a version of SKP-592-FR is created during an unknown process ranging from 5 minutes to 76 hours long. Once this version is created, the probability of another "Maßstab" event targeting the same type of device is increased by 76% (empirical data).
The most common versions of SKP-592-FR are (in decreasing order):
- Fenster (from Fenster 65 to Fenster ██ via retro-compatibility) /FENSTER
- Linux /LINUX
- Atari Jaguar /JAGUAR
- Spielkonsole 3 /SK3
- Super Nintendo /SNES
- Zkasten 360 /Z360
- Nintendo Kinderspiel /KINDERSPIEL
- Minenhandwerk (Rechnerwerk mode) /MHW
- Minenhandwerk (using sheep colors) /MHWSCHAF
- Vierzehnächte /VIERZENACHTE
- Microsoft Übertreffen /UBERTREFFEN
- Oscilloscope /OSCILLO
- Pregnancy test /PREGNANCY
- Printer /TA
- Automatic teller machine /GELDAUTOMAT
- Potato network /KARTOFFEL
- Rubik's Kube set /RUBIKSKUBE
- SEGA Meister System /MSYSTEM
Origin: The first instance of SKP-592-FR/FENSTER has been discovered on the personnal computer of Heinrich Kreiger in 20██, then 11 years old. You can fin the intervention report of MEK Sigma-9 ("Technische Unterstützung") at his home below.
- Agent Franz Neuer, MEK Sigma-9,
- Agent Hermann Schmidt, MEK Sigma-9,
- Agent Immanuel Fritz, MEK Sigma-9,
- Bernhard Krieger,
- Angelika Krieger,
- Heinrich Kreiger.
Notes: Search made on the basis of a denunciation by the neighbours of the Krieger family.
(female cries can be heard)
Bernhard Krieger: Listen, I, you must be wrong! We are a respectable family, authentically German from many generations and-
Agent Immanuel Fritz: Ja, ja, sicherlich. Neueur, go pick the kid.
Agent Franz Neuer: Get out, I have to go upstairs.
Angelika Krieger: I beg you! Don't hurt him, he is only eleven!
Agent Hermann Schmidt: Your son, does he go often on Internetz? You know if he could have encountered terrorist cells which could have given him some seditious document?
Bernhard Krieger: Sir, our son is still in school, he only chat with his friends and play Vierzehnächte, you know, the game with 100 people in a wagon and the last one alive wins?
Agent Hermann Schmidt: However, the Müllers saw your child by the window. He was playing a weird game, where a Jew was killing honest Waffen SS soldiers. Don't you remind anything?
Angelika Krieger: No, of course not ! Sieg, I knew Müll-
Agent Hermann Schmidt: Madam, I was talking to your husband. By the way, I find you quite slim. There is no little German under this belly?
Bernhard Krieger: Sir, I do not allow you!
Agent Immanuel Fritz: Achtung, he's getting angry. And about this, don't you remind anything?
(A loud and metallic noise follows.)
Agent Hermann Schmidt: An ornate hammer? Well, are you sure you still don't remind anything?
Bernhard Krieger: It… It's only a small souvenir of a trip we brought back from Ukraine. A… A small craftsman in Odessa, nothing more!
Agent Franz Neuer: And now? Don't you still remind anything?
Heinrich Kreiger: Ouch, let me go! Mom, he's hurting me!
Agent Franz Neuer: What is this KD? Still no explanation?
Bernhard Krieger: I'm confused, I've never saw such thing. Mein Gott, Heinrich, what have you done?
Agent Immanuel Fritz: Cut the record Hermann, we got to talk for real.
Conclusion of the search: Child given to youth program for three weeks to ensure a good development of his behaviour. Parents jailed preventively. After the discovery of SKP-592-FR paranormal nature, the Krieger family has been amnesiated, along with the neighbourhood on a preventive basis. Their personal file remains open because of the couple's other possessions.
Despite the nature clearly seditious of the anomaly and the uchronistic and degradatory representation of World War II this software conveys, some English parts in the code left the Panslavic Resistance out of the creators. Moreover, the presence of a company identical to Eaglestone's one and a developer called "John Carmack", sounding like the German developer Johannes Rabensohn and working at id Software led the Sonderkommando agents towards U-3378. In-depth analysis showed that SKP-592-FR indeed comes from this universe. The reasons that led U-3378 organisations to produce such a work is still a topic of research, but it must be considered a terrorist attack for now.
20██/██/██ update: Because of the clear link between SKP-592-FR's code in the Reference Reality and U-3378, one of the priorities of the Department of Offensive Computing is now to use SKP computing objects to create a communication device towards this universe. Users of the Kampfrechner-592-FR prototype, created to compile modification in SKP-592-FR's code but also to use every copy at once, are selected among T-Class personnel carefully hand-picked in Waffen SKP among individuals that score more than 72 on Mengele test4, and then submitted to psychological evaluation. A medical assistance is also available on demand.
20██/██/██ update: In light of the amount of copies of SKP-592-FR needed to modify the code, connection with U-3378 seems to have been lost. All the efforts of the Department of Offensive Computing are now focused on replenishing it.